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1、2002年在职攻硕英语联考真题试卷及答案与解析 一、 Part II Vocabulary and Structure (20 minutes, 10 points) Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are 4 choices marked A, B. C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a

2、single line through the center. 1 Experiments in the photography of moving objects _ in both the United States and Europe well before 1990. ( A) have been conducting ( B) were conducting ( C) had been conducted ( D) are conducted 2 After long negotiations, the firm _ to build a double-purpose bridge

3、 across the river. ( A) contracted ( B) contacted ( C) consulted ( D) convinced 3 Diderot was also a philosophical materialist,_ that thought developed from the movements and changes of matter. ( A) believing ( B) have been located ( C) believes ( D) be locating 4 We felt _ to death because we could

4、 make nothing of the lecturers speech. ( A) exposed ( B) tired ( C) exhausted ( D) bored 5 The population of many Alaskan cities has _ doubled in the past three years. ( A) larger than ( B) more than ( C) as great as ( D) as many as 6 It was very difficult to build a power station in the deep valley

5、, but it _ as we had hoped. ( A) came off ( B) went off. ( C) brought our ( D) made out 7 A baby might show fear of an unfamiliar adult, _ he is likely to smile and reach out to another infant. ( A) if ( B) whenever ( C) so that ( D) whereas 8 Christmas is a holiday usually celebrated on December 25

6、th _ the birth of Jesus Christ. ( A) in accordance with ( B) in terms of ( C) in favor of ( D) in honor of 9 Weather _, there will be an open air party with live music here this weekend. ( A) permits ( B) should permit ( C) will permit ( D) permitting 10 When workers are organized in trade unions, e

7、mployers find it hard to lay them _ ( A) off ( B) aside ( C) out ( D) down 11 The symbols of mathematics _ we are most familiar are the signs of addition, subtraction, multiplication, division arid equality. ( A) to which ( B) which ( C) with which ( D) in which 12 The machines in this workshop are

8、not regulated _ but are jointly controlled by a central computer system. ( A) inevitably ( B) individually ( C) irrespectively ( D) irregularly 13 We are sure that _ to do this face to face, he would find it difficult to express himself without losing his temper. ( A) were he to try ( B) would he tr

9、y ( C) was he trying ( D) if he tries 14 The local people were joyfully surprised to find the prices of vegetables no longer _ according to the weather. ( A) evaluated ( B) converted ( C) fluctuated ( D) modified 15 _ he realized it was already too late for us to return home. ( A) No sooner it grew

10、dark when ( B) Hardly it grew dark than ( C) It was not until dark that ( D) Scarcely it grew dark than 16 Without computer network, it would be impossible to carry on _ any business operation in the advanced countries. ( A) practically ( B) preferably ( C) precisely ( D) possibly 17 _ will Mr. Forb

11、es be able to regain control of the company. ( A) With hard work ( B) As regards his hard work ( C) Only if he works hard ( D) Despite his hard work 18 From the incident they have learned a lesson: _ decisions often lead to bitter regrets. ( A) urgent ( B) hasty ( C) instant ( D) prompt 19 What the

12、teacher of the science class does and says _ of great importance to the students at college. ( A) was ( B) are ( C) is ( D) were 20 The Chinese community there, consisting of 67,000 _, is the largest concentration of Chinese outside Asia. ( A) visitors ( B) workers ( C) adults ( D) inhabitants 二、 Pa

13、rt III Reading Comprehension (40 minutes, 40 points) Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each of the passages is followed by 5 questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a

14、 single line through the center. 21 In the United States the way people spend their leisure time is an important part of their identity. Perhaps everybody does nearly the same thing all day in the office or the factory, but leisure time is what makes people distinct and reveals who they are. Some pe

15、ople like rock music, for example, and others may like jazz or classical music. Some people are runners or swimmers, and others are “couch (睡椅 ) potatoes“ who “surf“ the television channels with a remote control Some go to museums while others spend long hours at a shopping centre. These kinds of ch

16、oices are ways that people define themselves. It hasnt always been this way. “Leisure time“ was almost unknown in the United States in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. When most people worked on farms, the workday was from sunrise to sunset every day except Sunday, which was devoted to churc

17、h. Later, with the rise of factories and city populations, people worked equally long hours and had only Sunday for rest. Some people did more of the things than that they do nowattend concerts, have parties, go to restaurants, read novels, or play, sportsbut to a much lesser extent. Slowly, through

18、out the twentieth century, leisure time grew. Technology made farm work less burdensome, and changes in laws shortened the factory work day and week. New inventions such as the phonograph(留声机 )and the radio gave people access to music and mass entertainment on a scale unknown before. People graduall

19、y became consumers of entertainment, and businesses competed fiercely for their dollars. For many people leisure time means going somewhereto a museum, to a concert, to a restaurant, or to a baseball game, for example. Or it means doing something such as playing volleyball, backpacking, swimming, bi

20、king, or playing in a park with their children. For other people free time means staying home with wonderful sources of entertainment, such as a VCR, stereo (立体声系统 ) , or cable TV with dozens of channels. Others pursue creative activities such as cooking, gardening, and home improvement. The latest

21、stay-at-home activity is “surfing the net“that is looking for information and entertainment on the Internet. People in the United States are basically not much different from others in what they do in their leisure time. The real difference may lie in the energy, time, money, and sheer enthusiasm th

22、at they devote to it. 21 “Couch potatoes“ in Paragraph 1 refers to those who _. ( A) control their viewing of TV programs ( B) are happy watching situation comedies ( C) watch TV while eating potato chips ( D) are crazy about watching TV programs 22 According to the passage, in the eighteenth and ni

23、neteenth centuries, some Americans _. ( A) worked from sunrise to sunset seven days a week ( B) preferred working in factories to working on farms ( C) had many of the leisure time activities that people now have ( D) fought for shorter working hours and more leisure time 23 Apart from technology, t

24、he growing leisure time throughout the twentieth century is also due to _. ( A) changes in laws ( B) mass entertainment ( C) new types of consumption ( D) competitive businesses 24 In terms of leisure time activities, people in the United States _. ( A) enjoy a larger variety than people in other co

25、untries ( B) are not much different from people in other countries ( C) enjoy more stay-at-home activities such as “surfing the net“ ( D) are less energetic and enthusiastic than others 25 Whether you are logging on to your personal computer, using a credit card, or disarming a door security system,

26、 passwords or PINs(personal identification numbers) jealously guard access to numerous regular operations. It is estimated that within ten years, consumers could be faced with handling more than 100 passwords! Given the popularity of passwords, how can you choose ones that are sufficiently complicat

27、ed to be secure yet are simple enough to remember? There are basic guidelines to bear in mind. First, dont use as a password your name or that of a member of your family, even in modified form. Also avoid use of your telephone number, your Social Security number, or your address. Such information ca

28、n easily be obtained by a determined hacker (黑客 ). In addition, if possible, dont use passwords made up entirely of letters or digits. A relatively simple computer program can crack such a code quickly: Finally, do not use a word that can be found in any dictionary, even a foreign-language one. Huge

29、 lists are available that contain words, place names, and proper names from all languages. Programs can test for variations of these words, such as if they are spelled backward, capitalized, or combined. So, what kinds of passwords should be used? Usually ones that have a minimum of six to eight cha

30、racters and that have a mixture of upper-and lower-case letters, digits, and punctuation (标点 ) symbols. How difficult is it to crack such a combination of characters? One source says that “a machine that could try one million passwords per second would require, on the average, over one hundred years

31、.“ How can you choose a combination that is easy to remember? Some suggest that you take the title of a favorite book or film or a line from a song or poem and use the first latter from each word as your password, adding capital letters, punctuation, or other characters. For example, “to be or not t

32、o be“ could become “2B/not2B“. Other suggestions include taking two short words and link them with a punctuation character, such as “High?Bug“ or “Song; Tree“. Taking into account the suggestions outlined above can help you to protect important information from unwanted hackers. Remember, too, the i

33、mportance of changing your passwords regularly. Just a final comment, whatever passwords you decide to use, dont pick any of the examples given above. 25 What is the main idea of this passage? ( A) How to strengthen security through a password. ( B) How to choose a password that is easy to remember.

34、 ( C) How to prevent your password from being cracked. ( D) How to choose a safe and convenient password. 26 Why shouldnt we use a word that can be found in any dictionary as a password? ( A) Because it can be easily remembered by a computer hacker. ( B) Because computer programs can crack it. ( C)

35、Because computer hackers are determined to crack it. ( D) Because the lists are so huge that the words are not easy to remember. 27 If you are choosing a password for your computer, which of the following is the best choice? ( A) iaHgnahs ( B) I9730508 ( C) 2B/not2B ( D) Re-B,p12 28 How can you choo

36、se a password that is both secure and simple to remember? ( A) Taking the title of your favorite book or film. ( B) Taking a line from a song or poem you like best. ( C) Making up a nonsensical word which cannot be found in any dictionary. ( D) Using two short words linked with a punctuation charact

37、er. 29 According to a concerned 1997 article in the Boston Globe, the United States spent less than one percent of its transportation budget on facilities for pedestrians (行人 ). Actually, Im surprised it was that much. Go to almost any suburb developed in the last 30 years, and you will not find a s

38、idewalk anywhere. Often you wont find a single pedestrian crossing. I was made fully aware of this one summer when we were driving across Maine and stopped for coffee in one of those endless zones of shopping malls (购物中心 ) , motels, gas stations and fast-food places. I noticed there was a bookstore

39、across the street, so I decided to forget coffee and go there to have a look. Although the bookshop was no more than 70 or 80 feet away, I discovered that there was no way to cross over six lanes of swiftly moving traffic on foot without putting myself in danger. In the end, I had to get in our car

40、and drive across. At the time, it seemed ridiculous and annoying, but afterward I realized that I was possibly the only person ever to have thought of crossing the street on foot. The fact is, we not only dont walk anywhere anymore in this country, we wont walk anywhere, and dislike anyone who tries

41、 to make US, as the city of Laconia, N.H. discovered. In the early 1970s, Laconia spent millions on a comprehensive urban renewal project, which included building a pedestrian mall to make shopping more pleasant. Esthetically (美学上 ) it was a triumph-urban planners came from all over to praise and ta

42、ke photosbut commercially it was a disaster. Forced to walk one whole block from, a parking garage, shoppers abandoned downtown Laconia for suburban malls. In 1994 Laconia dug up its pretty paving blocks, took away the flowers and decorative trees, and brought back the cars. Now people can park righ

43、t in front of the stores again, and downtown Laconia thrives again. And if that isnt sad, I dont know what is. 29 In Paragraph 1, “Im surprised it was that much“ means the author thinks _. ( A) the government spends too much on facilities for pedestrians ( B) the government spends just enough on fac

44、ilities for pedestrians ( C) the amount is more than he has expected ( D) the amount is less than he has expected 30 In Maine the author had to drive to a bookstore 70 or 80 feet away because _. ( A) it was practically impossible for him to cross the street on foot ( B) the street was actually too b

45、road to cross on foot ( C) it was against the traffic regulations to cross the street on foot ( D) no one has ever walked across such a crowded street 31 According to the author, most Americans _. ( A) dont care much about the lack of facilities for pedestrians ( B) think it ridiculous and annoying

46、to have no crossing for pedestrians ( C) are interested in building the facilities for pedestrians ( D) have realized the importance of the facilities for pedestrians 32 What is sad according to the author? ( A) The Laconia urban renewal project was poorly supported. ( B) Laconia has become a busy s

47、hopping center again. ( C) People park their cars right in front of the stores. ( D) Most Americans are reluctant to walk even a single block. 33 Dear Sirs, Your shipment of twelve thousand Smart watches was received by our company this morning. However, we wish to make a number of complaints concer

48、ning the serious delay in delivery and your failure to carry out our specific instructions with regard to this order. It was stressed from the beginning that the delivery date had to be less than six weeks from the initial order in order to meet our own customers requirements. While we understand th

49、at delays in production are occasionally inevitable, we must point out that the major reason why the order was placed with your company was because we were assured by you of its speed of delivery, and that your existing stocks were sufficiently high to ensure immediate shipment. Late delivery of the goods has caused US to disappoint several of our most valued customers, and is bound to have a negative effect on potential future order


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