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1、专业英语八级(政治类新闻听力)模拟试卷 1及答案与解析 SECTION C NEWS BROADCAST Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. At the end of each news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions. 1 What is the main idea of the news ite

2、m? ( A) Street protests against parliament in Greece. ( B) The root of the economic crisis in Greece. ( C) The cause of political crisis in Greece. ( D) The origin of democracy. 2 Which of the following is CORRECT? ( A) EU partners are trying their best to help Greece finally. ( B) Raising taxes and

3、 reducing spending are the way out for Greece. ( C) Greek government does not concern the interests of Greek people. ( D) The protestors finally compromised with government authorities. 3 Which of the following is NOT the crime committed by the men? ( A) Threatening to kill people. ( B) Drug dealing

4、. ( C) Burglary. ( D) Robbery 4 According to Richard Bellamy, what is the partial goal of the European Convention on Human Rights? ( A) To improve human rights around the world. ( B) To threaten foreign criminals in European countries. ( C) To legally hold the foreign criminals of other counties. (

5、D) To make the British government not to violate the Convention. 5 What is the main idea of the news item? ( A) National Nurses United negotiated with Wall Street to share tax money. ( B) The nurses protested against the inequities of Wall Street traders and banks. ( C) The public held a street demo

6、nstration against Wall Street traders and banks. ( D) Wall Street traders and banks are going to charge a new fee on financial transactions. 6 The likely cause for the disconnect between the culture of Wall Street and the rest of the country is_. ( A) who raised heavy tax ( B) who advocated a new fe

7、e ( C) who triggered the public anger ( D) who created the financial crisis 7 Which of the following country does NOT agree on establishing a no-fly zone against Libya? ( A) Russia. ( B) France. ( C) Britain. ( D) the US 8 According to German Foreign Minister, what is difficult and dangerous? ( A) M

8、ilitary intervention. ( B) Establishing a no-fly zone. ( C) The reservations of Russia. ( D) The toppling of Gadhafi government. 9 According to US Defense Secretary Robert Gates, American_. ( A) ships were heading for Japan for help ( B) troops were ready for cooperation with Japan ( C) air force wa

9、s sending planes to Japan for help ( D) military facilities were not seriously damaged by the quake 10 Who said his country stands ready to help the Japanese people? ( A) Swedish Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt. ( B) British Prime Minister David Cameron. ( C) Chinese Prime Minister Wen Jiabao. ( D)

10、 French President Nicolas Sarkozy. 11 What is the main idea of the news item? ( A) Australian Prime Minister stands firm in support of the US-led strategy. ( B) The history of American and Australian alliance in world issues. ( C) The summit meeting among non-NATO US allies. ( D) The cooperation in

11、the Asia Pacific region. 12 Which of the following did Prime Minister Gillard NOT do? ( A) She urged lawmakers to make tough economic reforms. ( B) She acknowledged complex relationship with China. ( C) She pledged cooperation in the Asia Pacific region. ( D) She condemned North Koreas nuclear progr

12、am. 13 What is the main idea of the news item? ( A) Russians protest corruption. ( B) Russians fight for democracy. ( C) Russians elect their new leaders. ( D) Russians organize two rival parties. 14 Which of the following is CORRECT? ( A) Participants number in the thousands. ( B) Nashi is a youth

13、wing of the ruling party. ( C) Some Moscow officials joined the protest. ( D) The election is on a sunny Saturday afternoon. 15 What is the main message of the news item? ( A) NATO launches a new air strike on Libya. ( B) NATO asks other members to do more in Libya. ( C) NATO fails to add the pressu

14、re against the Libyan regime. ( D) NATO Secretary General answers questions at a press conference. 16 The news item implies that_in the Libya campaign. ( A) several newspapers have reported differently on Mr. Gadhafis future ( B) NATO foreign ministers continue to discuss Libyan civilians situation

15、( C) US Secretary of State and British Foreign Secretary share the same ideas ( D) the 28 NATO members are actively supporting US, France and Britain 17 What is the main idea of the news item? ( A) Unrest engulfs parts of Syria. ( B) Security forces appease protesters. ( C) A Facebook website witnes

16、ses a government change. ( D) Government brutality shows on two pan-Arab television networks. 18 What does the news item say about Syrian secret police? ( A) They beat dozens of protesters in Banias. ( B) They fired automatic rifles in the city of Homs. ( C) They arrested scores of protesters the ci

17、ty center. ( D) They used tear gas against the protesters in a Damascus suburb. 19 According to Stephen Steinbeiser, the attack on the anti-government protesters_. ( A) caught the mostly young protesters off-guard ( B) will lead to a vast series of political reforms ( C) offered opposition political

18、 leaders chances ( D) is causing a backlash among the public 20 Which of the following is NOT used by the police? ( A) Live ammunition. ( B) Tear-gas. ( C) Blocks. ( D) Batons. 专业英语八级(政治类新闻听力)模拟试卷 1答案与解析 SECTION C NEWS BROADCAST Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen

19、carefully and then answer the questions that follow. At the end of each news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions. 1 【听力原文】 Democracy was born in Greece and many still consider it the cradle of Western civilization. But in 2011 the bedrock of democracy in Greece, its parliament

20、, has been defended by armed police against battalions of citizens who say their voice has been forgotten. The root of this crisis is money. After years of borrowing, Greece is in debt. Faced with a massive deficit and under pressure from the international community, the government has revved up tax

21、es and put the brakes on spending. Thats been bad news for most Greeks. Business profits are low and poverty rates are high. Babis Papadimitriou, a journalist with the daily paper Kathimerini, says some Greeks conclude that the country would be better to default on its debt and leave the eurozone. M

22、any protestors say the rights and well-being of Greek citizens are not at the heart of government policy. They say their government is making decisions that serve the interests of global economic powers and wealthy nations, while Greek people suffer the costs. Many though still believe that Greece i

23、s made stronger by its partners in the EU. And with street battles raging in the Greek capital, without a compromise its unclear if the government can maintain its authority. If it fails to do so, Greece may be forced to bid farewell to its membership of the eurozone, whether it wants to or not. 1 【

24、正确答案】 C 【知识模块】 政治类 2 【正确答案】 C 【知识模块】 政治类 3 【听力原文】 The court s ruling says Britain would be in violation of the European Convention on Human Rights if it sent the two men back to Somalia. The men have been convicted of burglary, drug dealing and threatening to kill people. British authorities sought

25、to deport them. But the Strasbourg-based court said while their actions were “undesirable,“ they would be at risk of mistreatment in Somalia and therefore they cannot be forced to go there. It ordered the British government to pay the mens legal fees, totaling more than $ 30,000. The court analyzed

26、each mans personal and family situation before making its decision, suggesting it might approve the forced return of some people if they had the means to keep themselves safe. British media say the ruling could affect more than 200 other Somali convicts held in the country. The director of the Europ

27、ean Institute at University College London, Professor Richard Bellamy, says when there is a risk of mistreatment, the cost to the British government of holding the men and the danger they might pose if they are released from prison someday are not relevant. Bellamy says under the European Convention

28、 on Human Rights, a persons protection from torture is absolute. Bellamy says the Convention is designed, in part, to provide incentive to European countries to take action to help improve the human rights situation in other parts of the world so that foreign criminals can be sent home. 3 【正确答案】 D 【

29、知识模块】 政治类 4 【正确答案】 A 【知识模块】 政治类 5 【听力原文】 The nurses came from across the United States to Wall Street to lead a national organized labor movement against what they consider the inequities of Wall Street traders and banks. They are advocating a new fee on financial transactions that they say should b

30、e used for health care, jobs, national infrastructure and education. National Nurses United Executive Director Rose Ann DeMoro says such a tax could raise $ 350 billion money, she says, belongs to the people. One of the nurses union co-directors, Deborah Burger, says it is time to share. Why are the

31、 nurses taking the lead in this transaction tax proposal? Diane Brady, senior editor of the magazine Bloomberg-Businessweek, has written about the nurses movement. Brady says Sweden and Japan had to ditch such a tax after a few years. She says the reality is that financial products more than any oth

32、er products in the world are mobile, so if you add a tax in one jurisdiction all the trades will go somewhere else. New York University business and economics professor Joe Foudy says such a proposal has also come up in Congress during the past two years, but it is dead in the water. Foudy adds ther

33、e is a huge disconnect between the culture of Wall Street and the rest of the country. The rest of the country looks at Wall Street as having helped to create the financial crisis in the United States, while people on Wall Street view this as, “It was someone who had my job four years ago and it is

34、not my problem.“ And he believes there will be rising popular anger as long as the disconnect is there. 5 【正确答案】 B 【知识模块】 政治类 6 【正确答案】 D 【知识模块】 政治类 7 【听力原文】 A two-day meeting of the G8 foreign ministers ended without agreement on establishing a no-fly zone against Libya, with reservations expressed

35、by Russia and Germany. The flight restrictions had been pushed by France and Britain, but even before the meeting ended, French Foreign Minister Alain Juppe acknowledged that support was far from unanimous. In an interview on Frances Europe 1 radio, Juppe said that if such a no-fly zone had been agr

36、eed to last week, the Libyan opposition might not have experienced its recent setbacks against the forces of Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi. He said G8 ministers had agreed to relaunch discussions at the United Nations on ways to increase pressure against the Gadhafi government, including a possible

37、air exclusion zone. But German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle described any military intervention, as difficult and dangerous. Westerwelle said a no-fly zone amounted to military intervention, and the international community had to be careful not to provoke the opposite effect of what it intende

38、d. 7 【正确答案】 A 【知识模块】 政治类 8 【正确答案】 A 【知识模块】 政治类 9 【听力原文】 US President Barack Obama pledged assistance for what he called a potentially catastrophic disaster in Japan. Mr Obama called Japan one of Americas strongest allies and said the US is offering whatever assistance is needed. US Defense Secretary

39、 Robert Gates said a preliminary assessment indicates that American troops, ships and military facilities were not seriously damaged by the quake or tsunami. Gates says the military, which has enormous assets in the Pacific, is ready to assist in rescue and recovery efforts. The US military newspape

40、r Stars and Stripes is reporting a carrier group led by the USS Ronald Reagan was diverted to Japan as it sailed toward South Korea for military exercises. British Prime Minister David Cameron, arriving in Brussels for a European summit, sent his sympathies and condolences to the Japanese people. Al

41、so in Brussels, Swedish Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt said his country stands ready to help the Japanese people. French President Nicolas Sarkozy also offered his countrys assistance, saying France is planning to send planes and other resources to assist in Japan. Chinese Prime Minister Wen Jiaba

42、o also expressed deep sympathy for the Japanese people and officials from China s Earthquake Administration told the Xinhua news agency that rescuers are prepared to travel to those areas affected by the quake. 9 【正确答案】 D 【知识模块】 政治类 10 【正确答案】 A 【知识模块】 政治类 11 【听力原文】 Prime Minister Gillard delivered w

43、hat she called a “simple message“ as she became the first head of state to address Congress since new members were elected in November. Prime minister Gillard said she stands firm in support of the US-led strategy in the decade-long war against the Taliban and is “cautiously optimistic“ about the fu

44、ture of Afghanistan. Australia is the strongest non-NATO US ally, with more than 1,500 troops in Afghanistan. Ms Gillard also pledged cooperation in the Asia Pacific region, where she said the global order is changing the most. She acknowledged both countries complex relationship with China, but sai

45、d the United States should not fear Chinas rapid growth as it bares the burden of its own tough economic times. In a direct appeal to lawmakers, Prime Minister Gillard urged them to make tough economic reforms and to pass legislation opening the door for more free trade in the Asia-Pacific region. T

46、he Australian prime minister also noted what she called the “momentous“ upheaval in the Middle East, and pledged her alliance with the United States in condemning Iran s nuclear program, and in a call for an Israeli-Palestinian resolution. 11 【正确答案】 A 【知识模块】 政治类 12 【正确答案】 D 【知识模块】 政治类 13 【听力原文】 Russ

47、ians turned out on a sunny Saturday afternoon in Moscow for two rival protests against corruption, the top issue on voters minds in this election year according to polls. This tale of two protests speaks volumes about the state of democracy in Russia 20 years after the fall of the Soviet Union. The

48、state threw its weight fully behind the official anti-corruption protest. One day in advance Moscow officials blocked off a one kilometer long avenue for the demonstration. The avenue was conveniently located between a 10-lane highway and transit center with two subway and three commuter rail statio

49、ns. Chartered buses brought in participants, who were issued flags, banners and crisp white “anti corruption“ aprons. Numbering in the thousands, they then marched in groups into the protest zone. There, eight massive video screens and a powerful music system thumped out techno music and anti corruption messages. Each unit chanted its place of origin, in this case Moscow. The protest was organized by Nashi, widely seen as a youth wing of the ruling United Russia party. 13 【正确答案】 A 【知识模块】 政治类 14 【正确答案】 A 【知识模块】 政治类 15 【听力原文】 NATO foreign


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