AGMA 6008-A98-1998 Specifications for Powder Metallurgy Gears《粉末冶金齿轮的规范》.pdf

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AGMA 6008-A98-1998 Specifications for Powder Metallurgy Gears《粉末冶金齿轮的规范》.pdf_第5页
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1、ANSI/AGMA 6008-A98Reaffirmed August 2012American National StandardSpecifications for PowderMetallurgy GearsANSI/AGMA6008-A98iiSpecifications for Powder Metallurgy GearsANSI/AGMA 6008-A98ApprovalofanAmericanNationalStandardrequiresverificationbyANSIthattherequire-ments for due process, consensus and

2、other criteria for approval have been met by thestandards developer.Consensusisestablishedwhen,inthejudgmentoftheANSIBoardofStandardsReview,substantial agreement has been reached by directly and materially affected interests.Substantialagreementmeansmuchmorethanasimplemajority,butnotnecessarilyuna-n

3、imity. Consensus requires that all views and objections be considered, and that aconcerted effort be made toward their resolution.TheuseofAmericanNationalStandardsiscompletelyvoluntary;theirexistencedoesnotin any respect preclude anyone, whether he has approved the standards or not, frommanufacturin

4、g, marketing, purchasing or using products, processes or procedures notconforming to the standards.The American National Standards Institute does not develop standards and will in nocircumstances give an interpretation of any American National Standard. Moreover, noperson shall have the right or aut

5、hority to issue an interpretation of an American NationalStandardinthenameoftheAmericanNationalStandardsInstitute. Requestsforinterpre-tation of this standard should be addressed to the American Gear ManufacturersAssociation.CAUTION NOTICE: AGMA technical publications are subject to constant improve

6、ment,revision or withdrawal as dictated by experience. Any person who refers to any AGMAtechnical publication should be sure that the publication is the latest available from theAssociation on the subject matter.Tables or other self-supporting sections may be quotedor extracted.Credit linesshouldrea

7、d: Extracted from ANSI/AGMA 6008-A98, Specifications for Powder MetallurgyGears, with the permission of the publisher, the American Gear ManufacturersAssociation, 1500 King Street, Suite 201, Alexandria, Virginia 22314.Approved September 10, 1998ABSTRACTThisstandarddefinestheminimumdetailedinformati

8、ontobeincludedinthepowdermetallurgygearspecifica-tionssubmittedbythegearpurchasertothegearproducer. Thisinformationcoversgeartoothgeometrydata,gear drawing specifications and gear material specifications.Published byAmerican Gear Manufacturers Association1500 King Street, Suite 201, Alexandria, Virg

9、inia 22314Copyright 1998 by American Gear Manufacturers AssociationReprinted June 1999All rights reserved.No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form, in an electronicretrieval system or otherwise, without prior written permission of the publisher.Printed in the United States of Americ

10、aISBN: 1-55589-713-4AmericanNationalStandardANSI/AGMA 6008-A98AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDiiiContentsPage1 Scope 12 Normative references 1.3 Terms and definitions 1.4 Gear tooth geometry data 2.5 Gear drawing specifications 126 Gear material specifications 14Tables1 Basic data 32 Inspection data (for

11、use with composite action testing) 43 Inspection data (for use with element measurements) 8.4 Calculation and process test data 11.5 Reference data 12.Figures1a Generated tooth outline 3.1b Circular-arc fillet forms 3.1c P/M fillet form 42a P/M bevel gear 52b P/M alternative designs 6.3 Example of f

12、ormat for spur gears (with composite tolerances) 74 Example of format for spur gears (with element tolerances) 95 Example of format for helical gears (with composite tolerances) 10.6 Example of format for straight bevel gears (with composite tolerances) 11.7 Types of burr related specifications 138

13、Burr traps: chamfer or boss 14Bibliography 19ANSI/AGMA 6008-A98 AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDivForewordThe foreword, footnotes and annexes, if any, in this document are provided forinformationalpurposesonlyandarenottobeconstruedasapartofANSI/AGMAStandard6008-A98, Specifications for Powder Metallurgy Ge

14、ars.TheAGMAPowderMetallurgyGearingCommitteewasorganizedin1993withthesupportof the Metal Powder Industries Federation (MPIF). The work of the Committee is directedtowardmergingthetechnologyofpowdermetallurgy(P/M)gearingwiththetechnologiesofthe more traditional types of gearing.The Committee, respondi

15、ng to the widely recognized need for improving the technicalcommunicationbetweenpowdermetallurgygearpurchasersandproducers,selectedasitsfirstprojectthisspecificationstandard. Theprimaryobjectiveofthisstandardistoincreaseunderstanding by the gear purchaser of the responsibility to thoroughly define t

16、he gearrequirements to the gear producer.ThisversionwasapprovedbytheAGMAmembershipinNovember1997. Itwasapprovedas an American National Standard on September 10, 1998.Suggestionsforimprovementofthisstandardwillbewelcome. TheyshouldbesenttotheAmerican Gear Manufacturers Association, 1500 King Street,

17、Suite 201, Alexandria,Virginia 22314.ANSI/AGMA 6008-A98AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDvPERSONNEL of the AGMA Powder Metallurgy CommitteeChairman: Irving Laskin Consultant.Vice Chairman: Glen A. Moore Burgess-Norton Manufacturing Company.ACTIVE MEMBERST. Allen Cloyes Gear - inspection data;- calculation a

18、nd process test data;- reference data.4.1 Basic dataThesedatadescribethegearingeneralterms. Theyincludeitemsthatapplytogeneratingandinspectiontooling and therefore only indirectly describe thegear itself. None of the items are accompanied bytolerances. Any permitted variations from thedescribed geom

19、etry are expressed by separateitems elsewhere in the format.The basic data for the three types of gears coveredby this standard are listed in table 1. Examples, aspart of complete formats, can be seen in figures 3through Tooth formThis specification is included in the basic data whenthe toot

20、h outline, especially in the fillet area, is to beANSI/AGMA 6008-A98AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD3definedasifanimaginarygeneratingtoolwereusedto create the outline, see figure 1a. The tooth formspecification identifies the outline of this imaginarytool. There is an increasing variety of tooth forms inc

21、ommon use, originating not only from past andpresent AGMA standards, but also from internation-al and foreign standards or from original designs.The tooth form data item generally consists of areference to a standard or to a supplementary detaildrawing.OnP/Mgears,thetoothoutline,includingthefillet,i

22、ssometimesfullydefinedbyotherdata,seefigure1b.In that case, the tooth form specification may beomitted.4.1.2 Bevel gearsFigures2aand2bshowatypicalP/Mbevelgearandhowitsoutlinediffersfromthatofatypicalmachinedbevel gear. This figure also illustrates some of thebevel gear basic data.Generating toolToot

23、h outlineFigure 1a - Generated tooth outlineBase circle Base circleFull fillet radius R.XXXFigure 1b - Circular-arc fillet formsTable 1 - Basic dataSpecificationType of gearpec ca onSpur Helical Straight bevelNumber of teethModule (diametral pitch)Normalmodule(normaldiametralpitch)Pressure angleNorm

24、al pressure angleHelix angleHand of helixPitch angleFace angle2)Root angle2)Back angle2), 3)Tooth formXXXX4)XXXX1)XX4)XXXXXXXXNOTES:1)Value of helix angle, when calculated from other data specifications, may be approximate due to rounding.2)These data items may be shown instead on an outline drawing

25、 of the gear blank.3)The outer form of P/M gears is generally cylindrical, in which case the back angle is zero degrees and thisspecification item may be omitted, see figure 2a.4)Tooth form may be omitted when the tooth outline is fully defined by other data, see 4.1.1.ANSI/AGMA 6008-A98 AMERICAN NA

26、TIONAL STANDARD4Base circle Base circleR.XXXRadial flankRadial flankFull fillet radiusFigure 1c - P/M fillet form4.2 Inspection dataThese items consist of dimensions with tolerancesand serve as the basis for defining the quality of thegear. Included are indicators of gear tooth shapeand size as well

27、 as certain other tooth outlinefeatures. Ifanyoftheinspectionitemsarebasedonthe use of a master gear or other inspection gage,reference to the gage is included.NOTE: Some of the data items are used only during afirst-piece or tool approval inspection, while others areused also in each periodic proce

28、ss control inspection.Anyinspectiondataitemswhicharetobeevaluatedwith special statistical requirements should beidentified as part of the gear specifications.4.2.1 Gear tooth shape accuracy4.2.1.1 Spur and helical gearsAGMA recognizes two independent sets of controlson shape accuracy, with the condi

29、tion that only onecan be used in any set of gear specifications. SeeANSI/AGMA 2000-A88.Thesimplest,mosteconomicalandmostcommonlyused set of shape controls is based on a compositeaction test in which measurements are made whilethe test gear is rotated in tight mesh with a mastergear. Table2liststhein

30、spectiondatawhenthistypeofmeasurementistobeused. Figures3and5showexamples of this data.Table 2 - Inspection data (for use with composite action testing)Specification Spur (external) Helical (external) Straight bevel1)Outside diameterRoot diameterTip radiusFillet form4)Master gear (spec. or data)Pitc

31、h apex to backTotal composite toleranceTooth-to-tooth composite toleranceTest radiusX2)X3)X2)XXXXX2)X2)X3)X2)XXXX2)X2)X2)XXX5)X5)NOTES:1)Additional items of inspection data may be shown on the outline drawing of the gear blank.2)Specified with upper and lower limits or as a nominal value with + and

32、- tolerance.3)May be specified as in note 2, but is often specified as a maximum without a lower limit.4)Specificationisneededwhenfilletformisestablishedindependentlyofanygearcuttingtoolgeneratingaction,see4.2.3.2. When the form consists of a single circular arc, the specification will call for the

33、radius with maximum andminimum limits. A more complex form will require a detailed drawing.5)According to AGMA 390.03a to be used for fine-pitch bevel gears only.ANSI/AGMA 6008-A98AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD5Pitch apex to backFace apex to backOutsidediameterPitchdiameterRootdiameterPitch angleRoot an

34、gleFace angle(parallel to rootof mating gear)Crown pointPitch apex to crownPitch and root apexFacewidthConedistanceNOTE: Dashed lines indicate atypical cut bevel gear. Solid linesindicate a typical P/M gear.Crown to backFace apexAddendumWhole depthFillet radius below active profileFull fillet (optio

35、nal)below active profileHeel areaAlternate detail at heel Alternate detail at toeBack surfaceToe areaDedendumBack angle(on cut gear)Figure 2a - P/M bevel gearANSI/AGMA 6008-A98 AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD6Optional toothdensifierFigure 2b - P/M alternative designsAnother set of shape control specifica

36、tions is basedon element measurements. These are made onspecial purpose inspection machines or on comput-er controlled measuring machines operated withspecialsoftware. Thistypeofinspectionisgenerallymuch more expensive than the composite actiontest. Therefore, these specifications (listed in table3)

37、 are used only when special gear operatingrequirements justify the greater expense. Figure 4shows an example of this data. Straight bevel gearsAGMA recognizes the same two independent typesof controls for the shape of bevel gear teeth, seeAGMA 390.03a. The corresponding specificationsare list

38、ed in tables 2 and 3. Figure 6 shows anexample of the commonly used composite actioncontrols.ANSI/AGMA 6008-A98AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD7Spur gear tooth data Metric InchBasic specificationsNumber of teethModule/diametral pitchPressure angleTooth form421.2520 deg.ISO 53422020 deg.AGMA Fine-PitchInsp

39、ection dataOutside diameterRoot diameterTip radiusFillet form (see CAUTION note under gear: Number of teeth or gage numberTotal composite toleranceTooth-to-tooth composite toleranceTest radius55.00 + 0.00/-0.XX49.132 max.0.25 +/- 0.XXAs generated600.0XX0.0XX26.128 +/- 0.0XX2.2

40、00+0.000/- 0.XXX1.9663 max.0.010 +/- 0.00XXAs generated600.00XX0.00XX1.0451 +/- 0.00XXCalculation and process test dataCircular tooth thickness at std. pitch diameterWire diameter (number of wires)Measurement over wiresNumber of teeth spannedSpan measurement1.875 +/- 0.0XX2.400 (2)56.172 +/- 0.0XX51

41、7.258 +/- 0.0XX0.0750 +/- 0.00XX0.0960 (2)2.2469 +/- 0.00XX50.6903 +/- 0.00XXReference dataStandard pitch diameterAddendumWhole depthAGMA quality number (see 4.4.1)Mating gear:Part namePart numberNominal center distance52.5001.2502.934QX or MixedMotor pinion21B-0015937.5002.10000.05000.1169QX or Mix

42、edMotor pinion21A-001591.5000NOTE:1) Metric and inch data are not exact equivalents.Figure 3 - Example of format for spur gears (with composite tolerances)1)AGMA 390.03a also describes a more detaileddetermination of the quality of bevel gears in aprocedure called a contact pattern test. Specifica-t

43、ionsforthistypeofshapeinspectionarebeyondthescope of this standard.4.2.2 Gear tooth sizeThe types of inspection measurements and thecorresponding sets of specifications for gear toothsize for spur and helical gears are different fromthose for bevel gears.If test radius is not specified, as for examp

44、le whenelement specifications are being used in place ofcomposite action for shape control, one of the otherindirect indicators of tooth thickness must be used,see ANSI/AGMA 2002-B88. The most commonlyused method is the measurement-over-wires (orover-pins), for which the wire (or pin) diameter isals

45、o specified. A second method, often moreconvenient, especially on larger gears, is the spanmeasurement made over a specified number ofteeth. Specifications for these measurements areshown in table Spur and helical gearsTooth size is controlled by specification of tipdiameter (outside diame

46、ter on external gears andinsidediameteroninternalgears),rootdiameterandsome indicator of tooth thickness. Since it isgenerally impractical to measure tooth thicknessdirectly,itisnecessarytospecifyitslimitsthroughanindirect measurement. The test radius form ofindirect tooth thickness specification is

47、 preferredwhen the composite action test specifications arebeing used to control gear shape. Table 2 showsthese specifications.ANSI/AGMA 6008-A98 AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD8Table 3 - Inspection data (for use with element measurements)Specification Spur (external) Helical (external) Straight bevel1)O

48、utside diameterRoot diameterRadial runoutAllowable pitch variationProfile6)Tooth alignment (or lead)6)Wire diameter7)Number of wires7)Measurement-over-wires7)Number of teeth7)Span measurement7)Tip radiusFillet form8)X2)X3)X4)X4)X4)X4)XXX2)XX2)X3)XX2)X3)X4)X4)X4)X4)XXX2)XX2)X3)X2)X5)X3)NOTES:1)Additi

49、onal items of inspection data may be shown on the outline drawing of the gear blank.2)Specified with upper and lower limits or as a nominal value with + and - tolerance.3)May be specified as in note 2 but is often specified as a maximum without a lower limit.4)According to ANSI/AGMA 2000-A88, to be used for coarse-pitch gears only.5)According to AGMA 390.03a, to be used for coarse-pitch bevel gears only.6)May require supplementary drawings to show tolerance zones.7)Generally, either measurement-over-wires or span-measure


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