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1、专业英语八级(讲座听力)模拟试卷 5及答案与解析 SECTION A MINI-LECTURE Directions: In this section you sill hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening, take notes on the important points. Your notes will not be marked, but you will need them to complete a gap-filling task after the mini-lect

2、ure. When the lecture is over, you will be given two minutes to check your notes, and another ten minutes to complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE. Use the blank sheet for note-taking. 0 British History-Queen Marys Reign I. Historic events: 1) King Henry VIII wanted Mary, his (1)_, to ma

3、rry his son Edward. 2) Her mother plotted that Mary would marry, King Henry IIs eldest son, Dauphin Francis II. Political reasons and outcomes: France and England both try to take control of Scotland as a (2)_state to their countries. Outcome: to strengthen French-Scottish (3)_by consenting Marys ma

4、rriage. III. Queen Marys climbing to the throne: 1. Mary was educated in France in a manner befitting to be queen and strongly affected by extravaganza, art, culture and (4)_. 2. Mary signed official promises to (5)_the liberties of Scotland. 3. Mary married Francis and became queen of France and Sc

5、otland, but not the queen of (6)_. 4. Mary returned home after (7)_years departure. 5. Religious clashes in the land of Scotland: (8)_vs. Catholicism 1) Mary allowed Protestantism to continue as the official religion of (9)_, while she herself remained Catholic. 2) Mary kept her promise not to make

6、any alteration or innovation of the state of religion. 3) Mary wed Lord Darnley, her cousin, a Catholic and drove James out of Scotland. 4) Mary became queen in real sense, free to form her own (10)_. 10 The Cloning Technology I. The difference between a (1)_colony and cloning a mammal clarify the i

7、llusion: Scientists have been cloning genes for many years in laboratories clone a single cell: the term clone refers to (2)_, cells multiplying, all the cells in a clone have exactly the same genetic makeup, “recombinant (3)_technology“ clone a mammal: “nuclear transfer“ II. Genes, chromosomes, and

8、 the genome Genes: DNA its (4)_makes it divide easily. (5)_of chemical groups within DNA form genes. Genes direct cells to produce proteins, and thus determine what (6)_a given cell will have. e.g. skin cells produce proteins present in skin tissue, blood cells produce a protein present in blood Chr

9、omosomes: genes are linked together to form chromosomes Genome: the entire collection of chromosomes in each of your cells is called genome.(7)_genes enables scientists to mass-produce proteins that can be used to treat a variety of diseases, e.g. diabetes: Cloning the insulin gene has provides a wa

10、y of producing large amounts of human insulin which is used to treat diabetes III. The process of cloning a gene 1) Remove DNA from the cell. 2) DNA is cut into pieces using (8)_. 3) To replicate DNA, attach them to non-mammalian DNA. 4) Plasmids easily incorporated into bacteria, multiply by themse

11、lves inside bacteria. 5) The plasmid carries the gene into a (9)_cell. 6) The gene combined with a plasmid and some proteins. The proteins open the plasmid circle and stitch in the new gene. The result is “a recombinant DNA molecule“. 7) The plasmid multiplies. 8) Copies passed to the cells (10)_. 9

12、) Each cell contains one or more copies of the recombinant DNA molecule. The gene is now considered cloned. 专业英语八级(讲座听力 )模拟试卷 5答案与解析 SECTION A MINI-LECTURE Directions: In this section you sill hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening, take notes on the important poin

13、ts. Your notes will not be marked, but you will need them to complete a gap-filling task after the mini-lecture. When the lecture is over, you will be given two minutes to check your notes, and another ten minutes to complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE. Use the blank sheet for note-tak

14、ing. 0 【听力原文】 British History-Queen Marys Reign Today, I would like to relate to you an inside story of Queen Mary, that is, how she was brought up to the throne and how it was going. At the beginning, King Henry VIII had plans for his grandniece, the infantry Mary. He wanted her to marry his son Ed

15、ward, and serve the ancient ties between Scotland and France. On July 1, 1543, Scottish nobles who were allied with the English king signed a treaty agreeing to the marriage. But Marys mother, Marie of Guise, was a shrewd stateswoman, and she had plans of her own. Most of Scotland considered England

16、 an enemy. Both France and England wanted to make a Scotland a dependant state to their countries. England had tried repeatedly to take control of Scotland if for no other reason but that it, too, considered England an enemy. The French-Scottish alliance committed the two nations to helping each oth

17、er against England aggression. Meanwhile, Marie of Guise and Cardinal David Beaton worked to have Mary crowned queen of Scotland and France to the next level. This would be through a marriage between Mary and King Henry IIs eldest son, Dauphin Francis, Marys uncles, the brothers of Marie of Guise, a

18、ided in the discussions. (3)The Scottish Parliament, which preferred an alliance with France to any connection with its arch enemy England, consented to the marriage. Then, Marys life had gone to another page. Mary was sent to France in August 1548both for her own safety and to prepare for the cerem

19、ony. Then, with Frances help, the Scots were able to defeat the England. Mary was educated at the French court in a manner befitting a queen. (4) Treated as a member of the royal Valois family, she was surrounded by extravagance, art, culture, Catholicism, and her influential uncles. Her closest com

20、panion was her future husband, the sickly Francis, for whom she felt genuine affection. Before her marriage, Mary signed official promises to safeguard the liberties of Scotland. Many historians believe that she also signed three secret documents in which she gave the kingdom of Scotland to France i

21、f she did not produce an heir. In April 1558, almost 10 years after her arrival in France, Mary married Francis. Her father-in-law boldly proclaimed the couple the king and queen of England, even though Elizabeth I ascended to the throne that same year. (6) According to Englands succession laws, Mar

22、y had no legal claim to the throne. Upon Henry IIs death the following year, Francis became king of France, and Mary, queen. She now officially wore two crowns. And there comes the return of Mary. A thick fog hugged the ship sailing into Harbor on August 19, 1561. Eighteen-year-old Mary, Queen of Sc

23、ots, was returning home. (7) She had been away for 13 years. Mary was returning to a land torn by civil war. After Marys husband Francis died in December 1560, her Protestant half-brother, Lord James Stewart, invited her to rule Scotland. If Mary did not promote Catholicism publicly, he said, the lo

24、rds would allow her to practice her religion privately. (9) They hoped that Mary would convert to Protestantism. At first, Mary went along with the lords and allowed Protestantism to continue as the official religion of Scotland, while she herself remained Catholic. She probably thought that once sh

25、e gained enough political support, she could restore Catholicism to Scotland. Many Scots, she knew, still believed in the “auld faith“. If the foggy weather on her arrival dismayed Mary, the warm welcome she received must have cheered her. An eyewitness noted how the queens “beauty, youth and statel

26、y carriage“ excited the throngs who turned out to see her. They lighted joyful bonfires that night and serenaded the queen with Psalms. On the first Sunday after her return, however, Scottish nobles saw a priest preparing to celebrate Mass and tried to disrupt the service. James had to block them at

27、 the chapel door. At a ceremony a few days later, a child gave Mary a Bible in England. Mary v/as shocked to receive this reminder of the importance Protestants put on reading scripture. For four years, Mary kept her promise not to make any alteration or innovation of the state of religion. She even

28、 warred against a powerful Catholic lord who challenged her loyalty to her half-brother James. Further, she arrested an archbishop for saying Mass. At the same time, however, she secretly looked for a husband, preferably a Catholic ruler of a strong military power. With the help of someone like the

29、crown prince of Spain, for instance, she might bring Scotland back into the Catholic fold. She might also gain the throne of England, where many Catholics did not consider Elizabeth the legitimate ruler. But Marys quest for a foreign alliance failed. In 1565, a new opportunity knocked. Marys cousin,

30、 Henry Stewart, Lord Darnley, returned from England to his fathers estate in Scotland. Darnley was Catholic. Like Mary, he was descended from the sister of Henry VIII and had a strong claim to the English throne. Even better, he was tall, young, and handsome, and he shared Marys love for dancing, pl

31、aying the lute, horseback riding, and hawking. In July, over the objections of her council, Mary wed Darnley. (10) That fall, they chased their opponents including James out of Scotland. Mary must have felt that, at last, she was really queen, free to form her own policies. The fog that greeted her

32、arrival had finally lifted. Thats it for today. Thank you for listening. 【知识模块】 讲座 1 【正确答案】 grandniece 【试题解析】 细节题。讲座中说到: King Henry VIII had plans for his grandniece the infantry Mary所以 Mary是 Henry的 grandniece。 【知识模块】 讲座 2 【正确答案】 dependent 【试题解析】 细节题。讲座中提到婚姻背后真正的原动力是政治意图。 【知识模块】 讲座 3 【正确答案】 ties lin

33、ks 【试题解析】 推断题。从 井座中可以了解到法国和英格兰争抢苏格兰使其成为他们的领地。所以, Mary婚姻的目的是将法国和苏格兰联合起来,孤立英格兰。 【知识模块】 讲座 4 【 正确答案】 Catholicism 【试题解析】 细节题。讲座中详细地指出: She was surrounded by extravagance。 art, culture, Catholicism, and her influential uncles 【知识模块】 讲座 5 【正确答案】 safeguard protect 【试题解析】 细节题。根据讲座内容 “Before her marriage, Ma

34、ry signed official promises to safeguard the liberties of Scotland ”可知答案为 safeguard或protect。 【知识模块】 讲座 6 【正确答案】 England 【试题解析】 推断题。讲座里提到: According to Englands succession Jaws,Mary had no legal claim to the throne Upon Henry IIs death the following year. Francis became king of France, and Mary, quee

35、n She now officially wore two crowns可以了解到 Mary没有法律资格成为英格兰的皇后。 【知识模块】 讲座 7 【正确答案】 13 thirteen 【试题解析】 细节题。讲座中讲明: She had been away for 13 years 【知识模块】 讲座 8 【正确答案】 Protestantism 【试题解析】 归总题。根据讲座内容可知是 Protestantism和 Catholicism的较量,讲座后半段的重点 就在于此。 【知识模块】 讲座 9 【正确答案】 Scotland 【试题解析】 细节题。讲座中明确指出: Mary went a

36、long with the lords and allowed Protestantism to continue as the official religion of Scotland 【知识模块】 讲座 10 【正确答案】 policies 【试题解析】 细节题。讲座最后提到: she was really queen, free to form her own policies(她终于成了真正意义上的皇后,自由地制定自己的政策 ) 【知识模块】 讲座 10 【听力原文】 The Cloning Technology Today, we are going to talk about t

37、he cloning technique. First, we will see the difference between a single cell colony and cloning a mammal. Then we will focus on cell cloning process and its scientific use. In March 1997, the world said “hello“ to Dolly, the first mammal to be cloned from an adult cell. We asked ourselves: would th

38、e world soon be populated with human clones? Did you know that cloning isnt new? In fact, scientists have been cloning genes for many years in laboratories around the world. Of course, cloning a genes and cloning a whole mammal are quite different in terms of process and product. (1) But just how do

39、 you get from a single cell to a clone? We generally think of cloning as producing a duplicate of something. (2) Scientists, however, usually use the term clone in referring to cells. A clone is population of cells produced by one ancestor. Because of the way cells multiplying, all the cells in a cl

40、one have exactly the same genetic makeup. (3) Gene cloning uses a process known as “recombinant DNA technology“. By contrast, cloning a mammal, such as the sheep Dolly, involves a technology known as “nuclear transfer“. Although the end result is the same, the actual processes of gene cloning and ma

41、mmalian cloning are quite different. But we need to start from the beginning to understand how these complicated and amazing bioengineering technologies evolved. Now, we will study on what genes, chromosomes, and genome are. Within the body of a mammal, tissues are made of cells. Inside each cell is

42、 a long molecule called DNA. (4) Its shape enables it to divide easily. (5) Arrangements of chemical groups within DNA form genes. Genes direct cells to produce proteins, (6) and thus determine what function a given cell will have. For example, skin cells produce proteins which are present in skin t

43、issue, and blood cells produce a protein present in blood. Genes essentially tell each cell what type it is. Genes are linked together to form chromosomes. The entire collection of chromosomes in each of your cells is called genome. All the cells in your body contain the same genome. Once you realiz

44、e that all cells contain the information for making the whole organism, you know that cloning is theoretically possible. But what makes a skin cell different from a blood cell? The chromosomes within the nucleus of each cell are folded in various ways. Genes that are buried within the chromosomes ar

45、e inactive, or switched off, while genes on the surface of the chromosomes are active. In a skin cell, the genes for producing skin proteins are active, while in a blood cell, the gene is active. Gene cloning is the process of producing a population of cells all of which contain a specific gene. Usi

46、ng these identical cells, scientists can study the entire genome and obtain clues to how genes are switched on and off. Cloning genes also enables scientists to mass-produce proteins that can be used to treat a variety of diseases. For example, the cells in the pancreas produce a protein called insu

47、lin which is important in helping the body maintain appropriate blood sugar levels. Some people have a disease called diabetes because their cells dont produce enough insulin. Cloning the insulin gene has provided a way of producing large amounts of human insulin which is used to treat diabetes. The

48、n, we are going to disclose the mystery of cloning a gene. To clone a gene, scientists remove the DNA from a cell, isolate the specific gene of interest, and then get it to multiply. Sound simple? Not so fast. Lets look at each step. First the DNA must be removed from the cell. Over the years scient

49、ists have perfected chemical methods for doing this, based on the physical properties of DNA molecules. (8) The DNA is then cut into pieces using special proteins. You may think of these special proteins as little knives programmed to cut the DNA in specific places. By using the correct special proteins, scientists can isolate whatever gene they want. Once the gene is isolated, it can then be duplicated.


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