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1、专业英语四级(听力)模拟试卷 199及答案与解析 SECTION B CONVERSATIONS In this section you will hear two conversations. At the end of each conversation , five questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken ONCE ONLY. After each question there will be a ten-second pause

2、. During the pause, you should read the four choices of A, B, C and D, and mark the best answer to each question on ANSWER SHEET TWO. You have thirty seconds to preview the questions. 1 The man is trying to find ( A) papers about new methods of psychological research. ( B) articles on new methods of

3、 geological research. ( C) articles on new methods of biological research. ( D) papers about new methods of physical research. 2 Which of the following statements is INCORRECT? ( A) The man can find what he wants as the woman tells him. ( B) Many current magazines are arranged alphabetically by titl

4、e. ( C) One is always allowed to borrow the periodicals. ( D) One can choose the relevant articles by reading the abstracts. 3 The man can find the articles appearing in the last year ( A) in the Periodical Reading Room. ( B) on the racks and shelves at home. ( C) by surfing the Internet. ( D) by re

5、ferring to his professor. 4 People used to think the Ice Age people lived in ( A) caves. ( B) villages. ( C) the open field. ( D) the ice mountain. 5 The new exhibition shows the following EXCEPT ( A) the Ice Age people at that time were surprisingly advanced. ( B) Ice Age people were the inventors

6、of languages, art and music. ( C) in the cold weather, all of them used wood to build houses. ( D) they used animal bones and skins or lived in stone shelters. 6 How did people in the early Ice Age keep warm? ( A) They lived in the sturdy shelters. ( B) They used sand as the insulation. ( C) They ke

7、pt fires burning constantly. ( D) They faced their homes southward. 7 What does the man want the woman to do? ( A) Meet his anthropology teacher together. ( B) Lend him her magazine after reading. ( C) Come over to his house after class. ( D) Speak slowly for him to take notes. 8 According to the co

8、nversation, the woman seems ( A) more anxious about the exams than the man. ( B) to be sad when exams are over. ( C) less anxious about the exams than the man. ( D) very pleased at exam time. 9 Which of the following statements is CORRECT? ( A) The women will have to take two exams in two weeks. ( B

9、) The men will have to take more exams than the women. ( C) The women can keep her scholarship if her marks are over 80%. ( D) The mens marks of his courses consist of exams and assignments. 10 In the mans mind, to go to Italy ( A) makes him feel guilty. ( B) is a good chance of a lifetime. ( C) can

10、not be missed. ( D) may be difficult to achieve. 11 Which aspect of Mark Twains life does the passage focus on? ( A) His travels. ( B) His short stories. ( C) His finances. ( D) His family. 12 According to the passage, what job did Mark Twain especially love? ( A) Typesetter. ( B) River pilot. ( C)

11、Soldier. ( D) Prospector. 13 Why did Mark Twain go west? ( A) He wished to be a journalist. ( B) He wanted to join in the army. ( C) Hed like to leave the army. ( D) He was sent there by his father. 14 Whats the benefit that Twains travel brought to him? ( A) It gave him inspiration of writing. ( B)

12、 It provided great wealth for his writings. ( C) It alleviated the pressure of writing. ( D) It helped to publicize his writings. 15 The speaker feels that many photographs are more actual than paintings because ( A) they are photographed by Mathew Brady. ( B) they present real people and events. (

13、C) they are photographed on the battlefield. ( D) they are mainly about the battle scenes. 16 Why do Bradys photos create an effect that paintings dont have? ( A) They were taken in the battle field rather than pure imagination. ( B) Nothing can be added to what is in front of the camera. ( C) They

14、are more dramatic and better than paintings. ( D) They are important and powerful. 17 Whats the purpose of this passage? ( A) To describe the advantages of Mathew Bradys photographs. ( B) To tell the writers opinions about photographs and paintings. ( C) To persuade you to like photographs more than

15、 paintings. ( D) To explain why photographs and paintings are alike. 18 Chinese paper was first made from ( A) the wood of trees. ( B) the hair-like parts of plants. ( C) the bamboo. ( D) the hair-like branch of trees. 19 The biggest paper industry in the world is in ( A) Canada. ( B) Sweden. ( C) N

16、orway. ( D) Finland. 20 In one minute, the biggest machines can make a piece of paper of ( A) 300 square meters. ( B) 6 square meters. ( C) 1,000 square meters. ( D) 1,800 square meters. 21 How many people died in the coal mines explosion? ( A) 5. ( B) 10. ( C) 30. ( D) 35. 22 According to the news

17、item, the trapped people ( A) have been rescued by the rescuers. ( B) may die for lack of oxygen. ( C) will definitely die in the cave. ( D) may die for lack of food. 23 Which of the following statements is INCORRECT? ( A) Representatives from over 80 nations are gathering in the Hague for a confere

18、nce. ( B) The Afghanistan conference negotiates to strengthen their army force to fight the terrorists. ( C) NATO and U.S. forces have been fighting with a rising insurgents in Afghanistan. ( D) U.S. calls for sending more aid to conflict-torn country to focus on the terrorists activities. 24 When d

19、id the fire break out? ( A) Monday. ( B) Wednesday. ( C) Saturday. ( D) Sunday. 25 According to the news item, which of the following statements is INCORRECT? ( A) Three others were injured in the fire. ( B) The fire broke out at around 11:10 p.m. ( C) The cause of the fire has been found out. ( D)

20、The fire broke out in the capital city of India. 26 According to the news item, which of the following is CORRECT? ( A) The suspected gunman was attacked by terrorists last year. ( B) The suspected gunman has been captured last month. ( C) The suspect denies that he is guilty and wants to retract it

21、. ( D) The suspect has confessed his guilt in terror attacks. 27 The opening arguments occur ( A) in a Mumbai special court. ( B) in a Mumbai advanced court. ( C) in a Mohammed special court. ( D) in a Mohammed advanced court. 28 Why do those oil-producing nations cut the production? ( A) The oil fa

22、ctories collapsed. ( B) The oil couldnt be sold out. ( C) Theyve earned enough money. ( D) The oil price is too low. 29 Whats the decision of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries? ( A) They will increase the oil production of more than 2 million barrels a day. ( B) They will decrease th

23、e oil production of more than 2 million barrels a day. ( C) They will call an emergency meeting in March to discuss the oil problems. ( D) They will increase the oil production about five percent of world output. 30 According to the news item, we find that South Africans ( A) show much love for Jaco

24、b Zuma. ( B) dislike party president Jacob Zuma. ( C) support party president Jacob Zuma ( D) dont care about the elections. 专业英语四级(听力)模拟试卷 199答案与解析 SECTION B CONVERSATIONS In this section you will hear two conversations. At the end of each conversation , five questions will be asked about what was

25、said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken ONCE ONLY. After each question there will be a ten-second pause. During the pause, you should read the four choices of A, B, C and D, and mark the best answer to each question on ANSWER SHEET TWO. You have thirty seconds to preview the que

26、stions. 1 【听力原文】 M: Excuse me, Im trying to find articles on new methods of geological research. Can you tell me how to find it? W: You can begin by looking into some of the specialized indexes such as the Applied Science and Technology Index. M: What will I find in these indexes? W: The Applied Sci

27、ence and Technology Index, for example, lists articles published in 297 periodicals. So you could look under “geology“ and then under such subheadings as “methods of research“ or “research technique“, etc. Youll find everything that was published in any of those 297 magazines and journals. M: If I f

28、ind out the listings of articles I want to read, what do I do then? W: You should go to the appropriate abstracts to learn more about the articles and decide which ones are relevant to you. M: Where could I find the articles? W: If the article has appeared in the last year, check in the Periodical R

29、eading Room. Current issues of a great many magazines are kept on the racks and shelves there, arranged alphabetically by title. M: Can I borrow those periodicals? W: No. But you can always copy a particular article if you want to take it home with you. M: Youve been very helpful and patient. I real

30、ly appreciate it. 1 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 男士提到,他正在试着查找有关地质研究新方法的一些文章,故选B。对话开头是答题依据,听到 geological便可确定 B对;退一步来讲,即使没听清开头的 articles和 geological,也可据对话后面不断出现的 articles排除 A、 D,根据听到的 geological的同根词 geology排除 C。 【知识模块】 听力 2 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 男士问女士是否能借那些期刊,女士说: “不可以。但是如果你想要某篇文章,你可以把它复印下来带回家 。 ”故选 C。结合整个对话内容和结尾处男士的感谢可

31、知 A正确; B、 D与原文的细节一致,也可排除。 【知识模块】 听力 3 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 女士说到男士要想找到去年出现的文章,可以去期刊阅览室查找,故选 A。 【知识模块】 听力 4 【听力原文】 M: Hey, Jane. Whats so interesting? W: Oh, hi, Tom. Im reading this fascinating article on the societies of the Ice Age. M: The Ice Age? There werent any societies then, just the bunch of cave

32、 people. W: Thats what people used to think. But a new exhibition at the American Museum of National History shows that Ice Age people were surprisingly advanced. M: Oh, really? In what ways? W: Well, Ice Age people were the inventors of languages, art and music as we know it. And they didnt live in

33、 caves. They built their own shelves. M: What did they use to build them? The cold weather would have killed almost all of the trees, so they couldnt have used wood. W: In some warmer climates, they did build houses of wood. In other places, they used animal bones and skins or lived in natural stone

34、 shelters. M: How did they stay warm? Animal skin walls dont sound very sturdy. W: Well, it says here, that in the early Ice Age, they often faced their homes towards the south to take advantage of the sun, a primitive sort of solar heating. M: Hey, thats pretty smart! W: Then people in the late Ice

35、 Age even insulated their homes by putting heated cobblestones on the floor. M: I guess I spoke too soon. Can I read that magazine article after youve done? I think Im going to try to impress my anthropology teacher with my amazing knowledge of Ice Age civilization. W: Ha. What a show-off! 4 【正确答案】

36、A 【试题解析】 男士说: “那个时候还没有社会,只是一群穴居人类。 ”女士回答:“这是人们过去的想法。 ”由此可知,人们过去认为冰河世纪的人居住在洞穴中,故选 A。 【知识模块】 听力 5 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 男士说: “寒冷的天气将毁坏几乎所有的树木,因此他们不可能使用木材。 ”而女士却说: “在气候暖和的地方,他们会建木屋,但在其他地方,他们用动物骨头和皮或者住在天然的石头庇护处。 ”可见选 C。 A、 B、 D再现原文。不难排除。通常过于绝对的选项本身就有误,据此也可选 C。 【知识模块】 听力 6 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 女士说: “在冰河世纪的早期,为了利用太阳

37、,他们盖的房屋通常朝南。这是一种原始的利用太阳能取暖的方式。 ”故选 D。 【知识模块】 听力 7 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 男士说: “你看完那篇杂志上的文章能借给我吗 ?”故选 B。 A只是男士要做的事情; C、 D无原文支持。 【知识模块】 听力 8 【听力原文】 M: Hi, Wendy! There are 2 weeks of classes and then exams start. W: Yes. I will be glad when exams are over. I get very panicky and stressed at exam time. I find

38、 myself eating constantly and I dont seem to find any time to exercise. M: Exams dont bother me that much. This year most of the marks for my courses are based on assignments and research projects. I only have 2 exams. W: Youre lucky. I have 5. I also need to get good marks over 80% or I wont be abl

39、e to keep my scholarship. M: Any plans for summer break? W: Id like to go to Italy. My uncle owns a restaurant specializing in seafood and he has offered me a job for the summer. M: Thats great! W: Yes. But the problem is my father had a heart attack 3 weeks ago, so I have to look after him and help

40、 my mother around the house. It is such a dilemma. I dont know what to do. M: Yes, it would be a very difficult decision. You are young and a chance to go to Italy for the summer sounds like the opportunity of a lifetime. W: Im leaning towards going to Italy but I just feel so guilty. What about you

41、, Steven? What are your plans for the summer? M: Well, I have no idea yet. 8 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 女士说: “一到考试我就会很惊慌 ”。男士说: “考试不会让我那么烦扰。 ”由此可知,女士比男士更担心考试,故选 A。 【知识模块】 听力 9 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 女士说: “我必须得分数达 80以上,否则就不能继续拿奖学金。 ”换言之,如果考分超过 80%,女士就能继续拿奖学金,故选 C。 A说的是男士的情况; B与原文相反; D不全面,文中还提到了 research projects。 【知识模

42、块】 听力 10 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 男士说: “你年轻,暑假去意大利似乎是人生的一个机遇。 ”故选B。 A是女士的想法; C属于过度推断,男士也提到暑假去意大利是很难的选择,由此可知虽然这是人生的一个机遇,但并非不可失去; D无原文依据,故均可排除。 【知识模块】 听力 11 【听力原文】 Mark Twain, who wrote the story we are going to read, traveled quite a lot, often because circumstances, usually financial circumstances forced him

43、 to. He was born in Florida, Missouri in 1835, and moved to Hannibal, Missouri with his family when he was about four years old. After his father died when he was about twelve, Twain worked in Hannibal for a while and then left so he could earn more money. He worked for a while as a typesetter on va

44、rious newspapers, and then got a job as a river pilot on the Mississippi. Twain loved this job, and many of his books show it. The river job didnt last, however, because of the outbreak of the Civil War. Twain was in the federate army for just two weeks, and then he and his whole company went west,

45、to get away from the war and the army. In Nevada in California, Twain prospected for silver and gold without much luck, but did succeed as a writer. After that, Twain traveled around the country giving lectures and earning enough money to go to Europe. Twain didnt travel much the last ten years of h

46、is life, and he didnt publish much either. Somehow his travel inspired his writings. Like many other popular writers, Twain derived much of the materials for his writing from the wealth and diversity of his own experience. 11 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 短文开头提到 “马克 吐温,我们将要读的这篇小说的作者,游历了许多地方 ”;接着又提到 “马克 吐温在全国游历讲学,

47、赚够了去欧洲的钱。 ”由此可知,本文主要是描写马克 吐温的旅行生活,故选 A。 【知识模块】 听力 12 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 短文中提到,马克 吐温在密西西比河谋到一份船员的职务,他很喜欢这份工作,故选 B。 【知识模块】 听力 13 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 短文中提到,为了躲避战争和军队,马克 吐温和他的整个公司去了两部城市。由此可知, C正确。 【知识模块】 听力 14 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 短文中提到,他的游历给了他写作的灵感。由此可知,答案为 A。B具有一定的干扰性,原文中有 wealth一词,但那是指他丰富的经历 “这笔财富 ”,故可排 除。 【知识模块

48、】 听力 15 【听力原文】 I cannot say that I like photographs better than paintings, for I like them both. Each says something different to me. A photograph brings me face to face with an actual event and real people. A painting can never do that. The people in a painting most often come from the artists imag

49、ination. The photographer, however, can neither add nor take away from what is in front of the camera. You may have seen paintings of battle scenes. Many are very dramatic. But more powerful at least to me are the war photographs of soldiers in action or lying wounded or dead on the battlefield. A number of very haunting pictures were taken during the American Civil War by a photographer named Mathew Brady. While the painter imagined the battle in his mind and then painted it in a studio, Brady was there in the field. Bec

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