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1、托福-15 及答案解析(总分:103.55,做题时间:90 分钟)一、READING(总题数:0,分数:0.00)二、Passage-1(总题数:1,分数:12.00)ObesityObesity has reached epidemic proportions and current levels are reducing lives by four to nine months. If child and adolescent obesity continues to increase, life expectancy will be reduced by a further two to

2、 five years in the coming decades and will dramatically decrease in the foreseeable future. Today, two-thirds of American adults are obese or overweight, as are a quarter to a third of American children. This adds up to a 3.3-fold increase in childhood obesity over the past 25 years, mostly due to l

3、ifestyle and fast food. Obesity has become a serious social problem affecting both developed and developing countries. The disease knows no bounds and has no preference for age, social class or color. According to WHO, in 1995, there were an estimated 200 million obese adults worldwide and another 1

4、8 million children under five years old that were regarded as overweight. More recently, the number of obese adults has increased to over 300 million, and the obesity epidemic is spreading to developing countries where it is estimated that 115 million people sufferer from obesity-related problems. T

5、he causes of the epidemic are simple: food supply has changed along with modification in lifestyle. The more people depend on processed food and chemicals, the easier it is for people to gain weight. The chemicals used in food taste good, but most consumers often overlook the fact that some of the c

6、hemicals are carcinogenic. While men may have higher rates of being overweight, women have higher rates of obesity. For both, obesity poses a major risk for serious diseases, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and certain forms of cancer. Its health consequences vary from reduced life expec

7、tancy to serious chronic conditions that reduce the overall quality of life. Traditional ways of preventing and treating weight gain and obesity put emphasis on changing the behavior of individuals. The approach has proven ineffective as both conditions have risen. Perhaps it is modern society that

8、promotes obesity. After all, companies promote fast food, and most people in the West are far more likely to drive their cars rather than walk a few miles, and drive-ins are replacing conventional stores. A multifaceted public health policy must be formulated, not to mention considerable funding put

9、 forth. To ensure the participation of experts from all walks of life and nonprofit groups, public health campaigns and government intervention are strongly recommended. Companies that promote fast food should be taxed more, and these taxes should at least in part provide funds to obesity-prevention

10、 campaigns. In addition, since youths are very susceptible to advertising, some of the same techniques used in commercials could be employed to reverse the epidemic. By promoting healthy eating instead of junk food, impressionable youths can fully enjoy the gift of healthy and long lives. Nutritioni

11、sts caution, however, that overemphasizing the need for a leaner diet is in itself not sufficient to reduce the current trend towards obesity. A healthy diet must go hand in hand with a healthier and more active lifestyle should obesity become a thing of the past. One way to achieve this is to educa

12、te people about the necessity of improving their quality of life and making better living choices. Thus, along with a balanced and more nutritious diet, people must be encouraged to give up smoking and drinking. These pernicious habits are not only at the root of many diseases, but also accelerate t

13、he formation of fat deposits in the body. Strong liquor, such as whiskey or rum, as well as more lighter choices, like beer and wine, contain as much calories in one glass in one serving as does one sizable meat chunk. Contrary to popular belief, smoking does not cut down on one“s appetite, but mere

14、ly replaces one craving with another and promotes inactivity and a sedentary lifestyle. In fact, sedentarism is at the root of obesity. More and more children nowadays are stuck behind a computer or TV screen for hours on end rather than move about outdoors in fresh air. Increased physical activity

15、is demonstrated to get rid of fatty tissue even during periods of rest. That is because the body gets used to burning calories all the time and does not stop altogether when one is sitting or lying down. Furthermore, a daily dose of fresh air provides lungs with vital oxygen, which is a major fat bu

16、rner. Therefore, specialists suggest that in order to successfully combat obesity, people must be encouraged to perform daily outdoor exercises that should promote calorie reduction through oxygenation and increased energy levels. A good start towards leading a more active life to reduce obesity wou

17、ld be to do an hour of fast-paced walking, which would then later be increased in both duration and intensity to maximize results. Glossaryadolescent: young people who are no longer children cardiovascular: relating to the heart and blood vessels pernicious: very harmful sedentary: sitting down a lo

18、t of time, not taking much exercise dose: a measured amount of which is intended to be taken at one time(分数:12.00)(1).Directions: An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is provided below. Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answer choices that express the most important

19、ideas in the passage. Some sentences do not belong in the summary because they express ideas that are not presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage. This question is worth 2 points. Drag your answer choices to the spaces where they belong. To remove an answer choice, click on it. To

20、 review the passage, click on View Text. Obesity has reached epidemic proportions and current levels are reducing lives. Answer Choices:(分数:6.00)A.It seems that simply changing the behavior of obese and overweight people is not sufficient to fight obesity.B.The more people become obese in the near f

21、uture, the likelier they are to have shorter life spans because obesity can cause a whole array of serious diseases.C.Two thirds of American adults are obese or overweight.D.The problem of obesity must be tackled by health authorities and public officials to increase public awareness about its negat

22、ive impact.E.The epidemic is no longer restricted to developed countries but has already spread to developing nations.F.A fact largely unknown to the consumer is that many of the chemicals in processed and junk food can cause obesity.(2).Directions: An introductory sentence for a brief summary of th

23、e last two paragraphs of the passage is provided below. Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answer choices that express the most important ideas in the passage. Some sentences do not belong in the summary because they express ideas that are not presented in the passage or are minor ideas in

24、the passage. This question is worth 2 points. Drag your answer choices to the spaces where they belong. To remove an answer choice, click on it. To review the passage, click on View Text. Obesity can and must be treated to improve people“s quality of life. Answer Choices:(分数:6.00)A.The most importan

25、t part in reducing obesity levels is to educate people on how to use organic food.B.Another way of combating obesity is to encourage people to run for up to an hour a day.C.People need to be made aware that alcohol and cigarettes also increase their chances of becoming obese.D.Obesity is caused by l

26、ack of movement, thus it is vital that people exercise from an early age so they don“t get fat.E.To maximize the chances of losing fat tissue, people should spend time outdoors because oxygen helps burn fat.F.People wrongly assume that smoking keeps them from becoming obese by cutting down their app

27、etite for food.三、Passage-2(总题数:1,分数:12.00)SchizophreniaSchizophrenia is defined as a distortion of the mind and of thinking patterns. As a result, people who suffer from schizophrenia experience inappropriate emotions and often cannot handle the disturbances that plague their everyday lives. What mo

28、st people are unaware of is the fact that schizophrenia is actually the most common serious mental illness, which affects about one person in a hundred. The disease does not favor one gender over another, but women do tend to develop the symptoms a few years later than men. The onset of schizophreni

29、a usually occurs in the early teens or 20s. The above trends are the same for all countries. The disturbances schizophrenics experience would seem bizarre to a rational person. A schizophrenic might believe that he or she is being contacted or singled out by supernatural forces or by secret agents t

30、hrough ads in newspapers, thereby experiencing hallucinations and delusions. The sufferer is unaware that there is anything odd at all about this behavior and believes completely that he or she is unique from any other human being. These symptoms clearly show that the afflicted has completely lost t

31、ouch with reality. The symptoms schizophrenics suffer from generally fall into two groups. The first group of symptoms is the most common; it is the positive or florid symptom category. The schizophrenic will often hear voices that tell him to commit some kind of act. The sufferer can sometimes be s

32、een arguing with himself when in fact it is the voices inside his head he is arguing with. The second group of symptoms is classified as negative and tends to develop slower. It has come to include the gradual withdrawal from society and an inability to communicate with others. The good news though

33、is that with the help of modern medication, schizophrenics can recover from this debilitating illness within months of taking the right kind of medicine. Once treatment has begun, the sufferer can begin to rejoin society and return to a normal existence. Public perception relative to schizophrenics

34、has been rather distorted until recently. This may be due to a lack of knowledge on the subject, as well as an unreasonable fear in conjunction to poorly understood issues. Thus, the vast majority of the healthy population believes that schizophrenics are hopelessly violent people, whose impulses ca

35、nnot be restrained appropriately. As a result, many used to advocate the need for the schizophrenics incarceration in public health institutions for the safety of those around him. It has been suggested that during a schizophrenic attack, the sufferer not only suffers from delusions and hallucinatio

36、ns but also is befallen by an increased sense of inexplicable danger. As a result, the schizophrenic attacks those in his vicinity to unusual ferociousness in order to protect himself. However, recent statistical analysis has proven that such fears are unfounded. Schizophrenics are no more likely to

37、 lash violently at others around him than are any other non-schizophrenics. In fact, schizophrenics are several times more likely to be the victim of an attack than to be the victimizer. That is because they are so much more helpless and unaware of their surroundings than healthy people are. The spi

38、ke in the number of violent behavior in schizophrenics has been linked not so much to the illness, but to the poor treatment schizophrenics are more likely to receive. Verbal and physical abuses of schizophrenics are definite triggers of brutal behavior in that segment of the population. Other facto

39、rs include mistreatments during childhood, substance abuse, as well as violent or economically poor surroundings. Glossarydistortion: changing into something that is not true or not acceptable bizarre: very odd and strange hallucination: experience of seeing something that does not exist debilitatin

40、g: making one“s body or mind to become gradually weaker(分数:12.00)(1).Directions: An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is provided below. Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answer choices that express the most important ideas in the passage. Some sentences do not belon

41、g in the summary because they express ideas that are not presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage. This question is worth 2 points. Drag your answer choices to the spaces where they belong. To remove an answer choice, click on it. To review the passage, click on View Text. Schizoph

42、renics may suffer from a variety of symptoms. Answer Choices:(分数:6.00)A.The disease falls within the bounds of two main symptomatic categories.B.Schizophrenia is such a widespread disease that in each country about 1 percent of the population suffers from schizophrenia.C.Schizophrenic women exhibit

43、much more severe symptoms than men of the same age.D.Schizophrenics manifest themselves in an irrational and often paranoid way without realizing the oddity of their behavior.E.The disease can be controlled and even cured by administering the right dose of medication.F.Schizophrenics reportedly hear

44、 voices others cannot that urge them to violence.(2).Directions: An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the last two paragraphs of the passage is provided below. Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answer choices that express the most important ideas in the passage. Some sentences d

45、o not belong in the summary because they express ideas that are not presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage. This question is worth 2 points. Drag your answer choices to the spaces where they belong. To remove an answer choice, click on it. To review the passage, click on View Tex

46、t. Schizophrenic behavior is not properly understood by most people. Answer Choices:(分数:6.00)A.Most of us wrongly assume that schizophrenics become very violent due to their illness.B.It is correct to assume that schizophrenics are usually attacked by others, and not vice versa.C.Most violent schizo

47、phrenic behavior is caused by circumstances within their community,D.People who live in close proximity to schizophrenics are most likely to be attacked by them.E.People are unaware of the danger which is caused by schizophrenics.F.It is probably best for schizophrenics to receive medical treatment

48、before they become violent.四、Passage-3(总题数:1,分数:12.00)Grace MelvinStudent publications of Vancouver“s art school prospectus compiled by Alexander reveal that Grace Melvin moved to Vancouver to teach crafts in I927, one year after artist teachers J. W. G. (Jock) Macdonald and Fredrick H. Varley, also

49、 from Great Britain, joined the staff. Melvin had been an instructor at the Glasgow School of Art, which is where she received her training. Alexander notes Melvin“s pioneering spirit in stating that, when Melvin arrived to teach at the art school, Vancouver was less than fifty years old and had a population of some 125,000. Her brother-in-law, Charles H. Scott, who was married to Melvin“s sister, Jean, had asked her to set up a design department for Vancouver“s new art school of which he was director. The art school had been established just two years earlier. Initiall


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