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1、专业英语八级模拟试卷 847及答案与解析 SECTION A MINI-LECTURE In this section you will hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the mini-lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening to the mini-lecture, please complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE and write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each gap. Make sure the word(s) you

2、 fill in is (are) both grammatically and semantically acceptable. You may use the blank sheet for note-taking. You have THIRTY seconds to preview the gap-filling task. 0 Thinking in a Foreign Language If you want to think in a foreign language youre learning, you should try to get out of your comfor

3、t zone and make the foreign language a part of your life. I . The current situation A. learn in a【 T1】 _manner【 T1】 _ i. e. see language learning as something to be【 T2】 _【 T2】 _ B. do little【 T3】 _of class【 T3】 _ do nothing study a bit through【 T4】 _【 T4】 _ C. low effectiveness not【 T5】 _after stud

4、ying for years upon years【 T5】 _ II. People go abroad to learn a foreign language A. reason force oneself to step outside of【 T6】 _【 T6】 _ exceptions: many expats still stay【 T7】 _their native tongue bubble【 T7】_ B. example: go to Spain hear Spanish on the streets read【 T8】 _in Spanish【 T8】 _ listen

5、 to【 T9】 _【 T9】 _ meet Spanish people who speak Spanish III. Other ways to learn a foreign language A. read the news and/or【 T10】 _in your target language【 T10】 _ B. change the language of【 T11】 _to the language you are learning【 T11】_ C. watch【 T12】 _in the target language【 T12】 _ D.【 T13】 _the ver

6、sion of Windows in the target language【 T13】 _ E. watch YouTube【 T14】 _in your target language【 T14】 _ F. listen to【 T15】 _in a foreign language【 T15】 _ G. meet friends who speak your target language 1 【 T1】 2 【 T2】 3 【 T3】 4 【 T4】 5 【 T5】 6 【 T6】 7 【 T7】 8 【 T8】 9 【 T9】 10 【 T10】 11 【 T11】 12 【 T12

7、】 13 【 T13】 14 【 T14】 15 【 T15】 SECTION B INTERVIEW In this section you will hear ONE interview. The interview will be divided into TWO parts. At the end of each part, five questions will be asked about what was said. Both the interview and the questions will be spoken ONCE ONLY. After each question

8、 there will be a ten-second pause. During the pause, you should read the four choices of A , B , C and D , and mark the best answer to each question on ANSWER SHEET TWO. You have THIRTY seconds to preview the questions. ( A) He is a great leader of womens rights activity. ( B) He was forbidden to go

9、 to the local market. ( C) He suffered serious injuries from terrorism. ( D) He used to fight for womens rights actively. ( A) Her own experience of not going to school. ( B) Her dream to be a social activist. ( C) Her fathers actual action in the same issue. ( D) Her fathers verbal encouragement. (

10、 A) They were supportive in womens rights activity. ( B) They prevented terrorists from slaughtering people. ( C) They were indifferent to the fight for womens rights. ( D) They could do nothing against terrorists. ( A) It is really difficult for them to go to school. ( B) Some girls are not interes

11、ted in going to school. ( C) They are ignorant of the importance of schooling. ( D) Many girls are free from child labor and trafficking. ( A) It differentiates people by religion. ( B) It advocates the equality of people. ( C) It prioritizes boys over girls. ( D) It is deeply understood by terroris

12、ts. ( A) She is ashamed of these people. ( B) She minds the tiny groups view. ( C) She thinks that they aim to undermine Pakistan. ( D) She thinks that they have the freedom of speech. ( A) Her behavior made her lose hope. ( B) Her behavior made her a famous person. ( C) Her behavior was exaggerated

13、 by the public voice. ( D) Her behavior was supported by lots of people. ( A) They arrested her more than once. ( B) They issued documents threatening her. ( C) They attacked her when she was in Swat. ( D) They deprived her of the right to express her feeling. ( A) She will continue supporting girls

14、 education. ( B) She becomes afraid of the terrorist attack. ( C) She was shot dead by the Taliban. ( D) She lived in fear never felt before. ( A) She goes to school by car for safety. ( B) She enjoys being well-known. ( C) She loves to be close to people. ( D) She likes to be recognized in public.

15、SECTION A MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTIONS In this section there are several passages followed by fourteen multiple-choice questions. For each multiple-choice question, there are four suggested answers marked A , B, C and D. Choose the one that you think is the best answer. 25 “I had no idea this was here!

16、“ This is a common reaction when I introduce urban friends to Ladners Delta Street, with its shops so cute they bring to mind Main Street Disneyland rather than suburban Lotusland. I had the same reaction five years ago, when we moved our sailboat to one of Ladners docks. Tying up the boat next to a

17、 waterfront thick with reeds and crowded with birds, I felt as though wed unexpectedly acquired a country home. Tucked off the Fraser River, less than 20 kilometres from the dense urban centre of Vancouver, the Village of Ladner has been around since 1873, when a wharf was built so farmers could shi

18、p produce to urban markets. The waterfront stayed the centrepiece as the village grew, and even today the harbour isnt touristy its jam-packed with fishing boats and tumbledown(摇摇欲坠的 )boathouses. The wharf seems almost reluctant to join the 21st century. This hesitation to move forward is what makes

19、 Ladner such a nice place to live and such a surprising place to visit. Its quaintness(离奇有趣 )isnt something a tourist board dreamt up. Instead, the village feels like a charming secret. Ladners dykes, as the best place for harbour watching, protect the river delta from floods and double as uncrowded

20、 foot paths through forests and wetlands. My favourite is one that heads into Ladner Harbour Park. Continue along Swenson Walk, past the pretty Wharfinger office, until you end up at a viewpoint looking out over Ladners busy waterfront. As a connoisseur of small-town museums, Ive visited a few gems

21、over the years, but also taken in some pretty dull exhibits. The Delta Museum and Archives, housed in a 1912 Tudor-style heritage building, is one of the best. We always head to the top floor, where the waterfront is depicted, then walk our way down through informative displays that highlight the vi

22、llages history. There are not many places left where you can dance around a maypole after spinning on a carnival ride. Fortunately, Ladner has kept its 114-year-old tradition of a May Day fair going strong. From the pancake breakfast to the May Day Parade(complete with the crowning of the May Queen)

23、, this is the type of small-town fair I loved while growing up, but had thought was long extinct. Ladners Village Market happens in the village centre every other Sunday from June through September. Stalls selling the usual array of local arts and crafts line the streets. Live music gives the area a

24、 festive air. But its the fresh local produce plump blueberries, juicy tomatoes and new potatoes that keeps me going back. With its view of the North Shore mountains and distant high rises, the wooden-decked one-lane swing bridge that leads to Westham Island always transports me to another era. The

25、dreamy mood that the pastoral farmlands evoke is perfect for berry picking at Emma-Lea Farms and exploring at Westham Island Herb Farm, an organic farm that invites you to stroll through the crops. The view of birds is probably the best known feature of Ladner, and for good reason: the Reifel Migrat

26、ory(迁徙的 )Bird Sanctuary is an abundant stretch of wetland that serves as a poignant reminder of just how much weve altered the landscape. Located on a small island at the tip of Westham Island, the sanctuary provides a protected habitat for 287 species of resident and migratory birds. Our favourite

27、time to visit is when the lesser snow geese are migrating(generally mid-October to mid-December and mid-March to mid-April). Its only when you raise your eyes to watch the massive flock lift in unison that you see Vancouver, in the not so far distance. Youre reminded of just how close the city is de

28、spite the fact it feels so very, very far away. 26 By saying “I had no idea this was here!“ , visitors to Ladner mean they didnt expect that_. ( A) Ladner is so close to Vancouver ( B) theres Main Street Disneyland in Ladner ( C) Ladner doesnt look suburban at all ( D) commerce is well developed her

29、e 27 Visitors to Ladner can experience the following enjoyments EXCEPT_. ( A) dancing on the traditional carnival ( B) purchasing special local crafts ( C) picking up crops on an organic farm ( D) observing migration of bird flocks 28 What has made Ladner so special, according to the passage? ( A) I

30、ts quaintness in harmony with modern civilization. ( B) Its sightseeing that cannot be designed artificially. ( C) Its unique entertainments that cannot be found elsewhere. ( D) Its complete retention of plain and traditional lifestyle. 28 At the university where I teach, fewer and fewer new books a

31、re available from the library in their physical, printed form. And yet, the company that just published my textbook tells me that about 90 percent of students who buy my book choose to lug around the four-pound paper version rather than purchase the weightless e-book. So why would students opt for t

32、he pricier and more cumbersome version? Is the library missing something important about the nature of printed versus electronic books? Cognitive research shows that the way we read varies widely in different settings, with text acting as a prompt for very different kinds of mental pursuits. While r

33、eading, its possible, among other things, to generate strong visual images based on the text, to marshal arguments against the authors main point, to speculate about the motivations of characters, to connect the text to personal experiences, to form an opinion, or to notice the sensory and aesthetic

34、 qualities of the text, to name just a few. Not all of these take place every time you read, so there is not just one activity called “reading,“ done either poorly or well. A growing body of research shows that the same information can trigger very different thoughts depending on the cognitive goals

35、 that people have in mind. Readers can be instructed to create vivid imagery or to learn over time to make deeper inferences, both of which lead to better retention of the material theyve read. And when readers are told to form an impression of people theyre reading about rather than to read for the

36、 purpose of memorizing the text, they organize the information from the text less haphazardly and are able to recall more of it. Cognitive goals can also be unintentionally triggered by cues that never even enter a readers awareness. So, just as people can be told to form an impression of a characte

37、r they read about, they can also be prompted to unconsciously pursue the same goal. In one study, researchers asked people to unscramble sentences that contained words like evaluate, judgment, and personality before reading excerpts about a character. In another, these words were subliminally(潜意识地 )

38、flashed at subjects before they took part in the reading task. In both of these studies, simply seeing words related to the goal of character assessment affected readers in much the same way as asking them explicitly to judge character. The emerging research on cognitive goals and their triggers off

39、ers an intriguing way to think about why reading the same text in different formats or even styles of presentation might engage the mind in such different ways. A hard-copy textbook including its four-pound heft may serve as a powerful cue that sets off cognitive activities that are very distinct fr

40、om those that are involved in reading your Twitter feed or thumbing through a paperback romance novel. Through its lifelong associations with classrooms and the intellectual calisthenics(健美体操 )that take place there, a physical tome may spark a self-analytical frame of mind, prompting you to take sto

41、ck of your understanding, re-reading passages to fill in gaps, and constantly “ testing“ yourself on your mastery of the material. The research should also motivate publishers especially of online text to think deeply about how elements of presentation and design can serve as signals to nudge the re

42、ader into the mental activities that do justice to the text. For example, an online literary mag that looks like a page from BuzzFeed may leave readers with limp, unsatisfying experiences simply because its too hard to arouse the contemplative and sensory goals that lead to properly savoring its con

43、tent. The magazine needs to signal that a different kind of reading is called for, perhaps by borrowing some of the elements that poets have long used to cue readers to pay close attention to the language of a poem: stripping away graphic distractions, formatting text sparsely and unconventionally,

44、and surrounding it with generous swaths of empty space. Understanding how reading works means abandoning the idea that the presentation of a text is as inconsequential as whether a plate of food is served with a sprig of decorative parsley. In fact, the packaging of text likely contains rich implici

45、t instructions for what we do with it. 29 It can be inferred from Paragraph 2 that_. ( A) proper environment contributes to effective reading ( B) people recall their own experiences while reading ( C) reading is a complex of varied mental activities ( D) reading should not be regarded as a cognitiv

46、e activity 30 What is the role of Paragraph 5 in relation to the preceding two paragraphs? ( A) It provides more supportive evidences. ( B) It makes a summary and illustrates the point. ( C) It serves as a transitional part to the next paragraph. ( D) It introduces a new topic for discussion. 31 Wha

47、t suggestion does the author make in Paragraph 6? ( A) Publishers need to pay attention to the importance of text formats. ( B) Literary texts should not be presented on websites like BuzzFeed. ( C) Webpages cannot trigger complicated mental activities. ( D) Online texts should be arranged the way l

48、ike a poem. 32 What is the theme of the passage? ( A) Why people prefer printed version to e-books. ( B) Reading can be more effective by contemplation. ( C) Different goals generate different reading activities. ( D) The way a text is presented really matters. 32 Its widely known that more than hal

49、f of all corporate mergers and acquisitions end in failure. Like many marriages, they are often fraught with irreconcilable cultural and financial differences. Yet M&A activity was up sharply in 2013 and reached pre-recession levels this year. So why do companies keep at it? Because its an easy way to make a quick buck and please Wall Street


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