ASTM C1173-2010 Standard Specification for Flexible Transition Couplings for Underground Piping Systems《地下管道系统用柔性过渡管联接器标准规格》.pdf

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ASTM C1173-2010 Standard Specification for Flexible Transition Couplings for Underground Piping Systems《地下管道系统用柔性过渡管联接器标准规格》.pdf_第1页
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1、Designation: C1173 10Standard Specification forFlexible Transition Couplings for Underground PipingSystems1This standard is issued under the fixed designation C1173; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last

2、revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope1.1 This specification describes the properties of devices orassemblies suitable for use as flexible transition couplings,herei

3、nafter referred to as couplings, for underground drainageand sewer piping systems.1.2 Couplings that may include bushings, inserts, or shearrings and conform to the requirements of this standard aresuitable for joining plain end pipe or fittings. The pipe to bejoined shall be of similar or dissimila

4、r materials, size, or both.1.3 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regardedas standard. The values given in parentheses are mathematicalconversions to SI units that are provided for information onlyand are not considered standard.1.4 The ASTM standards referenced herein shall be consid-e

5、red mandatory.1.5 The committee with jurisdiction over this standard is notaware of another comparable standard for materials covered inthis standard.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2A240/A240M Specification for Chromium and Chromium-Nickel Stainless Steel Plate, Sheet, and Strip for Press

6、ureVessels and for General ApplicationsA493 Specification for Stainless Steel Wire and Wire Rodsfor Cold Heading and Cold ForgingA644 Terminology Relating to Iron CastingsD395 Test Methods for Rubber PropertyCompression SetD412 Test Methods for Vulcanized Rubber and Thermo-plastic ElastomersTensionD

7、471 Test Method for Rubber PropertyEffect of LiquidsD543 Practices for Evaluating the Resistance of Plastics toChemical ReagentsD573 Test Method for RubberDeterioration in an AirOvenD624 Test Method for Tear Strength of Conventional Vul-canized Rubber and Thermoplastic ElastomersD638 Test Method for

8、 Tensile Properties of PlasticsD1149 Test Methods for Rubber DeteriorationCrackingin an Ozone Controlled EnvironmentD2240 Test Method for Rubber PropertyDurometerHardnessD3045 Practice for Heat Aging of Plastics Without LoadD6147 Test Method for Vulcanized Rubber and Thermo-plastic ElastomerDetermin

9、ation of Force Decay (StressRelaxation) in Compression3. Terminology3.1 DefinitionsFor definitions of terms used in this stan-dard, see Terminology A644.3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:3.2.1 center stop, nan integral part of the gasket centeredon its axial length intended to limit

10、 the insertion depth of thepipe to be coupled.3.2.2 clamp assembly, nthat portion of the couplingexcluding the gasket.3.2.3 coupling, nthe complete assembly.3.2.4 fitting, nparts of a pipeline other than straight pipecouplings, or valves.3.2.5 flexible transition couplings, ndevices used to forma le

11、akproof joint between sections of plain end pipe or fittingsof the same or different materials, of the same or different size,or any combination of materials or pipe sizes.3.2.6 free torque, nthe torque value expressed inlbfin./Nm when the clamp is tightened four revolutions of thescrew nut; while i

12、n the free state, this value does not includeany breakaway effects due to staking or passage of the bandends beyond the screw heads.3.2.7 inserts, na bushing or ring placed into the couplingsocket to accommodate pipe materials of differing outsidediameters.1This specification is under the jurisdicti

13、on of ASTM Committee A04 on IronCastings and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee A04.75 on Gaskets andCoupling for Plumbing and Sewer Piping.Current edition approved Dec. 15, 2010. Published January 2011. Originallyapproved in 1991. Last previous edition approved in 2008 as C1173 08. DOI:10

14、.1520/C1173-10.2For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, orcontact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.1Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor

15、 Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.3.2.8 joint, nthe completed assembly of parts consistingof the flexible transition coupling and the joined pipes, orfittings, or both.3.2.9 lot, na specific quantity of similar material orcollection of similar units from a common s

16、ource; the quantityoffered for inspection and acceptance at any one time. A lotmight comprise a shipment, batch, or similar quantity.3.2.10 manufacturer, nthe entity that produces the cou-pling.3.2.11 plain end pipe, nany pipe that does not include anybell, hub, threaded area, or other means of join

17、ing.3.2.12 shear ring, nan interior or exterior element whichis used to span the distance between the pipe ends within acoupling so as to provide increased resistance to axial displace-ment.4. Classification4.1 The couplings shall be permitted to have a center stop.The components shall be designed s

18、o that the elastomericmaterial is compressed to form a hydrostatic seal when thejoint is assembled. The couplings shall be of the typesdescribed in 4.1.1- Type AA coupling consisting of an elastomericgasket incorporating corrosion resistant tension bands andtightening mechanism. Couplings

19、 shall be fabricated withoutshear rings, with or without inserts and with or without a centerstop.4.1.2 Type BA coupling consisting of an elastomericgasket incorporating a corrosion resistant shear ring, tensionbands and tightening mechanism. Couplings shall be fabricatedwith shear rings, with or wi

20、thout inserts and with or without acenter stop (Note 1).4.1.3 Type CA coupling fabricated with elastomeric com-pression seals.NOTE 1The provisions of this standard are not intended to prevent theuse of any alternate material or method of construction, provided any suchalternate meets the requirement

21、s of this standard.5. Materials and Manufacture5.1 Elastomeric materials used in the manufacturing ofcouplings and inserts shall comply with the requirements of 9.1and Table 1 of this standard.5.2 All metallic components shall be manufactured of 300series stainless steel.6. Elastomeric Gasket Requir

22、ements6.1 The elastomeric gasket shall conform to the physicalproperties as specified in 5.1 of this standard.6.2 Elastomeric gaskets and inserts of single, multi-piece, orspliced construction shall show no signs of separation, peeling,or other defects when tested in accordance with Section 9.6.3 El

23、astomeric gaskets and inserts of single, multi-piece, orspliced construction shall be free from porosity and air pockets.Its surface shall be smooth and free from pitting, cracks,blisters, air marks, or any other imperfections that affect itsperformance in service. The flash extension shall not exce

24、ed1mm at any point where the presence of flash affects perfor-mance.6.4 Elastomeric gaskets and inserts shall be compatible withthe dimensions and tolerances of the specific material to whichit is designed to join.7. Clamp Assembly Requirements7.1 All metallic components shall be of 300 series stain

25、lesssteel conforming to the requirements of Specification A240/A240M. All metallic components made from round stock shallbe of 300 series stainless steel conforming to the requirementsof Specification A493 (excluding copper bearing alloys).7.2 Clamp assemblies, tension bands, tightening mecha-nisms

26、shall conform to the performance requirements as setforth in 9.2 of this standard.8. Dimensions8.1 Couplings and bushing dimensions shall be compatiblewith the dimensions and tolerances of the specific material towhich it is designed to join.9. Sampling, Tests, and Retests9.1 Test specimens represen

27、tative of the couplings to beused shall be randomly selected from the manufactured lot fortesting.9.2 One coupling for each size or type shall be tested, unlessotherwise specified or waived by the purchaser.9.3 Where there is a failure in the original test, the entire testshall be rerun with twice t

28、he number of samples and any failureshall be cause for rejection.10. Test Methods10.1 Elastomeric Materials:10.1.1 HardnessHardness shall be measured on either afinished surface, a squarely cut end, or a flat sliced or buffedsurface, depending on the size and shape of the specimen. SeeTest Method D2

29、240. The manufacturer shall specify thehardness and scale.TABLE 1 Test RequirementsPropertiesPhysicalRequirementsASTM TestMethodElastomeric MaterialsHardness, Nominal Shore “A” Durometeras specified by the coupling manufacturer5075 D2240Hardness, Nominal Shore “D” Durometeras specified by the coupli

30、ng manufacturer3545 D2240Tensile strength, min psi (KPa) 1000 (6894) D412,DieC,Fig. 2 or D638Elongation at rupture, min, % 200 D412,DieC,Fig. 2 or D638Heat aging, 70 h, 158 6 3.6F (70 6 2C) D573 or D3045Hardness increase, maximum Durometerpoints10Change in tensile strength, max, % 25Change in elonga

31、tion, max, % 35Ozone resistance No cracks D1149At 20 % elongationFor 100 h at 1046 3.6F (40 6 2C)With 50 parts per 100 millionWater absorption, weight gain, %, max 20 D471Chemical resistance, 48 h, 746 3.6F (236 2C)no weight loss D543Compression Set, max, % 25 D395 Method BStress Relaxation, min. %

32、Force Retention 30 D6147Tear Strength, min, lbf/in. (N/cm) 150 (268.5) D624 Die CC1173 10210.1.2 Tensile Strength and Elongation The dumbbellsshall be prepared from sections of the finished material. SeeTest Method D412.10.1.3 Heat Agingfor hardness, tensile and elongationshall be performed in accor

33、dance with Test Method D573.Specimens shall be oven-aged for 96 h at 158 6 3.6F (70 62C).10.1.4 Ozone ResistanceSee Test Method D1149. Proce-dure A, stretched 20 % and exposed to an ozone concentrationof 50 parts per 100 million for 100 h at 104 6 3.6F (40 62C).10.1.5 Water AbsorptionSize and time d

34、eterminationsshall be set in accordance with Test Method D471.Aspecimen0.075 by 1 by 2 in. (1.9 by 25 by 50 mm) shall be immersed indistilled water at 158 6 3.6F (70 6 2C) for 7 days. Afterseven days the specimen shall be removed, the surface mois-ture blotted and the specimen weighed. The percent g

35、ain shallbe determined by the following equation:WF 2 WO!WO 100where:WF = weight of specimen after immersion for 7 days, andWO = dry weight of specimen before immersion.10.1.6 Chemical ResistanceSamples shall be aged for 48hat746 3.6F (23 6 2C) using solutions of 1N sulfuric acidand 1N hydrochloric

36、acid. See Test Method D543.10.1.7 Tear StrengthThe gasket material shall be tested inaccordance with Test Method D624, Die C.10.1.8 Compression Set/Stress RelaxationElastomericmaterials shall comply with the compression set requirementsof Section or the stress relaxation requirements ofSect

37、ion The gasket material shall be tested for compressionset in accordance with Test Method D395, Method B. Speci-mens shall be oven aged for 22 h at 70 6 1C (158 6 2F). The gasket material shall be tested for stressrelaxation in accordance with Test Method D6147, usingMethod

38、 B and test specimen as defined in 7.1.2 of D6147. Thetest temperature and duration shall be 168 h at 23 6 2C (736 4F).10.2 Clamp Assembly Performance:10.2.1 Torque ResistanceClamp assemblies, tensionbands and tightening mechanisms shall be tested to withstandthe manufacturers required installation

39、torque or a minimum of60 in.-lb (8.5 N-m) of applied torque without visible signs offailure. The band shall be tested over a steel mandrel of theappropriate coupling diameter and torqued as required.10.2.2 The maximum free running torque of stainless steeltension bands shall be 4 in.-lb (0.45 N-m).

40、Stainless steeltension bands with torque resistance in excess of 100 in.-lbshall have a maximum free running torque of 8 in.-lb.10.2.3 Test Procedure for Free Running Torque: With the nonstressed clamp hand held and theslotted band fully engaged, the screw shall be rotated clock-wise 10 revo

41、lutions with the maximum value of the torquemeter recorded. The equipment required shall be a hand held torquemeter witha0to15in.-lb range.10.3 Coupling Performance Requirements:10.3.1 Deflection Sealing Resistance The joint shall havesufficient flexibility to permit deflection in any direct

42、ion asdefined by Table 2 and shall show no visible leakage when sodeflected while under an internal hydrostatic pressure of 4.3 psi(30 KPa) for a period of 15 minutes. The ends of the test pipeshall be restrained only by an amount necessary to preventlongitudinal movement. The deflection shall be me

43、asured asthe distance the free end of the one pipe has moved away fromthe center line of the fixed pipe. See Fig. Assemble each coupling tested in accordance withthe manufacturers instructions between two sections of ran-domly selected pipe, not to exceed 5 ft in length, manufacturedto ap

44、propriate standards for the type of pipe the couplings areexpected to join. Support one pipe section on two blocks, one nearthe uncoupled end of the pipe section and the other blockimmediately adjacent to the coupling. Firmly restrain pipesection one. Deflect the second pipe section

45、in any direction anamount equal to the distance specified in Table 2 of thisstandard. Firmly restrain pipe section two. Plug the outbound pipe ends. Fill the assemblywith water expelling all air. Gradually apply the 4.3 psi internalhydrostatic pressure and maintain for 15 min.10.3.2 Shear Lo

46、ading Resistance (Type B CouplingsOnly)The joint shall have sufficient resistance to shearloading to meet the requirements of the following test. Support two joined lengths of randomly selectedpipe on blocks, a minimum of 1 in. (38.1 mm) high, at threelocations. One length shall be a minimum

47、 of 24 in. (609.6 mm)in length, supported on blocks, one near the uncoupled end,and the other immediately adjacent to the coupling. Firmlyrestrain this length in position as shown in Fig. 2. The othercoupled length shall be a minimum of 5 ft (1.52 m) in lengthand supported by a single block 6 in. (1

48、52.4 mm) from the endof the pipe. Fill the assembly with water and expel all air.Apply a load of 50 lb per in. (22.7 kg) of nominal diameter ata point 6 in. (152.4 mm) from the edge of the coupling upon a12 in. (304.8 mm) length of 3 by 3 in. (76.2 by 76.2 mm) angleiron or load distribution

49、pad located on the top of the pipeimmediately adjacent to the coupling of the pipe having onesupport only. Under this loading there shall be no visibleleakage or displacement of more than 3/8 in. (9.53 mm) fromtrue alignment adjacent to the coupling, when an internalpressure equivalent to a 10 ft (3.05 m) head of water 4.3 psi(29.6 kPa) is applied. Maintain the load and internal pressurefor 15 min.TABLE 2 RequirementsDeflection per Foot of Pipe LengthANominal ID,in. (mm)Deflection in./linear ft(mm/linear m)212 (50300)1

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