1、MIL-T-6368A(usAF)20 July 1989 “SUPERSEDINGMIL-T-6368(LIMP)14November1950MILITARYSPECIFICATIONTRANSMITTER,FUELFLOW,TOTALIZING,TYPE H-1AINACTIVE FOR NEW DESIGN APTER 4 JUNE 1971.TMs specification is approved for useby the Department of the Air Force andis available for use by all Departmentend Agencie
2、s of the Department of Defense1. SCOPE1.1 =. This specificationcovers one type of totalizing fuel flow transmitter,designated Type H-1A, to be ueed for indicating, remotely, the total fuel consumed byan aircraft turbo-jet, and la for uae on the high pressure side of the engine fuelpump.2. APPLICABLE
3、 DOCUMENTS2.1 Government documents.2.1.1 Specificationa and atandarde. The following apecification$and standards forma part of this document to the extent specifiedherein. Unleaa otherwise apecified,the iaauea of these documents are those listed in the iaaua of the Department ofDefense Index of Spec
4、ification and Standarda (DODISS) and supplement thereto, citedin the solicitation (ace 6.2).Beneficial comments (recoounendationa,additiona, deletiona) any pertinent data whichY be Of uae in improving this document should be addreaaed to: Oklahoma City AirLogietica Center/MMEOR, Tinker APB OK 73145
5、by using the self-addressedStandardizationDocwment Improvement Proposal (DD Form 1426) appearing at the end ofthis document or by letter.AMSC NfA FSC 6620DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT X. Distribution authorized to U.S. Government agencies andprivate individuals of enterprises eligible to obtain export-cont
6、rolledtechnicaldata in accordancewith regulation implementing 10 U.S.C. 140c, 13 April 1988.Controlling DoD Office la OC-ALC/MMEOR, Tinker APB OK 73145-5990.WARNING-This document containa technical data those export is restricted bythe Anna Export Control Act (Title 22,U.S.C., Sec. 2751 et seq.) or
7、Executive Order12470.VioIationa of theee export lawa are subject to severe criminal penaltiea.Destruction Notice. For claaaified documents, follow the procedures in DoD5200.22+4, Industrial Security Manual, Section 11-19 or DoD 5200.l-R, InformationSecurity Program Regulation, ChapterIX. For unclaaa
8、ified limited documents, destroyby any method that will prevent diacloaura of the contente or reconstructionof thedocuments.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-T-6368A(usAF)SPECIFICATIONSFederalL-P-378PPP-B-601PPP-B-636MilitaryMIL-P-1
9、16DOD-D-lOOOMIL-C-5015MIL-G-5572ML-T-5624MIL-S-7742MIL-A-8625STANDARDSMilitaryMIL-STD-129MIL-STD-130MIL-STD-454MIL-STD-461MU.-STD-462MIL-STD-81OcMIL-STD-970MIL-STD-2073-IMS33678Air Force-Navy AeronauticalAND1OO5OPlastic Sheet And Strip, Thin Gauge,PolyolefinBoxes, Wood, Cleated PlywoodBox, Shipping,
10、 FiberboardPreservation,Method OfDrawing, Engineering And AssociatedListConnector, Electrical, Circular,Threaded, An Type, General Specification ForGasoline, Aviation, Grades 80/87,100/130, 115/145Turbine Fuel, Aviation, Grades .JP-4and JP-5Screw Threads, Standard, Optimum Selected ForSeries, Genera
11、l Specification ForAnodic Coatings, For Aluminum And AluminumAlloysMarking For Shipment And StorageIdentificationMarking Of U.S. MilitaryPropertyStandard General Requirements For ElectronicEquipmentElectromagnetic Emiseion And SusceptibilityRequirements For The Control OfElectromagnetic Interference
12、Electromagnetic Interference Characteristic,Measurement OfEnvironmental Test MethodsStandardsAnd Specificatione,Order OfPreference For The Selection OfDOD Material Procedures For Development AndApplication Of Packaging RequirementsConnector, Receptacle, Electric,Integral Mounting”Boeses-StandardDime
13、nsions For Gasket “SealStraight Thread2Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-(Unless otherwise indicated. .standarde are available fromMIL-T-6368A(USAF)copies of federaland ,militaryspecification endthe Naval Publications and Forma Center,
14、(ATTN: NPODS),5801TaborAvenue,Philadelphia,PA 19120-5099.)(CopiesforMIL-STD-810CIs availablefromDirectnr,NavalPublicationsandPrintingServiceOffice,700RobbinsAve,Bldg4 SectionD, Philadelphia,PA 19111.)2.2 Non-GovernmentPublication. The followingdocument(s)forma partof thisdocumentto theextentspecifie
15、dherein. Unlessotherwisespecified,theiaauesofthedocumentswhichareDoD adopted are those listed in the issue of the DODISS citedin the solicitation. Unless otherwise specified, the iaaues of documents not listedin the DODISS are the iaaues of the documents cited in tbe solicitation (see 6.2).”American
16、 Society For Testing And Materiala (ASTM)ASTM D3951 Packaging, Commercial(Applicationfor copies should be addresaed to: ASTM, 1916 Race St, Philadelphia, PA19103.)(Non+overnment etandards and other publications are normally available from theorganization that prapare or distribute the documents. The
17、se documents also may beavailable in or through librariea or other informationalservices.)2.3 Order of precedence. In the event of a conflict between the text of thisdocument and the references cited herein (except for related associated detailspecifications,specification sheeta, or MB etandarda), t
18、he text of this documenttakea precedence. Nothing in this document, however, supersedes applicable laws andregulationsunleaa a specific exemption haa been obtained.The parentheticalphraae “(except for related associated detail apecificationa,specificationaheeta or MS standard)” shall be omitted from
19、 the above paragraph forapecificationawhich do not have related aaaociated detail specification,epecification sheets, or NS standarda.3. REQUIREMENTS3.1 First article. When apecified (ace 6.1), a sample shall be subjected to firstarticle inspection in accordance with Material:3.2.1 Specifi p
20、ainti;g, wring and riveting, alignmen of parta and tigtneaaof-”aasembly screws, bolts, et cetera.3.17.2 Cleaning. The transmitter shall be thoroughly cleaned, and loosa,apattered, or excess aolder, metalchips,and other foreign material removedand after final aaaembly.4. QUALITY ASSHCE PROVISIONSduri
21、ng4.1 Responsibility for inspection. Unleaa otherwise specified in the contract orpurchase order, the contractor is reaponaible for the performance of all inapectinnrequirements (examination and teats) aa specified herein. Except as otherwisespecified in the contract or purchase order, the contracto
22、r may uae hia own or anyother facilities suitable for tha performance of the inspection requirementsspecified herain, unleaa disapproved by the Government. The Government reaerveathe right to perform any of the inspections aet forth in this specificationwheresuch inapectiona are deemed neceaaary to
23、ensure supplies and services confnrm toprescribed requirements.4.1.1 Responsibility pliance. All items shall meet all requirementsofsections 3 and 5. The inapaction set forth in this specification shall become apart of the contractors overall inspection eyatem nr quality program. The abaenceof any I
24、nspection requirements in the specification shall not relieve thecontractor of the responsibilityof ensuring that all prnducta or suppliessubmitted to the Government for acceptance comply with all requirementsof thecontract. Sampling inspection, as part of manufacturing operations, ie anacceptable p
25、ractice to ascertain conformance to requirements, hnwever, this doeanot authorize submisalon of known defective material, either indicated nr actual,nor doea it commit the Government to accept defective material.8Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license fr
26、om IHS-,-,-MIL-T-6368A(USAF)4.2 Classification of inspections. The inspectionsare classified as follows:requirements specifiedhereina. First article (see 4.4).b. Quality conformance inspection (see 4.5).4.3 Inspection conditions. Unless otherwise specified, all inspections shall beperformed in accor
27、dance with the test conditions specified in Standard atmospheric conditions. Whenever the pressure and temperatureexisting at the time of the test are not specified definitely, it is understood thatthe test shall be made at atmospheric gressure (approximately29.92 inches Hg) andat room t
28、emperature (approximately+25 C). When tests are made with atmosphericpressure or room temperature differing materially from these values, properallowance ehall be made for the difference from the specified condition. Exceptwhere otherwisa specified, the transmitter shall be tapped or vibrated before
29、 a testraading ia taken.4.3.2 Vibration stand. Whenever a vibration stand is specified, it shall vibrateat any desired frequency between 8 and 50 Hz and shall subject the transmitter tovibration such that a point on the transmitter case will move in .astraight linewith a total excursion of not less
30、than 0.030 inch nor more than 0.040 inch, andwith sinusoidal velocity. This movement shall be along any axis (x, y, or z) of acartesian coordinate aystern. One axis shall be parallel to tha vertical centerlineof the transmitter in its normalposition.4.3.3 Poeition. Unless otherwise specified, the tr
31、ansmitter shall be testedwiththe common plane of the mounting etuda horizontal, and with the electricalreceptacle at the top.4.3.4 Teat voltage. The transmitter shall be tested with an applied voltage of 28vdc.4.3.5 Test fuel. All transmitter tests, except the vibration test and theSubetituta fuel c
32、eet shall be conducted using the type of fuel specified or approvedby the ProcuringAgency.4.3.6 The transmitters shall be tested with an electrical solenoid counter operatedby tha switch in the transmitter. Sufficient fuel shall ba used in teeting in orderthat the number of gallone for each rate of
33、flow shall not be less than tbe valuespecified in Table I.TAME I. Fuel flowmeter transmitter.Trua Flow Rate Tolerance-percentof Gallona FuelI Indicated Consumed Plus or MinusGals/Hr Lba/Hr Fuel Consumed Room Temp High Temp. Low Temp.(Auprox.) Gallona and Substi1(JU /uu L . 20400 2700 10 1.0 2:01200
34、8200 10 1.0 2.09Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-T-6368A(USAF)4.3.7 Test pressure. Unless otherwise specified, all transmitter tests shall beconductedwith a line fuel pressure between 10 psi and 50 psi.4.4 First article inspection.
35、 Unless otherwise specified, contractors records ofall inspection work and testas giving the results of tests required to determinecompliance with the requirement and testa specified herein, ehall be kept completeand shall be available to the Government representativeat all times. The record orrepor
36、t of inspectionand teate shall be signed or approved by a responsible personspecifically aaaigned by the contractor. Contractor not having laboratory testingfacilities aatiafactory to the Government ehall engaga che servicas of a commercialtesting laboratory capabla of conducting teata to determine
37、compliancewith all therequirements and teats in the specification, and acceptable to the Government.4.4.1 First article inapectl.onsample taated by the contractor. The contractorshall subject a minimum of three transmitters to tbe firat article test specified in4. teat
38、report.First article test sample for the procuring activity. Tha contractor shallsample(s) to the contracting activity who will uae it (them).For a review of the mechancial construction of the product.To perform any tests, included in the aueciflcation.after reviewing the4.4.3 First article inspecti
39、on. The first article inspection shall consist of thefOllowing:a.b.c.d.e.Test ParagraphIndividual testa 4.4.4Position error teets 4.4.6Visual inspection Individual teats. Each transmitter shall be subjected to the followingtesta. In addition, each transmi
40、tter shall be subjected to any other teat apecifiad-herein which the Inspector considers aeceseary to determine compliancewith therequirements of this specification. Scale arror. The transmitter ehall be tested for scale errors at thepoints shown in Table I. The acala errora shall not exceed
41、the tolerances specifiedin Table lkesaure drOQ. The transmitter shall be tested for pressure drop at theratea of flow specified in Table II. The pressure drop of the transmitter shall notexceed the valuea specified in column covering “PreeeureDrop- of Table IIProvided by IHSNot for ResaleN
42、o reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-T-6368A(usAF)TABLE IIFlow Rate Blocked MechanismGale/Hr Lba/Hr Pressure Drop Pressure Drop(ApProx.) Pounds per Square Inch Pounde per Square Inch4UU 2700 1 u 18 u1200 8200 7:0 22:0 & By-paas valve. The metering mechanism
43、shall be blocked by any suitablemeane and the preseure drop acroes the transmitter shall be measured with the fuelflowing at the ratea specified in Table II. The pressure drop valuee shall notexceed the tolerance specified in column covering “Blocked Mschanism” of Table II.The by-pass valve shall no
44、t vibrate or chatter, but shall open and close positively. . The transmittershall be tested for leaka by applying a hydralicpressure of 1200 pai to the inlet connection with the outlet connection plugged orcapped. Thie teet shall firet be performed at room temperature and no leaka shallbe evi
45、dent over a period gf 5 minutes. The temperatureof the transmitter shallthen be reduced to -54 2 C by submersion in a cold bath already at thistemperature, for a period of not lessthan 15 minutes. While etill at thistemperature,the 1200 pai hydraulic preeaure shall be rapidly applied 5 times.Aftar e
46、ach application of preaaure, there shall be no evidence of leaks. Dielectric etrength. The transmitter shall be subjected to a teat voltageof 1,000V (rma) plus twice the working voltage at commercial frequency for a periodof 1 minute. The teat voltage shall be apllied between the terminala (e
47、hortedtogethar) and ground at sea-level atmospheric praeaure.UARNINGThe previous involves dangeroua voltage which may cauae severe shock or injury.Avoid contact with energized component. Remove rings, watchee and other metallicobjected which may cauae shock or burn hazards.4.4.5 Sampling teata. Four
48、 transmitters shall be eelected at random from each lotof 500 or fraction thereof on the order and subjected to the following tests. . A lot shall coneist of tranemitteremanufactured under eaaentiallythe same condition and submitted for inspection at substantially the same time. Fsilur
49、ea. When teats are specified on a quantity of tranamittere that areselected as repreeentativeof a certain lot, and one or more of thie number faila tomeat the epacified teete 2 additional tranemitteraof the lot repreeanted shall beteated immediately to determine the extent of failure. If one or more transmitterof the additional eamples fail to meet the specified tests, the entire lot shall berejected. Individual performance tests need not be interrupted,unless th