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1、专业英语四级分类模拟199及答案解析 (总分:100.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、PART DICTATION(总题数:1,分数:40.00)1.Listen to the following passage. Altogether the passage will be read to you four times. During the first reading, which will he done at normal speed, listen and try to understand the meaning. For the second and third readings,

2、 the passage will be read sentence by sentence, or phrase by phrase, with intervals of 15 seconds. The last reading will be done at normal speed again and during this time you should check your work. You will then be given 1 minute to check through your work once more. Please write the whole passage

3、 on ANSWER SHEET ONE. (分数:40.00)_二、PART LISTENING COM(总题数:0,分数:0.00)三、SECTION A TALK(总题数:1,分数:30.00)How to Create a Safe Password1. A password should 1 including your info 2 to memory but hard to guess Other than single words, 3 can be used First letter of each word of a song lyric 2. To make your p

4、assword stronger Add 4 letters, numbers or 5 characters 3. To 6 your password Beware of where you 7 it Do not tell 8 Do not use 9 password everywhere Remember to 10 out (分数:30.00)四、SECTION B CONVERSATI(总题数:2,分数:30.00)(分数:15.00)A.Go to party.B.Go to church.C.Stay at home.D.Get presents.A.Because they

5、 go to church service on that day.B.Because they sing traditional Christmas songs on that day.C.Because they believe that is when Jesus Christ was born.D.Because it is a sort of birthday celebration.A.A party.B.A barbecue on the beachC.Skiing.D.Decorating the house.A.Staying with their family.B.Cold

6、 weather.C.Decorating the house with lights and candles.D.Eating and drinking.A.Family.B.Food.C.Holidays.D.Community.(分数:15.00)A.Two.B.Three.C.Four.D.Five.A.Because it was the first marathon she ran.B.Because there were drinks and delicious food along the way.C.Because she won the marathon.D.Because

7、 she got her personal best on that marathon.A.He is going to run a marathon soon.B.He is curious about running a marathon.C.He is going to be a coach.D.He doesnt know much about Brighton.A.Because marathoners may become very thirsty.B.Because marathoners may sweat a lot.C.Because marathoners may bec

8、ome dehydrated.D.Because marathoners may become very tired.A.Be positive.B.Be ambitious.C.Break down the long distance into bite-sized pieces.D.Always think about running the whole distance.专业英语四级分类模拟199答案解析 (总分:100.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、PART DICTATION(总题数:1,分数:40.00)1.Listen to the following passage. Alto

9、gether the passage will be read to you four times. During the first reading, which will he done at normal speed, listen and try to understand the meaning. For the second and third readings, the passage will be read sentence by sentence, or phrase by phrase, with intervals of 15 seconds. The last rea

10、ding will be done at normal speed again and during this time you should check your work. You will then be given 1 minute to check through your work once more. Please write the whole passage on ANSWER SHEET ONE. (分数:40.00)_正确答案:()解析:听力原文 Credit CardA credit card is a thin plastic card / that contains

11、 identification information such as a signature or picture, / and authorizes the person named on it to charge purchases or services to his account. / The first universal credit card was introduced by Diners Club. Inc., in 1950. / Another major universal card was established in 1958 by the American E

12、xpress Company. / Later came the bank credit-card system. / Under this plan, the bank credits the account of the merchant / as sales slips are received and assembles charges to be billed to the cardholder at the end of the billing period.二、PART LISTENING COM(总题数:0,分数:0.00)三、SECTION A TALK(总题数:1,分数:3

13、0.00)How to Create a Safe Password1. A password should 1 including your info 2 to memory but hard to guess Other than single words, 3 can be used First letter of each word of a song lyric 2. To make your password stronger Add 4 letters, numbers or 5 characters 3. To 6 your password Beware of where y

14、ou 7 it Do not tell 8 Do not use 9 password everywhere Remember to 10 out (分数:30.00)解析:Avoid 听力原文 How to Create a Safe PasswordOften, there is really only one thing standing between your sensitive information and criminalsyour password. If they get it, they can get into your bank accounts and privat

15、e files, and wreak havoc . For this reason, its important to know what makes a password strong and secure. Criminals are very good at guessing passwords. They have computer programs that can make millions of guesses until one works. And if they already knew information about you, then your job is to

16、 create a password that is very hard to guess. Heres how: Your first thought may be to use a pets name, a birthdate, an address or parts of a phone number. These things are so easy for criminals to discover, so dont use them. Your password should not include info about you . Thankfully, there are wa

17、ys to set memorable, but hard-to-guess passwords . Consider this: in addition to single words, phrases can also be easy to remember. Maybe its a favorite song lyric, or a quote. An example is Jack and Jill Went up the Hill. Thats easy to remember, right? Well, your password is thereits the first let

18、ter of each word. In this case, this password can not be easily guessed. Heres why. Firstits not in the dictionary. This makes guessing it harder. There are about 60,000 words in English. A computer can test out these words pretty quickly, so dont use them. But theres more. This password could still

19、 be stronger by adding upper case letters, numbers or special characters . So this is a very strong passwordbut theres still a risk. If you write it down, be careful where you keep it. And be aware that someone can look over your shoulder or find it in your trash. Giving it to loved ones is also ris

20、kythey may not be as cautious as you are. Only you should know your password. Criminals may also try to fool you into handing it over via phone calls. Never tell anyone your password over the phone. And be careful when you get an email that asks for a passwordit could be a scam . To help avoid probl

21、ems, dont use the same password everywhere thats like having one key that unlocks everything you own. The stakes are high if you lose it. Also, be careful if you use a computer that is not yours. Lets say you check email using a computer in a store, library or computer lab. You login , check email a

22、nd walk away. The next person to use that computer now has access to your email account and all the information in it. Always remember to log out of each site you visit on a computer that isnt yours. Passwords are an essential part of life online. And if were not careful about keeping them secret, t

23、hey can cause big problems. By understanding the risks and making passwords stronger, we can feel a little more secure. 考点 本题出题点在否定处(should not include)。 解析 根据小标题可知,此处考查的内容与创建密码有关。根据题干信息,可以把答案定位到讲座中的这句话:Your password should not include info about you. 再根据空后的including可知此处应填动词,故得答案Avoid。解析:Easy 考点 本题出

24、题点在转折处(but)。 解析 关于创建密码,讲座中提到there are ways to set memorable, but hard-to-guess passwords. 题干中有转折连词but,故应填与hard意义相反的形容词,故得答案Easy。解析:phrases 考点 本题出题点在强调处(can also)。 解析 讲座中提到in addition to single words, phrases can also be easy to remember.根据题干信息,此处应填phrases.解析:upper case/capital 考点 本题出题点在比较处(stronger)

25、。 解析 根据小标题可知,此处考查的内容与增强密码的安全性有关,讲座中提到This password could still be stronger by adding upper case letters, numbers or special characters. 故此空填upper case,即“大写字母”,也可填入capital。解析:special 考点 本题出题点在并列信息处。 解析 根据题干信息,可以把答案定位在这句:This password could still be stronger by adding upper case letters, numbers or sp

26、ecial characters. 故此空应填special。解析:secure 考点 本题出题点在总结归纳处。 解析 出题处是小标题,需要考生对讲座的第三部分进行归纳总结,从第二个小标题的形式可以看出,此处应填入一个动词,再根据下面的题干提示,可知第三部分讲的是如何保护密码安全,故得答案secure。解析:keep 考点 本题出题点在if引导的条件句处。 解析 根据题干信息可知,此处与保护密码安全的方法有关,讲座中第三部分首句提到If you write it down, be careful where you keep it. 故得答案keep。解析:loved ones/anyone/

27、other people 考点 本题出题点在强调处(Only you)。 解析 讲座中提到Only you should know your password. 前一句也提到Giving it to loved ones is also risky,可知此处的意思应该是不要把你的密码告诉别人,甚至是爱人,故得答案loved ones或anyone或other people。解析:the same 考点 本题出题点在否定处(dont)。 解析 根据题干信息,可将答案定位在这句:To help avoid problems, dont use the same password everywher

28、e,故得答案the same。解析:log 考点 本题出题点在结尾强调处(Always remember)。 解析 根据题干信息,可将答案定位在这句:Always remember to log out of each site you visit on a computer that isnt yours. 故得答案log。四、SECTION B CONVERSATI(总题数:2,分数:30.00)(分数:15.00)A.Go to party.B.Go to church.C.Stay at home.D.Get presents.解析:听力原文 M: Hello, June. W: Hi

29、, Greg. Merry Christmas to you! M: Thanks. Merry Christmas! Many people around the world are getting ready to celebrate Christmas, including me. What does the Christmas mean to you? W: For me, its the time of a year when I dont have to go to work, eat and drink lots and, of course, get presents. M:

30、Also, Christmas is full of traditionsevents and activities that started a long time ago now happen every year. And for some people its a religious occasion . W: Yes. Some people believe this is when Jesus Christ was bornso its a sort of birthday celebration . People might go to church service and si

31、ng carols those are traditional Christmas songs. M: Other people like to just let their hair down or have a good timebecause it is in the middle of the cold, dark winteralthough not everywhere. W: Indeed. Its in the middle of the summer in Australia, so some people celebrate it with a barbecue on th

32、e beach. M: But I quite like it being cold and getting dark early here in the UKit feels special decorating the house with lights and candles. And its a good excuse for staying indoors, eating and drinking. W: I guess the thing that most people do at Christmas is to get together with friends and fam

33、ily. M: Right. I also think Christmas is a time when i feel hopeful for what lies ahead; feel thankful for what I have materially received and also for the good times that weve had. W: So, you are feeling good about what lies ahead in the future. M: Yes, I am. Can you describe Christmas in three wor

34、ds? W: Three words to describe Christmas I suppose are: family, first of all: secondly, holidays; thirdly, communitygetting together, usually at home, in the pub with friends from around the neighbourhood and that sort of thing . So those are the three words that I use to describe Christmas. M: We o

35、ften hear other people using positive words like happy and relaxed. Some said they felt fatprobably because of stuffing themselves with food. They said, to them, Christmas meant family going back home for a holiday too. And they said community. W: A community is a group of people who have common int

36、erests, and often because they live in the same areathe same neighbourhood. M: And they said a good place for the community to come together was the pubthats a very British place where you can socialise over a drink or two. I think I might head to the pub now, June. W: Good idea. What does the woman

37、 usually do at Christmas? 考点 本题出题点在时间状语从句处(when)。 解析 对话中,女士说:“its the time of a year when I dont have to go to work, eat and drink lots and, of course, get presents. ”(在一年的这个时候,我不用工作,大吃大喝,当然还会收到礼物。)所以本题选D。A.Because they go to church service on that day.B.Because they sing traditional Christmas songs

38、 on that day.C.Because they believe that is when Jesus Christ was born.D.Because it is a sort of birthday celebration.解析:听力原文 Why do some people regard Christmas as a religious occasion? 考点 本题出题点在人物观点处(Some people believe)。 解析 题目问:为什么有些人认为圣诞节是一个宗教纪念日?对话中,男士提到有些人认为圣诞节是一个宗教纪念日,女士表示同意,并说:“Some people b

39、elieve this is when Jesus Christ was bornso its a sort of birthday celebration. ”(一些人认为这一天是耶稣的诞辰,所以有点像生日庆典。)所以本题选C。D项是结果,而不是原因。A.A party.B.A barbecue on the beachC.Skiing.D.Decorating the house.解析:听力原文 According to the woman, what do some people in Australia celebrate Christmas with? 考点 本题出题点在结果处(so

40、)。 解析 对话中男士提到,过圣诞节时通常很冷,但不是每个地方都如此,女士表示赞同,并说:“Its in the middle of the summer in Australia, so some people celebrate it with a barbeque on the beach. ”(澳大利亚那里是盛夏,所以一些人在沙滩上烤肉来庆祝圣诞节。)所以本题选B。A.Staying with their family.B.Cold weather.C.Decorating the house with lights and candles.D.Eating and drinking.

41、解析:听力原文 According to the man, what is the excuse for people living in UK staying indoors at Christmas? 考点 本题出题点在转折处(But)。 解析 题目问:根据男士的说法,英国人在圣诞节期间呆在家里的借口是什么?对话中,男士说:“But I quite like it being cold and geeing dark early here in the UKit feels.And its a good excuse for staying indoors, eating and drin

42、king. ”(但我很喜欢英国寒冷的天气,天黑得早_这感觉这是呆在家里大吃大喝的好借口。)从男士的话里可以看出,因为有天气冷的借口,才让“呆在家里”显得理所当然,所以本题选B。A.Family.B.Food.C.Holidays.D.Community.解析:听力原文 Which of the following words is NOT used by the woman to describe Christmas? 考点 本题出题点在并列信息处。 解析 题目问:下面哪项不是女士用来形容圣诞节的词语?对话中,男士请女士用三个词语描述圣诞节,女士回答的是family、holidays和comm

43、unity,但并没有提到food,所以本题选B。(分数:15.00)A.Two.B.Three.C.Four.D.Five.解析:听力原文 M: Hi, Stella. W: Hi, Dan. M: Stella, youre a very experienced runner, so how many marathons have you run? W: Well, Ive actually run four. Ive run them in the Netherlands, Ireland, Germany and France. M: OK, which was the best of

44、the four you did? W: Oh, definitely the one in France. I was running through the vineyards and I got little drinks of wine all the way along and there was steak and oysters to eat as well. I mean it was a gourmet marathon; it was just fabulous. M: Thats quite different from the normal marathons. You

45、 were not going for a certain time; you were going for an enjoyable experience. W: Well, I would say I was going for a good time because I wanted to enjoy myself. M: Ah, very good indeed. Actually, Im running my first ever marathon in just under a months time . Im running the Brighton marathon on th

46、e south coast of England, so maybe you can give me some advice on that. Everyone tells me that nutrition and hydration are really important for long-distance running , so could you tell me a bit about them? W: Sure. Nutrition is a technical word for the process of absorbing food. If food is nutritio

47、us, its good for your health. M: OK, and what about hydration? W: Well, to hydrate something means to add water to it. So when youre running, you have to consider hydration or how much water you need to take in, because youre going to lose a lot through sweat. So if youre doing a lot of exercise without taking in adequate water, yo


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