1、Designation: A1011/A1011M 10Standard Specification forSteel, Sheet and Strip, Hot-Rolled, Carbon, Structural, High-Strength Low-Alloy, High-Strength Low-Alloy with ImprovedFormability, and Ultra-High Strength1This standard is issued under the fixed designation A1011/A1011M; the number immediately fo
2、llowing the designation indicates theyear of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of lastreapproval. A superscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope*1.1 This specific
3、ation covers hot-rolled, carbon, structural,high-strength low-alloy, high-strength low-alloy with im-proved formability, and ultra-high strength steel sheet and strip,in coils and cut lengths.1.2 Hot rolled steel sheet and strip is available in thedesignations as listed in This specification
4、 is not applicable to the steel coveredby Specification A635/A635M.1.4 The values stated in either SI units or inch-pound unitsare to be regarded separately as standard. The values stated ineach system may not be exact equivalents; therefore, eachsystem shall be used independently of the other. Comb
5、iningvalues from the two systems may result in non-conformancewith the standard.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2A370 Test Methods and Definitions for Mechanical Testingof Steel ProductsA568/A568M Specification for Steel, Sheet, Carbon, Struc-tural, and High-Strength, Low-Alloy, Hot-Rolled
6、 andCold-Rolled, General Requirements forA569/A569M Specification for Steel, Carbon (0.15 Maxi-mum, Percent), Hot-Rolled Sheet and Strip Commercial3A622/A622M Specification for Drawing Steel (DS), Sheetand Strip, Carbon, Hot-Rolled3A635/A635M Specification for Steel, Sheet and Strip,Heavy-Thickness
7、Coils, Hot-Rolled, Alloy, Carbon, Struc-tural, High-Strength Low-Alloy, and High-Strength Low-Alloy with Improved Formability, General RequirementsforA749/A749M Specification for Steel, Strip, Carbon andHigh-Strength, Low-Alloy, Hot-Rolled, General Require-ments forA941 Terminology Relating to Steel
8、, Stainless Steel, Re-lated Alloys, and FerroalloysE18 Test Methods for Rockwell Hardness of Metallic Ma-terials3. Terminology3.1 DefinitionsFor definitions of other terms used in thisspecification refer to Terminology A941.3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:3.2.1 agingloss of ductil
9、ity with an increase in hardness,yield strength, and tensile strength that occurs when steel,which has been slightly cold worked (such as by temperrolling) is stored for some time. DiscussionAging also increases the tendency to-ward stretcher strains and fluting.3.2.2 inclusion control, nthe
10、process of reducing thevolume fraction of inclusions or modifying the shape ofinclusions to improve formability, weldability, and machinabil-ity. DiscussionInclusions, especially those elongatedduring the rolling process, create the conditions for initiating orpropagating cracks when the mate
11、rial is stretched or bentduring the manufacture of a part (or both). The adverse effectsof inclusions are minimized by reducing the content ofinclusions in the steel or by altering the shape of inclusionsthrough the use of additions during the steelmaking processthat change the elongated shape of th
12、e inclusions to lessharmful small, well dispersed globular inclusions (or both).3.2.3 stabilizationaddition of one or more nitride orcarbide forming elements, or both, such as titanium andcolumbium, to control the level of the interstitial elementscarbon and nitrogen in the steel.1This specification
13、 is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee A01 on Steel,Stainless Steel and Related Alloys and is the direct responsibility of SubcommitteeA01.19 on Steel Sheet and Strip.Current edition approved April 1, 2010. Published April 2010. Originallyapproved in 2000. Last previous edition approved in 200
14、9 asA1011/A1011M 09b.DOI: 10.1520/A1011_A1011M-10.2For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, orcontact ASTM Customer Service at serviceastm.org. For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.3Withdrawn.
15、 The last approved version of this historical standard is referencedon www.astm.org.1*A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standard.Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States. DiscussionStabilization imp
16、roves formability andincreases resistance to aging.3.2.4 vacuum degassingprocess of refining liquid steel inwhich the liquid is exposed to a vacuum as part of a specialtechnique for removing impurities or for decarburizing thesteel.4. Classification4.1 Hot-rolled steel sheet and steel strip is avail
17、able in thefollowing designations:4.1.1 Commercial Steel (CS Types A, B, C, and D),4.1.2 Drawing Steel (DS Types A and B),NOTE 1CS Type B and DS Type B describe the most commonproduct previously included, respectively, in Specifications A569/A569Mand A622/A622M.4.1.3 Structural Steel (SS grades 3020
18、5, 33230, 36250Types 1 and 2, 40275, 45310, 50340, 55380, 60410,70480, and 80550),4.1.4 High-Strength Low-Alloy Steel (HSLAS, classes 1and 2, in grades 45310, 50340, 55380, 60410, 65450,and 70480.4.1.5 High-Strength Low-Alloy Steel with Improved Form-ability (HSLAS-F grades 50340, 60410, 70480, and8
19、0550). HSLAS-F steel has improved formability whencompared to HSLAS. The steel is fully deoxidized, made to afine grain practice, and includes microalloying elements suchas columbium, vanadium, and zirconium. The steel shall betreated to achieve inclusion control.4.1.6 Ultra-High Strength (UH
20、SS Types 1 and 2, in Grades90 620 and 100 690). UHSS steel has increased strength compared withHSLAS-F. The steel is killed and made to a fine ferritic grainpractice, and includes microalloying elements such as colum-bium (niobium), titanium, vanadium, molybdenum, and soforth. The steel shall
21、 be treated to achieve inclusion control.The material is intended for miscellaneous applications wherehigher strength, savings in weight, and weldability are impor-tant.Atmospheric corrosion resistance of these steels is equiva-lent to plain carbon steels. With copper specified, the atmo-spheric cor
22、rosion resistance is somewhat enhanced.4.1.7 When required for HSLAS, HSLAS-F, and UHSSsteels, limitations on the use of one or more of the microalloyelements shall be specified on the order.5. Ordering Information5.1 It is the purchasers responsibility to specify in thepurchase order all ordering i
23、nformation necessary to describethe required material. Examples of such information include,but are not limited to, the following:5.1.1 ASTM specification number and year of issue,5.1.2 Name of material and designation (hot-rolled steelsheet) (include grade, type and class, as appropriate, for CS,DS
24、, SS, HSLAS, HSLAS-F, and UHSS) (see 4.1), When a type is not specified for CS or DS, Type Bwill be furnished (see 4.1), When a class is not specified for HSLAS, Class 1will be furnished (see 4.1), When a type is not specified for SS Grade 36, Type1 will be furnished (see 4.1),5
25、.1.2.4 When a type is not specified for UHSS, Type 1 shallbe furnished (see 4.1).5.1.3 Finish (see 9.1)5.1.4 Type of edge (see 9.3),5.1.5 Oiled or not oiled, as required (see 9.2),5.1.6 Dimensions (thickness, width, and whether cut lengthsor coils),NOTE 2Not all producers are capable of meeting all
26、the limitations ofthe thickness tolerance tables in Specifications A568/A568M and A749/A749M. The purchaser should contact the producer prior to placing anorder.5.1.7 Coil size (inside diameter, outside diameter, and maxi-mum weight),5.1.8 Copper bearing steel (if required),5.1.9 Quantity,5.1.10 App
27、lication (part identification and description),5.1.11 A report of heat analysis will be supplied, if re-quested, for CS and DS. For materials with required mechani-cal properties, SS, HSLAS, HSLAS-F, and UHSS, a report isrequired of heat analysis and mechanical properties as deter-mined by the tensi
28、on test, and5.1.12 Special requirements (if any). When the purchaser requires thickness tolerancesfor38 in. 10 mm minimum edge distance (see SupplementaryRequirement in Specification A568/A568M), this requirementshall be specified in the purchase order or contract.NOTE 3A typical ordering de
29、scription is as follows: ASTM A1011-XX, hot rolled steel sheet, CS Type A, pickled and oiled, cut edge, 0.075by 36 by 96 in., 100 000 lb, for part no. 6310, for shelf bracket.or:ASTM A1011M-XX, hot rolled steel sheet, CS Type B, pickled and oiled,cut edge, 3.7 by 117 mm by coil, ID 600 mm, OD 1500 m
30、m, max weight10 000 kg, 50 000 kg, for upper control arm.6. General Requirements for Delivery6.1 Material furnished under this specification shall con-form to the applicable requirements of the current edition ofSpecification A568/A568M for sheets and Specification A749/A749M for strip, unless other
31、wise provided for herein.7. Chemical Composition7.1 The heat analysis of the steel shall conform to thechemical composition requirements of the appropriate desig-nation shown in Table 1 for CS and DS and Table 2 for SS,HSLAS, HSLAS-F, and UHSS.7.2 Each of the elements listed in Tables 1 and 2 shall
32、beincluded in the report of the heat analysis. When the amount ofcopper, nickel, chromium, or molybdenum is less than 0.02 %,report the analysis as 0.02 % or the actual determined value.When the amount of vanadium, columbium, or titanium is lessthan 0.008 %, report the analysis as 0.008 % or the act
33、ualdetermined value. When the amount of boron is less than0.0005 %, report the analysis as 0.0005 % or the actualdetermined value.7.3 Sheet steel grades defined by this specification aresuitable for welding if appropriate welding conditions areselected. For certain welding processes, if more restric
34、tiveA1011/A1011M 102composition limits are desirable, they shall be specified at thetime of inquiry and confirmed at the time of ordering.8. Mechanical Properties8.1 CS and DS:8.1.1 Typical, nonmandatory mechanical properties for CSand DS are found in Table The material shall be capable of b
35、eing bent at roomtemperature in any direction through 180 flat on itself withoutcracking on the outside of the bent portion (see the section onbend test in Test Methods and DefinitionsA370). The bend testis not a requirement of delivery. However, if testing isperformed by the purchaser, material not
36、 conforming to therequirement shall be subject to rejection.8.2 SS, HSLAS, HSLAS-F, and UHSS:8.2.1 The available grades and corresponding mechanicalproperties for SS, HSLAS, HSLAS-F, and UHSS are shown inTable Tension Tests: RequirementsMaterial as represented by the testspecimen shal
37、l conform to the mechanical property require-ments specified in Table 4. These requirements do not apply tothe uncropped ends of unprocessed coils. Number of TestsTwo tension tests shall be madefrom each heat or from each 50 tons 45 000 kg. When theamount of finished material from a heat is l
38、ess than 50 tons45 000 kg, one tension test shall be made. When materialrolled from one heat differs 0.050 in. 1.27 mm or more inthickness, one tension test shall be made from the thickest andthinnest material regardless of the weight represented. Tension test specimens shall be taken at a po
39、intimmediately adjacent to the material to be qualified. Tension test specimens shall be taken from the fullthickness of the sheet as-rolled. Tension test specimens shall be taken from a loca-tion approximately halfway between the center of sheet and theedge of the material as-rolled.8
40、.2.2.6 Tension test specimens shall be taken with thelengthwise axis of the test specimen parallel to the rollingdirection (longitudinal test). Test MethodYield strength shall be determined byeither the 0.2 % offset method or the 0.5 % extension underload method unless otherwise specified.8.2
41、.3 Bending Properties: The suggested minimum inside radii for cold bend-ing are listed in Appendix X1 and is discussed in more detailin Specifications A568/A568M (6.6) and A749/A749M (7.6).Where a tighter bend radius is required, where curved or offsetbends are involved, or where stretching o
42、r drawing are also aconsideration, the producer shall be consulted.9. Finish and Appearance9.1 Surface Finish:9.1.1 Unless otherwise specified, the material shall be fur-nished as rolled, that is, without removing the hot-rolled oxideor scale.9.1.2 When required, it is permissible to specify that th
43、ematerial be pickled or blast cleaned (descaled).9.2 Oiling:9.2.1 Unless otherwise specified, as-rolled material shall befurnished not oiled (that is, dry), and pickled or blast cleanedmaterial shall be furnished oiled.9.3 Edges:9.3.1 Steel sheet is available with mill edge or cut edge.9.3.2 Steel s
44、trip is available with mill edge or cut edge.10. Retests and Disposition of Non-Conforming Material10.1 Retests, conducted in accordance with the require-ments of Section 11.1 of Specification A568/A568M, arepermitted when an unsatisfactorily test result is suspected to bethe consequence of the test
45、 method procedure.10.2 Disposition of non-conforming material shall be sub-ject to the requirements of Section 11.2 of SpecificationA568/A568M.11. Certification11.1 Areport of heat analysis shall be supplied, if requested,for CS and DS steels. For material with required mechanicalproperties, SS, HSL
46、AS, HSLAS-F, and UHSS a report isrequired of heat analysis and mechanical properties as deter-mined by the tension test.TABLE 1 Chemical CompositionAFor Hot Rolled Steel Sheet and Strip Designations CS and DSComposition, % Heat AnalysisElement maximum unless otherwise shownCMnPSAlSiCuNiCrBMo V Cb Ti
47、CNBCS Type AD,E,F,G0.10 0.60 0.030 0.035 . . . . . . 0.20H0.20 0.15 0.06 0.008 0.008 0.025 . . . . . .CS Type BF0.02 to 0.15 0.60 0.030 0.035 . . . . . . 0.20H0.20 0.15 0.06 0.008 0.008 0.025 . . . . . .CS Type CD,E,F,G0.08 0.60 0.10 0.035 . . . . . . 0.20H0.20 0.15 0.06 0.008 0.008 0.025 . . . . .
48、.CS Type DF0.10 0.70 0.030 0.035 . . . . . . 0.20H0.20 0.15 0.06 0.008 0.008 0.008 . . . . . .DS Type AD,E,G0.08 0.50 0.020 0.030 0.01 min . . . 0.20 0.20 0.15 0.06 0.008 0.008 0.025 . . . . . .DS Type B 0.02 to 0.08 0.50 0.020 0.030 0.01 min . . . 0.20 0.20 0.15 0.06 0.008 0.008 0.025 . . . . . .AW
49、here an ellipsis (. . .) appears in the table, there is no specified limit, but the analysis shall be reported.BChromium is permitted, at the producers option, to 0.25 % maximum when the carbon content is less than or equal to 0.05 %.CFor steels containing 0.02 % carbon or more, titanium is permitted at the producers option, to the lesser of 3.4N + 1.5S or 0.025 %.DSpecify Type B to avoid carbon levels below 0.02 %.EFor carbon levels less than or equal to 0.02 %, it is permissible to use vanadium, columbium, or t