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1、大学英语三级( A级)模拟试卷 483及答案与解析 Section A Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 5 recorded dialogues in it. After each dialogue, there is a recorded question. The dialogues and the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, you should

2、decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices A , B, C, and D. ( A) In a supermarket. ( B) In a library. ( C) In a furniture store. ( D) In a restaurant. ( A) At 7:30. ( B) At 7:15. ( C) At 7:50. ( D) At 8:00. ( A) 2. ( B) 3. ( C) 6 ( D) None. ( A) She flew out of town. ( B) Shes ill. ( C) She is

3、on vacation. ( D) She decided to stay at home. ( A) He thinks the gallery is not worth visiting. ( B) He is tired of visiting the gallery. ( C) He has been to the gallery a hundred times. ( D) He has been looking forward to visiting the gallery. Section B Directions: This section is to test your abi

4、lity to understand short conversations. There are 2 recorded conversations in it. After each conversation, there are some recorded questions. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, you should choose the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C

5、, and D. ( A) A book. ( B) Ivory. ( C) Sheets. ( D) A Ship. ( A) $34. ( B) $3419. ( C) 78 ( D) $78.95. ( A) In a newspaper. ( B) From a friend. ( C) On TV. ( D) In a magazine. ( A) Knowledge of English. ( B) Communication skill. ( C) Creativity. ( D) Knowledge about computer. ( A) He applies for thi

6、s job to earn more money. ( B) He majored in computer in the university. ( C) He knows little about computer. ( D) He has just graduated from a university. Section C Directions: This section is to test your ability to comprehend short passages. You will hear a recorded passage. After that you will h

7、ear five questions. The passage will be spoken twice. When you hear a question, you should complete the answer to it with a word or a short phrase. 11 Why did Jims parents have a serious talk with him one year ago? Because Jim had spent a lot of time on _. 12 What did Jim want to have? He wanted to

8、have a _. 13 How much money did Jim get from his parents this morning? He got _. 14 For what did Jims parents give him money? They gave him as a _. 15 When did they give Jim money? They gave Jim money _ this morning. Section A Directions: In this section, there are 10 incomplete sentences. You are r

9、equired to complete each one by deciding on the most appropriate word or words from the 4 choices marked A , B, C, and D. 16 The president who has won the election _ on television next week. ( A) be to speak ( B) is to speak ( C) is speaking ( D) to speak 17 The project is designed to provide young

10、people _ work. ( A) to ( B) for ( C) in ( D) with 18 He is one of the leaders _ to attend the important international conference. ( A) who have been invited ( B) who has been invited ( C) whom they have invited him ( D) whom has been invited 19 It is high time that you _ smoking. ( A) give up ( B) g

11、ave up ( C) will give up ( D) must give up 20 He _ for her for one hour by the time she arrived there. ( A) has been waiting ( B) has waited ( C) had been waiting ( D) waited 21 He was fined by the traffic policeman for he rode his bicycle on the _ side of the street. ( A) other ( B) poor ( C) wrong

12、 ( D) another 22 _ wants to see the movie may get a free ticket. ( A) Who ( B) That ( C) If who ( D) Whoever 23 I will not lend the book to you _ you can return it in time. ( A) in case ( B) so that ( C) unless ( D) if 24 No sooner _ arrived at the station than it began to snow. ( A) had I ( B) I ha

13、d ( C) have I ( D) I have 25 _ I cant help admiring the mans courage, I do not approve of his methods. ( A) Unless ( B) While ( C) Since ( D) Although Section B Directions: There are 10 incomplete statements here. You should fill in each bland with the proper form of the word given in the brackets.

14、26 Before every concert, she worries about how well she will(performance)_. 27 A letter(post)_ today will probably reach him the day after tomorrow. 28 He said that they were looking forward(do)_ business with my company. 29 (employ)_ of children under 18 is prohibited in some countries. 30 The teac

15、her encouraged his students(speak)_ up bravely. 31 The most(effect)_ ways of losing weight are exercising more and eating balanced meals. 32 He(use)_ swim in that river when he was a little boy. 33 It was George who first proposed that she(dry)_ the umbrella in the corridor. 34 If we talk loudly her

16、e, we will disturb the(sleep)_ child. 35 In the present(economy)_ climate, we must keep costs down. Task 1 Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, numbered 36 through 40. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A, B, C, a

17、nd D. You should make the correct choice. 35 There is a popular belief among parents that schools are no longer interested in spelling. No school I have taught in has ever ignored spelling or considered it unimportant as a basic skill. There are, however, vastly different ideas about how to teach it

18、 and how to encourage a child to write without holding him back with the complexities of spelling. If spelling becomes the only focal point of his teachers interest, clearly a bright child will be likely to “play safe“. He will tend to write only words within his spelling range, choosing to avoid ad

19、venturous language. Thats why teachers often encourage the early use of dictionaries and pay attention to content rather than technical ability. I was once shocked to read on the bottom of a piece of writing about a personal experience: “This work is terrible! There are far too many spelling errors

20、and your writing is not neat.“ It may have been a sharp criticism of the pupils technical abilities in writing. But it was also a sad reflection on the teacher who had omitted to read the essay, which contained some beautiful expressions of the childs deep feelings. The teacher was not wrong to draw

21、 attention to the errors. But if his priorities had centred on the childs ideas, an expression of his disappointment with the writing would have given the pupil more motivation to seek improvement.“ 36 What is the authors attitude towards the “popular belief“ mentioned in Para. 1? ( A) He agrees to

22、it. ( B) He is opposed to it. ( C) He stands neutrally(中立地 )about it. ( D) He says nothing about it. 37 Teachers encourage the early use of dictionaries because it helps _. ( A) students learn how to use dictionaries ( B) students improve their expression in writing ( C) teachers know the progress o

23、f students writing ( D) teachers pay attention to students writing errors 38 The phrase “play safe“(Sentence 1, Para. 2)probably means _. ( A) writing very neatly ( B) focusing on the content of words ( C) only using the words students can write ( D) using the simplest words in writing 39 We can lea

24、rn from the last paragraph that teachers should _. ( A) encourage students to write the words within their spelling range ( B) only pay attention to students ideas in writing ( C) pay more attention to students ideas than technical abilities ( D) improve their interest in students spelling errors 40

25、 The passage is mainly concerned with _. ( A) the importance of teachers ( B) the way of writing an essay ( C) the problem of students spelling errors ( D) the importance of the dictionary use Task 2 Directions: This task is the same as Task 1. The 5 questions or unfinished statements are numbered 4

26、1 through 45. 40 Self-esteem is a private, individual matter. It goes up and down from day to day, or even from hour to hour. Thus, strengthening self-esteem is no easy task. But managers can help improve employees self-esteem in the following ways. Firstly, they must create a work environment that

27、invites people to feel good about themselves and the work they do. They must not damage or lower the self-esteem of others. Managers should avoid something said or done to someone that wears away their feelings of self worth and satisfaction in performance. For example, it is unacceptable to greet a

28、 lazy employee with comments like “Late again! You win the prize for being the least reliable person here.“ Secondly, they must develop ways of communicating real respect and concern to the employees by actively helping them improve their self-image and to feel better about themselves and their perf

29、ormance. For example, comments like, “I knew you could do an exceptional job on that new assignmentand you proved me right!“ If sincere, it will make an employees day. Lastly, give specific rather than general praise. Managers cant just go around saying to employees, “I really appreciate your work“

30、or “Thanks“your employees will think youre running for political office! Instead, be specific about what was done and the positive consequences of the action. For example, “That report you did for me on Thursday was just what I needed for my marketing meeting.“ And be sure to give the feedback to th

31、e person as soon after the event as possible. 41 We can learn from the first paragraph that self-esteem is _. ( A) kept as it is for a long time ( B) not fixed ( C) easy to improve ( D) the most important 42 According to the passage, creating the work environment should consider _. ( A) the role of

32、high efficiency at work ( B) employees self-value for their work ( C) employers satisfaction about their work ( D) the importance of the prize for the company 43 The comments given to employees should _ in order to strengthen their self-respect. ( A) be frequent ( B) show respect and concern ( C) be

33、 much in amount ( D) be negative sometimes 44 Managers should give praise to employees _. ( A) in a general way ( B) for a special purpose ( C) in detail and in time ( D) on a special occasion 45 Which is the best title for this passage? ( A) Importance of Self-esteem. ( B) The Role of Managers. ( C

34、) The Praises for Employees. ( D) Improvement of Self-esteem. Task 3 Directions: The following is a passage. After reading it, you are required to complete the outline in the table below (No. 46 through 50). You should write your answers briefly (in no more than 3 words) on the blanks. 45 Dear Sirs,

35、 We welcome your enquiry of January 11th and thank you for your interest in our embroidered(刺绣 )linen(亚麻 )products. As you may be well aware, we are a state-operated corporation handling this line of business for many years. So we are in the good position to serve our customers with the most reliabl

36、e quality of the linen you suggested. We can make products according to the given design and produce the designed goods in large quantities. We are enclosing our illustrated catalogue giving the details you ask for. Also we are sending you a full range of samples and, when you have a chance to exami

37、ne them, we feel confident that you will agree that the quality of material used and the high standard of workmanship will appeal to the most selective buyers. We hope the catalogue and samples will reach you in time and look forward to your order. Yours truly, ABC Ltd. Recommendation of products Pr

38、oducts of ABC Ltd:【 B1】 _. Company kind of ABC Ltd:【 B2】 _. Characteristics of products of ABC Ltd: 1. Products can be made on the basis of【 B3】 _and in large quantities. 2. The samples will appeal to the most selective buyers because of the【 B4】 _and the high 【 B5】 _. 46 【 B1】 47 【 B2】 48 【 B3】 49

39、【 B4】 50 【 B5】 Task 4 Directions: The following is a list of terms. After reading it, you are required to find the items equivalent to those given in Chinese in the table below. Than you should put the corresponding letters in the brackets of question NO. 51-55. 50 APerception of Roles BLanguage Bar

40、riers CLeadership Styles DCultural Diversity EFeelings of Cultural Superiority FRecognition of Performance GIntercultural Negotiation HBusiness Information Sources ISocial Customs JBusiness Ethics KOrganization of Business Messages LAttitude toward business MApproaches to the Authority NSocial Organ

41、izational Patterns OCorporate Culture PBusiness Structure 51 ( )商业道德 ( )文化多样性 52 ( )与权力机构的沟通 ( )角色理解 53 ( )文化优越感 ( )社会组织模式 54 ( )对业绩的认可 ( )公司文化 55 ( )领导风格 ( )社会习俗 Task 5 Directions: The following is a passage. After reading the passage you should give brief answers to the 5 questions (No.56 through

42、No.60) following them. 55 Dear sir, We thank you very much for your order November 3rd. After careful consideration on your request and discussion of our broad of directors, however, we have come to the conclusion that we cannot but decline your order in this case. In order to reach the limit you re

43、quired in your specifications we would have to install a large amount of special equipment at our plant, and this would not be possible before January next year without interrupting our normal production. Although our company is one of the leading exporters of the products you need right now and has

44、 been dealing in various markets for more than twenty years, we dare not risk a business out of our control. We are really sorry not to be in a position to accept your order, but hope that you will understand our situation. Since a long-standing relationship of our two companies has been established

45、, we will be awaiting with keen interest your favorable reply. Please let us have any other inquiries, as we shall be only too pleased to meet your requirements if it is within our power. Yours truly, J. Brown 56 When did the buyer make the order? On _. 57 What decision did the seller make? They hav

46、e decided to _. 58 What does the seller have to do in order to reach the limit the buyer required? They have to _. 59 How many years is the seller engaged in this business? For _ years. 60 What kind of relationship did they establish? _ relationship. 61 According to a recent study, listening to musi

47、c is what most people do to ease stress, with watching television a close second. ( A)通过最近的学习了解到,最多的人借听音乐来缓解压 力,其次是借看电视来缓解压力的人。 ( B)最近一项研究表明,大多数人会借助听音乐和看电视来缓解压力。 ( C)通过最近的学习了解到,听音乐是缓解压力最有效的办法,其次是看电视。 ( D)最近一项研究表明,大多数人首选听音乐来缓解压力,紧随其后的是看电视。 62 Those who control advertising control culture by controlli

48、ng what we spend our money on and what our values and lifestyles are. ( A)控制广告的人可以控制文化,其对文化的控制是通过控制我们的消费取向、自身价值和生活方式来实现的。 ( B)那些人同时控制着广告和文化,从而进一步控制了我们的消费方式、自身价值和生活方式。 ( C)控制广告的人通过控制我们的消费取向、价值观和生活方式来控制文化。 ( D)那些控制广告的人也控制着文化,因为他们控制着我们的消费方式、价值观和生活方式。 63 Although television was developed for broadcastin

49、g, many important uses have been found that have nothing to do with it. ( A)电视不仅促进了节目的播送,而且也有很多其他重要的作用。 ( B)尽管开发电视的初衷是为了播送节目,后来却发现电视还有很多与此毫无关系的重要用途。 ( C)为了播送节目电视被开发出来,相应地,很多与此有关的重要用途也被发现。 ( D)尽管开发电视的初衷是为了播送节目,后来却发现其实电视的重要用途都与此无关。 64 This book consists of nine units, dealing with the development of skills required in giving speeches in politi


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