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1、2014届浙江省慈溪市初级中学九年级 11月月考英语试卷与答案(带解析) 其他 请仔细阅读 71-74小题,从 A、 B、 C、 D中找出其相对应的标题,并回答第 75小题。 Its the most popular soft drink in our daily life, and its sold in almost every part of the world. From advertisements, Coke lovers already know that “its the real thing,” and that “Coke adds life.” But many peop

2、le who enjoy the taste of this well-known drink may not know it has many other uses. 【小题 1】 Coca- Cola is an ideal household cleaner. You can use it to clean your toilet, your sink or your bathtub. You can clean pans with it. You can clean rust(锈 ) from a tool and insects from your car windows. Coke

3、 can get out oil and blood spots from clothes. It can even remove gum from your hair! 【小题 2】 Coca-Cola adds a nice flavor to many kinds of meat. Put Coke on beef or pork while cooking, and you will get a surprise! You can also even add it to the ingredients when making some desserts that have chocol

4、ate in them. Have a try! 【小题 3】 If you are not good with your stomach, Coca-Cola can make you feel much better. Just make sure the Coke is a little flat(没有气的 ). Got a sore throat Drink some Coca-Cola and keep them in your throat! 【小题 4】 Use Coke on your hair while washing to give it an extra shine.

5、Do you just give your skin some lotion every day Then mix a little Coke with it! Your skin will be smoother! So give Coke a try. If anything can do it, Coke can! 【小题 5】 Whats the best title of the passage A Coke, a Tasty Drink B Surprising Uses of a Popular Drink C The Importance of Coke D To Be Hea

6、lthy, to Be Away from Coke. 答案: 【小题 1】 D 【小 题 2】 C 【小题 3】 A 【小题 4】 B 【小题 5】 B 试题分析:这篇短文主要给我们讲述了可乐的一些让人意想不到的作用,如可乐可以用做清洁剂,可乐可以使肉的味道更美,可乐有助于健康,可乐可以使你更美丽等。 【小题 1】由这段的第二句话 Coca- Cola is an ideal household cleaner,可口可乐是一个理想的家用清洁剂,我们可以看到这一段主要讲述的是可乐的清洁作用,并且这一段中还举了一些例子告诉我们如何用可乐来清洁一些物品,故选 D,可乐可用于清洁。 【小题 2】根据

7、这一段的第一句话 Coca-Cola adds a nice flavor to many kinds of meat.,可乐可以给很多种的肉类增加好的味道,由此我们可以知道这一段是告诉我们可乐可以使食物的味道更好,故选 C,可乐可以使食物更美味。 【小题 3】这一段主要说的是,如果你的胃不好,或嗓子疼,喝点可乐可以减轻症状,故这一段的主要内容为可乐有助于健康。故选 A。 【小题 4】这一段主要讲的是可乐可以使你的头发更闪亮,使你的皮肤更光滑,故可乐可以使你变得更美丽,故选 B。 【小题 5】主旨大意题。这篇短文主要给我们讲述了可乐的一些让人意 想不到的作用,如可乐可以用做清洁剂,可乐可以使肉

8、的味道更美,可乐有助于健康,可乐可以使你更美丽等。故这篇短文的最好标题就是 Surprising Uses of a Popular Drink,一种流行的饮料的让人惊奇的作用。这种饮料就是可乐。故选B。 考点:任务型阅读。 单项选择 * - _ lovely weather! - Yes! Just right for walking. A What B What a C How D How a 答案: A 试题分析:句意 : -多好的天气啊! -是的,很适合去散步。本题考查的是感叹句。感叹句中我们经常用的两个词, what 和 how,他们各有两个句型。 what +a/an + adj.

9、+名词 或 what + adj. + 名词; how +adj. +a/an + 名词 或 how + adj./adv.。因为该句中 weather 是一个不可数名词,故用 what 。故选 A。 考点:考查感叹句。 I think we can dance to Gangnam Style instead of doing morning exercises every morning. _. Its more suitable for adults, not for us students. A I think so. B Sounds great. C It doesnt matte

10、r. D I disagree. 答案: D 试题分析:句意 : -我认为我们每天早上可以跳江南 style 来代替做早操。 -我不同意。那更适合成年人,不适合我们学生。根据第二人的答语,我们可以知道他并不同意第一个人的看法,故选 D。 I think so 我也这样认为; Sounds good 听起来不错; It doesnt matter 没关系。 考点:考查情景交际。 Whats Toms dream Toms dream is to trek the jungle, but Jack would like to sail the ocean. A through, through B

11、 through, across C across, across D across, through 答案: B 试题分析:句意 : -Tom的梦想是什么? -Tom的梦想是徒步穿过丛林,但是 Jack想要航行穿过大洋。 through 穿过,指从物体的中间穿过; across 穿过,指在物体的表面穿过。根据句意可知选 B。 考点:考查介词。 Could you tell me In Brazil. It is the first country to hold the Games in South Americ a. A where the 2016 Olympic Games will

12、be held B when will the 2016 Olympic Games be held C when the 2016 Olympic Games will be held D where will the 2016 Olympic Games be held 答案: A 试题分析:句意 : -你能告诉我 2016年奥运会将在哪里举行吗? -在巴西。这是南美洲第一个举行奥运会的国家。这个题考查的是宾语从句,在 could you tell me 后跟了一个宾语从句,在宾语从句中要用陈述语序,故我们可以排除 B和 D两项; C选项引导词 when 不对,因为这个问题的答语是 in

13、Brazil,是一个地点,不是时间,故 C不对。故选 A。 考点:考查宾语从句。 Theres too much work to do this month. Dont worry. Lets a plan first. Then we can complete all work well. A think up B come on C think up with D come on with 答案: A 试题分析:句意 : -这个月有太多的工作要做。 -别担心,让我们先想出一个计划,然后我们就能把所有的工作完成好。 think up 想出; come on 快点,加油 ;C、 D 两项不成立

14、,故选 A。 考点:考查动词短语。 Whose book is this It must belong . A Diana B Dianas C to Diana D to Dianas 答案: C 试题分析:句意 : -这是谁的书? -它一定是属于 Diana的。 belong to 是一个固定短语,属于某人,在这个短语的后面应该使用人称代词的宾格形式,或直接跟人名,不能用物主代词或名词所有格。故选 C。 考点:考查代词。 How do you spend your weekends At weekends I prefer _ at home to _ out. A staying, go

15、ing B stay, going C staying, to D to stay, go 答案: A 试题分析:句意 : -你周末怎样度过的? -周末我更喜欢呆在家里,不喜欢出去。prefer 更喜欢,它的句型是 prefer doing sth. to doing sth. 比起做 更喜欢做 。它的另一用法是 prefer to do sth. rather than do sth. 。故选 A。 考点:考查动词。 Whos that boy reading in the study Is it David It _ be David. I saw him go home just now

16、. A must B cant C may D shouldnt 答案: B 试题分析:句意 : -在书房里读书的那个男孩是谁?是 David吗? -不可能是David,我刚才看见他回家了。本题考查的是情态动词表示推测的用法。 must 一定,肯定,只能用在肯定句中,表示一个很有把握的推测; cant 不可能,语气较强,用在否定句中; may 可能,可以用在肯定或否定句中,语气较弱;shouldnt 不应该。根据题意,说话人觉得那个人不可能是 David,故选 B。 考点:考查情态动词。 What _ you Im _ of b eing left alone in the house. A

17、terrify, terrified B terrified, terrifying C terrifies, terrified D terrifies, terrifying 答案: C 试题分析:句意 :-什么东西吓到了你? -我害怕被一个人留在家里。 terrify 是一个动词,后面可直接跟人来做宾语, “使某人害怕 ”;他的形容词是 terrified 或terrifying ,前者修饰人,后者修饰物。且 be terrified of 是一个固定短语,害怕 。故选 C。 考点:考查动词和形容词。 What in Yuyao Ningbo this time yesterday I

18、hear it was raining heavily and soon there was a big flood there. A happened B was happened C was happening D is happening 答案: C 试题分析:句意 : -昨天的这个时候宁波的余姚发生了什么? -我听说那里下了很大的雨,很快洪水就泛滥了。根 据句中的时间状语 this time yesterday 昨天的这个时候,我们可知,这句话应该用过去进行时,表示过去某个时刻正在发生的事情。故选 C。 happen 发生,不用于被动语态,故 B不对。 考点:考查动词时态。 Mum,

19、I watch TV now No, you finish your homework first. A may, need B can, have to C do, must D may , must 答案: B 试题分析:句意 : -妈妈,现在我可以看电视吗? -不,你必须先完成你的家庭作业。 may 或 can 可以表示征求别人的许可; need 需要; have to 必须,不得不;must 必须;根据句意可知选 B。 考点:考查情态动词。 Your English teacher is so popular with students. - You are right! Jennif

20、ers nice to us all. Shes _ a teacher _ a friend for us. A not only; but also B both; and C either; or D neither; nor 答案: A 试题分析:句意 : 你的英语老师这么受学生们的欢迎啊。 -你是对的。 Jennifer 对我们大家都很好,她对我们来说既是一个老师也是一个朋友。 not only but also 不仅 而且; bothand 两者都; eitheror 或者 或者; neithernor 既不 也不。根据句意选 A。 考点:考查并列连词。 Can you under

21、stand me Sorry. I can _ underst and what youve said. A nearly B easily C hardly D exactly 答案: C 试题分析:句意 : -你能明白我吗? -对不起,我几乎不明白你所说的话。根据第二人的答语 sorry 我们可以知道,他并没有明白第一个人所说的话,因此该空我们应该用表示否定意思的词。 nearly 几乎; easily 容易的; hardly 几乎不;exactly 准确的。根据句意可知选 C。 考点:考查副词。 - _ to a Disneyland Park - No, never. But ther

22、e will soon be one in Shanghai. It will be much more convenient for us to have fun there. A Have you gone B Have you been C Did you go D Will you go 答案: B 试题分析:句意 :-你去过迪斯尼乐园吗? -没有,从来没去过。但是上海很快就有一家了。我们去那里游乐就比较方便了。 have been to 去过某个地方,表示去了又回来了; have gone to 去了,表示去了但还没回来。 C选项是一般过去时,不符合句意; D选项是将来时,也不符合句

23、意。故选 B。 考点:考查时态。 _ is said that _ tourists Geyuan Garden every day. A That, thousands of B This, three thousand C It, five thousand of D It, thousands of 答案: D 试题分析:句意 : 据说每天来个园的游客有成千上万。 it is said that 据说,是一个固定句型,其中 It是形式主语, that 引导的是主语从句; thousands of 成千上万的,后跟可数名词。故选 D。 考点:考查代词和数词。 完型填空 Shaking It

24、 Off One day, a farmers donkey fell into a dry well(井 ). The poor animal cried for hours before his finally found him. The farmer tried hard to pull him out from the well but failed. He felt for the donkey but after carefully thinking about the situation, he that he would save neither the donkey nor

25、 the well. Since the donkey was too and it was not worth(值得) the trouble of saving. So he invited his neighbors to help him bury(埋葬 ) the old donkey in the _ so that it would make him end his pain. many people coming to help, the old donkey was excited at first. As they began to scoop the dirt into

26、the well with shovels(铲子 ), he soon what was happening. He felt upset and cried sadly again. As the farmer and his neighbors continued throwing the dirt on his , he suddenly had a good idea. Some time later, when the farmer finally looked down into the well, he was surprised at what he saw: the dirt

27、 landed on his back, he would shake it off and take a step up! Soon, everyone was amazed when the donkey stepped over the edge of the well and ran away quickly! It seemed that it would him at first, but it actually helped him later because of the manner in which he faced his adversity(逆境 ). That is

28、life! Just like the donkey, life is going to throw dirt on us, all kinds of dirt. we face our problems in an active way, and refuse to to any trouble, each dirt is like a stepping stone with which we get out of the deepest wells. This is a key one of the secrets of life. stop and never give up. Succ

29、ess is just in its way. 【小题1】 A neighbor B owner C relative D kid A sorry B lucky C dangerous D worried A complained B decided C agreed D meant A strong B tall C old D poor A water B hole C well D house A Heard B Hearing C To hear D Hears A realized B remembered C discovered D found A leg B stomach

30、C tail D back A any time B every time C one time D some time A angrily B heavily C proudly D sadly A save B bother C fill D bury A as soon as B as long as C as far as D as well as A give up B give out C give in D give off A to B of C on D from A Always B Never C Sometimes D Hardly 答案: 【小题 1】 B 【小题 2

31、】 A 【小题 3】 B 【小题 4】 C 【小题 5】 C 【小题 6】 B 【小题 7】 A 【小题 8】 D 【小题 9】 B 【小题 10】 C 【小题 11】 D 【小题 12】 B 【小题 13】 C 【小题 14】 A 【小题 15】 B 试题分析:这篇短文为我们讲述了一个故事。一个农民的驴掉进了一个干枯的井里,在经过努力但是还是不能把它就出来之后,这个农民放弃了,他觉得这头驴已经老了,没什么用了,所以他想干脆就把它埋在井里。很多人过来帮忙,但是令人惊奇的是,他们扔进井了的土不断的被驴踩在脚下,这样越来越高,最后这只驴竟然从井里出来了。作者通过这个故事告诉我们,生活中我们身处逆境

32、的时候不要放弃,也许成功很快就会到来。 【小题 1】考查名词及语境的理解。句意:在它的主人发现它之前这只可怜的动物已经叫了几个小时。根据文章的第一句话, a farmers donkey ,一个农民的驴,我们可以知道这头驴是这个农夫的,故农夫是它的主人, owner 主人。neighbor 邻居; relative 亲戚; kid小孩。根据句意可知选 B。 【小题 2】考查形容词及语境的理解。句意:但是在仔细的考虑了情势之后,他为这头驴感到抱歉。由下面的文意可知,农夫打算放弃救这头驴,所以应该是为它感到抱歉。 sorry 抱歉; lucky 幸运的; dangerous 危险的; worrie

33、d担心的。根据文意可知选 A。 【小题 3】考查动词及语境的理解。句意:但是在仔细的考虑了情势之后,他不会救这头驴,他为这头驴感到抱歉。 complain 抱怨; decide 决定; agree 同意;mean意思是。根据句意,在仔细考虑了情势之后,他决定不救这头驴。故选 B。 【小题 4】考查形容词及语境的理解。句意:因为这头驴太老了,不值得费劲来救它。 strong 强壮的; tall 高的; old 老的; poor穷的。根据文意可知,农夫不打算救这头驴,可见是这头驴已经老了,对农夫来说已经 没有什么用处了,所以才会不救它。故选 C。 【小题 5】考查名词及语境的理解。句意:所以他就请

34、他的邻居帮忙把这头驴埋在井里来结束它的痛苦。根据文章的开头我们可以知道这头驴是掉进了井里,故这里农夫就打算直接将它埋在里面。 water 水; hole 洞; well 井; house 房子。根据文意可知选 C。 【小题 6】考查动词及语境的理解。句意:听到很多人来救它,这头老驴开始很兴奋。 hear 听见。这里用的是它的 ing形式,在句中做时间状语,并且它与该句的主语 the old donkey 构成主动的关系。故选 B。 【小题 7】 考查动词及语境的理解。句意:当他们开始用铲子往井里扔土的时候,它意识到发生了什么。 realize 意识到; remember 记得; discove

35、r 发现; find 发现,找到。根据文意,开始驴以为人们是来救它的,但是后来它意识到并不是这样。故选 A。 【小题 8】考查名词及语境的理解。句意:在农夫和他的邻居们继续往它的背上扔土的时候,它突然有了一个好主意。根据文意我们可知这头驴是在井里,农夫和邻居在井的外面,故他们扔下来的土会落在驴的背上。由下文 44空 the dirt landed on his back也可知 道。 leg 腿; stomach 肚子,胃; tail 尾巴; back 背。故选 D。 【小题 9】考查连词及语境的理解。句意:每次土落在它的背上的时候,它都会把它摇晃下来,踩在脚下,向上走一步。 every tim

36、e 每次 的时候,引导时间状语从句。 any time 任何时间; one time 一次; some time 一段时间,均不符合句意。故选 B。 【小题 10】考查副词及语境的理解。句意:很快,当驴自豪的走出井的边缘并且快速逃跑的时候,每个人都感到很惊讶。 angrily 生气地; heavily 重地;proudly 自豪地; sadly伤心地。这里驴拼着自己的智慧最终从井里出来了,所以应是自豪地。故选 C。 【小题 11】考查动词及语境的理解。句意:开始的时候好像土会埋葬它,但是事实上土却帮助了它。 save 救; bother 打扰; fill 装满; bury埋葬。根据文章的开头,

37、农夫和他的邻居打算用土把驴埋在井里。故选 D。 【小题 12】考查连词及语境的理解。句意:只要我们积极的面对我们的问题 。as soon as 一 就 ; as long as 只要,引导条件状语从句; as far as 远到 ,和 一样远; as well as和 一样好。根据句意可知选 B。 【小题 13】考查动词及语境的理解。句意:只要我们积极的面对我们的问题,拒绝向任何困难屈服,每一堆土都像是让我们从深井里爬出来的垫脚石。 give up 放弃; give out 分发,筋疲力尽; give in 屈服,让步; give off发出。根据句意可知不向困难屈服,故选 C。 【小题 14

38、】考查介词及语境的理解。句意:这就是生活的秘诀之一。 key 钥匙,答案:,关键。与它搭配的介词应该是 to ,故选 A。 【小题 15】考查副词及语境的理解。句意:永不停止,永不放弃,成功很 快就会到来。 never 永不,从不,表达否定的意思。 always 总是; sometimes 有时候。hardly几乎不。根据句意可知选 B。 考点:人生哲理类短文。 阅读理解 Two young men, one was a prisoner while the other was a famous official from the White House, both told a story

39、about how their mothers give apples to them. The story from the prisoner: When I was young, one day my mother brought several apples, among which there was a biggest red one that I really wanted to get. My mum put all the apples on the table and asked us, “Which do you like ” I was about to say “the

40、 biggest one” while my brother took one step ahead and said what I wanted to say. My mum said angrily, “A good child should give the best to others instead of being self-centered.” I learnt a quick lesson and said, “Mum, give me the smallest one. The biggest one should be left for my brother!” Heari

41、ng my words, she felt more than happy and gave the biggest apple to me as a reward. I told a lie but I got what I wanted! Since then, I learnt to lie. Later, I learnt to fight, steal and rob. I would try all means to get what I wanted. Then later I was put behind bars. The story from the White House

42、: When I was young, one day my mum brought several apples of different colors and sizes. Both my two younger brothers and I wanted the biggest one. My mum picked up the biggest apple and said, “It is good to get the biggest apple. Now lets start a competition. I will divide the lawn (草坪 )in front of

43、 our house into three parts, one for each. Who could do the job best and fastest would be rewarded with the biggest apple.” I won the apple finally. 【小题 1】 Which does the writer want to tell us MOST A Each mother loves her kids. B Mothers education is very important. C The earlier education starts,

44、the better result there will be. D No pains, no gains. 【小题 2】 How did the “prisoner” get the biggest apple A By working for the family. B By competing with his brother. C By doing the best job. D By cheating his mother. 【小题 3】 What does the underlined phrase “put behind bars” probably mean A受批评 B进监狱

45、 C受挫折 D受惩罚 【小题 4】 It can be inferred from the passage that . A the official was very honest when he was young. B the prisoners mother taught him how to tell lies. C the official learned that what he wanted needed to pay for the same effort. D it was his mother who had him break laws. 【小题 5】 What is

46、the writer probably going to write next A Scientific methods of giving apples. B The importance of mothers education. C Another story about of giving apples. D School education. 答案: 【小题 1】 B 【小题 2】 D 【小题 3】 B 【小题 4】 C 【小题 5】 B 试题分析:这篇短文是来自两个不同的人关于苹果的故事,一个是罪犯,一个是白宫的官员。罪犯从小时候分苹果的事情中学会了期骗,而后学会了偷,抢,最终进了

47、监狱;白宫的官员从小时候分苹果的故事中学会了公平竞争,通过努力获得自己想要的东西。相同的事情促成了两个不同性格的人,所以这篇文章是想告诉我们教育是很重要的。 【小题 1】主旨大意题。这篇短文通过罪犯和白宫官员讲的故事,想要告诉我们妈妈的教育是很重要的。类似的事情才出现的结局却是如此不同,所以小时候父母对孩子的引导非常的重要。故选 B。 【小题 2】细节理解题。读了罪犯讲 的故事,我们可以知道,他和他的哥哥都想要那个最大的苹果,但哥哥说了实话却没有得到,而作者却撒谎说他想要最小的,反而最后得到了最大的苹果。故他是欺骗妈妈而最终得到最大的苹果的。故选 D。 【小题 3】词义猜测题。 put beh

48、ind bars 放在铁条的后面,在这里指的是进监狱。因为从文章的描述我们可知, Since then, I learnt to lie. Later, I learnt to fight, steal and rob,从那以后,他学会了撒谎,后来又学会了打架,偷和抢。故他会因此而进监狱。故选 B。 【小题 4】推理判断题。白宫官员的故事是这样的。妈妈拿回家很多苹果,他和他的兄弟们都想要那个最大的,但是妈妈说谁把草坪打扫的最干净,完成的最快,谁就可以得到那个最大的苹果。故从这件事上,他学到的是,要想得到自己想要的东西,就要付出相等的努力才行。故选 C。 【小题 5】推理判断题。文章中讲玩了两个人的故事,可以看出,两个人的故事是相似的,但最后的结局却大大的不同,显然这与他们两个的母亲的教育和引导有很大的关系,故接下来作者会告诉我们妈妈在教育孩子的问题上是多么的重要。故选 B。 考点:故事类短文阅读。 At East China Univer


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