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1、BEC商务英语(初级)听力模拟试卷 62及答案与解析 一、 PART ONE 1 When will Mr Blackman come? ( A) August 23rd. ( B) August 31st. ( C) August 3rd. 2 What is the recommended stock of coal? ( A) 115 tons. ( B) 45 tons. ( C) 70 tons. 3 Which graph is correct? 4 Who is asked to call back? ( A) Dorothy Borrow. ( B) Francis Grego

2、ry. ( C) Isabel Hawkins. 5 Which department does the woman work for? ( A) Finance Department. ( B) Technical Department. ( C) Marketing Department. 6 Why is the woman in Toronto? ( A) To visit friends. ( B) To travel. ( C) To work. 7 From which platform does the train leave? ( A) 8. ( B) 10. ( C) 5.

3、 8 Whats the flight number? ( A) CA356. ( B) CA530. ( C) CA536. 二、 PART TWO 8 Look at the notes below. Some information is missing. You will hear a phone call about goods delivery. For each question 9 15, fill in the missing information in the numbered space using words, numbers or letters. You will

4、 hear the talk twice. Phone Message Company: Expo Packaging Goods: 9. _ Order number: 10. _ Quantity: 11. _ Delivery date: 12. _, 13. _ Time: 14. _ Message taken by: 15. _ Date: 6th January Time: 9:45 三、 PART THREE 15 Look at the notes. Some information is missing. You will hear a woman talking to s

5、ome journalists about a new product range. For each question, fill in the missing information in the numbered space using one or two words. You will hear the recording twice. Nature Skincare Head Office: 16._ Core market: 17. _ New range: 18. _cosmetics Target market: 19. _lady Selling point: 20. _

6、Launch date: 21. _ Advertising slogan: 22. _ 四、 PART FOUR 23 Why are telephone numbers changing? ( A) The telephone company is running out of numbers because of rapid growth of phone systems. ( B) There is an increasing demand of mobile phones and fax machines. ( C) All kinds of businesses are expan

7、ding in the city. 24 Over the next 5 years, every phone number in the city will gain an extra_. ( A) 8 digits ( B) 2 digits ( C) 1 or 2 digits 25 The telephone company is going to_. ( A) launch a nationwide campaign to inform people about the change ( B) write most of the new numbers on White Pages

8、directories ( C) inform about the change right away 26 How long will the customers be told about new number on the phone? ( A) 3 months. ( B) 6 months. ( C) 9 months. 27 How can people overseas find the new number? ( A) Call their local operator. ( B) Look into the White Pages directories. ( C) Find

9、 out from the media. 28 To connect automatically to your old number, overseas callers will _. ( A) not be charged for the service during the first year ( B) not be charged for the service for the first 9 months ( C) be charged for the service for the first 9 months 29 You can minimize the cost if yo

10、u_. ( A) update the materials and facilities on the date of change ( B) update the materials and facilities within one year ( C) update your materials and facilities beforehand 30 The cost of call will_. ( A) rise after the change ( B) remain unchanged ( C) reduce after the change BEC商务英语(初级)听力模拟试卷

11、62答案与解析 一、 PART ONE 1 【听力原文】 F: When will Mr Blackman from GM come to our company? M: Well, he planned to come on August 23rd, but he called yesterday saying he had to go to Spain on business with his boss. Now hes planning to come next Friday, thats August 31st. F: I see. 1 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 Now hes

12、planning to comenext Friday, thats August 31st 2 【听力原文】 M: Kathy, shall we go through the inventory then? Lets start with coal. F: We have about 45 tons. But we are supposed to have 70 tons. M: So weve got too little. Wed better order some more. How about gas? F: I think we have enough stock for tha

13、t. M: OK, thank you then. 2 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 We have about 45 tons Butwe are supposed to have 70 tons, be sup-posed to意思是 “应该,被期望 ”,与题干中 be recommended(期望,认为必须 )意思相符。 3 【听力原文】 P: Now lets look at our recent product the GP3 batter. Sales increased rapidly in 2001 to 120,000 packs and then rose a-gain

14、by 150,000 packs in 2002. It leveled off last year, but dropped slightly during the first six months of the year they were down to 130,000 packs. 3 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 increased rapidly in 2001 andthen rose again in 2002 leveled off lastyear, but dropped slightly during the first sixmonths of the year由此

15、可知,图表 C符合描述。 4 【听力原文】 M: Peterson and Taylor. Can I help you? P: Yes, this is Isabel Hawkins from R&D. Can I speak to Dorothy Borrow, please? M: I am afraid she is out at the moment. I am secretary Francis Gregory. Can I take a message? P: Yeah, ask her to call me back this afternoon. My number is 5

16、17-345-2657. Thank you. M: You are welcome. 4 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 Can I speak to Dorothy Borrow, please? Dorothy Borrow现在不在,他回来后会电话。 5 【听力原文】 F: Nice to meet you, Steven. Do you also work in electronics? M: No, my major was mathematics when I was in college, but now I am in finance. What about you? F: O

17、h, I work for Pearsons- in the Technical Department. To be more specific, I work In computers. M: I see. Thats why you are so skillful with the computer work. 5 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 I work for Pearsons-in theTechnical Department I work in computers我在技术部,也就是与电脑打交道。 6 【听力原文】 M: Have you been here long? F:

18、No, only a few days. M: Are you here on business or for play? F: Business, Im afraid. My company has a project here in Toronto. I have to be here for three months. M: Really, thats nice. 6 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 原文信息; (on)Business, Im afraid她公司在此有个项目,她得在此待 3个月。 7 【听力原文】 M: Excuse me, could you tell me whic

19、h platform the 3 oclock train leaves from? F: Yes, its platform 10. M: Thank you. Which end of the station is that? F: The left-hand side, but youd better get there 10 minutes earlier because there are a lot of people going. M: OK. Thank you very much. 7 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 its platform 10 3点的列车在第 10站台发

20、车。 8 【听力原文】 F: Hello, I am calling about the group of visitors from Canada. M: Oh, yes, what are the details? F: Well, they are arriving on 5 September on flight CA 356, . so thats about 5:30 in the afternoon. M: Do you want me to arrange the hotel for them? F: That would be nice. Ill e-mail the nam

21、es of the visitors. 8 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 they are arriving on 5th Sep-tember on flight CA356。他们将乘坐国航 CA356航班于 9月 5日到。 二、 PART TWO 8 【听力原文】 M1: Good morning. Expo Packaging. F: Can I speak to Mr Fellows, please? Ml: Hold the line, please. Ill connect you. M2: Peate Fellows. F: Good morning. Helen Wright

22、 here, from Compact Systems. M2: Good morning. F: Im calling to ask you when our order will be delivered. M2: Whats the order number, please? F: Just a minute B153/2. M2: Ill just find that file. Here we are. Its 50 packing boxes, isnt it? F: Thats right. M2: Yes. They will be delivered at the end o

23、f the month. F: But I was told they would be here around the middle of the month. You see, we have a delivery going out in two weeks and the boxes are needed before then. M2: Well, the earliest time they can be delivered is Thursday 16th January. F: That would be fine. At what time can we expect the

24、m? M2: Our van has got three deliveries to make in Southdown in the morning, so your boxes can be dropped off some time after lunch say after 2 oclock. F: Thats OK. Goodbye. M2: Goodbye. 9 【正确答案】 Packing Boxes 【试题解析】 原文为 “Its 50 packingboxes ” 10 【正确答案】 B153 2 【试题解析】 见听力原文。 11 【正确答案】 50 12 【正确答案】 Th

25、ursday 13 【正确答案】 16th January 【试题解析】 the earliest timethey can be delivered is Thursday 16thJanuary 14 【正确答案】 After 2 oclock 15 【正确答案】 Helen 【试题解析】 询问快递的是 Helen。 三、 PART THREE 15 【听力原文】 Good morning ladies and gentlemen. My name is Jade Ritchie. And today Id like to introduce you to our new product

26、range, but first let me welcome you to Nature. I hope you all had a pleasant journey here to our Head Office. Although we have a sales office in London, Nature Skincare has made its home here, in York, for the past fifty years. During this time we have built up a loyal base of housewives who appreci

27、ate our products for their high quality and no nonsense packaging. However, as we move into the new millennium, we felt it was time to broaden our appeal and move into new markets and so we have developed our “Feel Good“ cosmetic range. As I said earlier, Feel Good is aimed at a different type of co

28、nsumer but, of course, we are not going to abandon our traditional, more mature market and will continue producing all our original ranges. The Feel Good consumer is a modern, professional lady who expects the quality enjoyed by previous generations but wants a fresh looking product. This brings me

29、to what we believe to be Feel Goods unique appeal the price. What we have achieved is a serious quality product which wont break the bank. If you look in your welcome pack you will see we have included some samples for you to try, but when will the general public be able to test our claims for thems

30、elves? Well, as Im sure you must be aware, we have already started to run advertisements in some womens magazines. Our celebrity party, with special guests Vicky and Veronique from the TV series Little Sister, is September 11th, with products going on sale to the public the following day. We will al

31、so be running a number of nationwide promotions all based on the Feel Good promise “Look Great“. All that remains is for me to thank you for coming here today. 16 【正确答案】 York 【试题解析】 此题要填写的是公司的总部地点。说话人说欢迎大家到公司总部来,虽然公司在伦敦设有办事处,但 Nature Skincare has made its home here, in York就是说 York(约克郡 )才是它的发源地。因此,这

32、里应填 York。 17 【正确答案】 housewives 【试题解析】 此题要填写的是产品的核心市场即主要消费群体。说话人说 We have built up a loyal base of housewives who (我们已经建立了一个由家庭主妇组成的可靠的消费据点 ),这里的 loyal base即指 core market。因此此处应填housewives。 18 【正确答案】 Feel Good 【试题解 析】 此题要填写的是新的产品系列的名称。说话人说 We have developed our“Feel Good”cosmetic range我们已经生产出了名叫 “舒爽 ”

33、的新的系列产品。因此,这里应填 Feel Good。 19 【正确答案】 modern, professional 【试题解析】 此题要填写的是新产品的目标市场,即目标消费群体。录音中的原句是: The Feel Good consumer is a modern, professional lady产品的消费者是现代的、职业的女性。因 此这里应填 modern, professional。 20 【正确答案】 selling point 【试题解析】 此题要填写的是什么是产品的卖点。这里应填 price。录音中的原句是: This brings me to what we believe t

34、o be Feel Goods unique appeal-the price说话人相信价格是该产品独具的魅力所在。这里的 unique appeal即指selling point。 21 【正确答案】 12th September 【 试题解析】 此题要填写的是产品投放市场的时间。说话人说已经开始在一些妇女杂志上登广告,将于 9月 11日举办名流宴会,并在第二天开始卖产品。原句是: Our celebrity partyis September11th , with products going on sale to the public the following day第二天即 9月 1

35、2日。因此,这里应填 12th September。 22 【正确答案】 Look Great 【试题解析】 此题要填写的是广告的口号是什么。说话人说全 国范围内的促销都是建立在该产品的承诺 Look Great的基础上。因此,这里应填 Look Great。 四、 PART FOUR 23 【听力原文】 Recently the local phone and tax numbers in this city are going to be changed to 8 numbers. How can we ensure a smooth transition? The following i

36、s an interview with an official from the local telephone company, Collins Spencer. She is going to give us some detailed explanations about it. Ms. Spence, can you tell us why, how and when are the numbers changing? Well, in recent years there has been dramatic growth in the local phone system, espe

37、cially in parts of the city where all kinds of busi-nesses are thriving. So along with the demand for additional phone services, mobile phones, fax machines and pagers, as well as new phone companies we are actually running out of numbers. Over the next 5 years, starting July this year, every phone

38、number in the city will eventually gain an extra 1 or 2 digits, so we will, all have 8 digit numbers and a 2-digit area code. And the city will have a much larger supply of numbers for future growth and innovations in phone services. Some people wonder how their customers will be informed what their

39、 new numbers are. This may not be as complicated as some people think. Beginning in May this year there will be an extensive nationwide advertising campaign to make everyone aware of the number change. There will also be regular updates on the national and local press. And a complete timetable for e

40、very phone region in the city will be included in all White Pages directories from July this year. But more importantly, you will have time to let all your customers and suppliers, both locally and overseas, know in advance that your number is changing. Then for at least 6 months, after the changeov

41、er, anyone accidentally calling your old number from anywhere in the country will be automatically connected to the new number at no extra charge. Then for a further 3 months, anyone who dials your old number will receive a recorded message advising them the change of your number. But how will peopl

42、e overseas call me ? Our local telephone company will advise other countries about the change. So overseas callers will be able to find out your new number from their local operator. Also, like phoning from within the country, during the first 6 months after changeover, overseas callers who accident

43、ally call your old number will be automatically connected to your new number at no additional cost. Then for the next 3 months, a recorded message will advise any overseas callers of your new number. That will be very convenient. Then Ms. Spencer, many people want to know what they need to do about

44、the change? Well, before your number changes, you should plan to update your stationery, promotional material, signs and any material where your number appears. With 12 months written notice before the changeover, you can minimize the costs by planning ahead. As the changes occur you will also need

45、to update programmed numbers in computers, fax machines and phones and modify barring facilities on phones and fax machines. Database phone lists and documents will also need to be updated. Then I have a last question. Will the cost of calls change ? Oh, no. Dont worry about that. The change of the

46、phone number will have no effect on the cost of making a call, no matter if its a local or long-distance call. National long distance calls will still be charged according to the distance and time, just like they are now. 23 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 in recent years there hasbeen dramatic growth in the local

47、phone system: we are actually running out of num bers,由于近几年来地方电话业务的迅速发展,我们实际上已经快要耗尽我们现有的号码资源。故 A是正确答案。 24 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 Over the next 5 years, starting July this year, every phone numberin the city will eventually gain an extra 1 or2 digits,在从今年 7月开始的未来五年里,每个电话号码都将获得 12两个额外的数字。故 C是正确答案。 25 【正确答案】

48、A 【试题解析】 Beginning in May this yearthere will be an extensive nationwide advertising campaign to make everyone aware ofthe number change There will also be regular updates on the national and local press今年 5月开始,将有一个耗资巨大的全 国性的广告宣传活动,让每个人都了解此次电话号码的更改。也会定期在国家及各地新闻机构提供最新信息。故 A是正确答案。 26 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 T

49、hen for at least 6 months, after the changeover, anyone accidentallycalling your old number from anywhere in thecountry will be automatically connected tothe new number at no extra charge Then fora further 3 months, anyone who dials yourold number will receive a recorded messageadvising them the change of your number在更换号码完毕之后的至少 6个月内,在国内任何地方拨打你的旧号码都将被自动免费地转到你的新号码上,此后还有 3个月的电话留言通知服务。故 C是正确答案。 27 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 So overseas


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