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1、专业英语四级模拟试卷 130及答案与解析 一、 PART I DICTATION (15 MIN) Directions: Listen to the following passage. Altogether the passage will be read to you four times. During the first reading, which will be read at normal speed, listen and try to understand the meaning. For the second and third readings, the passage

2、 will be read sentence by sentence, or phrase by phrase, with intervals of 15 seconds. The last reading will be read at normal speed again and during this time you should check your work. You will then be given 2 minute SECTION A CONVERSATIONS Directions: In this section you will hear several conver

3、sations. Listen to the conversations carefully and then answer the questions that follow. 2 What is the womans main purpose in this conversation? ( A) To take her final exam. ( B) To apologize to the professor. ( C) To change the date of her exam. ( D) To schedule her flight. 3 Why does the woman ha

4、ve a problem? ( A) She is taking too many classes. ( B) She lives too lar from her family. ( C) She made an error when she scheduled her trip. ( D) She did not do well on her final exam. 4 What does the professor decide to do? ( A) To allow the woman to repeat the exam. ( B) To reschedule the womans

5、 exam for another day. ( C) To let the woman skip the final exam. ( D) To give the woman a grade of incomplete. 5 What is the main topic of the conversation? ( A) The womans performance in her classes. ( B) The womans nomination for an award. ( C) The professors offer to help prepare the woman for a

6、n interview. ( D) The results of the professors meeting with the womans other teachers. 6 Why didnt Professor Foley talk with lean after class? ( A) He did not see her. ( B) He was busy answering his students questions. ( C) He was receiving an, award. ( D) He was collecting signatures from three ot

7、her faculty members. 7 What will the woman receive if she is chosen? ( A) A certificate signed by three professors. ( B) A cash award and a certificate. ( C) A medal worth five hundred dollars. ( D) An opportunity to interview for an excellent position. 8 What is the purpose of this class discussion

8、? ( A) To discuss the results of the lab experiment. ( B) To answer Bobs question about the lab experiment. ( C) To explain the method of collection by water displacement. ( D) To prepare the students to do the lab experiment. 9 What was deposited on the bottom of the gas bottle? ( A) Magnesium. ( B

9、) Limestone. ( C) Carbon. ( D) Water. 10 What caused the deposits? ( A) The hydrochloric acid broke the carbon bonds in the carbon dioxide. ( B) The magnesium oxide broke the carbon oxygen bonds in the carbon dioxide. ( C) The burning magnesium broke the carbon oxygen bonds in the carbon dioxide. (

10、D) The gas collection method broke the carbon-oxygen bonds in the carbon dioxide. 11 What can we infer from this discussion? ( A) That Bob does not get along with his lab partner. ( B) That the students performed the experiment correctly. ( C) That the students had problems, and could not complete t

11、he lab experiment. ( D) That there was a fire in the lab during the experiment. SECTION B PASSAGES Directions: In this section, you will hear several passages. Listen to the passages carefully and then answer the questions that follow. 12 Which is not mentioned in the passage as an aspect that farmi

12、ng activities are damaging? ( A) Soil. ( B) Human population. ( C) Forest. ( D) Water. 13 How can the group carry out their study? ( A) By using Satellite images, maps, etc. ( B) By studying specific fanning methods. ( C) By studying the variation of human population. ( D) By analyzing the quality o

13、f crops. 14 According to this passage, why the farming activities can affect the animals ? ( A) By forcing them farming. ( B) By affecting the quality of soils. ( C) By adding chemicals and pollute the waterways. ( D) By affecting the environments they live in. 15 Why American scientists are develop

14、ing these maps? ( A) To estimate the extreme weather. ( B) To develop the satellite technology. ( C) To improve agricultural output. ( D) To learn how to change information to maps more efficiently. 16 How can the satellites catch the information about the soil? ( A) By turning the intensity of suns

15、hine into maps. ( B) By analyzing the recent weather report. ( C) By capturing the microwave radiation from the soil. ( D) By analyzing information provided by ground observation centers. 17 What is the future work planned to do? ( A) Acquire information from satellites more efficiently. ( B) To rea

16、lize full coverage of area the satellite passes over. ( C) Building more ground observation centers. ( D) Compare satellites information with those from ground. 18 By what means did Joe think he could become rich? ( A) He thought that he would either find a good job or he would be a thief. ( B) He s

17、aid that he would become rich by way of robbing the bank. ( C) He said that he could rob the rich of their money. ( D) He might be rich ff he worked harder. 19 Why do you think the teller gave Joe the money?. ( A) Because he had a letter of thanks. ( B) Because he feared that he might be killed if h

18、e refused. ( C) Because he gave him a demand note. ( D) Because he showed him a cheque payable at sight. 20 How were the police able to prove that Joe had robbed the bank? ( A) The raid had been photographed by hidden cameras. ( B) Some watchman had seen the mid. ( C) The bank teller proved that Joe

19、 was the robber, ( D) Some monitors had been installed nearby. 21 Which of the following adjectives can be used to descibe Joe? ( A) Funny. ( B) Clever. ( C) Brave. ( D) Stupid. 22 The casualties for the rival Muslin militias were _. ( A) three ( B) twenty ( C) ninety-four ( D) ninety-seven 23 _ ori

20、ginally reported the casualties. ( A) Two hospitals ( B) Local newspapers ( C) A news agency ( D) Leaders of the main factions 24 The rival group _ held to the peace agreement they had signed. ( A) seldom ( B) never ( C) sometimes ( D) often 25 Yesterdays strike caused complete confusion for _. ( A)

21、 employers ( B) commuters ( C) bus drivers ( D) tourists 26 People staged the strike against _. ( A) inflation ( B) major domestic policy ( C) pay and job cuts ( D) employers cruel exploitation 27 Railway workers joined in the strike because they _. ( A) attempted to halt the whole network for train

22、 travel ( B) were dissatisfied with proposed rise in unemployment ( C) were unhappy with their working conditions ( D) wanted to support workers from other unions 二、 PART III CLOZE (15 MIN) Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. Decide which of the choices given below would best c

23、omplete the passage if inserted in the corresponding blanks. 27 The ability of falling cats to right themselves in midair and land on their feet has been a source of wonder for ages. Biologists long regarded it as an example of【 C1】 _ by natural selection, but for physicists it bordered on the mirac

24、ulous. Newtons laws of motion【 C2】 _ that the total amount of spin of a body cannot change【 C3】 _ an external torque speeds it up or slows it down. If a cat has no spin when it is released and experiences no external torque, it ought not to be able to【 C4】 _ as it falls. In the speed of its executio

25、n, the【 C5】 _ of a tumbling cat resembles a magicians trick. The gyrations of the cat in midair are【 C6】 _ fast for the human eye to follow, so the process is obscured. 【 C7】 _ the eye must be speeded up, or the cats fall slowed down for the phenomenon to be observed. A century ago the former was ac

26、complished 【 C8】 _ high-speed photography using equipment now【 C9】 _ in any pharmacy. But in the nineteenth century the 【 C10】 _ on film of a falling cat constituted ascientific experiment. The experiment was described in a paper presented to the Paris Academy in 1894. Two sequences of twenty photog

27、raphs【 C11】 _ , one from the side and one from behind,【 C12】 _ a white cat in the act of righting itself. Grainy and quaint【 C13】 _ they are, the photos show that the cat was dropped upside down, with no initial spin, and still landed on its feet. Careful analysis of the photos reveals the secret. A

28、s the cat rotates the front of its body【 C14】 _ , the rear and tail twist counterclockwise,【 C15】 _ the total spin remains zero,【 C16】 _ Newtons laws. Halfway down, the cat pulls in its legs before reversing its twist and them extends them again,【 C17】 _ the desired end result. The explanation was t

29、hat while no body can acquire spin without torque, a flexible one can readily change its【 C18】_ . Cats know this instinctively, but scientists could not be sure how it happened【 C19】_ they increased the speed of their【 C20】 _ a thousand fold. 28 【 C1】 ( A) adeptness ( B) adaptation ( C) adoption ( D

30、) adaptability 29 【 C2】 ( A) fancy ( B) imagine ( C) conceive ( D) assume 30 【 C3】 ( A) unless ( B) until ( C) when ( D) after 31 【 C4】 ( A) tumble down ( B) twist around ( C) topple down ( D) stumble over 32 【 C5】 ( A) falling ( B) spinning ( C) righting ( D) twisting 33 【 C6】 ( A) so ( B) much ( C

31、) rather ( D) too 34 【 C7】 ( A) Neither ( B) Never ( C) Either ( D) Whether 35 【 C8】 ( A) by means of ( B) by way of ( C) in the way of ( D) not by 36 【 C9】 ( A) believable ( B) useable ( C) practical ( D) available 37 【 C10】 ( A) observation ( B) capture ( C) phenomenon ( D) process 38 【 C11】 ( A)

32、respectively ( B) each ( C) all ( D) more 39 【 C12】 ( A) showed ( B) shows ( C) show ( D) had shown 40 【 C13】 ( A) though ( B) as ( C) than ( D) and 41 【 C14】 ( A) counterclockwise ( B) upside down ( C) clockwise ( D) anticlockwise 42 【 C15】 ( A) in order that ( B) so that ( C) as long as ( D) becau

33、se 43 【 C16】 ( A) in accord with ( B) in accord to ( C) by accord with ( D) by accord to 44 【 C17】 ( A) to ( B) as ( C) for ( D) with 45 【 C18】 ( A) movement ( B) orientation ( C) behaviour ( D) adjustment 46 【 C19】 ( A) unless ( B) when ( C) until ( D) after 47 【 C20】 ( A) perception ( B) experienc

34、e ( C) reception ( D) experiment 三、 PART IV GRAMMAR his calculation with figures was faster and more accurate than any one of us here. ( A) numeral ( B) numerical ( C) numerous ( D) numerable 51 There still is a _ version of the ship Mayflower in the museum. ( A) miniature ( B) little ( C) minute (

35、D) tiny 52 Due to the great difficulty in business, he decided to _ the payment of the bills. ( A) infer ( B) defer ( C) confer ( D) prefer 53 If you have any questions, please go and ask_. ( A) the responsible person for the activity ( B) the person responsible for the activity ( C) the activitys r

36、esponsible person ( D) the person for the activity responsible 54 “Have you met Bills brothers?“ “Ive met one. I didnt know he had_.“ ( A) other ( B) the other ( C) ones ( D) another 55 I cant drink_. ( A) as sweet coffee as this ( B) sweet coffee as this ( C) as sweet as this coffee ( D) the coffee

37、 as sweet as this 56 “Id like to see _ Mr. Smith, please.“ “Do you mean _ Mr. Smith _ stage manager?“ ( A) the, the, the ( B) /, /, the ( C) /, /, / ( D) /, the, the 57 Jack would have been a top student in his school at the time, but he _ hard enough. ( A) hadnt worked ( B) should work ( C) didnt w

38、ork ( D) wont work 58 It was reported that the project _ by the end of this month. ( A) will be completed ( B) will have been completed ( C) would have completed ( D) would have been completed 59 This mathematic problem was so difficult that no student and no teacher _ able to solve it. ( A) were (

39、B) is ( C) was ( D) are 60 He was shocked to discover that things dragged on well _ the two weeks he had anticipated. ( A) from ( B) for ( C) away ( D) beyond 61 There used to be a cherry tree in this field, _ ? ( A) usednt it ( B) usent it ( C) didnt it there ( D) usednt there 62 He reminded _ the

40、letter at once so that it could catch the first post the next morning. ( A) me of writing ( B) me to write ( C) my writing ( D) me writing 63 _ nothing to eat, he had to go to bed without supper. ( A) There was ( B) It being ( C) There being ( D) Being 64 _ the desert is like a sea, _ is the camel l

41、ike a ship. ( A) What, as ( B) As, so ( C) As, as ( D) That, so 65 My uncle went to the police station to _ the lost watch. ( A) inquire ( B) claim ( C) demand ( D) require 66 When he became rich, he _ his former friends. ( A) broke with ( B) broke down ( C) broke away from ( D) broke off 67 She had

42、 to be very _ to feed such a large family, especially when her husband was out of work. ( A) economic ( B) economical ( C) careful ( D) efficient 68 As a _ president of the Fund, he closely followed its development long after his retirement. ( A) former ( B) formal ( C) previous ( D) late 69 He stil

43、l _ to the hope that his son was alive. ( A) held ( B) grasped ( C) clung ( D) stuck 70 Under no _ should we allow Jane to meet the young man again. ( A) circumstances ( B) conditions ( C) situations ( D) states 71 Studies show that most adopted children want to know who their _ parents are. ( A) na

44、tural ( B) first ( C) primitive ( D) original 72 The seating _ of the lecture hall is 2000. ( A) capability ( B) capacity ( C) quantity ( D) ability 73 She is far too _ to believe these ridiculous lies. ( A) senseless ( B) sensitive ( C) sensible ( D) sentimental 74 It is _ unlikely that the rebelli

45、on forces will surrender to the Government. ( A) highly ( B) largely ( C) mainly ( D) greatly 75 He _ a good knowledge of English by careful study. ( A) gained ( B) obtained ( C) earned ( D) acquired 76 The English-Chinese dictionary of medical _ compiled by Professor Smith was published recently. (

46、 A) words ( B) expressions ( C) terms ( D) vocabulary 77 His little finger has become swollen due to the snakebite. He can feel it _ with pain. ( A) throbbing ( B) striking ( C) bumping ( D) echoing 77 Staggering tasks confronted the people of the United States, North and South, when the Civil War e

47、nded. About a million and a half soldiers from both sides had to be demobilized, readjusted to civilian life, and reabsorbed by the devastated economy. Civil government also had to be put back on a peacetime basis and interference from the military had to be stopped. The desperate situation of the S

48、outh had eclipsed the fact that reconstruction had to be undertaken also in the North, though less spectacularly. Industries had to adjust to peacetime conditions; factories had to be retooled for civilian needs. Financial problems loomed large in both the North and the South. The national debt had shot up from a modest $ 65 million in 1861, the year the war started, to nearly $ 3 billion in 1865, the year the war ended. This was a colossal sum for those days but one that a cautious government could pay. At the same time, war taxes had to be reduced to less burd


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