1、Designation: A563 07a (Reapproved 2014)Standard Specification forCarbon and Alloy Steel Nuts1This standard is issued under the fixed designation A563; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A num
2、ber in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the U.S. Department of Defense.1. Scope*1.1 This specification2covers chemical and mechanicalre
3、quirements for eight grades of carbon and alloy steel nuts forgeneral structural and mechanical uses on bolts, studs, andother externally threaded parts.NOTE 1See Appendix X1 for guidance on suitable application of nutgrades.1.2 The requirements for any grade of nut may, at thesuppliers option, and
4、with notice to the purchaser, be fulfilledby furnishing nuts of one of the stronger grades specifiedherein unless such substitution is barred in the inquiry andpurchase order.1.3 Grades C3 and DH3 nuts have atmospheric corrosionresistance and weathering characteristics comparable to that ofthe steel
5、s covered in Specifications A242/A242M, A588/A588M, and A709/A709M. The atmospheric corrosion resis-tance of these steels is substantially better than that of carbonsteel with or without copper addition (see 5.2). When properlyexposed to the atmosphere, these steels can be used bare(uncoated) for ma
6、ny applications.NOTE 2A complete metric companion to Specification A563 has beendevelopedA563M; therefore, no metric equivalents are presented in thisspecification.1.4 Terms used in this specification are defined in Termi-nology F1789 unless otherwise defined herein.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM S
7、tandards:3A194/A194M Specification for Carbon and Alloy Steel Nutsfor Bolts for High Pressure or High Temperature Service,or BothA242/A242M Specification for High-Strength Low-AlloyStructural SteelA307 Specification for Carbon Steel Bolts, Studs, andThreaded Rod 60 000 PSI Tensile StrengthA325 Speci
8、fication for Structural Bolts, Steel, Heat Treated,120/105 ksi Minimum Tensile StrengthA354 Specification for Quenched and Tempered Alloy SteelBolts, Studs, and Other Externally Threaded FastenersA394 Specification for Steel Transmission Tower Bolts,Zinc-Coated and BareA449 Specification for Hex Cap
9、 Screws, Bolts and Studs,Steel, Heat Treated, 120/105/90 ksi Minimum TensileStrength, General UseA490 Specification for Structural Bolts, Alloy Steel, HeatTreated, 150 ksi Minimum Tensile StrengthA563M Specification for Carbon and Alloy Steel Nuts (Met-ric)A588/A588M Specification for High-Strength
10、Low-AlloyStructural Steel, up to 50 ksi 345 MPa Minimum YieldPoint, with Atmospheric Corrosion ResistanceA687 Specification for High-Strength Nonheaded SteelBolts and Studs (Withdrawn 1999)4A709/A709M Specification for Structural Steel for BridgesA751 Test Methods, Practices, and Terminology for Che
11、mi-cal Analysis of Steel ProductsB695 Specification for Coatings of Zinc Mechanically De-posited on Iron and SteelD3951 Practice for Commercial PackagingF606 Test Methods for Determining the Mechanical Proper-ties of Externally and Internally Threaded Fasteners,Washers, Direct Tension Indicators, an
12、d RivetsF812/F812M Specification for Surface Discontinuities ofNuts, Inch and Metric SeriesF1789 Terminology for F16 Mechanical FastenersF2329 Specification for Zinc Coating, Hot-Dip, Require-ments for Application to Carbon and Alloy Steel Bolts,Screws, Washers, Nuts, and Special Threaded Fasteners1
13、This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee F16 onFasteners and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee F16.02 on Steel Bolts,Nuts, Rivets and Washers.Current edition approved April 1, 2014. Published May 2014. Originallyapproved in 1966. Last previous edition approved in 200
14、7 as A563 07a. DOI:10.1520/A0563-07AR14.2For ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code applications see related Specifi-cation SA 563 in Section II of that Code.3For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, orcontact ASTM Customer Service at serviceastm.org. For Annual Book of AST
15、MStandards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.4The last approved version of this historical standard is referenced onwww.astm.org.*A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standardCopyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO
16、Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States1G101 Guide for Estimating the Atmospheric Corrosion Re-sistance of Low-Alloy Steels2.2 ANSI Standards:ANSI B1.1 Unified Screw Threads5ANSI B18.2.2 Square and Hex Nuts53. Ordering Information3.1 Orders for nuts under this specification shall i
17、nclude thefollowing:3.1.1 Quantity (number of nuts),3.1.2 Nominal size and thread series of nuts,3.1.3 Style of nut (for example, heavy hex),3.1.4 Grade of nut,3.1.5 Zinc CoatingSpecify the zinc-coating processrequired, for example, hot-dip, mechanically deposited, or nopreference (see 4.7),3.1.6 Ot
18、her FinishesSpecify other protective finish ifrequired,3.1.7 ASTM designation and year of issue, and3.1.8 Supplementary or special requirements.NOTE 3An example of an ordering description follows: 100078-9heavy hex nuts, Grade DH, hot-dip zinc-coated, and lubricated, ASTMA563XX.4. Materials and Manu
19、facture4.1 Steel for nuts shall be made by the open-hearth, basic-oxygen, or electric-furnace process except that steel for GradesO, A, and B nuts may be made by the acid-bessemer process.4.2 Nuts may be made cold or hot by forming, pressing, orpunching or may be machined from bar stock.4.3 Grades D
20、H and DH3 nuts shall be heat treated byquenching in a liquid medium from a temperature above thetransformation temperature and tempering at a temperature ofat least 800F.4.4 Grades C and D nuts made of steel having carboncontent not exceeding 0.20 %, phosphorus not exceeding0.04 %, and sulfur not ex
21、ceeding 0.05 % by heat analysis maybe heat treated by quenching in a liquid medium from atemperature above the transformation temperature and need notbe tempered. When this heat treatment is used, there shall beparticular attention to the requirements in Grades C, C3, and D nuts made of an
22、y steel permittedfor these grades may be heat treated by quenching in a liquidmedium from a temperature above the transformation tempera-ture and tempering at a temperature of at least 800F.4.6 Threads shall be formed by tapping or machining.4.7 Zinc Coatings, Hot-Dip and Mechanically Deposited:4.7.
23、1 When zinc-coated fasteners are required, the pur-chaser shall specify the zinc coating process, for example,hot-dip, mechanically deposited, or no preference.4.7.2 When hot-dip is specified, the fasteners shall bezinc-coated by the hot-dip process in accordance with therequirements of Specificatio
24、n F2329.4.7.3 When mechanically deposited is specified, the fasten-ers shall be zinc coated by the mechanical deposition processin accordance with the requirements of Class 55 of Specifica-tion B695.4.7.4 When no preference is specified, the supplier mayfurnish either a hot-dip zinc coating in accor
25、dance withSpecification F2329, or a mechanically deposited zinc coatingin accordance with Specification B695, Class 55. Threadedcomponents (bolts and nuts) shall be coated by the samezinc-coating process and the suppliers option is limited to oneprocess per item with no mixed processes in a lot.4.7.
26、5 Hot-dip zinc-coated nuts shall be tapped after zinccoating.4.7.6 Mechanically deposited zinc-coated nuts for assemblywith mechanically deposited zinc-coated bolts shall be tappedoversize prior to zinc coating and need not be retappedafterwards.4.8 Lubricant:4.8.1 Hot-dip and mechanically deposited
27、 zinc-coatedGrade DH nuts shall be provided with an additional lubricantwhich shall be clean and dry to the touch (see SupplementaryRequirement S1 to specify lubrication requirements for plainfinish nuts).4.8.2 See Supplementary Requirement S2 for option tospecify a dye in the lubricant.5. Chemical
28、Composition5.1 Grades O, A, B, C, D, and DH shall conform to thechemical composition specified in Table 1.5.2 Grades C3 and DH3 shall conform to the chemicalcomposition specified in Table 2. See Guide G101 for methodsof estimating the atmospheric corrosion resistance of low alloysteels.5.3 Resulfuri
29、zed or rephosphorized steel, or both, are notsubject to rejection based on product analysis for sulfur orphosphorus.5.4 Application of heats of steel to which bismuth,selenium, tellurium, or lead has been intentionally added shallnot be permitted for Grades D, DH, and DH3.5Available from American Na
30、tional Standards Institute (ANSI), 25 W. 43rd St.,4th Floor, New York, NY 10036, http:/www.ansi.org.TABLE 1 Chemical Requirements for Grades O, A, B, C, D, andDH NutsGrade ofNutComposition, %Analysis Carbon Manganese,minPhospho-rus, maxSulfur,maxO, A, B, C heat 0.55 max . 0.12 0.15Aproduct 0.58 max
31、. 0.13B.DCheat 0.55 max 0.30 0.04 0.05product 0.58 max 0.27 0.048 0.058heat 0.200.55 0.60 0.04 0.05DHCproduct 0.180.58 0.57 0.048 0.058AFor Grades O, A, and B a sulfur content of 0.23 % max is acceptable with thepurchasers approval.BAcid bessemer steel only.CFor Grades D and DH a sulfur content of 0
32、.05 0.15 % is acceptable providedthe manganese is 1.35 % min.A563 07a (2014)25.5 Chemical analyses shall be performed in accordancewith Test Methods, Practices, and Terminology A751.6. Mechanical Properties6.1 Hardness:6.1.1 The hardness of nuts of each grade shall not exceedthe maximum hardness spe
33、cified for the grade in Table Jam nuts, slotted nuts, nuts smaller in width acrossflats or thickness than standard hex nuts (7.1), and nuts thatwould require a proof load in excess of 160 000 lbf may befurnished on the basis of minimum hardness requirementsspecified for the grade in Table 3,
34、 unless proof load testing isspecified in the inquiry and purchase order.6.2 Proof Load:6.2.1 Nuts of each grade, except those listed in 6.1.2, shallwithstand the proof load stress specified for the grade, size,style, thread series, and surface finish of the nut in Table 3 andTable Nuts hot
35、dip or mechanically zinc coated in accor-dance with 4.7.2 or 4.7.3 shall be proof load tested after zinccoating and overtapping.67. Dimensions7.1 Unless otherwise specified, nuts shall be plain (un-coated) and shall conform to the dimensions prescribed inANSI B18. Hex and hex-slotted nuts ove
36、r 112 to 2 in. inclusiveshall have dimensions conforming to ANSI B18.2.2 calculatedusing the formulas for the 114 through 112-in. size range inAppendix III (Formulas for Nut Dimensions) ofANSI B18. Threads: Plain (Uncoated) Nuts7.3.1 Unless otherwise specified, the threads shall conformto the
37、 dimensions for coarse threads with Class 2 B tolerancesprescribed in ANSI B1.1.7.4 Threads: Nuts Hot Dip Zinc Coated SpecificationF2329( 4.7.2)7.4.1 Nuts to be used on bolts with Class 2A threads beforehot-dip zinc coating, and then hot-dip zinc coated in accor-dance with Specification F2329, shall
38、 be tapped oversize aftercoating, to the minimum and maximum thread dimensions inTable 5. The major and minor diameters shall also be increasedby the allowance to provide the corresponding minimum andmaximum major and minor diameters.7.5 Threads: Nuts With Other Coatings7.5.1 Nuts to be used on bolt
39、s mechanically zinc coated oron bolts hot-dip zinc-coated to a specification other than6Rotational capacity test procedures, nut rotations, and acceptance criteria are afunction of the bolt with which the nuts will be used. When required, they arecovered by the applicable bolt specification.TABLE 2
40、Chemical Requirements for Grades C3 and DH3 NutsElement Composition, %Classes for Grade C3 NutsAGrade DH3NutsNABCDEFCarbon:Heat analysis . 0.330.40 0.380.48 0.150.25 0.150.25 0.200.25 0.200.25 0.200.53Product analysis . 0.310.42 0.360.50 0.140.26 0.140.26 0.180.27 0.190.26 0.190.55Manganese:Heat ana
41、lysis . 0.901.20 0.700.90 0.801.35 0.401.20 0.601.00 0.901.20 0.40 minProduct analysis . 0.861.24 0.670.93 0.761.39 0.361.24 0.561.04 0.861.24 0.37 minPhosphorus:Heat analysis 0.070.15 0.040 max 0.060.12 0.035 max 0.040 max 0.040 max 0.040 max 0.046 maxProduct analysis 0.070.155 0.045 max 0.060.125
42、0.040 max 0.045 max 0.045 max 0.045 max 0.052 maxSulfur:Heat analysis 0.050 max 0.050 max 0.050 max 0.040 max 0.050 max 0.040 max 0.040 max 0.050 maxProduct analysis 0.055 max 0.055 max 0.055 max 0.045 max 0.055 max 0.045 max 0.045 max 0.055 maxSilicon:Heat analysis 0.200.90 0.150.35 0.300.50 0.150.
43、35 0.250.50 0.150.35 0.150.35 .Product analysis 0.150.95 0.130.37 0.250.55 0.130.37 0.200.55 0.130.37 0.130.37 .Copper:Heat analysis 0.250.55 0.250.45 0.200.40 0.200.50 0.300.50 0.300.60 0.200.40 0.20 minProduct analysis 0.220.58 0.220.48 0.170.43 0.170.53 0.270.53 0.270.63 0.170.43 0.17 minNickel:H
44、eat analysis 1.00 max 0.250.45 0.500.80 0.250.50 0.500.80 0.300.60 0.200.40 0.20 minBProduct analysis 1.03 max 0.220.48 0.470.83 0.220.53 0.470.83 0.270.63 0.170.43 0.17 minChromium:Heat analysis 0.301.25 0.450.65 0.500.75 0.300.50 0.501.00 0.600.90 0.450.65 0.45 minProduct analysis 0.251.30 0.420.6
45、8 0.470.83 0.270.53 0.451.05 0.550.95 0.420.68 0.42 minVanadium:Heat analysis . . . 0.020 min . . . .Product analysis . . . 0.010 min . . . .Molybdenum:Heat analysis . . 0.06 max . 0.10 max . . 0.15 minBProduct analysis . . 0.07 max . 0.11 max . . 0.14 minTitanium:Heat analysis . . . . 0.05 max . .
46、.Product analysis . . . . . . . .AC3 nuts may be made of any of the above listed material classes. Selection of the class shall be at the option of the manufacturer.BNickel or molybdenum may be used.A563 07a (2014)3Specification F2329, or otherwise hot-dip coated, shall betapped oversize by a diamet
47、ral amount sufficient to permitassembly on the coated bolt thread, unless other requirementsare specified in the inquiry or purchase order.7.5.2 When specifically permitted by the purchaser, nuts forbolts with electrodeposited coating, such as cadmium, zinc,and so forth, or with chemically applied c
48、oating may be tappedTABLE 3 Mechanical RequirementsNuts with UNC, 8 UN, 6 UN and Coarser Pitch ThreadsGrade of Nut Nominal Nut Size,in.Style of Nut Proof Load Stress, ksiAHardnessNon-Zinc-CoatedNutsBZinc-CoatedNutsBBrinell Rockwellmin max min maxO14 to 112 square 69 52 103 302 B55 C32A14 to 112 squa
49、re 90 68 116 302 B68 C32O14 to 112 hex 69 52 103 302 B55 C32A14 to 112 hex 90 68 116 302 B68 C32B14 to 1 hex 120 90 121 302 B69 C32B118 to 112 hex 105 79 121 302 B69 C32DC 14 to 112 hex 135 135 159 352 B84 C38DHD 14 to 112 hex 150 150 248 352 C24 C38DH312 to 1 hex 150 150 248 352 C24 C38A14 to 4 heavy hex 100 75 116 302 B68 C32B14 to 1 heavy hex 133 100 121 302 B69 C32B118 to 112 heavy hex 116 87 121 302 B69 C32CC 14 to 4 heavy hex 144 144 143 352 B78 C3