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1、2014届河南原阳第一初级中学模拟 3英语试卷与答案(带解析) 其他 补全对话( 5小题,每小题 2分,共 10分) 根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话的意义连贯、完整。 A: Hi, Bob! 【小题 1】 _ B: Go swimming this afternoon That sounds interesting. But I have to spend the rest of the day in the library. I have some homework to be finished by new team starting. A: Oh, 【小题 2

2、】 _ B: Yes, I have to finish writing a composition. A: 【小题 3】 _ B: Its about the Spring Festival. Its a little difficult. And besides, we are asked to read it in the first Chinese class. A: You know, I have been doing well in composition. 【小题 4】 _. B: Oh, great! Thank you! A: If you like, we can sta

3、rt writing after we come back from swimming. B: OK. 【小题 5】 _ A: Lets meet in the front of the library at 2:00 this afternoon. B: Great. See you! 答案:【小题 1】 Would you like go swimming this afternoon 【小题 2】 is that for Mr Smiths class 【小题 3】 Whats it about 【小题 4】 I can help you a lot 【小题 5】 When and wh

4、ere shall we meet 试题分析: 【小题 1】根据下文可知本句应该是建议下午去游泳。 【小题 2】根据下文答语 “Yes”,可知应该是一般疑问句,根据语境可 以问 is that for Mr Smiths class 【小题 3】根据答语它是关于春节的,可知应该问它是关于什么的。 【小题 4】根据答语 “Thank you!”以及下文可知他愿意帮助 Bob. 【小题 5】根据下文可知应该问时间和地点。 考点 :补全对话。 People may have many different types of hobbies during their lifetime. When we

5、are very young, most of our time is spent playing with toys. _【小题 1】 _ Some kids go out for a sport like football or skating. Some might get interested in quiet activities like reading, painting, or stamp collecting. _【小题 2】 _ As we get older, our hobbies might change or not. Some people who collect

6、ed stamps as a child might still be collecting stamps when they are 80. _【小题 3】 _ Some people are lucky that they have found jobs that are close to their hobbies, like the kid who loves computers and becomes a programmer. What are the most popular hobbies in the world Some of the most popular hobbie

7、s include watching TV or videos, reading books, magazines and newspapers, playing a musical instrument, singing or listening to music. _【小题 4】 _ There are also many people who like to join sports clubs where they practice basketball, volleyball or swimming. _【小题 5】 _ A hobby is mainly to give yourse

8、lf an enjoyable break from your everyday work or school. It is something you should do for yourself. 根据材料内容,从方框中选择所缺句子填入文中空缺处,使短文内容完整、正确。 A. Why do people have hobbies B. When we get older, we start to pursue (追求 ) our first hobbies. C. Traveling is also a popular hobby. D. Other people might change

9、 their interests every year depending on fashion. E. While some others might enjoy playing an instrument like the piano or the guitar. 答案:【小题 1】 B 【小题 2】 E 【小题 3】 D 【小题 4】 C 【小题 5】 A 试题分析:人们在业余时间可能有许多不同的爱好。年轻时花费时间玩玩具。长大后开始追求自己的爱好。有的人的爱好不随着年龄的增长而变化,其他人可能每年按照时尚改变自己的兴趣。爱好主要是为了给自己在日常工作或学校生活中愉快的休息时间。它是每个

10、人都应该为自己做的。 【小题 1】前面一句说我们小时候大部分时间都用于玩玩具,后面列举了不同人的一些爱好,所以应该选 B,当我们大点的时候开始追求自己的爱好,起承上启下的作用。 【小题 2】前面两句是列举人的各种爱好, E选项与前面两句并列,同时其他人可能喜欢玩乐器像钢琴或吉他。 【小题 3】前一句讲一些人可能直到 80岁仍然集邮,讲的是他们对兴趣爱好的坚持, D选项是讲其他人可能每年按照时尚改变自己的兴趣。 【小题 4】本段列举了许多流行的爱好,根据语境选 C,旅游也是一种流行的爱好。 【小题 5】最后一段后面讲的是爱好的作用,根据语境选 A,人们为什么有爱好。 考点 :社会类阅读。 单项选

11、择 * Whats the radio saying, Jack Oh, _ meteorolite( 陨 石 ) attacked _ earth and it fell down in Russia on February 15, 2013. A a; the B the; a C a; a D the; the 答案: A 试题分析:句意:杰克,收音机里说什么?哦, 2013年 2月 15日一块陨石撞击了地球并落在了俄罗斯。一块陨石,用冠词 a;地球为宇宙中独一无二的事物,故选 A。 考点 :考查冠词。 Can you tell me _ He is outgoing and frien

12、dly. A what your brother likes B what your brother is like C what does your brother look like D how does your brother like it 答案: B 试题分析:句意:你能告诉我你的哥哥是什么样吗?他外向而且友好。从句要用陈述语序,排除 C、 D两项,答应为描述外貌,故选 B。 考点 :考查宾语从句。 Why do you like the panda best in this zoo Because its the only animal _ comes from China. A

13、 what B that C who D / 答案: B 试题分析:句意:你为什么最喜欢这个动物园的熊猫?因为它是唯一来自中国的。关系词在从句中作主语,故不能省略;当先行词为物时,关系词用 that或 which。故选 B。 考点 :考查定语从句。 I cant tell when that house _ exactly, but it must be very long ago. A is built B will build C was built D has built 答案: C 试题分析:句意:我不能准确地说那个房子什么时候建的,但是它一定是很久以前。房子被建立,用被动语态, lo

14、ng ago为过去时间状语,故选 C。 考点 :考查被动语态。 Whos singing in the next room It _ be her. She has gone to New York. A cant B must C shouldnt D can 答案: A 试题分析:句意:谁在隔壁房间唱歌?一定不是她。她去纽约了。表示否定推测时,用 cant,意为 “一定不 ” 。 must表示推测时,意为 “一定 ” ,用于肯定句;根据答语 “她已经去了纽约 ”可知是否定推测,故选 A。 考点 :考查情态动词表推测。 What about going skating this aftern

15、oon, Sam I would rather _ at home than _ skating on such a cold day. A stay; go B stay; going C to stay; to go D to stay; going 答案: A 试题分析:句意:山姆,下午去滑冰怎么样?这么冷的天我宁愿待在家里也不去滑冰。 would rather do than do意为 “宁愿 也不 ” 。故选 A 考点 :考查非谓语动词用法。 Where are your parents, Leo They are in Europe for shopping. They_ ther

16、e for two weeks. A arrived B has got C has gone D has been 答案: D 试题分析:句意: Leo,你父母在哪儿?他们在欧洲购物。他们已经去那儿两个星期了。句子中有 for引导的延续一段时间的时间状语,故用延续性动词,根据句意还没回来,选 D。 考点 :考查时态。 What did the teacher ask you to do just now She said “Each student must _ a composition once a week.” A hand in B put up C look over D hand

17、 out 答案: A 试题分析:句意:老师刚刚要求你做什么?她说 “每个学生必须每周交一篇作文。 ”hand in“上交 ”, put up“挂起 ”, look over“检查 (身体 )”, hand out“分发 ”。根据题意选 A。 考点 :考查动词词组辨析。 I hope the summer vacation will come soon. _. Its really relaxing. A So I did B So I do C So did I D So do I 答案: D 试题分析:句意:我希望暑假快点来。我也一样。它真的很轻松。 “So + be动词(助动词,情态动词)

18、 + 主语 ”意为 “ 也是一样 ”或 “ 情况相同 ”;如果前面的情况为否定,则后面需要用 “Neither(Nor) + be动词(情态动词,助动词) +主语 ”,意为 “ 也不 ”。使用全部倒装句型时时态要前后保持一致,但是主语不同。在本题中,根据答句中 “它真的非常轻松 ”可判定答语表示 “我也希望 ”,故选 D。 考点 :考查倒装。 I hear Li Yuan wants to be a cosmonette( 女 宇航员 ) like Liu Yang. Its difficult for her. But I think she can _ her goal after wor

19、k hard. A finish B return C pass D achieve 答案: D 试题分析:句意:我听说李元想成为像刘洋一样的女宇航员。这对她来说是困难的。但是我想努力工作后她能实现目标。成为宇航员属于难度比较大的愿望,故选 D“实现 ”她的目标。 考点 :考查动词辨析。 Have you seen Lin Fen g these days I saw him yesterday evening. He _ basketball with other boys. A has played B is playing C would play D was playing 答案: D

20、 试题分析:句意:你这些天见林枫了吗?我昨天晚上见他了。他正与其他男孩打篮球。本题强调的是昨天晚上正在进行的动作,故用过去进行时。选 D。 考点 :考查时态。 _ it rained heavily this morning, nobody in our class missed the lesson. A Even though B Until C Ever since D Because 答案: A 试题分析:句意:尽管今早上雨下得很大,我们班也没人缺席上课。故选 A“即使,尽管 ”。 考点 :考查连词。 Its reported that doing eye exercises is n

21、o use for students. But I hear you have to do it every day. Youre right. But its one of the _ in my school. A plans B hobbies C rules D orders 答案: C 试题分析:句意:报道说做眼保健操对学生没用。但是我听说你每天做。对啊。但是它是我们学校的一项制度,根据句意选 C。 考点 :考查名词词义辨析。 That old woman lives alone. But she refuses others help and does everything by

22、_. A her B herself C she D hers 答案: B 试题分析:句意:那个女人独自生活。但是她拒绝别人的帮助并依靠自己做一切事情。 by oneself意为 “依靠某人自己 ”。 故选 B 考点 :考查代词。 The doctor told me not to drink too much but I find it difficult. The doctor is right. _ you drink, _ you will be. A the less; the healthier B the more; the healthier C the less; the u

23、nhealthier D the more; the healthiest 答案: A 试题分析:句意: -医生告诉我不要喝太多,但我发现它很困难。 -医生是对的。你喝的越少就越健康。 “the+比较级, the+比较级 ”表示 “越 ,越 ” 。根据题意选择 A项符合要求。 考点 :考查形容词比较级。 完型填空 完形填空( 10小题,每小题 1分,共 10分) 先通读短文,掌握其大意,然后从 A、 B、 C、 D四个选项中 选出一个可以填入相应空白处的最佳答案:。 My name is Chelsea Chowderhead. Chowder is a kind of soup. I was

24、 a lot because of my last name as soon as I started school. So when my family moved to Washington, I asked my dad if I could change my . “You shouldnt change who you are. Let people get to know first and the name later. When you meet someone , ask him a good question, something youre really interest

25、ed in. people start talking about themselves, they dont judge you.” I went to my new school. At lunch, I found that there were twin brothers. I remembered my dads , so I decided to try. “Whats it like being a twin ” I asked. They looked . Then one said, “No one has ever asked us that!” “Most of the

26、time its good,” the other said. Soon we were and talking. Then one said, “Im Nicholas, and this is my brother, Nathaniel. Whats your name ” I took a deep breath and said, “Im Chelsea Chowderhead.” “Chowder 9 the soup ” asked Nathaniel. “Yes,” I replied, down. “Hey, cool! Do you want to come over aft

27、er school and play basketball with us Nathaniel asked. I said yes. And that is how I made friends with the twin brothers. 【小题1】 A cared about B woken up C depended on D laughed at 【小题2】 A school B name C diet D hobby 【小题3】 A me B us C them D you 【小题4】 A new B lovely C friendly D young 【小题A Before B

28、When C Although D Unless 5】 【小题6】 A influence B experience C advice D decision 【小题7】 A sad B brave C angry D surprised 【小题8】 A waiting B laughing C dancing D smoking 【小题9】 A With B In C Like D On 【小题10】 A falling B putting C looking D turning 答案:【小题 1】 D 【小题 2】 B 【小题 3】 D 【小题 4】 A 【小题 5】 B 【小题 6】 C

29、【小题 7】 D 【小题 8】 B 【小题 9】 C 【小题 10】 C 试题分析:作者因为名字和一种汤的名字一样经常受到嘲笑。所以家搬到华盛顿时,问父亲自己是否可以改名字。父亲说不能,父亲建议他先让别人了解他的人再知道名字,刚遇到某个人时先问对方一个好的、感兴趣的问题,当人们开始谈论自己时就不会评判你。作者到新学校遇到一对双胞胎,尝试了父亲说的方法。后来和他们成了朋友。 【小题 1】考查动词词组辨析及对语境的理解。由上句可知作者的名字是一种汤名,从下句作者向父亲提出要改名,可知作者曾因名字受到过嘲笑,所以此处选 D。 【小题 2】考查名词辨析及对语境的理解。根据下文父亲的话可知作者是想改名。

30、故选 B 【小题 3】考查人称代词辨析及对语境的理解。由本小题的前一句可知父亲在和作者直接对话,所以选 D,指代作者。 【小题 4】考查形容词辨析及对语境的理解。由第一段可知作者刚刚搬家,会遇到一些以前没见过的人,所以选 A。 【小题 5】考查连词辨析及对语境的理解。本小题考查连词,由下文作者先聊天后告诉 名字的情节可以推断出,在对方谈论自己的时候,不会评判人,所以选 B。 【小题 6】考查名词辨析及对语境的理解。由上文可知,在作者进入新学校之前,父亲给作者说的话是一些建议,所以选 C。 【小题 7】考查形容词辨析及对语境的理解。由本小题后面的 No one has ever asked us

31、 that可知这对双胞胎对作者的问题感到惊讶 (surprised)。所以选 D 【小题 8】考查动词辨析及对语境的理解。由下文作者和双胞胎相处融洽可以推断出他们的交谈应该也是愉悦的, laughing符合此语境。所以选 B 【小题 9】考查 介词辨析及对语境的理解。由首段可知作者的名字是个汤名,此处 Nathaniel就是确认作者的名字是否是汤名,所以选 C。 【小题 10】考查动词辨析及对语境的理解。作者因为自己的名字曾受过嘲笑,所以告诉Nathaniel自己的名字后以为会遭到嘲笑,所以低下了头 (looking down)。 考点:故事类阅读。故选 C 阅读理解 Name Palace

32、Museum British Museum Hermitage Museum Metropolitan Museum of Art Location Beijing, China London, the UK Saint Petersburg, Russia New York, the USA Information The largest ancient palace with many kinds of collections in China One of the largest museums with collections of any time and any area in t

33、he world One of the largest and oldest museums with a large number of collections in the world The largest art museum in the USA with large collections of art from the USA and other countries Ticket 60 yuan (April 1st October 31st); 40 yuan (November 1st March 31st ) Free Foreign tourist: about 70 y

34、uan; Russian tourist: about 20 yuan About 200 yuan 【小题 1】 Jack wants to visit the Hermitage Museum. He should go to _. A Beijing B London C Saint Petersburg D New York 【小题 2】 How many museums have the collections of different countries A One. B Two. C Three. D Four. 【小题 3】 Mary wants to visit the Pa

35、lace Museum with her parents on January 1st. They should pay _ yuan. A 60 B 100 C 120 D 140 【小题 4】 Which of the following is TRUE according to the materials A Chinese tourists pay more than Russian tourists when they visit the Hermitage Museum. B Tourists dont have to pay when they visit the Metropo

36、litan Museum of Art. C The British Museum has the worlds largest art collection. D The Palace Museum isnt open on Mondays. 【小 题 5】 We may read the material from a _ magazine. A food B travel C sports D science 答案:【小题 1】 C 【小题 2】 C 【小题 3】 C 【小题 4】 A 【小题 5】 B 试题分析:本文介绍了故宫、大英博物馆、圣彼得堡艾米塔吉博物馆、大都会艺术博物馆四个博

37、物馆的位置、一些信息及门票价格。 【小题 1】细节理解题。根据表格中信息 Hermitage Museum在 Saint Petersburg内。 【小题 2】细节理解题。根据表格信息, Palace Museum只有中国的收藏品。 【小题 3】理解计算题。 January 1st的票价为 40元,故 40*3=120. 【小题 4】细节理解题。表格中有提示 “Foreign tourist: about 70 yuan; Russian tourist: about 20 yuan”。 【小题 5】推理判断题。从表格中可以清楚了解到有 museum的介绍,同时标有门票价格,故应该可以判断是一

38、本旅游杂志。 考点 :社会类阅读。 Without flowers, many plants would not be able to reproduce (繁殖 ) and many insects would not be able to get enough food to live. Here are some interesting facts about flowers plants. Most plants grow flowers each year, but some take much longer. The century plant (龙舌兰 ) grows only

39、one flower and then it dies! Even more amazing is a plant from South America called Puya raimondii. It doesnt grow a flower until it is 150 years old, and after that it dies, too. The smallest flowering plant in the world is thought to be the common watermeal (无根萍 ). Its leaves are only 1mm across!

40、Bamboo has amazing flowering habits. There are many different kinds of bamboo in the world. And they have different flowering habits. A few flower each year, but most wait much longer. What is amazing is that all bamboo of the same kind will flower almost at the same time, where it is 6 growing! Nob

41、ody knows why. The white flower of the Amazon water lily (睡莲 )is the size of a football, and the flower turns purple after it has been pollinated (授粉 ). The Caucasian lime can grow in Britain. Its flowers are poisonous to bees. If they touch the flowers, they will die. 【小题 1】 Which of the following

42、plants needs the longest time to grow flowers A The bamboo. B The watermeal. C The Puya raimondii. D The Caucasian lime. 【小题 2】 From the fourth paragraph we know that _. A bamboo is the most amazing plant in the world B all kinds of bamboo grow beautiful flowers every year C the flowers of a bamboo

43、is as large as the size of a football D the same kind of bamboo will grow flowers at the same time 【小题 3】 The Amazon water lilys white flowers can _. A change color B grow long C kill bees D attract insects 【小题 4】 The underlined word “poisonous” in the last paragraph means “_” in Chinese. A有香味的 B有毒的

44、 C有吸引力的 D有营养的 【小题 5】 Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage A Many insects get their food from flowers. B After growing a flower, the century plant will grow better. C The common watermeal has the smallest leaves in the world. D Bees will die if they touch the leaves of the Caucasia

45、n lime. 答案:【小题 1】 C 【小题 2】 D 【小题 3】 A 【小题 4】 B 【小题 5】 A 试题分析:没有花,许多植物将不能繁殖,而且许多昆虫将不能获得足够的食物来生活。文章介绍了几种花,如龙舌兰、无根萍、睡莲等。 【小题 1】细节理解题。文章第二段介绍了需要较长时间才能开花的植物,其中提到了 Puya raimondii,所以选 C。其它三项所列植物开花需要的最长时间均未提及。 【小题 2】细节理解题。由第四段中 “. all bamboos of the same kind will flower at exactly the same time, wherever t

46、hey are growing”可知选 D。 【小题 3】细节理解题。由第五段 “The white flower of the Amazon water lily is the size of a football, and the flower turns purple .”可知 the Amazon water lily可以从白色变成紫色,所以选A。 【小题 4】猜测词义题。第六段 “If they touch the flowers, they will die”中的 they指代的是 bees,the flowers指代的是 the Caucasian lime的花。蜜蜂碰到 the

47、 Caucasian lime的花就会死,说明 the Caucasian lime的花有毒,所以选 B。 【小题 5】推理判断题。由第一段 “. many insects would not be able to get enough food to liv”可知许多昆虫是以花朵 为食的,所以 A项表述正确。由第二段中 “The century plant grows only one flower after many years and then it dies可知 the century plant”开花后就会死亡,所以 B项表述不正确。由第三段中 “The smallest flow

48、ering plant . Its leaves are only 1mm across”推不出 the common watermeal的叶子是世界上最小的,所以 C项表述不正确;由最后一段的最后一句可知 ,蜜蜂碰到 the Caucasian lime的花会死,并不是 the Caucasian lime的叶子,所以 D项表述不正确。 考点 :科学类阅读。 I had never really liked reading and thought it was a waste of time. But once my teacher told our class to go to the library and


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