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1、2015届江苏盐城阜宁实验初级中学九年级 10月第一次调研英语试卷与答案(带解析) 其他 A 根据句意和汉语提示写出单词,完成句子。 【小题 1】 Are you afraid of making a _(演讲 ) in front of many people 【小题 2】 Think about it carefully before you make a _. (决定 ) 【小题 3】 Nobody is a _(天生的 ) player. Lets work hard from now on. 【小题 4】 Uncle John has not decided _(是否 ) to go

2、 or stay. 【小题 5】 I can _(几乎不 ) keep all his books in order. B. 根据句意,用所给单词的适当形式填空。 【小题 6】 Billy would not accept others advice or think _ (two). 【小题 7】 The book provides _(value) information on our project. 【小题 8】 Someone has left her handbag on the bus _( careless). 【小题 9】 The _ (strict) his teacher

3、 is with him, the more progress he will make. 【小题 10】 Children under 12 cant be left at home by _ (them) in some states of America. C. 根据句意,用所给动词的适当形式填空。 【小题 11】 Lets _ (come) up with some ideas together. 【小题 12】 The old man put on his overcoat and _ (go) out alone. 【小题 13】 Mary, _ (not write) to yo

4、ur pen friend since you are too busy 【小题 14】 Not only you but also he _ (like) talking about types of personality. 【小题 15】 It is necessary _( pay) attention to every detail about the story. 答案:【小题 1】 speech 【小题 2】 decision 【小题 3】 born 【小题 4】 whether 【小题 5】 hardly 【小题 6】 twice 【小题 7】 valuable 【小题 8】

5、carelessly 【小题 9】 stricter 【小题 10】 themselves 【小题 11】 come 【小题 12】 went 【小题 13】 dont write 【小题 14】 likes 【小题 15】 to pay 试题分析: 【小题 1】句意:在很多人面前你害怕演讲吗?故答案:是 . speech 【小题 2】句意:在你做决定前仔细思考。故答案:是 decision 【小题 3】句意:没有人是天生的演员,让我们从现在开始努力吧!故填 born。 【小题 4】句意:约翰叔叔没有决定是走还是留。故填 whether 【小题 5】句意:我几乎不能保持我的书井然有序。故填 h

6、ardly 【小题 6】句意:比利不会接受别人的建议或三思而后行。故答案:是 twice. 【小题 7】句意:这本书提供了关于这个课题的有用的信息。故答案:是valuable。 【小题 8】句意:某人粗心的把包落在了公共汽车上。故填 carelessly 【小题 9】句意:老师对他越严格,他取得的成绩越好。故填 stricter 【小题 10】句意:在美国的一些州 12岁以下的孩子不能被留在家里。故填themselves 【小题 11】句意:让我们一起想出一些好法子。故答案:是 . come 【小题 12】句意:这个老人穿上外套独自一个人出去了。故答案:是 went 【小题 13】句意:玛丽,

7、你太忙了,不要给你的笔友写信了。故填 dont write 【小题 14】句意:你和他都喜欢谈论人格类型。故填 likes。 【小题 15】句意:注意这个故事的细节是必要的。故填 to pay。 考点:单词填空 单项选择 * Jim is _ good basketball player. He plays in our school team. A / B a C an D the 答案: B Would you mind my using your computer _ A Yes. Here you are. B No, you cant. C No, not at all. D You

8、re welcome. 答案: C 试题分析:句意:你介意我用你的电脑吗?不介意。若表示 “不介意 ”或 “同意 ”时,常用否定形式。如: No, of course not. No, certainly not. No, not at all。 No, go ahead. No, do as you like. No, indeed. No, please。 No, I dont mind. No, do it please. Not in the least. 等。 若表示 “介意 ”或 “不同意 ”时,则常用较委婉的方式加以拒绝。如: Im sorry but I do. Sorry,

9、youd better not. Im afraid you cant. I wish you wouldnt . Im sorry, but its not allowed .结合句意,故选 C 考点:考查答语的用法。 I wonder _ achieve a balance between my schoolwork and my hobbies. A how can I B how I can C what can I D what I can 答案: B 试题分析:句意:我想知道在我的学习和爱好之间怎样保持平衡。不管什么类型的宾语从句,总是用陈述语序,即:从句的连接词后是主语、谓语、宾

10、语的语序,从句的时态要与 主句的时态保持一致。结合句意,故选 B 考点:考查宾语从句的用法。 Mother wants to spend some time chatting with me _ she is very busy every day. A and B or C but D so 答案: C 试题分析:句意:妈妈想要每天花些时间和我聊聊天,但是她每天都很忙。 A. and和,又,而; B. or或者; C. but但是; D. so所以。结合句意,故选 C。 考点:考查连词的用法。 Our teacher often asks us _ questions in groups.

11、A discuss B discussed C discussing D to discuss 答案: D 试题分析:句意:我们老师经常让我们在小组内讨论问题。 Ask sb. To do.让某人干某事。结合句意,故选 D 考点:考查动词的用法。 In a green school, everyone agrees to be _ about the environment. A careful B honest C nervous D rude 答案: A 试题分析:句意:在一所绿色学校,关于环境每个人都得当心结合些。 A. careful 小心的,仔细的, B. honest 诚实的; C

12、. nervous 紧张的; D. rude 粗鲁的。句意,故选 A 考点:考查形容词的用法。 Neither John nor I _ good at football. We hope to practice it well. A be B am C is D are 答案: B 试题分析:句意:我和约翰都不擅长踢足球。我们希望练习好足球。neithernor, 既不 也不 , either or, 或者 或者 ,如果连接的是主语,谓语动词与较近的名词保持一致,即就近原则。 both and , 和 都,作主语表示复数。结合句意,故选 B 考点:考查主谓一致的用法。 Lisa was so

13、 careless that she made many spelling _ in her homework. A plans B jokes C grades D mistakes 答案: D 试题分析:句意:丽萨是如此粗心以至于她的作业犯了很多拼写错误。 A. plans计划; B. jokes笑话; C. grades 成绩; D. mistakes错误。结合句意,故选 D 考点:考查名词的用法。 _ fine weather today! Why not go out for a walk A How B How a C What D What a 答案: C 试题分析:句意:今天的

14、天气真好!为什么不出去散步呢? 1 how + 形容词 /副词 + 主语 +系动词 /动词。 2 what+名词 /名词词组 +主语 +系动词 /动词。 Weather是不可数名词。结合句意,故选 C 考点:考查感叹句的用法。 Tom, supper is ready. I dont want to eat_ , Mum. Im not feeling well. A anything B everything C something D nothing 答案: A 试题分析:句意:汤姆,晚饭准备好了。妈妈,我不想吃任何东西,我感觉不舒服。这四个单词后面跟谓语动词时,都用动词的第三人称单数表示

15、。 anything一般用于否定句和疑问句中; something则用在肯定句中。 everything 以单数形式表达所有的概念; nothing 则表示什么都没有。结合句意,故选 A。 考点:考查代词的用法。 My mother is ill in hospital. I have to _ my grandparents at home. A look after B look for C look up D look out 答案: A 试题分析:句意:我妈妈生病住院了。我必须在家里照顾爷爷奶奶。 A. look after照顾; B. look for寻找; C. look up在(

16、字典等)中查找; D. look out当心。结合句意,故选 A 考点:考查动词短语。 I cant find my pen. Could you help_ find it A her B him C me D them 答案: C 试题分析:句意:我找不到我的钢笔了。你能帮我找到吗? A. her 她; B. him 他; C. me 我; D. them他们。结合句意,故选 C 考点:考查代词的用法。 Our classroom is so clean. It _ every day. A cleaned B was cleaned C cleans D is cleaned 答案: D

17、 试题分析:句意:我们的教室真干净。它每天被打扫。被动语态表示主语是动作的承受者,即行为动作的对象。被动语态由 “助动词 be及物动词的过去分词 ”构成。一般现在时的被动语态构成为 am/is/are+动词的过去分词,结合句意,故选 D。 考点:考查被动语态的用法。 Do you like seeing a movie on your mobile phone No. I _ do that because it makes me uncomfortable. A always B often C seldom D usually 答案: C 试题分析:句意:你喜欢用你的手机看电影吗?不,我几

18、乎不那样做,因为它使我不舒服。 A. always 总是,一直; B. often经常; C. seldom很少,罕见; D. usually通常。结合句意,故选 C 考点:考查副词的用法。 The workers will build a new railroad_ the two cities. A among B between C beyond D During 答案: B 试题分析:句意:工人们将要在这两个城市之间修一条铁路, A. among在三 者或三者以上之间; B. between 在两者之间; C. beyond 在远处; D. During在 期间。结合句意,故选 B 考

19、点:考查副词的用法。 完型填空 Peter was on holiday in a small fishing village near the sea. One day, he saw a localtaking the fish out of his boat while he was walking the beach. Peter asked how long it took the fisherman to fish every day. “Just hours.” “Why dont you work and catch more fish ” asked Peter. “I ha

20、ve for my family.” “How do you the rest of your day ” “I play with my children, time with my wife, and visit my friends and play cards.” Peter explained Jack worked longer and caught more fish, he could make more money. the money, Jack could buy more boats and catch more fish. By selling the fish, J

21、ack could open his own . “Then what ” “Youll probably have to move to the city to the company. Finally, you can sell your company and make dollars,” replied Peter. “ do I have to spend ” “At least fifteen years. ” “Then ” “Oh, thats the best. Then you can retire (退休 ), buy a near the sea, play with

22、your children, spend more time with your wife, see your friends and play cards,” Peter said. 【小题1】 A businessman B policeman C fisherman D tourist A across B along C inside D outside A a few B a little C a bit of D a lot of A shortest B longest C shorter D longer A some B enough C none D nothing A p

23、lay with B share with C do with D deal with A spend B take C pay D cost A if B that C how D who A Under B By C with D without A library B school C factory D cinema A buy B sell C thank D run A hundreds of B millions of C a little D a few A How old B How often C How long D How soon A when B what C wh

24、ere D how A factory B boat C house D company 答案:【小题 1】 C 【小题 2】 B 【小题 3】 A 【小题 4】 D 【小题 5】 B 【小题 6】 D 【小题 7】 A 【小题 8】 A 【小题 9】 C 【小题 10】 C 【小题 11】 D 【小题 12】 B 【小题 13】 C 【小题 14】 B 【小题 15】 C 试题分析:这篇短文主要讲了一天当彼得沿着海滩散步时,他看到一个当地的渔民在把鱼从船里弄出来,他给渔民设想怎样挣更多的钱。 【小题 1】考查名词及语境的理解。一天当他沿着海滩散步时,他看到一个当地的渔民在把鱼从船里弄出来,

25、A. businessman商人; B. policeman警察; C. fisherman渔民; D. tourist旅行者。根据句意,在把 鱼从船里弄出来。 故选 .C。 【小题 2】考查介词及语境的理解。一天当他沿着海滩散步时,他看到一个当地的渔民在吧鱼从船里弄出来。 A. across穿过; B. along 沿着; C. inside 在 里面; D. outside在 外面。故选 B。 【小题 3】考查形容词及语境的理解。彼得问打鱼花费渔民多长时间, A a few一些,几个; B, a little 一点; C.a bit of一点; D. a lot of很多。 little和

26、 a little修饰不可数名词 few和 a few修饰可数名词 little和 few强调少,表示否定的含义, a little和 a few强调有一些表示肯定的含义,故选 A。 【小题 4】考查形容词及语境的理解。渔民说仅几个小时。 A.shortest最短的;B. longest最长的; C. shorter 较短的; D.longer较长的。两者比较用比较级,故选 D。 【小题 5】考查形容词及语境的理解。为什么你不工作更长的时间抓更多的鱼呢?我家吃足够了。 A some 一些; B. enough足够的; C. none一个也没有; D. nothing什么都没有。故选 B。 【小

27、题 6】考查动词及语境的 理解。你剩余的时间干什么呢? A.play with和 玩; B. share with 和 分享; C. do with应对,处理; D. deal with 应对处理。 Deal with与特殊疑问词 how连用, do with与特殊疑问词 what连用。根据句意,故选 D。 【小题 7】考查动词及语境的理解。我和孩子们玩,和妻子一起度过。去看望朋友,打牌。 A spend度过; B.take 花费; C. pay付钱; D. cost花费。故选 A 【小题 8】考查名词及语境的理解。彼得解释如果杰克工作更长时间抓更多的鱼,就能挣更多钱。 A if是否; B.

28、that在宾语从句中不充当句子成分; C how 怎样; D. who谁,故选 A。 【小题 9】考查介词及语境的理解。彼得解释如果杰克工作更长时间抓更多的鱼,就能挣更多钱。 A Under在 下; B By通过; C. with用; D. without没有。故选 C。 【小题 10】考查名词及语境的理解。通过卖鱼,杰克就可以开自己的公厂。A.library图书馆; B. school 学校; C.factory工厂; D. cinema电影院。故选 C。 【小题 11】考查动词及语境的理解。 你可能必须去城市经营你的公司。 A buy;B.sell卖 ; C.thank感谢; D.run运

29、转,故选 D. 【小题 12】考查数词及语境的理解。最终你可以卖掉你的公司,挣好几百万。A. hundreds of 数以百计的; B.millions of 成百万成百万的; C. a little一点; D a few一些,几个。故选 B。 【小题 13】考查形容词及语境的理解。我得花费多长时间? A How old 多大? B. How often 多久一次; C. How long 多长时间; D.How soon多久以 后。故选C。 【小题 14】考查疑问词及语境的理解。然后会发生什么事? A when何时;B.what 什么; C. where在哪; D.how怎样。故选 B。 【

30、小题 15】考查时态及语境的理解。然后你可以退休,在海边买所房子。 A factory工厂; B. boat船; C. house房子; D.company公司。故选 C。 考点:故事类短文。 阅读理解 Have you ever wondered what an American high school is really like This article will describe a typical (典型的 ) high school and its students. A typical American high school has several large building

31、s and enough space for about 1,500 students. Every student is given a locker. When students first arrive at school, they go straight to their lockers to put away or get their textbooks and to hang up their outdoor clothes. As American textbooks are expensive, students would rather loan(租借 ) than buy

32、 them. Students must pay back if they lost any of them. American students have different types of school transport. They usually take a yellow school bus or walk to school if they live close enough. Sometimes their parents drive them to school. When they turn 16 years of age, most take a free drivin

33、g class at school for one term. If students earn passing grades in the class and also pass their state drivers exam, they can begin driving themselves to school. Each day, students take six or seven classes. They must take science, math, English and social studies. They can choose art, homemaking, f

34、ashion design and other classes. In some schools students are required to take one or more of the following special classes: health education, physical education or foreign language studies. Students move to different classrooms for each subject. This is because each teacher has their own classroom.

35、 There is a five-minute break between classes, to give the students the time to hurry to their next class. The regular school day usually ends early in the afternoon. After school more than half of the students are involved in after-school activities. These activities include sports-especially footb

36、all, basketball, baseball and soccer or clubs, such as yearbook, speech, school newspaper, photograph or student government. Title: 【小题 1】 in an American High School Outline Details Introduction It gives an overview of a typical American high school and its 【小题 2】 . Lockers and textbooks Every stude

37、nt has a locker for textbooks and 【小题 3】 clothes. They prefer loaning textbooks to 【小题 4】 them. 【小题 5】 transport Students usually go to school by bus or on foot. Sometimes their【小题 6】 send them to school by car. They can 【小题 7】 themselves to school when they are over 16 and have passed the required

38、tests. Classes and classrooms Students have to take main classes, elective classes and sometimes one or more 【小题 8】 classes. They go to 【小题 9】 classrooms for each subject. After-school After school most of the students take 【小题 10】 in their activities faviourite activities, including sports and club

39、s. 答案: What do you think of black cats Are they unluckier than cats of other colors Many people in Western countries think so. Scientists at the University of California, Berkeley (UC Berkeley), did a study on cat colours and peoples understandings of cat personalities. The study found that people d

40、o judge(判断 ) cat personalities by color. Scientists did a survey on the Internet. There were 49 statements (描述 ) matching five cat colorings with 10 personalities. People think orange and bi-coloured (双色的 ) cats are friendly, tri-coloured (三色的 ) cats are not generous, and white cats are calm, lazy a

41、nd shy. As for black cats, people think they dont have special personalities. But why do so many people dislike keeping black cats as pets People think black cats have less special personalities, which might be because of their bad reputation (口碑 ). They think black cats may bring bad luck, especial

42、ly at Halloween. Movies and television shows also make people believe that. Although people have these ideas, UC Berkeley scientists give another reason: people dont think black cats are pretty enough. After all, nothing can show black cats are unluckier than other cats. “You cant judge a cat by its

43、 colour, because its the personality of the cat, not the colour, that will let you know if the cat is right for you,” Cathy Marden, a scientist said. 【小题 1】 Many people in Western countries may think black cats are . A lovely animals B a sign of bad luck C a sign of good luck D unfriendly animals 【小

44、题 2】 The main idea of paragraph 2 is that . A people often complain about black cats on the Internet B people think cats of different colours have different personalities C black cats are less popular than other cats D the study is a great success 【小题 3】 According to the study, people think that . A

45、 black cats have special personalities B orange and bi-coloured cats are generous C cats with three colours are friendly D white cats are calm, lazy and shy 【小题 4】 People dont like black cats for the following reasons EXCEPT . A black cats often appear in TV shows B black cats bring bad luck to peop

46、le C black cats have bad reputations D they dont think black cats are beautiful 【小题 5】 The passage mainly talks about . A why black cats are popular in movies B why people are not willing to keep black cats as pets C different colour cats have different personalities D different people have differen

47、t ideas on black cats 答案: Cormorant fishing(鸬鹚捕鱼 ) is a traditional Chinese skill, probably more than a thousand years old. Cormorants are large, black birds, which are good at catching fish. They can dive down 25 meters, and stay under water for up to two minutes. A fisherman usually goes on a fishing trip on a bamboo boat with his birds. When he reaches the right place, he stops. A piece of grass is tied around the neck of each bird, so that the fish wont go down into its stomach. He pushes the birds into the water, and then b


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