1、Target Skills,Adding Creativity and Personality to a Paper.,Strong Verbs,Strong Verbs are verbs (an action what you do) that add information and paint a picture in the readers mind. Example.,The bunny went across the field.,The bunny scampered across the field.,WEAK,STRONG!,Other Examples: raced cra
2、wled danced skipped flew bolted zig-zagged hopped,The Dog Ate the Bone By Melissa Forney,The dog ATE the bone. Dont you think thats kind of weak? The verb here is “ate” But it needs a little tweak. The doge ATE the bone, Lets try another verb. One thats really fun to write, One thats quite superb. T
3、he dog could DEVOUR the bone, NIBBLE, GNAW, or MUNCH it. The dog could SNARK-UP the bone, GOBBLE, BITE, or CRUNCH it. The dog could CONSUME the bone, Oh yes, that dog could do it, INHALE the bone, IMPALE the bone, SWALLOW, GULP, or CHEW it. So when youre writing to impress, Dont use a verb that fizz
4、les. Think of every word you know, And give me one that sizzles,Strong Verb Examples,anticipated dreaded drooped manipulated magnified vindicated twitched meandered,karate-chopped mystified oozed frolicked evaporated disciplined blasted,Juicy Colors,Juicy color words are names of specific colors.For
5、 example: The pistachio green bug skidded across the crystal clear water.BUT WATCH OUT! Make sure they sound natural. Dont overuse them!,Example Juicy Colors,cherry red robins egg blue fluorescent yellow pistachio green eggplant,marigold caution orange coffee brown charcoal raven eggshell pearl,Exam
6、ple Super-Star Colors,Super Star rainbow dalmation camouflage hologram tutti-fruiti Neapolitan iridescent Peppermint Chocolate chip Pimento cheese Plaid Polka dot calico,Metallic gold silver platinum bronze copper steel Skin Tones ivory peaches ncream bronze caf-au-lait mahogany ebony,Jewel Tones di
7、amond emerald sapphire topaz ruby citrine,Similes,Similes compare two or more things using “like” or “as” in your sentence. For example: “My little brother is as clumsy as a bull in a china shop when he runs through my room!” “The sunset looks like a dazzling watercolor painting.”,Onomatopoeia,Onoma
8、topoeia are sound effects words. These are often the favorites of students.BANG! RIIIINNNG! WOW! ZING! CHOO-CHOO!,Onomatopoeia By Melissa Forney,Onomatopoeia, My, what a word! It means every sound effect You have ever heard. Crash, crunch, zing, zip, Meow, munch, roar, rip Sizzle, crackle, splat, ke
9、rplunk Bang, clank, woof, thunk Hiss, whiz, oink, moo, Sniff, snap, cough, achoo, Dong, ding, pong, ping, Bong, bing, zap, zing!,I think that when Youve read this list Youll get the main idea All these crazy sound effects Are onomatopoeia! Once you learn to say that word You kind of want to yell it,
10、 But even though you yell the word But even though you yell the word I bet you cannot spell it! You can learn to spell this word In just a single day O-N-O-M-A-T-O-P-O-E-I-A,Specific Emotion Words,Specific emotion words are words that tell the reader exactly how someone feels. Instead of I felt real
11、ly goodsay. “I felt proud and helpful, like I had contributed something.”,Specific Emotion Word Examples,POSITIVE accepted affirmed cherished empowered praised sympathetic uplifted honored,NEGATIVE agitated bedraggled bewildered chastised disgusted hesitant humiliated rebellious perplexed,Sensory Wo
12、rds,Sensory words pinpoint the exact sense, or sensation, you are talking about. Instead of “I didnt eat my sandwich, because it tasted bad”. Say “I didnt eat my sandwich, because it tasted stale.”,Sensory Word Examples,SIGHT Crystal clear Opaque Murky Psychedelic Stained transparent,SOUND clinking
13、grating moaning revving rustling screeching sputtering,TASTE burnt bubbly oily rancid Sour Sugary fresh,SMELL antiseptic decayed earthy grassy mildewy pungent Salty smoky,TOUCH bristly brittle pleated sandy starchy sticky velvety,Metaphors,Metaphors are tools authors use to make rich comparisons bet
14、ween things that ordinarily wouldnt be connected.“The tornado became a raging bull, smashing everything in its path.”“All animals fear the lion, the king of the jungle, who stalks and kills at will.”“Sky jewels twinkled overhead in the night sky with elegant splendor.”An easy way to create one is to
15、 start with a noun or object and state that it became something else, like in the first example.,Super Creativity Alert!,Transitional Words,Transitional words and phrases keep our thoughts from sounding choppy or disjointed.Its like dominoes when they are knocked down. They make the whole story flow
16、 together one after the other from beginning to end.,Paragraph with Transitions,My brothers and sister and I have certain jobs we do to help the rest of the members of our family. For example, my main job each week is keeping our van clean. By the way, thats a big job, let me tell you you. To begin
17、with, I have to clean out all of the trash! Just think about it, I have to touch the rotten, decaying food while lugging it out to the street. You have to admit, thats a pretty nasty job.,Example Transitional Words,Afterward, At the same time, Consequently, Gradually, Ill be the first to admit, Inci
18、dentally, Naturally, Simply stated, In retrospect,To illustrate, There is no doubt that Since, Once again, Specifically, Suddenly Without warning, On the other hand,Dialogue,Writing down what people say is called dialogue. It can be a complete sentence or a word or two.Dialogue is like jewelry or di
19、amonds on someone at church or some place formal. A little bit is just enough. You dont want to be the old lady wearing gobs of jewelry its overdone and gaudy!THE KEY is to sound NATURAL! Its okay to not use complete sentences or phrases if thats the way someone really speaks!Anytime a new person sp
20、eaks, start a new paragraph.,Example paragraph,Toni cradled the horses head in her arms and whispered softly into his ear. “Hey, Boyhey. I love you. Know that?” His wide, liquid eyes never left hers. “And dont worry, cause Im never going to sell you. Im never going to leave you. He nuzzled her hand.
21、 “Yeah You understand, dont you, Boy.”,Punctuating Dialogue,Use quotation marks to surround spoken words. Put all punctuation marks inside the quotation marks. Indent each time someone new is speaking.Example:“I think its too cold to go skating on the pond today.”“Me, too! Lets go get some hot choco
22、late.”“Maybe the weather will be warmer tomorrow.”,Tagged Dialogue,If an author wants you to know whos talking, they tag the dialogue with something like, he said or she said or use a name like, Mike said. Examples: “I dont know what to do about the gorilla under my bed,” he said. Stan asked, “Are y
23、ou nagging me?”,Special Tags,Its boring to write said all the time. Special tags use strong verbs instead.Example: “Im not going to eat the rest of my dinner,” she whined.,Examples of Special Tags,Accused Admitted Answered Begged Babbled Claimed Commented Congratulated Declared Cried Echoed,Expresse
24、d Giggled Implored Lectured Laughed Objected Pleaded Proposed Rambled Raved Sassed snickered,Take-Away Endings,Takeaway is one or two sentences that tell the reader what the main character learned, or how his life has changed.Example: “Ill never forget this place as long a I live.”,Example Take-Away
25、s,1. My close call with a giant alligator has certainly taught me not to dangle my feed in the water while canoeing. 2. Getting that little puppy for my birthday has changed my life. I now have a lifelong friend who loves me, just for being me. 3. You can be sure that I wont be playing around lawn mowers after my long day in the Emergency room. 4. Now I know, even an alien from outer space needs a friend. 5. In retrospect, cleaning my room wasnt such a bad idea after all.,