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1、翻译三级口译综合能力模拟2答案模拟 120Part A听力原文1-10 When Henry turned twenty-one, he was legally allowed to vote, but in Davidson County in 1941, blacks could not vote. One night, after he had turned twenty-one, Henry put his father and five other people in his fathers Model A Ford and drove to the house of the vot

2、ing registrar. He said they were there to put their names in the voting book. The registrar was prepared for this. He said the literacy regulation required that Henry be able to read the Constitution of the United States. He placed a copy on the table. Henry picked it up and read it. The registrar l

3、ooked at Henry and realized he had no choice. He entered Henrys name in the book. He was the first black to register in the county. The second was his father, because Henry would not leave until his fathers name, and the names of the five others, were put in the book. That was not enough. The next d

4、ay Henry brought more people to the courthouse, where he faced a different clerk who refused to register the people. Henry told him, I believe you ought to register these folks. Theyre able to read. Not all of your folks coming in here can read. For the first time the county government encountered a

5、 man who would not budge from his belief in his rights. Henry got the people registered. 第1题:参考答案:B答案解析:理解推断。 根据原文“When Henry turned twenty-one,he was legally allowed to vote,but in Davidson County in l941,blacks could not vote”,译文为:亨利21岁以后,从法律上他有了选举权。但是1941年在戴维逊郡,黑人还是不能参与选举。题干表述与原文不符,根据原文不能推断出1941年

6、在美国黑人没有选举权。第2题:参考答案:B答案解析:细节信息。 根据原文“One night,after he had turned twenty-one,Henry put his father and five other people in his fathers Model A Ford and drove to the house of the voting registrar”,译文为:在他过了21岁后,一天晚上,亨利驾驶父亲的福特A型车,载着父亲和其它五个人,开车到了选举登记员的家里。本题关键是理解the house of the voting registrar,意思是:选举登

7、记员的家中。题干表述中亨利驾车到了法院,与原文的细节不符。第3题:参考答案:A答案解析:理解推断。 根据原文“The registrar was prepared for thisHe saidHenry be able to read the Constitution of the United StatesHenry picked it up and read itThe registrar looked at Henry and realized he had no choice”,译文为:登记员对此早有准备,他说亨利必须能读懂美国的宪法亨利拿起就读。登记员看着亨利,意识到他已别无选择。

8、据此可以推断书记员本来是决定不把黑人加入选举名单的,但亨利符合条件,所以他没有办法。题干使用的是过去完成时,表示过去的打算,所以是正确的。第4题:参考答案:A答案解析:虚拟语气。 根据原文“He said the literacy regulation required that Henry be able to read the Constitution of the United States”,译文为:他(登记员)说读写能力规则要求亨利能够读懂美国的宪法。此句是虚拟语气,表示应具备的能力,所以题干表述是正确的。第5题:参考答案:A答案解析:理解推断。 根据原文的多处信息,如“I beli

9、eve you ought to register these folksTheyre able to readNot all of your folks coming in here can read”,译文为:我认为你应当为这些人注册登记,他们都能够读书。不是所有到这儿来的白人都可以读书。据此可以推断出,只有会读写的人才能取得选举权,题干表述是正确的。第6题:参考答案:B答案解析:细节信息。 根据原文“He was the first black to register in the county”,译文为:他是这个郡第一个登记注册选举权的黑人。题干表述是亨利是第一个投票的人,原文并没有提

10、到,所以是错误的。第7题:参考答案:A答案解析:理解推断。 根据原文“The second was his father,because Henry would not leave until his fathers name,and the names of the five others,were put in the book”,译文为:第二个是他的父亲,因为直到他父亲的名字还有其他五个人的名在被登记在册,他才会离开。据此可以推断出亨利的父亲和同去的五个人都注册了选举权,所以题干表述是正确的。第8题:参考答案:B答案解析:理解推断。 根据原文“Henry brought more peo

11、ple to the courthouse,where he faced a different clerk who refused to register the peopleHenry told him,I believe you ought to register these folksTheyre able to readNot all of your folks coming in here can read”,译文为:亨利带着更多的人到了法院,这儿的登记员拒绝为这些人注册。亨利告诉他“我认为你应当为这些人注册登记,他们都能够读书。不是所有到这儿来的白人都可以读书。”根据上下文来推断

12、如果来的人会读写的话,登记员是不能拒绝的,所以题干表述是错误的。第9题:参考答案:A答案解析:理解推断。 根据原文“Not all of your folks coming in here can read”,译文为:不是所有到这儿来的白人都可以读书。奉题关键是理解folks指的就是白人,和登记员他们一类的人,即歧视黑人的人。据此推断题干表述是正确的。第10题:参考答案:B答案解析:理解推断。 根据原文“Henry got the people registered”,译文为:亨利使这些人都登记注册了。这些人指的是亨利带去注册的人,而不是整个郡的黑人,题干表述扩大了原文的所指范围,所以是错误的

13、。B第11题:参考答案:C答案解析:听力原文As I walked into this old haunted house, I heard this terrible scream and my blood ran cold when I saw this figure in white rushing straight at me. 语义理解题。 原文意思是“我走进这所鬼屋时,听到一声惨叫,当一个白衣之物径直朝我冲来时,我吓呆了。”由此可见C项“他吓得魂飞魄散”与原文相符,该项是正确答案。 解题关键 理解my blood ran cold的含义。其意为“吓呆了”,与C项意思相当。第12题:

14、参考答案:A答案解析:听力原文Hi, Jim! You look pretty good today. Everybody at the office says hello - Were all praying for you to pull through this operation and get back to work as soon as you can. 语义理解题。 原文意思是“嗨,Jim你今天看上去很好,办公室所有人都问候你。大家都在为你祈祷,希望你能从手术中康复,尽快回来工作。”由此可见,A项“他刚做完手术”与原文相符,该项为正确答案。 解题关键 理解上下文内逻辑关系,此外

15、理解pull through含义为“从恢复”。第13题:参考答案:B答案解析:听力原文Okay, this is our last dry run - the show opens tomorrow. So come on, people, be serious! 词义理解题。 原文意思是“好了,今天是最后一次练习,明天正式演出。来吧,认真些!”由此可见 B项与原文相符,该项为正确答案。 解题关键 理解dry run的含义,通过上下文可判断该词组意为“练习”,与B项中 practice同义。第14题:参考答案:A答案解析:听力原文Jack, youre talking big about ho

16、w great your team is and how bad theyll beat my team on Saturday. Lets bet fifty dollars on who win. Lets see you put your money where your mouth is. 词义理解题。 原文相关部分意思是“Jack你就吹吧你们队有多厉害,你们周六会把我们队打得多惨。我们赌50元看谁赢”。由此可见,说者认为Jack在夸口。因此A项是正确答案。 解题关键 理解talk big的含义。该词组意为“说大话,夸口”,与A项中boast意思相同。第15题:参考答案:D答案解析:听

17、力原文Im afraid Ill be at loose ends this weekend. My fiance is going on a fishing trip with his buddies, and all my girlfriends are away on vacation. 语义理解题。 原文意思是“我这个周末恐怕很闲,我未婚夫和朋友们要去钓鱼,而我所有的女友都去度假了。”由此可见我们并不知说者周末的安排。因此D项是正确的。 解题关键 理解at loose ends的含义。该词组意为“闲散的”。第16题:参考答案:A答案解析:听力原文What Catherine has h

18、ad this morning was a cup of coffee. 语义理解题。 原文意思是“今天早上Catherine只喝了一杯咖啡。”由此可见选项A内容与原文相符,因此该项是A答案。 解题关键 理解复合句义。本句中what引导的是主语从句。第17题:参考答案:C答案解析:听力原文The car wouldnt start, so they went there by subway. 语义理解题。 原文意思是“汽车无法启动,所以他们乘地铁去那里了。”由此可见选项C内容与原文相符,因此该项是A答案。 解题关键 根据表示因果关系的信号词理解句子含义。第18题:参考答案:C答案解析:听力原文

19、I used to go to the football stadium often, but now I generally stay at home watching TV instead. 词义理解题。 原文意思是“我过去常常去看足球,但现在我通常在家看电视。”由此可见选项C内容与原文相符,因此该项是A答案。 解题关键 理解原文instead的含义。该词常用在句尾表“以来代替”,与选项C中rather than“而非”意思相呼应。第19题:参考答案:B答案解析:听力原文Having worked with an IT firm for three years, he set up his

20、 own company. 语义理解题。 原文意思是“在一家IT公司工作三年后,他创办了自己的公司。”由此可见B项内容与原文相符,因此该项是A答案。 解题关键 理解现在分词完成式表示已完成的动作,其动作发生的时间在谓语动词表示时间之前,因此先有在别的公司工作的经验,再创办公司。第20题:参考答案:D答案解析:听力原文Isnt that new concert hall outstanding? 语义理解题。 原文意思是“那座新的音乐厅多么出色呀。”由此可见选项D项内容与原文相符,因此该项是A答案。 解题关键 理解Isnt?句式结构的含义。实际上该问句表示肯定,是一种强调。Part Listen

21、 to the following passages and then choose the best answer to each question by blackening the corresponding circle. You may need to scribble a few notes in order to answer the questions satisfactorily. There are three passages in this part, each with five questions. And each question carries two poi

22、nts. You will hear the passages only once. 听力原文31-35 In the second half of each year, many powerful storms are born in the tropical Atlantic and Caribbean seas. Of these, only about a half a dozen generate the strong, circling winds of 75 miles per hour or more that give them hurricane status, and s

23、everal usually make their way to the coast. There they cause millions of dollars of damage, and bring death to large numbers of people. The great storms that hit the coast start as innocent circling disturbances hundredseven thousandsof miles out to sea. As they travel aimlessly over water warmed by

24、 the summer sun, they are carried westward by the trade winds. When conditions are just right, warm, moist air flows in at the bottom of such a disturbance, moves upward through it and comes out at the top. In the process, the moisture in this warm air produces rain, and with it the heat that is con

25、verted to energy in the form of strong winds. As the heat increases, the young hurricane begins to swirl in a counter-clockwise motion. Water, not wind, is the main source of death and destruction in a hurricane. A typical hurricane brings 6- to 12-inch downpours resulting in sudden floods. Worst of

26、 all is the powerful movement of the seathe mountains of water moving toward the low-pressure hurricane center. The water level rises as much as 15 feet above normal as it moves toward shore. 第21题:参考答案:D答案解析:细节信息。 题干:一种普通的热带风暴在何时被称为飓风?根据原文“circling winds of 75 miles per hour or more that give them h

27、urricane status”,译文为:风速为每小时75英里或超过75英里的盘旋的风暴获得了飓风的地位。所以选d。第22题:参考答案:A答案解析:理解推断。 题干:飓风发生时最糟糕的是什么?根据原文“Water,not wind,is the main source of death and destruction in a hurricaneA typical hurricane brings6-to 12-inch downpours resulting in sudden floodsWorst of all is the powerful movement of the seathe

28、 mountains of water moving toward”,译文为:在飓风发生时导致死亡和破坏的主要原因是水,而不是风。典型的一场飓风会带来6到12英寸的倾盆大雨,这会引起洪水的发生。最糟糕的是强大的海水运动山峰似的水流向。所以应选a,最糟糕的是水带来的破坏性后果。第23题:参考答案:D答案解析:细节信息。 题干:什么导致了飓风的逆时针旋风?根据原文“As the heat increases,the young hurricane begins to swirl in a counter-clockwise motion”,译文为:随着热度的增加,早期的飓风开始沿逆时针方向打漩。所

29、以选d。第24题:参考答案:B答案解析:时间信息。 题干:飓风何时发生?根据文章第一句“In the second half of each year,many powerful storms are born in the tropical Atlantic and Caribbean seas,circling winds of 75 miles per hour or more that give them hurricane status”,译文为:每年下半年,许多强大的风暴在热带大西洋和加勒比海地区孕育而成风速为每小时 75英里或超过75英里的盘旋的风暴获得了飓风的地位。所以选b。第

30、25题:参考答案:C答案解析:数字信息。 题干:一场典型的飓风可以带来多少降雨?根据原文“A typical hurricane brings 6-to 12-inch downpours”,译文为:典型的一场飓风会带来6到12英寸的倾盆大雨。所以选c。听力原文21-25 Clark Warren has been a marriage counselor for 35 years - long enough to help couples confront just about every domestic difficulty imaginable. On the personal sid

31、e, hes helped six close friends as they went through three divorces each. His own marriage, happily, has lasted 43 years - and he and his wife, Marylyn, have raised three daughters who also enjoy happiness of marriage. So this is enough to say that Dr. Warren knows a fair bit about marriage - from h

32、is practice, his friends, his own experience, and from his parents, who still liked to hold hands after 70 years together. And he thinks he knows what it is that makes or breaks a marriage. The key, he says, is not necessarily family background, or chemistry, or even how old people are when they mar

33、ry. It is. are you ready? That is choosing wisely in the first place. This choice has more to do with the eventual success of your marriage than everything else combined that you do after you get married, says this voice of experience. If you choose someone who is highly compatible, it feels almost

34、effortless; if you are mismatched, its all hard work and good intentions. Passage One 第26题:参考答案:B答案解析:事实细节的找寻和判断。 根据原文Clark Warren has been a marriage counselor for 35 years可知,此人是婚姻顾问。 由此可见,B项与原文相符,因此该项为正确答案。 解题关键 通过题干要求正确定位原文相关信息。第27题:参考答案:A答案解析:数字信息的找寻和判断。 根据原文His own marriage,happily,has lasted 4

35、3 years可知他婚姻幸福,结婚已有43个年头。由此可见,A项与原文相符,因此该项为正确答案。 解题关键 通过题干特殊疑问词特点正确定位原文相关信息。第28题:参考答案:C答案解析:推理判断题。 根据原文His own marriage,happily,has lasted 43 yearsand he and his wife,Marylyn,have raised three daughters who also enjoy happiness of marriage可知,他不仅自己婚姻幸福,而且他的三个女儿也是如此。由此可推断他们全家都是婚姻幸福美满。因此C项与原文相符,该项为正确答案

36、。 解题关键 理解结构复杂的句子含义。本题原文中使用的句子复杂包括and并列句和 who引导的定语从句,该句高度概括了Clark Warren一家的情况。第29题:参考答案:D答案解析:事实细节的找寻和判断。 根据原文The key,he saysIt isare you ready? That is choosing wisely in the first place说婚姻幸福的关键是你是否作好了准备,即首先要进行明智的选择。由此可见D项与原文相符,因此该项为正确答案。 解题关键 1)掌握同义词替换。原文中key与题干中the most important意思相当,因此可迅速定位相关信息;2

37、)理解that is句式的特点。该句式表“即”是对重要观点的解释或说明,在听的过程应对此句式内的信息格外注意。第30题:参考答案:B答案解析:主旨题。 全文首先介绍了一位婚姻顾问的私人生活情况,而后详细介绍了他对成功婚姻的认识。 由此可见B项与原文相符,因此该项为正确答案。 解题关键 掌握篇章主要结构并将各选项中关键词与原文主要内容相对照。听力原文21-25 One important thing about art movements is that their popularity can be affected by social conditions, which are themse

38、lves often affected by historical events. As an example, look at what happened in the United States early in the 20th century, around the time of the Great Depression. The art movement known as the Regionalism had begun in the United States even before the Depression occurred. But it really flourish

39、ed in the 1930s, during the Depression years. Why? Well, many artists who had been living in big cities were forced by the economic crisis to leave those big cities and move back to their small towns in rural America. Some of these artists came to truly embrace the life in small towns and to eject c

40、ity life in so-called sophisticated society. These artists, or more specifically, certain painters, really built the regionalist movement. They created things from everyday life in small towns or farming areas. And they depicted the really big glorified or romanticized country life, showing it as st

41、able, wholesome, and embodying important American traditions. And this style became very popular, in part because of the economic conditions of the time. You see, the Depression had caused many Americans to begin to doubt their society. But regionalist artists painted scenes that glorified American

42、values, scenes that many Americans could easily identify with. So the movement helped strengthen peoples faith in their country, faith that had weakened as the result of the Depression. But in the 1940s, before and after the Second World War, American society began to take on a much more internation

43、al spirit, and Regionalism, with its focus on small town life, lost a lot of popularity. 第31题:参考答案:A答案解析:主旨大意。 题干:这篇讲话主要是关于什么的?文章的首句常常是主题句,本文就是。根据原文“One important thing about art movements is that their popularity can be affected by social conditions,which are themselves often affected by historical

44、 events”,译文为:关于艺术运动的一件重要的事情是它的流行普及受到社会条件的影响,而社会条件本身又常常受到历史事件的影响。所以应选a。第32题:参考答案:C答案解析:是非判断。 题干:作者怎样描述在大萧条时期美国的艺术家?根据原文“many artists who had been living in big cities were forced by the economic crisis to leave those big cities and move back to their small towns in rural America”,译文为:许多原先居住在大城市的艺术家迫于

45、经济危机的压力,离开了大城市,返回到美国乡间的小城镇。a选项为“许多艺术家对艺术价值失去了信念。”: b选项为“许多艺术家被迫在其它领域找工作。”,c选项为“许多艺术家搬离了大城市。”;d选项为“美国的许多艺术家搬到了其它国家。”。所以应选c。第33题:参考答案:C答案解析:细节信息。 题干:典型的地方主义特色的绘画会展示什么样的风景?根据原文“They created things from everyday life in small towns or farming areas”,译文为他们的作品来源于小城镇或农业区的日常生活。所以应选c。第34题:参考答案:B答案解析:原因结果。 题干

46、:为什么地方主义艺术在大萧条时期在美国如此流行?根据原文“And this style became very popular,in part because of the economic conditions of the timeSo the movement helped strengthen peoples faith in their country,faith that had weakened as the result of the Depression”,译文为:这种风格变得很流行,这部分是由于当时的经济状况,所以该运动巩固了人们的信念,那些由于大萧条而削弱的信念。所以应选

47、b。第35题:参考答案:D答案解析:细节信息。 题干:根据作者所言,在20世纪40年代二战前后,在美国什么的发生影响到地方主义艺术特色的流行?根据原文“But in the 1940s,American society began to take on a much more international spirit,and Regionalism,lost a lot of popularity”,译文为:但是在20世纪40年代美国社会逐渐呈现越多的国际精神,地方主义特色流行程度失去了很多。所以选d。Part Parts of the following text are missing. While listening to the tape, complete the passage by filling in each blank space with an appropriate word or words. There are 20 blanks, each carrying one point. You will hear the


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