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1、翻译二级口译实务2004年5月答案真题 120Part Interpret the following passages from English into Chinese. You will hear this signal to tell you when you start interpreting. Now lets begin.第1题:参考答案:参考译文欢迎各位来到联合国,参加本联络小组的第一次会议。 你们很适时地将重点放在非洲的粮食安全方面。非洲最近的粮食危机使我们比以往任何时候都更充分地认识到制定一个能打破不断发生此类危机的局面,并给非洲带来一场绿色革命的战略的紧迫性。但要做到这

2、一点,就要在多个方面采取积极措施。 非洲过去也曾出现粮食危机,曾出现过致命的疾病,在一些国家,由于能力和资源方面的限制,政府在治理上遇到过挑战。 但非洲大陆很少象现在这样同时遭遇来自许多领域的挑战。目前,非洲面临着三重极其繁重的负担,即粮食安全问题,艾滋病病毒/艾滋病和政府日渐衰弱的治理和服务能力。 如果不同时应对艾滋病和治理方面的挑战,我们就不能为粮食安全问题找到一个可行的解决方案。 非洲的粮食安全问题有着结构性的原因。多数非洲农民耕种的小片土地不能生产满足自家需要的产品。此外,农民们没有议价能力,也无法获得土地。资金和技术。 这些进一步削弱了农民承受反复出现的干旱和不断蔓延的艾滋病疫情影响

3、的能力。 目前有3000万非洲人感染艾滋病病毒,全球有2000多万人死于艾滋病,非洲大陆首当其冲。在非洲的一些地区,超过40%的人口感染艾滋病病毒,还有同样数量的人正面临饥荒。 艾滋病病毒/艾滋病对粮食生产的破坏性影响是再明显不过的,已有七百万非洲农民因此丧身。艾滋病在非洲妇女中的传染率在上升,最新数据表明妇女占非洲艾滋病感染者的58%。 由于艾滋病的影响,知识和技能无法代代相传,正在逐渐失传。不论是在家庭还是在政府层面,资源被用于医疗,而非粮食生产。而粮食短缺反过来又通过贫穷、不平等和营养不良等因素加剧疾病的蔓延。 显然,如何打破这一恶性循环为政府治理提出了严峻的挑战。,应对这一挑战需要强有

4、力的制度、更高的技能和创新的政策。而具有讽刺意味的是,非洲政府的治理和服务能力却几乎被这种疾病消耗殆尽,而这种情况在这个艾滋病年代又是常常发生的。 作为一个整体,非洲面临这一系列的问题盘根错节,要远比各个问题的简单总和更加难以对付。要解决我所提出的问题,非洲各国政府和国际社会应该采取一种综合性的新对策,摈弃短期方案,对我们的整个发展战略进行重新评估,换句话说,就是即使在处理短期性紧急状况时也要采取立足长远的措施。 女士们,先生们, 联合国大家庭已经携起手来,通过合作解决这些问题。我希望你们在各方面与我们及非洲各国政府共同努力,制定一系列必要的革命性方案,解决非洲致命的三重负担问题和打破非洲粮食

5、危机的怪圈。 我带着失望开始这篇演讲,请让我满怀希望结束它。是的,我们面临着一系列前所未有的挑战。但你们能出席今天的会议,说明我们对于解决这一问题的必要性有着空前的一致。我们必须共同努力,为我们的成功做出政治决断。 谢谢大家。详细解答:本文是有关非洲粮食安全问题的讲话,就非洲粮食问题的根源作了详细的说明,并请求获得国际社会的援助。 本文要求应试者具有一定的社会背景知识,如国家政治及艾滋病方面的常识,这些知识构成考查应试者基本素质的内容,在较为短暂的时间内,应试者还需对复杂的长难句作出判断,使翻译不仅信息完整正确,还要基本符合汉语习惯。在此基础上,应试者还要对文中的某些单词或短语作出判断,使其翻

6、译不仅正确还要符合上下文语境的需要。 基本素质采分点 1United Nations 联合国 2food security 粮食安全 3Green Revolution in Africa 非洲的绿色革命 4HIV/AIDS 艾滋病病毒/艾滋病 5HIV-positive 感染艾滋病病毒 6infection rate 感染率 结构理解采分点 1The latest food crisis on the continent has brought home to us, more than ever before, the urgent need for a strategy to break

7、 the pattern of recurrent crises and bring about a Green Revolution in Africa 该句基本可按照原文顺序进行翻译,其中注意可将修饰性结构more than ever before按照汉语习惯放在谓语短语bring home to前面,该句还要求应试者正确理解bring home to的含义。因此,原句可译为“非洲最近的粮食危机使我们比以往任何时候都更充分地认识到制定一个能打破不断发生此类危机的局面,并给非洲带来一场绿色革命的战略的紧迫性。” 2We cannot find viable solutions to the

8、challenge of food security unless we address the challenges of AIDS and governance at the same time 该句是主从复合句,unless引导的状语从句位于句子后半部,按汉语可将次要成分前置的特点,可优先翻译该从句。因此,原句可译为“如果不同时应对艾滋病和治理方面的挑战,我们就不能为粮食安全问题找到一个可行的解决方案。” 3The devastating impact of HIV/AIDS on food productionwith seven million African farmers alr

9、eady deadis only too obvious 该句为保持译文完整的逻辑性,可将形式较为松散的修饰性成分with短语后置。因此,原句可译为“艾滋病病毒/艾滋病对粮食生产的破坏性影响是再明显不过的,已有七百万非洲农民因此丧身。” 4Because of AIDS, skills and knowledge are dying out rather than being passed from one generation to the next 本句译文可在正确理解短语rather than(而不是)的基础上,将该短语翻译略去,以免译文过于生硬。因此,原句可译为“由于艾滋病的影响,知识

10、和技能无法代代相传,正在逐渐失传。” 5But in an irony so typical of the age of AIDS, Africas ability to govern and to provide services is itself being stretched to breaking point by the disease 该句是简单句,句子主干部分是Africas ability.is itself being stretched.,句子前半部分的typical of短语修饰an irony,但为了整体译文内容相对紧凑,该部分可在翻译时,放在最后。因此,原句可译为“

11、而具有讽刺意味的是,非洲政府的治理和服务能力却几乎被这种疾病消耗殆尽,而这种情况在这个艾滋病年代又是常常发生的。” 言语表达采分点 1bring home to sb 使充分认识 2radical approach 积极的措施 3come to terms with 达成协议;设法忍受 4a triad of related burdens 三重负担 5be compounded by 使更坏 6bear the brunt of 首当其冲 7die out 灭绝 8be diverted from.to. 从转移到 9interlocking 错综复杂的 10work across the

12、board with sb 与通力合作第2题:参考答案:参考译文尊敬的各位来宾,女士们,先生们, 首先,我祝贺香港廉政公署和国际刑警组织成功举办此次会议。此次会议吸引了来自全球的500多名代表,包括反贪专家、执法人员,还有来自国际组织、金融机构和学术界的朋友。香港能够与举世闻名的国际刑警组织共同举办这一全球性会议,深感荣幸。 我谨向所有与会代表表示热烈欢迎,大家来自世界各地,却有着同样的理想。参加此次盛会的,包括逾五十九个司法管辖区的六十五个执法机构和八个国际组织,这表明此次会议是一次真正的全球性反贪合作会议。 贪污是一种社会罪行,如不加以阻止,对社会祸害无穷,会腐蚀法治,影响政府效率,抑制经

13、济发展,有时甚至可能造成社会政治动荡。 随着经济全球化加速发展,科技进步日新月异,今天,贪污恶行已不受国界限制,并以新的形式出现,成为不法集团的犯罪工具,被用来从事国际洗钱、大规模商业诈骗、跨国毒品走私、贩卖人口等许多严重罪行。 对付贪污这种全球性跨国犯罪行为,需要采取全球跨国联盟的方式加以打击。多年来,香港廉政公署与国际刑警组织已结成稳固的合作盟友,通过推动国际协作和战略性结盟,合力打击贪污。 香港是一流的国际金融中心,被公认为世界上最具竞争力和最自由的经济体之一。我们有许多根本优势,其中尤其令我自豪的是被评为世界上最廉洁的地方。 虽然取得了这些成绩,我们却不能自满。目前,我们正面临经济转型

14、的重大挑战。 这次会议给我们提供了分享经验,交流意见,讨论反腐良方的宝贵机会。我深信每位与会者都会从中受益。 女士们,先生们,现在我宣布会议开幕,并祝大家旅港愉快,富有成效。 谢谢。详细解答:本文主题是香港廉政公署和国际刑警组织如何共同合作打击贪污。本文要求应试者具有相关方面的常识,掌握相关专门术语,这些知识构成考查应试者基本素质的内容,在较为短暂的时间内,应试者还需对复杂的长难句作出判断,使翻译不仅信息完整正确,还要基本符合汉语习惯。在此基础上,应试者还要对文中的某些单词或短语作出判断,使其翻译不仅正确还要符合上下文语境的需要。 基本素质采分点 1the Independent Commis

15、sion Against Corruption (ICAC) (香港)廉政公署 2the Interpol 国际刑警组织 3jurisdiction 司法管辖区 4money laundering scheme 洗钱 结构理解采分点 1It can erode the rule of law, undermine the efficiency of governments, stifle economic development, and in some cases may trigger social and political unrest 该句是简单句,若干动宾词组做并列宾语,该句翻译精

16、彩处是注意若干动词翻译既要正确又要符合汉语的语言习惯,即使是口译,译者的翻译水平也会从类似的翻译中体现出来。因此,原句可译为“贪污会腐蚀法治,影响政府效率,抑制经济发展,有时甚至可能造成社会政治动荡。” 2Hong Kongs ICAC and Interpol have built up a very solid relationship over the years to combat corruption through the promotion of international co-operation and strategic alliance 该句是简单句,其中to comba

17、t动词不定式短语做全句状语,因为该部分内容过多,可将其单独译为一个分句。因此,原句可译为“多年来,香港廉政公署与国际刑警组织已结成稳固的合作盟友,通过推动国际协作和战略性结盟,合力打击贪污。” 3Among the many fundamental strengths that Hong Kong possesses, I am particularly proud that we are rated as one of the least corrupt places in the world 该句是复合句。主干部分是I am particularly proud that.,句首的Amon

18、g介词短语为全句的状语,但在翻译时,因其内容过多,可单独译为一句。因此,原句可译为“我们有许多根本优势,其中尤其令我自豪的是被评为世界上最廉洁的地方。” 4At the moment, we are facing tremendous challenges as our economy grapples with restructuring 该句是复合句,其中as引导原因状语从句,翻译时,可将此从句译作定语,以使译文结构紧凑。因此,原句可译为“目前,我们正面临经济转型的重大挑战。” 5This conference provides a valuable forum for all parti

19、cipants to share experiences and to exchange ideas and initiatives for tackling corruption。 本句是简单句,译文的关键是处理若干动词的翻译。其中exchange分别与idea和initiative搭配,所以译文要处理该词与不同宾语搭配的翻译。因此,原句可译为“这次会议给我们提供了分享经验,交流意见,讨论反腐良方的宝贵机会。” 言语表达采分点 1law enforcer 执法人员 2preeminent organisation 知名机构 3transcend 超越 4take on a new dimen

20、sion 以新形式出现 5syndicated 辛迪加的(指联合起来的) 6commercial fraud scam 商业诈骗 7drug trafficking 走私毒品 8tackle corruption 对付贪污 9border-less alliance 跨国联盟 10no room for 无的余地Part Interpret the following passages from Chinese into English. You will hear this signal to tell you when you start interpreting. Now lets be

21、gin.第3题:参考答案:参考译文Under the new situation after the end of Cold War, both China and the United States faced an important question: Should they continue to pursue healthy relations with each other, and how? The passage of the Permanent Normal Trade Relations (PNTR) shows that inside the United States,

22、 forces that advocate stronger ties with China have gained the upper hand and the mainstream in the U.S. government, Congress and business communities, as well as the general public, support a constructive approach to China. Secondly, China-U.S. relations have become more multidimensional. Economy a

23、nd trade constitute a component of the entire relationship. China and the U.S. are important trading partners, and the U.S. was Chinas major source of investment. Without stable and sound commercial cooperation, China-U.S. political relations would become rather hollow for lack of driving force and

24、would lose public interest to participate. So a good commercial cooperation could complement political relations and, in particular, it could make the impact less unbearable should political relations run into troubles. Thirdly, PNTR has enhanced the mutual trust and cooperation between the two coun

25、tries. The U.S. gives PNTR treatment to practically every country in the world, but has kept China off that list for many years. This in itself is discrimination and a sign of distrust. If not corrected, the Chinese people would find it hard to understand the necessity of closer China-U.S. relations

26、 and would question U.S. sincerity tot cooperation. Without the support and participation of the people, state-to-state relations could not get anywhere. With greater flow of goods and people and with the introduction of investment and managerial know-how once PNTR is put in place, there will undoub

27、tedly be greater understandings and fewer misunderstandings between the two countries. Fourthly, sending out a positive signal to Chinas neighbors in the Asian-Pacific region. China is an Asian-Pacific country. And the U.S. claims to be one with a great deal of influence in the region. If China and

28、the U.S. stay friendly, other countries in the region will benefit. If not, they will suffer. With PNTR, the two countries show to their neighbors in the region that they are willing to live together in friendship and had the will and capacity to resolve differences through negotiations. This will h

29、ave a far-reaching impact on the stability and prosperity of the entire region.详细解答:本文是关于中美贸易关系的讲话,主要讨论了中美双边贸易正常化的意义和有待解决的问题。本文要求应试者掌握国际政治和经贸方面的基本常识,这些知识构成考查应试者基本素质的内容,在较为短暂的时间内,应试者还需对复杂的长难句作出判断,使翻译不仅信息完整正确,还要基本符合英语习惯。在此基础上,应试者还要对文中的某些单词或短语作出判断,使其翻译不仅正确还要符合上下文语境的需要。 基本素质采分点 1冷战 Cold War 2永久正常贸易关系 th

30、e Permanent Normal Trade Relations(PNTR) 3国会 Congress 4亚太地区 Asian-Pacific region 结构理解采分点 1“永久正常贸易关系”的通过表明,在美国,支持发展中美关系的力量占了上风,美国政府、国会、工商企业界和公众的主流都支持以建设性的态度与中国打交道。 该句句式与英文相仿,所以可按自然顺序翻译,但要注意“支持发展中美关系的力量”的译法,该短语中定语过长,可考虑用从句形式翻译。而“占了上风”可考虑使用固定短语表达,在中译英时,一定要注意尽量使用固定的句型或短语,这样不仅节省时间,还使译文显得地道。因此,原句可译为“The p

31、assage of the Permanent Normal Trade Relations(PNTR) shows that inside the United States, forces that advocate stronger ties with China have gained the upper hand and the mainstream in the U.S. government, Congress and business communities, as well as the general public, support a constructive appro

32、ach to China.” 2没有稳定、良好的经贸合作关系,政治关系就会空心化,就会缺乏前进的动力。 该句翻译要注意对原文“就会”的理解,这里只表示一种虚拟,不要按字面意思用will,以避免态度的生硬。因此,原句可译为“Without stable and sound commercial cooperation, China-U.S. political relations would become rather hollow for lack of driving force.” 3良好的经贸合作关系可以对两国政治关系产生促进作用,特别是在政治关系出现波动时可发挥减震作用。 该句翻译要求

33、应试者特别处理好句子后半部分。原句中的“在政治关系出现波动时”要表明一种委婉的态度,因此需采用虚拟语气;“发挥减震作用”采用反语表达,也可使语气更为婉转。因此,原句可译为“So a good commercial cooperation could complement political relations and, in particular, it could make the impact less unbearable should political relations run into troubles.” 4不解决这个问题,中国人民就无法理解中美关系的必要性,就会怀疑美国的合作

34、诚意。 该句翻译时,也应依上述,使用虚拟语气;而且在处理“不解决这个问题”时,译文可根据上下文省略主语,因此,原句可译为“If not corrected, the Chinese people would find it hard to understand the necessity of closer China-U.S. relations and would question U.S. sincerity for cooperation.” 5建立正常贸易关系后,随着商品和人员往来的增加,投资和管理经验的引进,两国间的了解无疑会加深,误解也会减少。 因为是口译,译文的翻译结构最大可能

35、向原文靠拢,按照原文特点,句子主要部分应是“两国间的了解无疑会加深,误解也会减少”,根据尽量用英文句型的原则,可考虑翻译采用there be表达,而原文其他部分也与汉语原句一样,译为相应的状语表达结构。因此,原句可译为“With greater flow of goods and people and with the introduction of investment and managerial know-how once PNTR is put in place, there will undoubtedly be greater understandings and fewer mi

36、sunderstandings between the two countries” 言语表达采分点 1占上风 gain the upper hand 2工商界 business community 3以建设性的态度 support a constructive approach 4贸易伙伴 trading partner 5前进的动力 driving force 6发挥减震作用 make.less unbearable 7互信和合作 mutual trust and cooperation 8给予待遇 give.treatment 9深远的影响 far-reaching impact 10解

37、决分歧 resolve differences第4题:参考答案:参考译文The Wenshan Zhuang and Miao Autonomous Prefecture is situated in the southeast corner of Yunnan Province. It borders Guangxi to the east and Viet Nam to the south and has a boundary of 438 kilometers. The total area of the prefecture is over 30 thousand square kil

38、ometers, about the size of Hainan Province. It has a very long history, evidenced by the discovery of fossilized teeth of the early man who once lived here. Wenshan is rich in resources. Its minerals are promising and its native produce is famous all over the world. Pseudo-ginseng, for example, acco

39、unts for over 85% of the national total in terms of acreage and output. Wenshan is home to 3.27 million people of 11 ethnic groups, including the Han, Zhuang, Miao, Yao, Yi, Hui, Buyi, Dai, Bai, Mongolian and Gelao. During the Ninth Five-Year Plan period, the Party Committee and Government of Wensha

40、n Prefecture, with the loving care of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party and the State Council and under the leadership of the Yunnan Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government, led the people of all ethnic groups in the prefecture in earnestly implementing the policies o

41、f reform and opening up, vigorously developing the economy, improving the peoples livelihood and fulfilling the goals of the Plan. This achieved ethnic harmony, social stability and rapid economic growth, making the five year period one of the fastest social and economic development periods since th

42、e founding of the autonomous prefecture. In 2001, the economy continued to grow, which was a good beginning for the Tenth Five Year Plan. To begin with, the years GDP went up by 9.3%, the second highest in the province. Secondly, infrastructure development made major breakthroughs with the completio

43、n of many highway projects. Thirdly, the industrial structure achieved an improved ratio of 36:26:38 com pared to 38:25:37 of the previous year. Fourthly, the prefectures opening to the outside world made fresh progress evidenced by the successful launching of the Third Native Products Cultural Fest

44、ival, which gave Wenshan a new image. Fifthly, poverty alleviation scored remarkable success as basic needs for food, clothing and shelter of 330,000 more rural poor were met and the farmers average annual income went up to 763 yuan.详细解答:本文主要介绍了云南少数民族文山自治州的情况,从地理、人文、物产和发展等多角度全方位地介绍厂这个地区。本文要求应试者具有人文地

45、理等方面的基本常识,这些知识构成考查应试者基本素质的内容,在较为短暂的时间内,应试者还需对复杂的本土化表达的长难句作出判断,使翻译不仅信息完整正确,还要基本符合英语习惯。在此基础上,应试者还要对文中的某些单词或短语作出判断,使其翻译不仅正确还要符合上下文语境的需要。 基本素质采分点 1自治州 Autonomous Prefecture 2越南 Viet Nam 3三七(一种植物) Pseudo-ginseng 4“九五” the Ninth Five-Year Plan 5党中央 Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party 6国务院 Sta

46、te Council 7国内生产总值 GDP 结构理解采分点 1文山壮族苗族自治州位于云南省东南部,东与广西相连,南与越南接壤,边境线长达438公里,总面积3万多平方公里,和海南省差不多。 这句话的翻译颇具典型性。原文在一个句子内包容了关于地理状况方面的多重信息,这就要求译文尽可能地结构紧凑,这样,可采用重组原文结构、词性变化、固定词组搭配等方式,为了突出英文句子所要求的逻辑性,也可将原文拆成若干句翻译。因此,原文可译为“The Wenshan Zhuang and Miao Autonomous Prefecture is situated in the southeast corner of Yunnan Province. It borders Guangxi to the east and Vier Nam to the south and has a boun

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