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1、BEC商务英语(高级)阅读模拟试卷 127及答案与解析 一、 PART ONE 0 Look at the statements below and the five extracts from newspaper articles about Chinese CPI figures in five months on the opposile page. Which extract(A, B, C, D or E)does each statement(1-8)refer to? For each statement(1-8), mark one letter(A, B, C, D or E

2、)on your Answer Sheet. You will need to use some of these letters more than once. There is an example at the beginning(0).Example:0 In the last two months, CR growth rate dropped. AThe CPI surged 8. 7 percent in February year on year, the highest rise for this key inflation figure in over a decade.

3、The February figure was 1.6 percentage points higher than that of January. Normally, a 3-percent growth of CPI is regarded as inflation. The CPI growth rate cast a shadow over the Chinese economy and put the government in a tight spot. The government could continue to take monetary measures such as

4、interest rate hikes, but it would be against the international trend of interest rate cuts since the global economy has been on the recession track due to the U. S. subprime mortgage crisis. Further rate hikes would draw in speculative currency, which might lead to problems such as liquidity.BThe co

5、nsumer price index(CPI), the barometer for inflation, grew 7.7 percent in May year on year, 0.8 percentage points lower than that in April, according to the National Bureau of Statistics(NBS). It came as no surprise for financial institutions that the CPI dropped in May month on month, as food price

6、, a major trigger for this round of inflation, dropped considerably thanks to an abundant summer supply. There is no quick fix yet to cure inflation. But Song Guoqing, economics professor of Peking University, stated the most efficient and simple way to control inflation is to control money supply.

7、He called on the central bank to strictly reinforce stringent monetary policy to resolve inflation pressure.CThe consumer price index(CPI), the barometer for inflation at the retail level, grew 6. 3 percent in July year on year. The year-on-year growth rate slowed compared with the CPIs 7.1-percent

8、growth rate in June. But month-on-month growth accelerated 0. 1 percentage point from June to July. Inflation pressure also gained momentum after dropping in May and June. Food prices, which account for one third of the CPI basket and are considered as a major trigger of this round of inflation, ros

9、e 14.4 percent in July.D“Combating inflation“ ceased to be the governments priority as the consumer price index(CPI)growth rate continued to drop. Instead, the government has switched the focus of the countrys macro-control policies to “maintain growth“ against the backdrop of the global economic do

10、wnturn. In September, the CPI grew 4.6 percent year on year, but fell 0.3 percentage points compared with that of August. The CPI growth rate dropped for five consecutive months, demonstrating that government efforts to cap runaway inflation were paying off. Economists expect inflationary pressure t

11、o continue to ease in the fourth quarter.EThe consumer price index(CPI), the barometer of inflation, was down 0.3 percent in October compared with that of September. The National Bureau of Statistics(NBS)said the CPIs year-on-year growth in October was 4 percent, the lowest growth rate in 17 months.

12、 The government has made “reining in inflation“ its top economic priority since the middle of last year, when citizens were hit with soaring costs of living. Afterwards, six rounds of interest rate hikes and other measures to cool the economy paid off as economic growth slowed amid the global financ

13、ial turmoil. 1 CPI growth rate in this month is the lowest in seventeen months. 2 CPI growth rate in this month puts the Chinese government in a dilemma. 3 By this month, CPI growth rate has drooped for five months. 4 CPI growth rate drops 0.8 percent on the basis of the previous month. 5 Monetary p

14、olicies such as continuous interest rate increase have been put into practice. 6 Lots of countries in the world have cut interest rate because of the global economic recession. 7 Stringent monetary policy was suggested to carry out to respond to inflation pressure. 8 Chinese governments priority has

15、 been changed to respond to inflation pressure. 二、 PART TWO 8 Read this text about an brief introduction of advertising. Choose the best sentence from the opposite page to fill each of the gaps. For each gap(9-14), mark one letter(A-H)on your Answer Sheet. Do not use any letter more than once. There

16、 is an example at the beginning(0). Advertising The primary function of advertising is to communicate marketing objectives to selected target audience. It is used to accomplish a number of tasks, using different media vehicles, reaching diverse audience, and gaining interest with a number of creativ

17、e approaches. However, despite the seemingly endless channels for utilizing advertising, it is basically a marketing communication tool. When we examine unsuccessful advertising campaigns, we often find that advertising was used to accomplish inappropriate tasks. Successful advertising must be orien

18、ted to specific objective.(0).G. Effective advertising is an extension of basic marketing plans and is derived from it. However, advertising goals are not the same as marketing goals. The marketing staff sets the marketing goals or objectives.【 P1】 _ It also determines how these resources will be di

19、stributed to specific target markets and what sales objective can be expected over time and geography. Advertising goals are communication objectives designed to reach the target audience with the appropriate message. Ad. goals are based on marketing objectives, but they are not the same as marketin

20、g goals. Note that advertising goals are based on improving communication and consumer attitudes toward a product.【 P2】 _Obviously, even sophisticated corporations of ten confuse marketing and advertising goals. Advertising is the communication arm of the marketing process.【 P3】 _ Advertising has ma

21、ny roles. It is designed to dispose a person to buy a product, to change minds, or even to advocate less consuming(“ demarketing“).【 P4】 _ Most advertising, however, is for the marketing of goods and services. Advertising is also the everyday culture of virtually every American. It is estimated that

22、 the average person sees or hears as many as 1,200 ads and commercials each day.【 P5】 _ It mirrors this environment and also brings about subtle changes in the behaviour of the publics that uses it. It is no wonder that advertising is one of the. most scrutinized of all business enterprises. 【 P6】 _

23、 Advertisers are viewed in many ways by the public they serve. Manufacturers are asking for more tangible evidence of advertisings role in the selling process, and the media are constantly seeking higher advertising rates to cover spiritual expenses. At the same time, the audiences that advertisers

24、seek are becoming even more fragmented. Consumers, despite seemingly fascinated with advertisings creative process, tend to become more cynical and disbelieving about its claims.Example: A It is a method of delivering a message from a sponsor, through a formal communication channel, to a desired aud

25、ience.B It may be used to help elect a candidate, raise money for charity, or support a cause.C The marketing department decides how to allocate resources to various tasks, including advertising.D Advertising is part of the social, cultural, and business environment.E Today, advertising is functioni

26、ng in a changing economic and social climate.F It is interesting to note that a survey indicated that a majority of companies wanted to measure advertising success based on sales.G Before we can determine advertising objectives, it is advisable to distinguish between marketing and advertising goals.

27、H Were now living in an advertising age. 9 【 P1】 10 【 P2】 11 【 P3】 12 【 P4】 13 【 P5】 14 【 P6】 三、 PART THREE 14 Read the following article about recruitment process outsourcing and the questions on the opposite page. For each question(15-20), mark one letter(A, B, C or D)on your Answer Sheet. Recruit

28、ment Process Outsourcing Recruitment Process Outsourcing better known as RPO has gained significant market momentum in recent years. Yet it has taken a while. Given that employers have been seeking help in their recruiting efforts for decades, it seems odd that the rise of RPO as a service solution

29、has taken so long. Isnt outsourcing of non-core functions a widely accepted business strategy? Isnt recruiting one of the largest line items for many organisations and not a core function? Today, however, organisations that consider outsourcing their recruiting efforts can pore over and compare tang

30、ible outcomes seen by those successful early adopters of RPO. But tread lightly. There have been a number of very public RPO failures where results have fallen woefully short of expectations, sending business leaders and the marketplace back into the boardroom to debate yet again the viability and s

31、ustainability of the solution. Can RPO be truly successful? If there are companies out there who are reaping the proposed benefits of outsourcing, what are they doing that others are not? The fact is there are common elements lets even call them tenets that when followed, can greatly increase the ef

32、fectiveness and ultimate outcomes of the RPO solution. Before we look at those tenets, however, its important to understand the history of RPO. Recruitment process outsourcing is the culmination of an evolutionary process that started with third-party recruiters engaged at the line manager level or

33、as an adjunct to an organisations internal staffing initiatives. Utilising the approach was simple: call your preferred recruiter(s)with a job description and expect screened candidates to be sent to you. Overall, this process continues to serve as a highly scalable option in many talent acquisition

34、 strategies, but it is extremely costly. Moreover, based on the transactional nature of the relationship, it comes with high risk and little accountability for results. Companies soon realised they could bring the same talent in-house as contractors their intentions clearly centered on achieving the

35、 same scalability but with reduced cost and greater control of the outcomes. In practice though, this model proved to be almost as expensive as high agency utilisation and surprisingly, with co-employment and other new issues, even more complex. Worse yet, the rates for contractors continued to clim

36、b as corporate recruiters began to seek out these new, more highly paid “ nomad“ positions instead of their corporate roles. The desired “direct sourcing“ impact these recruiters were supposed to have never materialized as skills, and innovative approaches floundered without the access to best pract

37、ices and innovative techniques that contingency recruiting agencies cultivated. At the same time, traditional recruiting providers began to assume a more prominent role in assisting their customers with new ways to handle huge spikes in hiring. Although this represented a new challenge for both comp

38、anies and providers, the solutions were primarily project-based and, therefore, rarely focused on achieving strategic improvements. Over time, the RPO paradigm changed to finally justify its title, while providers literally began assuming delivery of an organisations internal staffing function. This

39、 early model was fraught with mistiming because most organisations treated RPO solutions like earlier transactional recruiting solutions. In addition, most providers simply werent ready to deliver at the levels they had signed up for. As the burgeoning industry learns from itself, organisations have

40、 honed their approach to RPO vendor management and some providers have refined their solutions to near industry-standard levels. 15 What can we learn about Recruitment Process Outsourcing in the first paragraph? ( A) All companies tend to outsource their not so important services. ( B) It gained wid

41、e acceptance among the employers as soon as it came out. ( C) Recruiting is an important department of many organisations. ( D) It took a long time before RPO finally became popular. 16 What should the employers do to ensure expected result of RPO? ( A) A company should copy other companies RPO solu

42、tion directly. ( B) A company should only learn from the successful examples of RPO solution. ( C) A company should learn from both the good and unfruitful outcomes of RPO and follow some principles as well. ( D) A company should learn the history of RPO first. 17 What does RPO start with? ( A) Thir

43、d party recruiters ( B) Contract recruiting ( C) Internal staffing Agency ( D) In-house recruitment 18 Employers try hard to find talents by themselves to ( A) make recruitment a core department of their companies. ( B) cut cost and guarantee better results. ( C) ensure the effectiveness of the recr

44、uitment process. ( D) come with little risk and high accountability for results. 19 Traditional recruiting providers didnt make strategic progress because ( A) they adopted new ways to help companies. ( B) the solutions focused on project. ( C) they didnt find customers. ( D) they had no access to b

45、est practices and innovative techniques. 20 What will the author talk about in the following paragraph? ( A) He will continue to talk about the history of RPO. ( B) He will talk about the principles of raising the efficiency and end result of the RPO solution. ( C) He will talk about the types of RP

46、O. ( D) He will talk about different RPO solutions. 四、 PART FOUR 20 Read the article below about mortgage adviser. Choose the correct word to fill each gap from A, B, C or D on the opposite page. For each question(21-30), mark one letter(A, B, C or D)on your Answer Sheet. There is an example at the

47、beginning(0) MORTGAGE: PRICELESS ADVICE Advisers work for banks, building societies, estate agents, mortgage and insurance brokers and also(0). D independent mortgage advisers. Some gain further qualifications to become a financial adviser, who can【 C1】 _a sizeable pay rise. Common【 C2】 _is as a cus

48、tomer service adviser in a bank or as an insurance technician or mortgage administrator in a brokerage firm,【 C3】 _ to mortgage advice as you gain qualifications【 C4】 _ by the Financial Services Authority(FSA). Required qualifications【 C5】 _mortgage advisers include the Chartered Insurance Institute

49、(CII)【 C6】 _ in mortgage advice and the School of Finance certificate in mortgage advice and practice. It is possible to study for these by distance learning. This is a career that requires advisers to【 C7】 _ up to date with new financial products and regulations. CII and the ifs School of Finance offer courses and formal【 C8】 _professional development schemes. “There are【 C9】 _ highs and lows with this job but the highs far outweigh the lows. You have to be able to take frustration and then mov


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