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1、专业英语四级(作文)模拟试卷 36及答案与解析 SECTION A COMPOSITION (35 MIN) 1 With the popularity of reality shows, more and more stars or celebrities are seen on various TV entertainment programs. Some people strongly advise to reduce star reality shows, for the fear that the universal entertainment will exert bad infl

2、uence on our behavior. What is your idea of star reality shows? Write a composition of about 200 words on the following topic: Should Star Reality Shows Be Decreased? 2 While a lot of people advocate the prominent role of advanced technology in environmental protection, many others insist that peopl

3、es awareness is more important. So what is your opinion about protecting environment? Write a composition of about 200 words on the following topic: Which One Is the Key to Environmental Protection, Technology or Awareness? 3 The draft regulation on rail traffic safety issued by Beijing municipality

4、 in February 2014 banned eating and drinking in subway carriages, and said offenders could be fined up to 500 yuan ( $ 80). The heated debate sparked by the proposed move has been revived after the removal of the ban clause from the revised draft. Should eating be banned on subways? What is your opi

5、nion? Write a composition of about 200 words on the following topic: Should Eating Be Banned on Subways? 4 According to a notice issued by State Administration of Radio, Film and Television (SARFT) , the use of words, terms and proverbs and other phrases must follow standardized rules in the Chinese

6、 language. As a result, use of Internet slang will be banned. What do you think? Write a composition of about 200 words on the following topic; Should Internet Slang Be Prohibited? 专业英语四级(作文)模拟试卷 36答案与解析 SECTION A COMPOSITION (35 MIN) 1 【正确答案】 Should Star Reality Shows Be Decreased? Since stars or c

7、elebrities often have great charisma to attract and affect ordinary people, those reality shows they attend can arouse our reflection and discussion on some issues we may have ignored before. Lets take the example of a well-known star reality show “Dad, Where Are We Going?“ Not only does the program

8、 trigger our precious memory about care and love from fathers, but different ways of interaction between star fathers and their children bring about a fierce discussion about the family education and let us rethink the way we get along with our families. In addition, star reality shows, to some exte

9、nt, have been used recently as an important way to introduce Chinas regions and to promote tourism of the place where they have been filmed. When “Chinese Running Man“ , a reality TV show that gets popular Chinese stars to complete different tasks outdoors, filmed a segment in Dunhuang, Gansu provin

10、ce, it brought a lot of good publicity to the area. After the show was broadcast, there were hundreds of news reports on Gansu and thus it attracted thousands of tourists throughout the country. It is unnecessary to fix our eyes on tiny shortcomings of some star reality shows because, on the one han

11、d, programs demonstrating what the society wants and needs will definitely retain and if not, they will finally vanish from sight; on the other hand, many star reality shows benefit the audience and the economic growth. 【试题解析】 本题是一个观点论证型题目,核心问题是如何看待明星真人秀。有两个基本观点:明星真人秀是成功的商业运作,无论对经济还是观众都是有益的;应该减少明星真人

12、秀,因其会使我们进入全民娱乐时代,不利于提升国民素质。可根据以下思路展开写作: 思路 1:不应该减少明星真人秀。 首先,很多节目会促使观众关注之前忽略或不够重视的东西,比如亲子教育、节俭生活、体育精神等。其次,明星的 “名人效应 ”会提高一些偏远地区的曝光率,推动当地旅游业以及经济发展。 思路 2:应该减少明星真人秀。 太多的明星真人秀会造成全民娱乐,不利于国民素质的提升。很多节目专注于“秀 ”,通过曝光明星隐私、故意增加明星之间的冲突等来夺人眼球,节目毫无质量可言且容易对观众造成负面影响。另外,从成本上来说,明星真人秀成本太大,而有时收效却甚微,不如将这些资源投入到更具教育性、更有意义的节目

13、中。 范文选择思路 1。分别以 “爸爸去哪儿 ”和 “奔跑吧,兄弟 ”为例,分析明星真人秀给观众和经济增长带来的益处。最后指出,根据优胜劣汰的规律,不必刻意减少明星真人秀的数量,因为不好的节目自然会被淘汰。 【知识模块】 作文 2 【正确答案】 Which One Is the Key to Environmental Protection, Technology or Awareness? The advancement of technology benefits the cause of environmental protection in many aspects. The appl

14、ication of hi-tech environment-friendly materials such as degradable plastic bags helps reduce the white pollution. Clean or alternative energy makes factories more fuel-efficient and cuts down the air pollution. Therefore, some people begin to put technology over peoples awareness of environmental

15、protection. These people ignore that we humans are both the inventor of technology and the destroyer of the environment. I once met a well-dressed woman who munched an apple on the bus. She threw the peel on the floor even though sitting beside the bin. Do you believe people like her who do not thro

16、w trash into the garbage bin will bother to use technology to protect environment? Besides, in todays society, consumerism leads to unnecessary goods, the consumption of extra resources and thus creates more trash. To lessen such wastes, we need to be aware of living a simple life instead of develop

17、ing technology to produce more products. Moreover, it costs us less to improve peoples awareness than to develop technologies. To reduce radiation, we can reduce the use of cellphone; to cut down white pollution , We can decrease the use of plastic and industrial products; to lessen the emission, in

18、stead of taking modern transportation, we can choose to go out by bike or on foot. Protecting environment is an enduring mission, but even the longest journey begins with a single step. Therefore, technology must function based on a civilized and advanced mind. 【试题解析】 本题虽是一个对比选择型题目,但核心问题并不是观点的选择而是观点

19、的论证,因为无论是技术还是意识,对环保而言都很重要,关键是要分析各自的优点并加以比较,从中选择一个更重要的。针对该题目,可以根据以下思路展开写作: 思路 1:环保的关键在于环保意识。 首先,要强调人自身对环境的影响,此处可借种种不爱护环境的行为和态度举例论证。其次,从成本上来说,开发技术的成本远远高于提高人们的环保意识。 思路 2:环保的关键在于环保技术。 当今的环境问题是复杂的,是多方面因素 造成的,比如雾霾,不是仅靠不开车、不抽烟就能解决的,而是要通过开发清洁能源,提高工厂的节能效率等才能取得突破性进展。其次,由于国民自身的多样性和差异性,提升环保意识并非易事。经济的发展也会从客观上对环境

20、造成一定破坏,并非提升环保意识就能解决,这就凸显了环保技术的重要性。 范文选取思路 1进行写作。从自身经历、消费主义两方面着手,论证环保意识的重要性。再比较分析开发环保技术和提升环保意识的成本。最后得出结论:技术只有建立在意识的基础上才能发挥作用。 【知识模块】 作文 3 【正确答案】 Should Eating Be Banned on Subways? The debate on whether food and drinks should be permitted on subways has been prevalent in China for a long time. Both t

21、he pros and cons have their points, but neither can deny that eating and drinking on subways is inappropriate. Allowing people to eat and drink in subway carriages is like inviting them to dump garbage, which will bring problems to other passengers and increase the cleanup costs. Besides, the strong

22、 smell of some food is loathed by many passengers and drinks spilt on the floor of carriages could become a safety hazard. Those opposed to the ban say that forbidding some people, especially senior citizens and children, from eating or drinking on subways is not advisable. So the authority should d

23、ecide punishment on a case by case basis. But, it is very difficult to implement the ban because of the huge flow of passengers in the subway. I believe the opposition group overstates the barriers the authority will be confronted with because some Chinese cities, like Shanghai and Shenzhen have alr

24、eady banned eating and drinking on the subway but not many people have been fined for violating the ban. In other words, the ban is a means to an end, not an end itself. People afraid of being penalized will become conscious of regulating their behavior due to the ban. Thus, regulations to improve t

25、he subway system and make commuting comfortable for passengers should be implemented in a strict manner. 【试题解析】 本题是一个观点论证型题目,需要选择一个立场,然后对自己的观点加以论证。可从两个基本观点着手:在地 铁上饮食应该被禁,因为会恶化乘车环境、增加安全隐患、提升清洁成本等;禁止在地铁上饮食很不人性化,监管起来也十分麻烦。 思路 1:在地铁上饮食应该被禁。 首先,在地铁上饮食会导致食品包装袋等垃圾的增加,因此也会提升清洁成本。飞溅到地板上的饮料等还会构成安全隐患。此外,有些食物具有

26、强烈、难闻的气味,会造成很多乘客的不适,继而引发冲突。另外,针对有些人提出的应允许老人和孩子在地铁上饮食、对禁令实行 “具体问题具体分析 ”的原则进行反驳,指出地铁内客流量大,分流管理不可行。 思路 2:在地铁上饮食不应该被禁。 首先,乘坐地铁的多数为工薪阶层,怕上班迟到而在地铁上解决早饭是可以理解的。而老人和孩子有时也需要在地铁上补充能量,如果强制禁止,太不人性化。另外,地铁客流量大,要实行禁止,就需要大量的监管人员和执法人员,这无疑会增加地铁运营成本。 范文选择了思路 1,分析了应该禁止在地铁上饮食的种种原因,最后提出建议。 【知识模块】 作文 4 【正确答案】 Should Intern

27、et Slang Be Prohibited? As an inevitable result of social development, Internet slang nowadays is very popular among young people. In view of this, the SARFT intends to impose a ban on the use of such words. However, this issue should not end up with a “one size fits all“ solution. For my part, Inte

28、rnet slang should be removed from higher circles such as government documents and textbooks for they are not in line with the principle of preciseness and strictness of official documents. But on other occasions, we should embrace newly-emerging Internet slang because it is, to some degree, the carr

29、ier of a certain era and its distinct culture-Take the Internet slang “ no zuo no die“, as an example. It is now commonly used by the media. It is the epitome of Internet slang short, catchy and vivid, depicting some social phenomena only in four words. Moreover, given netizens creativity and brilli

30、ance, some Internet slang has been included into dictionaries. A good case in point is “ geili“ , which has been translated into English as a noun “gelivability“ and best of all an adjective “gelivable. “ In addition, it is impractical to enforce the ban. There are scores of publications produced ev

31、ery single day. How could the authorities monitor them effectively and efficiently? Even if it is not impossible, supervising the use of Internet slang will be time- and money-consuming, so why not save resources for what is more crucial? I suggest that the typical Internet slang be compiled into a

32、dictionary and be given a uniform explanation. Once its standardized, it will become precious vehicles for future generations to learn about our culture. 【试题解析】 本题是一个观点论证型题目。首先应表明自己的观点,再详细进行论证。可分为三个基本观点:网络俚语不够正式,又多带有戏谑色彩,应该被禁;网络俚语是互联网文化发展的产物,某种程度上反映了时代特色,不应被禁;网络俚语的问题不应 “一刀切 ”。针对该题目,可根据以下思路展开写作: 思路 1

33、:网络俚 语应被禁止。 一些网络俚语夹杂脏话,带有戏谑色彩,不宜使用;网络俚语多为不合规范的词语等,不利于现代汉语规范。网络俚语多为青年人所熟识,若不加禁止,用于各种语境中,容易影响沟通,引起误会。 思路 2:网络俚语不应被禁止。 首先,网络俚语是时代的产物,也反映了特定群体或特定文化,对此我们应采取开放包容的态度。其次,网络俚语通常简短生动、朗朗上口,使用起来效果更好,更易让人们记住。而且,一些经典的网络用语已被收录进词典。另外,禁止网络俚语的使用并不现实,因为每天有那么多的出版内容,要逐个筛 查既耗时又费力,而很多网络用语不过是昙花一现,所以不如把监管网络用语的资源用到更为重要的事情上。 思路 3:网络俚语的问题不应该 “一刀切 ”。 建立在思路 2的基础上,先提出解决方案:对网络俚语不应采取 “一刀切 ”的方法。在较为正式的文体或语境中,要使用规范的汉语,不能使用网络俚语;在其他语境中,则应持包容态度。最后还提出建议:可将经典的网络俚语收录进词典,加以规范,使之成为后人了解我们文化的载体。 范文选取了思路 3。 【知识模块】 作文


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