ACI 207.5R-2011 Report on Roller-Compacted Mass Concrete.pdf

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1、ACI 207.5R-11Reported by ACI Committee 207Report on Roller-CompactedMass ConcreteReport on Roller-Compacted Mass ConcreteFirst PrintingJuly 2011ISBN 978-0-87031-277-9American Concrete InstituteAdvancing concrete knowledgeCopyright by the American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI. All rights

2、reserved. This materialmay not be reproduced or copied, in whole or part, in any printed, mechanical, electronic, film, or otherdistribution and storage media, without the written consent of ACI.The technical committees responsible for ACI committee reports and standards strive to avoid ambiguities,

3、omissions, and errors in these documents. In spite of these efforts, the users of ACI documents occasionallyfind information or requirements that may be subject to more than one interpretation or may beincomplete or incorrect. Users who have suggestions for the improvement of ACI documents arereques

4、ted to contact ACI via the errata website at Properuse of this document includes periodically checking for errata for the most up-to-date revisions.ACI committee documents are intended for the use of individuals who are competent to evaluate thesignificance an

5、d limitations of its content and recommendations and who will accept responsibility for theapplication of the material it contains. Individuals who use this publication in any way assume all risk andaccept total responsibility for the application and use of this information.All information in this p

6、ublication is provided “as is” without warranty of any kind, either express or implied,including but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose ornon-infringement.ACI and its members disclaim liability for damages of any kind, including any special, i

7、ndirect, incidental,or consequential damages, including without limitation, lost revenues or lost profits, which may resultfrom the use of this publication.It is the responsibility of the user of this document to establish health and safety practices appropriate tothe specific circumstances involved

8、 with its use. ACI does not make any representations with regard tohealth and safety issues and the use of this document. The user must determine the applicability of allregulatory limitations before applying the document and must comply with all applicable laws and regulations,including but not lim

9、ited to, United States Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) healthand safety standards.Order information: ACI documents are available in print, by download, on CD-ROM, through electronicsubscription, or reprint and may be obtained by contacting ACI.Most ACI standards and committee re

10、ports are gathered together in the annually revised ACI Manual ofConcrete Practice (MCP).American Concrete Institute38800 Country Club DriveFarmington Hills, MI 48331U.S.A.Phone: 248-848-3700Fax: 248-848-3701www.concrete.orgACI 207.5R-11 supersedes ACI 207.5R-99 and was adopted and published July 20

11、11.Copyright 2011, American Concrete Institute.All rights reserved including rights of reproduction and use in any form or by anymeans, including the making of copies by any photo process, or by electronic ormechanical device, printed, written, or oral, or recording for sound or visual reproduc-tion

12、 or for use in any knowledge or retrieval system or device, unless permission inwriting is obtained from the copyright proprietors.1ACI Committee Reports, Guides, Manuals, and Commentariesare intended for guidance in planning, designing, executing,and inspecting construction. This document is intend

13、ed for theuse of individuals who are competent to evaluate thesignificance and limitations of its content and recommendationsand who will accept responsibility for the application of thematerial it contains. The American Concrete Institute disclaimsany and all responsibility for the stated principle

14、s. The Instituteshall not be liable for any loss or damage arising therefrom.Reference to this document shall not be made in contractdocuments. If items found in this document are desired by theArchitect/Engineer to be a part of the contract documents, theyshall be restated in mandatory language for

15、 incorporation bythe Architect/Engineer.Report on Roller-Compacted Mass ConcreteReported by ACI Committee 207ACI 207.5R-11Roller-compacted concrete (RCC) is a concrete of no-slump consistency inits unhardened state that is typically transported, placed, and compactedusing earth and rockfill construc

16、tion equipment. This report includes theuse of RCC in structures where measures should be taken to cope with thegeneration of heat from hydration of the cementitious materials and attendantvolume change to minimize cracking. Material mixture proportioning,properties, design considerations, construct

17、ion, and quality control arecovered.The materials, processes, quality control measures, and inspectionsdescribed in this document should be tested, monitored, or performed asapplicable only by individuals holding the appropriate ACI certificationsor equivalent.Keywords: admixtures; aggregates; air e

18、ntrainment; compacting;compressive strength; conveying; creep properties; curing; lift joints;mixture proportioning; monolith joints; placing; shear properties; vibration;workability.Chapter 1Introduction, p. 21.1General1.2What is roller-compacted concrete?1.3History1.4Advantages and disadvantages1.

19、5Performance of RCC damsChapter 2Notation and definitions, p. 92.1Notation2.2DefinitionsChapter 3Materials and mixture proportioningfor roller-compacted concrete, p. 93.1General3.2Materials3.3Mixture proportioning considerations3.4Mixture proportioning methods3.5Laboratory trial mixtures3.6Field adj

20、ustmentsChapter 4Properties of hardened roller-compacted concrete, p. 194.1General4.2StrengthJeffrey C. Allen Teck L. Chua David E. Kiefer Henry B. PrengerTerrence E. Arnold Barry D. Fehl Gary R. Mass Ernest K. SchraderRandall P. Bass John W. Gajda Tibor J. Pataky Stephen B. TatroAnthony A. Bombich

21、Rodney E. Holderbaum Jonathan L. Poole Michael A. WhisonantNote: ACI Committee 207 would like to acknowledge Tim Dolen and Nate Tarbox for their significant contributions to the document.Timothy P. DolenChairConsulting membersEric J. Ditchey William F. KeplerBrian A. Forbes Tom W. Read*Richard A. Ka

22、den*Deceased2 REPORT ON ROLLER-COMPACTED MASS CONCRETE (ACI 207.5R-11)American Concrete Institute Copyrighted Materialwww.concrete.org4.3Elastic properties4.4Dynamic properties4.5Creep4.6Volume change4.7Thermal properties4.8Tensile strain capacity4.9Permeability4.10Durability4.11DensityChapter 5Desi

23、gn of roller-compacted concrete dams, p. 275.1General5.2Foundation5.3Dam section considerations5.4Stress and stability analyses5.5Temperature studies and control5.6Contraction joints and cracks5.7Galleries and drainage5.8Facing design and seepage control5.9Spillways, aprons, and stilling basins5.10O

24、utlet worksChapter 6Construction of roller-compacted concrete dams, p. 396.1General6.2Aggregate production and batching and mixing plantlocation6.3Batching and mixing6.4Transporting and placing6.5Compaction6.6Lift joints6.7Contraction joints6.8Forms and facings6.9Curing and protection from weather6.

25、10Galleries and drainageChapter 7Quality control of roller-compacted concrete, p. 567.1General7.2Activities before RCC placement7.3Activities during RCC placement7.4Activities after RCC placementChapter 8References, p. 668.1Referenced standards and reports8.2Cited referencesCHAPTER 1INTRODUCTION1.1G

26、eneralRoller-compacted concrete (RCC) is probably the mostimportant development in concrete dam technology in thepast quarter century. The use of RCC has allowed many newdams to become economically feasible due to the reducedcost realized from the rapid construction method. It also hasprovided desig

27、n engineers with an opportunity to economicallyrehabilitate existing concrete dams that have problems withstability and need buttressing in addition to improvingexisting embankment dams with inadequate spillwaycapacity by providing a means by which they can be safelyovertopped. RCC has allowed new e

28、mbankment dams tooptimize spillway capacity in over-the-embankment-typeemergency spillways (Hansen 1992).This document summarizes the current state of the art fordesign and construction of RCC in mass concrete applications.It is intended to guide the reader through developments inRCC technology, inc

29、luding materials, mixture proportioning,properties, design considerations, construction, and qualitycontrol and testing. Although this report deals primarily withmass placements, RCC is also used for pavements (refer toACI 325.10R) and for dam stability improvement and asembankment dam slope protect

30、ion (United States Society onDams 2003).1.2What is roller-compacted concrete?ACI Concrete Terminology (2010) defines roller-compacted concrete (RCC) as “concrete compacted by rollercompaction; concrete that, in its unhardened state, willsupport a roller while being compacted.” RCC is usuallymixed us

31、ing high-capacity continuous mixing or batchingequipment, delivered with trucks or conveyors, and spreadwith bulldozers in layers prior to compaction with vibratoryrollers (Fig. 1.1). Because of RCCs zero-slump consistency,subsequent lifts can be placed immediately after compactionof the previous li

32、ft. RCC can use a broader range of materialsthan conventional concrete, and derives its strength anddurability from a mixture philosophy that relies on using justenough paste volume to fill the aggregate voids and no morewater content than what is needed for proper workability.1.3HistoryThe rapid wo

33、rldwide acceptance of RCC is a result ofeconomics and of RCCs successful performance. A bibliog-raphy of dams constructed is available from the InternationalCommission on Large Dams. Other listings of damsconstructed can be obtained from the United States Societyon Dams (2003) and from the U.S. Army

34、 Corps of Engineers(USACE), EM 1110-2-2006 (USACE 2000). During the1960s and 1970s, applications of RCC materials led to thedevelopment of RCC in engineered concrete structures. Inthe 1960s, a high-production no-slump mixture that could beFig. 1.1RCC compaction with dual-drum, vibrating roller(Serra

35、 do Faco Dam, Brazil, 2008).REPORT ON ROLLER-COMPACTED MASS CONCRETE (ACI 207.5R-11) 3American Concrete Institute Copyrighted Materialwww.concrete.orgspread with bulldozers was used at Alpe Gere Dam inItaly (Engineering News Record 1964; Gentile 1964)and atManicougan I in Canada (Wallingford 1970).

36、The mixtureswere consolidated with groups of large internal vibratorsmounted on backhoes or bulldozers.Fast construction of gravity dams using earthmovingequipment, including large rollers for compaction, wassuggested in 1965 as a viable approach to more economicaldam construction (Humphreys et al.

37、1965). The fastconstruction method did not receive much attention until itwas presented for the “optimum gravity dam” (Raphael1971). The concept considered a section similar, to but withless volume than, the section of an embankment dam. Duringthe 1970s, a number of projects including laboratory and

38、design studies, test fills, field demonstrations, nonstructuraluses, and emergency mass uses were accomplished andevaluated using RCC. These efforts formed a basis for thefirst RCC dams, which were constructed in the 1980s.Notable contributions were made in 1972 and 1974 by theTennessee Valley Autho

39、rity (Cannon 1972, 1974). The U.S.Army Corps of Engineers conducted studies of RCCconstruction at the Waterways Experiment Station in 1973(Tynes 1973) and at Lost Creek Dam in 1974 (Hall andHoughton 1974).The early work by the U.S. Army Corps ofEngineers was in anticipation of construction of an opt

40、imumgravity dam for Zintel Canyon Dam (Sivley 1976). ZintelCanyon Dam construction was not funded at the time, butmany of its concepts were carried over to Willow CreekDam, which was completed in 1982 and became the firstRCC dam in the U.S.Developed initially for the core of Shihmen Dam in 1960,“rol

41、lcrete” was used for massive rehabilitation efforts atTarbela Dam in Pakistan beginning in 1974 (Hansen andReinhardt 1991). Workers placed 460,000 yd3(350,000 m3)of RCC at Tarbela Dam in 42 working days to replace rockand embankment materials for outlet tunnel repairs. Additionallarge volumes of RCC

42、 were used later in the 1970s torehabilitate the auxiliary and service spillways at TarbelaDam (Johnson and Chao 1979).Dunstan (1978; 1981a,b) conducted extensive laboratorystudies and field trials in the 1970s using high-paste RCC inthe UK. Further studies were conducted in the UK and led tomore re

43、fined developments in laboratory testing of RCC andconstruction methods, including horizontal slipformedfacing for RCC dams (Dunstan 1981a,b).Beginning in the late 1970s in Japan, the design andconstruction philosophy referred to as roller-compacted dam(RCD) was developed for construction of Shimaji

44、gawa Dam(Hirose and Yanagida 1981; Chugoku Regional ConstructionBureau 1981). In the context of this report, both RCC and thematerial for RCD are considered the same. ShimajigawaDam was completed in 1981, with approximately half of itstotal concrete (216,000 yd3165,000 m3) being RCC. TheRCD method u

45、ses RCC for the interior of the dam withrelatively thick (approximately 3 ft 1 m) conventionalmass-concrete zones at the upstream and downstream faces,the foundation, and the crest of the dam. Frequent joints(sometimes formed) are used with conventional waterstopsand drains. Also typical of RCD are

46、thick lifts with delaysafter the placement of each lift to allow the RCC to cure and,subsequently, be thoroughly cleaned before placing the nextlift. The RCD process results in a dam with conventionalconcrete appearance and behavior, but it requires additionalcost and time compared with dams that ha

47、ve a higherpercentage of RCC to total volume of concrete.Willow Creek Dam (Schrader and Thayer 1982) (Fig. 1.2)and Shimajigawa Dam (Ministry of Construction 1984)(Fig. 1.3) are the principal structures that initiated the rapidacceptance of RCC dams. They are similar from the stand-point that they bo

48、th used RCC, but they are dissimilar withregard to design, purpose, construction details, size, and cost(Schrader 1982). Willow Creek Dam was completed in 1982and became operational in 1983. The 433,000 yd3(331,000 m3)flood control structure was the first major dam designed andconstructed entirely o

49、f RCC. Willow Creek Dam alsoincorporated the use of precast concrete panels to form theupstream facing of the dam without transverse contractionjoints (Schrader and McKinnon 1984).Winchester Dam was the second RCC dam in the U.S. andwas completed in 1983. The major contribution of theWinchester Dam was its use of a polyvinyl chloride (PVC)membrane at the upstream face as the primary method ofproviding watertightness for the dam (Hansen and Reinhardt1991). The membrane was attached to the inside (RCC side)of the precast


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