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1、2013年厦门大学考博英语真题试卷及答案与解析 一、 Structure and Vocabulary 1 _one time, Manchester was the home of the most productive cotton mills in the world. ( A) On ( B) By ( C) At ( D) Of 2 If you come to Tokyo, I can put you_in an apartment near my company. ( A) across ( B) down ( C) out ( D) up 3 It seems oil_from

2、 this pipe for some time. Well have to take the machine apart to put it right. ( A) had leaked ( B) is leaking ( C) leaked ( D) has been leaking 4 He will agree to do what you require_him. ( A) of ( B) from ( C) to ( D) for 5 Though he was born and brought up in America, he can speak_Chinese. ( A) f

3、luid ( B) smooth ( C) fluent ( D) flowing 6 We look forward to_to the opening ceremony. ( A) invite ( B) be invited ( C) having been invited ( D) being invited 7 If people feel hopeless, they dont bother to_the skills they need to succeed. ( A) adopt ( B) acquire ( C) accumulate ( D) assemble 8 Prof

4、essor Wang,_ for his informative lectures, was warmly received by his students. ( A) knowing ( B) known ( C) to be known ( D) having known 9 She just had no faith in me. It was William_she still had her faith. ( A) that ( B) who ( C) whom ( D) in whom 10 The conference_a full week by the time it end

5、s. ( A) must have lasted ( B) will have lasted ( C) would last ( D) has lasted 11 “Bob certainly has a low opinion of Sue.“ “It cant be any worse than_of him.“ ( A) her ( B) hers ( C) she ( D) she does 12 The woman has not yet_the loss of her son. ( A) got up ( B) got by ( C) got over ( D) got round

6、 13 Eighty percent of mothers cradle their_in their left arms, holding them against the left side of their bodies. ( A) infants ( B) hoses ( C) handkerchiefs ( D) fences 14 The explorers came forward with gifts of ducks and flour-cakes and_troughs of water for the horses to drink. ( A) held in ( B)

7、held with ( C) held under ( D) held up 15 He likes to take a hand in everything, even those that hardly concern him. ( A) offer help to ( B) get mixed up in ( C) have a part in ( D) make a fuss over 16 A_examination for the post of department manager will be held next Tuesday. ( A) classifying ( B)

8、comparing ( C) contrasting ( D) competitive 17 Mother was so weak after her operation that the doctors wondered if they would be able to_her through. ( A) pull ( B) cure ( C) push ( D) save 18 Go and see what your mother is_now. ( A) for ( B) at ( C) about ( D) busy 19 With three young children to t

9、ake care of, Cathy is kept on the run every minute of the day. ( A) walking ( B) at full speed ( C) busy ( D) on foot 20 Since his retirement, Peter Smith, who was_a teacher, has written four novels. ( A) lately ( B) usually ( C) formerly ( D) already 21 We must_on our reputation to expand the busin

10、ess. ( A) improve ( B) build ( C) develop ( D) weigh 22 _it or not, his discovery has created a stir in scientific circles. ( A) Believe ( B) To believe ( C) Believing ( D) Believed 23 _does business with that fellow is bound to lose money. ( A) Whoever ( B) Who ( C) No matter who ( D) However 24 An

11、n never dreams of_for her to be sent abroad very soon. ( A) there being a chance ( B) there to be a chance ( C) there be a chance ( D) being a chance 25 Frequently single-parent children_some of the functions that the absent adult in the house would have served. ( A) take off ( B) take after ( C) ta

12、ke in ( D) take on 26 Whenever a big company_a small one, the product almost always gets worse. ( A) gets on with ( B) cuts down ( C) takes over ( D) puts up with 27 Samuel was obliged to compromise on lesser questions. ( A) was compelled ( B) was delighted ( C) was prepared ( D) was only too ready

13、28 Children tend to_while playing, even if they make a promise before. ( A) lose all count of time ( B) keep all count of time ( C) be aware of the passage of time ( D) waste time 29 A survey was carried out on the death rate of new-born babies in that region,_were surprising. ( A) as results ( B) w

14、hich results ( C) the results of it ( D) the results of which 30 Our manager is so_in his thinking, he never listens to new ideas. ( A) stiff ( B) rigid ( C) tense ( D) tight 二、 Reading Comprehension 30 Statuses are marvelous human inventions that enable us to get along with one another and to deter

15、mine where we “fit“ in society. As we go about our everyday lives, we mentally attempt to place people in terms of their statuses. For example, we must judge whether the person in the library is a reader or a librarian, whether the telephone caller is a friend or a salesman, whether the unfamiliar p

16、erson on our property is thief or a meter reader, and so on. The statuses we assume often vary with the people we encounter, and change throughout life. Most of us can, at very high speed, assume the statuses that various situations require. Much of social interaction consists of identifying and sel

17、ecting among appropriate statuses and allowing other people to assume their statuses in relation to us. This means that we fit our actions to those of other people based on a constant mental process of appraisal and interpretation. Although some of us find the task more difficult than others, most o

18、f us perform it rather effortlessly. A status has been compared to ready-made clothes. Within certain limits, the buyer can choose style and fabric. But an American is not free to choose the costume of a Chinese peasant or that of a Hindu prince. We must choose from among the clothing presented by o

19、ur society. Furthermore, our choice is limited to a size that will fit, as well as by our pocketbook. Having made a choice within these limits we can have certain alterations made, but apart from minor adjustments, we tend to be limited to what the stores have on their racks. Statuses too come ready

20、 made, and the range of choice among them is limited. 31 In the first paragraph, the writer tells us that statuses can help us_. ( A) determine whether a person is fit for a certain job ( B) behave appropriately in relation to other people ( C) protect ourselves in unfamiliar situations ( D) make fr

21、iends with other people 32 According to the writer, people often assume different statuses_. ( A) in order to identify themselves with others ( B) in order to better identify others ( C) as their mental processes change ( D) as the situation changes 33 The word “appraisal“(Sentence 4, Paragraph 2)mo

22、st probably means_. ( A) involvement ( B) appreciation ( C) assessment ( D) presentation 34 In the last sentence of the second paragraph, the pronoun “it“ refers to “_“. ( A) fitting our actions to those of other people appropriately ( B) identification of other peoples statuses ( C) selecting ones

23、own statuses ( D) constant mental process 35 By saying that “an American is not free to choose the costume of a Chinese peasant or that of a Hindu prince“(Sentence 3, Paragraph 3), the writer means_. ( A) different people have different styles of clothes ( B) ready-made clothes may need alterations

24、( C) statuses come ready made just like clothes ( D) our choice of statuses is limited 35 Humanity uses a little less than half the water available worldwide. Yet occurrences of shortages and droughts are causing famine and distress in some areas, and industrial and agricultural by-products are poll

25、uting water supplies. Since the worlds population is expected to double in the next 50 years, many experts think we are on the edge of a widespread water crisis. But that doesnt have to be the outcome. Water shortages do not have to trouble the world - if we start valuing water more than we have in

26、the past. Just as we began to appreciate petroleum more after the 1970s oil crises, today we must start looking at water from a fresh economic perspective. We can no longer afford to consider water a virtually free resource of which we can use as much as we like in any way we want. Instead, for all

27、used except the domestic demand of the poor, governments should price water to reflect its actual value. This means charging a fee for the water itself as well as for the supply costs. Governments should also protect this resource by providing water in more economically and environmentally sound way

28、s. For example, often the cheapest way to provide irrigation water in the dry tropics is through small-scale projects, such as gathering rainfall in depressions and pumping it to nearby cropland. No matter what steps governments take to provide water more efficiently, they must change their institut

29、ional and legal approaches to water use. Rather than spread control among hundreds or even thousands of local, regional, and national agencies that watch various aspects of water use, countries should set up central authorities to coordinate water policy. 36 What is the real cause of the potential w

30、ater crisis? ( A) Only half of the worlds water can be used. ( B) The world population is increasing faster and faster. ( C) Hall of the worlds water resources have been seriously polluted. ( D) Humanity has not placed sufficient value on water resources. 37 As indicated in the passage, the water pr

31、oblem_. ( A) is already serious in certain parts of the world ( B) has been exaggerated by some experts in the field ( C) poses a challenge to the technology of building reservoirs ( D) it underestimated by government organizations at different levels 38 According to the author, the water price shou

32、ld_. ( A) be reduced to the minimum ( B) stimulate domestic demand ( C) correspond to its real value ( D) take into account the occurrences of droughts 39 The author says that in some hot and dry areas it is advisable to_. ( A) build big lakes to store water ( B) construct big pumping stations ( C)

33、build small and cheap irrigation systems ( D) channel water from nearby rivers to cropland 40 In order to raise the efficiency of the water supply, measures should be taken to_. ( A) guarantee full protection of the environment ( B) centralize the management of water resources ( C) increase the sens

34、e of responsibility of agencies at all levels ( D) encourage local and regional protection of water resources 40 Every night she listened to her father going around the house, locking the doors and windows. She listened: the back door closed; she could hear the fastener of the kitchen windows click,

35、 and the restless pad of his feet going back to try the front door. It wasnt only the outside doors he locked; he locked the empty kitchen too. He was looking something out, but obviously it was something capable of entering into his first defenses. He raised his second line all the way up to bed. I

36、n fourteen years, she thought unhappily, the house will be his; he had paid twenty-five pounds down and the rest he was paying month by month as rent. “Of course,“ he was in the habit of saying, “Ive improved the property.“ “Yes,“ he repeated, “Ive improved the property,“ looking around for a nail t

37、o drive in, a weed to uproot. It was more than a sense of property; it was a sense of honesty. Some people who bought their homes through the society let them go to rack and ruin and then cleared out. She stood with her ear against the wall, a small, dark, angry, immature figure. There was no more t

38、o be heard from the other room; but in her inner ear she still heard the footsteps of a property owner, the tap-tap of a hammer, the scrape of a spade, the whistle of radiator steam, a key turning, a bolt pushed home, the little busy sounds of men building barriers. She stood planning. 41 Which of t

39、he following is TRUE of the father in the passage? ( A) He thought a lot about his daughters future. ( B) He saved a lot of money for his daughter. ( C) He thought that he was secure. ( D) He avoided his neighbors on purpose. 42 From the passage we can see that the father is_. ( A) kind to his daugh

40、ter and neighbors ( B) cruel to his daughter and neighbors ( C) systematical in his actions ( D) careful about his appearance 43 According to the passage, the daughters attitude toward his Father is of_. ( A) slight dislike ( B) great disapproval ( C) strong love ( D) grateful acceptance 44 Which of

41、 the following feelings is conveyed in the passage? ( A) Tenseness. ( B) Peace. ( C) Nervousness. ( D) Happiness. 45 All of the following are true EXCEPT that_. ( A) the father built his defenses carefully ( B) some property owners let their homes go worse ( C) the daughter was thin and very young (

42、 D) the father punished the girl when she was young 45 Where Is the News Leading Us? Not long ago I was asked to join in a public symposium on the vole of the American press. Two other speakers were included on the program. The first was a distinguished TV anchorman. The other was the editor of one

43、of the nations leading papers, a newsman to the core-tough, aggressive, and savvy in the ways and means of solid reporting. The purpose of the symposium, as I understood it, was to scrutinize the obligations of the media and to suggest the best ways to meet those obligations. 【 R1】 _Why, he asked, a

44、re the newspapers and television news programs so disaster-prone? Why are newsmen and women so attracted to tragedy, violence, failure? The anchorman and editor reacted as though they had been blamed for the existence of bad news. Newsmen and newswomen, they said, are only responsible for reporting

45、the news, not for creating it or modifying it. 【 R2】 _The gentleman who had asked it was not blaming them for the distortions in the world. He was just wondering why distortions are most reported. The news media seem to operate on the philosophy that all news is bad news. Why? Could it be that the e

46、mphasis on downside news is largely the result of tradition the way newsmen and newswomen are accustomed to respond to daily events? 【 R3】 _News is supposed to deal with happenings of the past 12 hours-24 hours at most. Anything that happens so suddenly, however, is apt to be eruptive. A sniper kill

47、s some pedestrians; a terrorist holds 250 people hostage in a plane; OPEC announces a 25 percent increase in petroleum prices; Great Britain devalues by another 10 percent; a truck conveying radioactive wastes collides with a mobile cement mixer. 【 R4】 _Civilization is a lot more than the sum total

48、of its catastrophes. The most important ingredient in any civilization is progress. But progress doesnt happen all at once. It is not eruptive. Generally, it comes in bits and pieces, very little of it clearly visible at any given moment, but all of it involved in the making of historical change for

49、 the better. It is this aspect of living history that most news reporting reflects inadequately. The result is that we are underinformed about positive developments and oveninformed about disasters. This, in turn, leads to a public mood of defeatism and despair, which in themselves tend to be inhibitors of progress. An unrelieved diet of eruptive news de


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