1、Designation:C100899Standard Specification forSintered (Uranium-Plutonium) DioxidePelletsFast Reactor Fuel1This standard is issued under the fixed designation C1008; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last r
2、evision.Anumber in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.Asuperscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.INTRODUCTIONThis specification is intended to provide the nuclear industry with a general standard for(uranium-plutonium) dioxide pellets
3、for fast reactor use. It recognizes the diversity of manufacturingmethods by which (uranium-plutonium) dioxide pellets are produced and the many specialrequirements for chemical and physical characterization which may be imposed by the operatingconditionstowhichthepelletswillbesubjectedinspecificrea
4、ctorsystems.Itdoesnotrecognizethepossible problems associated with the reprocessing of such pellets. It is therefore anticipated that thebuyer may supplement this specification with additional requirements for specific applications.1. Scope1.1 This specification is for finished sintered (uranium-plu
5、tonium) dioxide pellets. It applies to (uranium-plutonium)dioxide pellets containing plutonium additions in the rangefrom10to40weight%anduraniumofany235Ucontent.Theisotopic composition of the plutonium component will be asnormallyproducedbyin-reactorneutronirradiationofuraniumhaving less than 5%235U
6、 or by in-reactor neutron irradiationof recycled plutonium mixed with uranium.1.2 This specification does not include (1) provisions forpreventing criticality accidents or (2) requirements for healthandsafety.Observanceofthisspecificationdoesnotrelievetheuser of the obligation to be aware of and con
7、form to allapplicable international, federal, state, and local regulationspertaining to possessing, processing, shipping, or using sourceor special nuclear material. Examples of U.S. governmentdocumentsareCodeofFederalRegulationsTitle10,Part50Domestic Licensing of Production and Utilization Faciliti
8、es;Title 10, Part 71 Packaging andTransportation of Radioac-tive Material; andTitle 49, Part 173 General Requirementsfor Shipments and Packaging.1.3 Thefollowingsafetyhazardscaveatpertainsonlytothetechnicalrequirementsportion,Section4,ofthisspecification:This standard does not purport to address all
9、 of the safetyconcerns,ifany,associatedwithitsuse.Itistheresponsibilityoftheuserofthisstandardtoestablishappropriatesafetyandhealthpracticesanddeterminetheapplicabilityofregulatorylimitationspriortouse.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTMStandards:C698 TestMethodsforChemical,MassSpectrometric,andSpectroc
10、hemicalAnalysisofNuclear-GradeMixedOxides(U, Pu)O2)2C753 SpecificationforNuclear-Grade,SinterableUraniumDioxide Powder2C757 Specification for Nuclear-Grade Plutonium DioxidePowder, Sinterable2C859 Terminology Relating to Nuclear Materials2C1165 Test Method for Determining Plutonium byControlled-Pote
11、ntial Coulometry in H2SO4at a PlatinumWorking Electrode2C1204 Test Method for Uranium in the Presence of Pluto-nium by Iron (II) Reduction in PhosphoricAcid Followedby Chromium (VI) Titration2C1206 Test Method for Plutonium by Iron (II)/Chromium(VI)Amperometric Titration2E105 Practice for Probabilit
12、y Sampling of Materials32.2 ANSIStandard:ANSI/ASME NQA-1 QualityAssurance Program Require-ments for Nuclear FacilityApplications42.3 U.S.GovernmentDocuments:Code of Federal Regulations, Title 10, (Energy) Part 50,Domestic Licensing of Production and Utilization Facili-ties (10 CFR 50)5U.S.Department
13、ofTransportation,Title49, Transportation,1This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee C-26 onNuclearFuelCycleandisthedirectresponsibilityofSubcommitteeC26.02onFueland Fertile Material Specifications.Current edition approved Jan. 10, 1999. Published March 1999. Originallypublished
14、as C100884. Last previous edition C100892.2AnnualBookofASTMStandards, Vol 12.01.3AnnualBookofASTMStandards, Vol 14.02.4Available from American National Standards Institute, 11 W. 42nd St., 13thFloor, New York, NY 10036.5Available from the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government PrintingOffice,
15、Washington, DC 20402.1AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTINGAND MATERIALS100 Barr Harbor Dr., West Conshohocken, PA19428Reprinted from theAnnual Book ofASTM Standards. CopyrightASTMChapter 1, Materials Transportation Bureau, applicableparts5U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Title 10, Part71, Packaging and T
16、ransportation of Radioactive Mate-rial53. Terminology3.1 DefinitionsDefinitions shall be in accordance withTerminology C859.4. Technical Requirements4.1 ChemicalRequirementsAllchemicalanalysesshallbeperformedonportionsoftherepresentativesamplepreparedinaccordancewithSection6.Analyticalchemistrymetho
17、dsshallbe as stated in Test Methods C698 (latest edition) or demon-strated equivalent as mutually agreed upon between the buyerand the seller.4.1.1 Uranium and Plutonium ContentIndividual pow-ders shall meet the requirements of Specifications C753 andC757.Theuraniumandplutoniumcontentscombinedshallb
18、ea minimum of 87.7 weight% on a dry weight basis compen-satedfortheamericium-241content.(Dryweightisdefinedasthesampleweightminusthemoisturecontent.)Theplutoniumcontent shall be that specified by the buyer.4.1.2 Impurity Content The impurity content shall notexceedtheindividualelementlimitspecifiedi
19、nTable1,basedon the heavy metal content (uranium plus plutonium). Thesummationofthecontributionofeachoftheimpurityelementslisted in Table 1 shall not exceed 5000 g/g (U + Pu). If anelement analysis is reported as “less than” a given concentra-tion,this“lessthan”valueshallbeusedinthedeterminationofth
20、e total impurities.4.1.3 Stoichiometry The oxygen-to-heavy-metal ratio ofsinteredfuelpelletsshallbewithintherangefrom1.94to2.01.The nominal value and allowable tolerances shall be agreedupon between the buyer and the seller.4.1.4 Moisture Content The moisture content shall notexceed 30 g/g total wei
21、ght.4.1.5 GasContentThegascontent,exclusiveofmoisture,shall not exceed, at standard temperature and pressure, 0.18L/kg of the heavy metal content.4.1.6 Americium-241ContentTheamericium-241contentshallbemeasuredandreported,alongwiththedateofanalysis.The americium-241 content or activity is important
22、to thehandlingofUO2-PuO2andwillvarywithtime.Themaximumacceptable americium-241 content on a given date shall beagreed upon between the buyer and seller. The date ofseparation of plutonium from this isotope shall be considered.4.1.7 The uranium, thorium, and americium contents oractivity, or both, ar
23、e important in the handling of plutoniumdioxide (PuO2) containing materials and will vary with time.The dates of separation of the plutonium used from theseelements and the analysis dates shall be considered. Methodsof reporting shall be agreed upon between the seller and thebuyer.4.2 NuclearRequire
24、ments:4.2.1 IsotopicContentThe isotopic content of the ameri-cum, uranium, and plutonium in the (uranium-plutonium)dioxide pellets shall be determined. The234U,235U,236U, and238U content of the uranium shall be reported as a masspercentage with respect to total uranium, and the238Pu,239Pu,240Pu,241P
25、u, and242Pu content of the plutonium shall bereportedonaPumass%orona(Pu+Am)mass%basis.Theequivalentplutoniumcontentbasedonuraniumandplutoniumisotopic concentrations shall be as specified by the buyer.4.2.2 Equivalent Plutonium at a Given DateThe equiva-lentplutoniumofthe(uranium-plutonium)dioxidepel
26、letsshallbe considered as the sum of the fissile isotopes of uranium,plutonium, and americium. Debits in fissile inventory will beconsidered, as necessary, for poisons, for example, U236 orAm241. The dates of isotopic analyses in support of thesedeterminations will be recorded by the seller and repo
27、rted tothebuyer.Thepermissibletolerancesoftheplutoniumcontent(either as americum, uranium plus plutonium, or as theindividual elements) and their evaluation criteria shall be asagreed upon between the buyer and the seller.4.3 PhysicalCharacteristics:4.3.1 DimensionsThedimensionsofthepelletshallbeass
28、pecified by the buyer. These shall include diameter, length,perpendicularity, and, as required, other geometric parametersincluding surface finish.4.3.2 Pellet Density The density of sintered pellets shallbe as specified by the buyer. The theoretical density foruranium dioxide (UO2) of natural isoto
29、pic content shall beconsidered as 10.96 g/cm3. The theoretical density for PuO2shall be considered as 11.46 g/cm3.The theoretical density forthe uranium-plutonium dioxide (U, Pu)O2) pellets shall becalculated by linear interpolation between these values. Den-sity measurements shall be made by the me
30、thod stated inAnnex A1 (for the geometric method) or by a demonstratedequivalentmethodasmutuallyagreeduponbetweenthebuyerand the seller.4.3.3 Grain Size and Pore MorphologyThe performanceof pellets (including irradiation swelling and densification)may be affected by the pellet grain size and pore mo
31、rphology.These characteristics shall be mutually agreed upon betweenthe buyer and the seller.4.3.4 PlutoniumOxideHomogeneityandSize: Plutonium Homogeneity Within a Pellet LotHomogeneity of the Pu content shall be demonstrated throughanalysis of representative samples taken from multiple pelle
32、ts.TABLE 1 Impurity Elements and Maximum Concentration LimitsElementsMaximumConcentrationLimit(g/g of U+Pu)Aluminum 900Calcium 250Carbon 300Chlorine 25Chromium 500Fluorine 25Iron 1600Magnesium 150Nickel 500Nitride nitrogen 200The sum of copper, zinc, and silicon 1400The sum of silver, manganese, mol
33、ybdenum, lead,and tin400C10082Sample size shall not exceed the nominal equivalent of a fuelpellet. The range of the Pu content shall not exceed 0.2%absolute.Alternative methods and criteria that may be agreedupon between the buyer and the seller are possible forevaluation of plutonium homogeneity wi
34、thin a lot. Plutonium Oxide Particle Size and DistributionWithin a PelletNo more than 5% of the nominal PuO2content within a pellet shall be present in PuO2rich particleswith equivalent diameters of 200 m or greater.When a-auto-radiographyisusedtodeterminethevalue,dueallowanceshallbe permitte
35、d for the halo effect. The area percentage andvolumepercentageshallbeconsideredequivalentprovidedthehomogeneity requirements of are satisfied.4.3.5 PelletIntegrity Pellets shall be inspected to criteriathat ensure that excessive breakage will not occur during fuelrod loading. Acceptable test
36、 methods include a visual (1X)comparison with pellet standards, or other methods, for in-stance, loadability tests, approved by both the buyer and theseller. Surface Cracks The suggested limits for surfacecracks are defined as follows:(1) Radial cracks on the pellet ends12 the pellet radius.(
37、2) Circumferential cracks12the circumference.(3) Axial cracks12 the pellet length.4.3.6 ChipsThe limits for chips are as follows: Pellet Ends 25% of the surface area of the loadbearing surface of the pellet end. Alternative criteria may beagreeduponbetweenthebuyerandthesellerforevaluationofch
38、ips. Circumferential Chips10% of the pellet circum-ferential surface area.4.3.7 Cleanliness and WorkmanshipThe surface of fin-ished pellets shall be visually (1X) free of loose chips,macroscopic inclusions and foreign materials, such as oil andgrinding media.4.4 IdentificationPelletidentitysh
39、allbemaintainedastototal fissile and total Pu content by marking, coding, oralternative methods.5. Lot Requirements5.1 Apelletlotisdefinedasagroupofpelletsmadefromasingle blend of UO2and PuO2powder lots using one set ofprocess parameters.5.2 The identity of a pellet lot shall be retained throughoutp
40、rocessing without mixing with other established lots.5.3 Conformance to this specification shall be establishedfor each pellet lot.6. Sampling6.1 (Uranium-plutonium) dioxide pellets may be hygro-scopic and retain sufficient water after exposure to a moistatmosphere to cause detectable errors. Sampli
41、ng, weighing ofthe sample, and handling the sample shall be done underconditions that assure that the sample is representative of thelot. Sampling plans to meet acceptance criteria shall bemutually agreed upon between the buyer and the seller.Practice E10 is referenced as a guide.6.2 The buyer or hi
42、s representative shall have the option totake a representative sample of pellets from each pellet lot forthe purpose of determining chemical, nuclear, and physicalproperties.6.3 The lot sample shall be of sufficient size to performquality assurance testing at the sellers plant, referee testing inthe
43、 event it becomes necessary, acceptance testing at thebuyersplantwhenrequired,andretentionofarchivalsamples.6.4 The lot sample for acceptance testing at the buyersplant,whenrequired,shallbepackagedinaseparatecontainer,clearlyidentifiedbylotnumber,andshippedwithorprecedingthe lot. The referee sample
44、shall be clearly identified andretained at the sellers plant until the lot has been formallyaccepted by the buyer.7. Testing and Certification7.1 ThesellershalltestthesampledescribedinSection6toassureconformanceofthepellettotherequirementsofSection4.Alltestingshallbeconductedbytechniquesmutuallyagre
45、edupon between the buyer and the seller.7.2 The seller shall provide to the buyer documentationcertifying that the pellets meet the requirements of Section 4.7.3 When requested by the buyer, the seller shall makeavailable records of all data obtained from tests certifying thatthe pellets meet requir
46、ements of Section 4.7.4 LotAcceptanceAcceptancetestingmaybeperformedby the buyer on either the sample provided by the seller or ona sample taken at the buyers plant.Acceptance shall be on alot basis and shall be contingent upon the material propertiesmeeting the requirements of Section 4 or of Secti
47、on 4 asmodified by contract documentation.7.5 RefereeThe buyer and the seller shall agree to a thirdpartyasarefereeintheeventofadisputeinanalyticalresults.8. Packaging and Shipping8.1 (Uranium-plutonium) dioxide pellets shall be packagedin sealed containers to prevent loss or damage, or both, ofmate
48、rial and contamination from airborne or container materi-als. The exact size and type of packaging shall be as mutuallyagreed upon between the buyer and seller.8.2 Eachcontainerreferredtoin8.1shallbearlabelsonthelid and side that include the following information:8.2.1 Sellers name,8.2.2 Material in
49、 container,8.2.3 Lot numbers,8.2.4 Plutonium content and enrichment,8.2.5 Uranium content and enrichment,8.2.6 Gross, tare, net oxide weights,8.2.7 Purchase order number, and8.2.8 Container ( ) of ( ) (total number of containers).9. QualityAssurance9.1 Quality assurance requirements shall be agreed uponbetweenthebuyerandthesellerwhenspecifiedinthepurchaseorder.CodeofFederalRegulationsTitle10,Part50,AppendixB, and NQA-1 are referenced as guides.10. Keywords10.1 breederreactor;fastreactor;mixedoxidefuels;nuclearfuel; nuclear fuel pellets; pluton