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1、大学英语六级改革适用(作文)模拟试卷 75及答案与解析 一、 Part I Writing 1 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay entitled Private Schools in City X. Your essay should start with a brief description of the chart. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. 2 For this part, you are allo

2、wed 30 minutes to write an essay entitled The Responsibility of the Media. Your essay should start with a brief description of the picture. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. 3 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay entitled On Water Pollution. Your

3、essay should start with a brief description of the picture. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. 4 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay entitled The Responsibility of Spokespersons. Your essay should start with a brief description of the picture. You

4、 should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. 大学英语六级改革适用(作文)模拟试卷 75答案与解析 一、 Part I Writing 1 【 正确答案】 Private Schools in City X According to the chart, it is clear that the number of private schools in city X has had a tremendous growth since 2001. But the degree of satisfaction to pri

5、vate schools in these years is decreasing gradually. There are mainly three reasons accounting for this phenomenon. Firstly, the government has adopted positive education policies to encourage the development of private schools. Secondly. private schools are usually better equipped with superior tea

6、ching facilities and have more comfortable living and learning environments. Thirdly, private schools have greater flexibility in adjusting curriculum design. These advantages attract many students. Money, however, does not guarantee high-quality education. Sound guidelines are essential to the succ

7、essful administration of private schools. Most students of private schools are from rather wealthy families. If not well directed and properly disciplined, these privileged young people may turn out to be new aristocrats, unable to bear hardship and survive the fierce competition in modern society.

8、【试题解析】 第一段简要指出柱状图中两个系列的变化趋势:私立学校数量增多,但公众对其满意度下降。 第二段从三个方面分析私立学校兴起的原因:第一,政府采取相应政策鼓励私立学校的发展;第二,私立学校通常教学设备先进,学生学习和住宿条件也比较优越;第三,私立学校可以随时根据具体情况调节课程设置,学生选择弹性大。 第三段指出金钱不是万能的,如果缺乏适当的监督管理,教育质量必定会下降,因此,应该加大监管力度,使私立学校中家庭条件优越的学生能够经受得起挫折和竞争。末句是主从复合句, If引导的 条件状语从句中省略了主语和系动词,这是因为如果主、从句主语一致,从句谓语动词中又包含系动词 be,则从句中的主语

9、和 be可以省略;同时,主句的宾语后, unable to bear hardshipand survive the fierce competition in modern society是形容词短语充当宾语补足语。 【知识模块】 作文 2 【正确答案】 The Responsibility of the Media The picture personifies the collusion between fake and shoddy goods and paid news and false advertisements. The former is portrayed as an u

10、nattractive single woman who, with the help of the latter two matchmakers would easily win favor with her Mr. Right, namely, consumers. The picture satirises todays irresponsibly profit-seeking media. Advertisers are allowed some leeway in describing their products by using some puffing and weasel w

11、ords. However, in some cases, the media simply disregards public safety and carries some advertisements that contain factually wrong statements. A case in point would be the milk powder scandal that broke a couple of years ago, in which top-quality products claimed in the advertisements turned out t

12、o be unqualified ones with toxic additives, resulting in many malnourished infants and even several deaths. Undoubtedly, manufacturers should take most of the blame, but the media could by no means evade responsibility for it fails to play the role of supervision. To sum up, the media should be a gu

13、ardian for the public against and shoddy goods rather than an accomplice with the latter. 【试题解析】 本文主要讨论了媒体为假冒伪劣产品做虚假广告宣传。 第一段对漫画进行描述。将假冒伪劣商品、有偿新闻和虚假广告拟人化,形象生动地说明了他们之间的关系。 第二段对漫画进行评论,阐述了不负责任的媒体只顾追求利益而忽视公众安全,只要给钱就为假冒伪劣产品做虚假宣传,并分析了其行为所带来的危害。在这里举了一个例 子 (A case inpoint),举国震惊的 “毒奶粉 ”事件造成的严重后果离不开媒体的大肆宣传。最后

14、一句比较长, but连接两个分句,后句中包含 for引导的原因状语从句。 第三段总结全文,指出媒体应当发挥自己的作用,保卫公众的安全。 【知识模块】 作文 3 【正确答案】 On Water Pollution The picture vividly portrays that a man in high spirits jumps into a river to enjoy himself, but unexpectedly he turns into a skeleton immediately he plunges into the polluted river which is nea

15、r a factory pouring waste water into it. The picture is thought-provoking; water pollution is endangering our lives. Our first response may be a call to shut down all these corporate polluters right away, but the reality is that economic development and the supply of commodities depend a lot on them

16、. For this reason, it would be impractical to put a stop to them. Therefore, a more rational solution is to improve and popularize the technology to purify and recycle the waste water. In fact, todays cleaning technology is quite effective, but the major hindrance to its popularization lies in its r

17、elatively high cost. To solve this problem, scientists must work harder on reducing its cost and the government is advised to penalize big polluters to alert them to the cost of penalty and that of introducing cleaning technology. By following the above mentioned suggestions, I believe water polluti

18、on can be curbed effectively. 【试题解析】 本文主要讨论了水污染问题。 第一段对漫画进行描述,并揭示了漫画的寓意,即水污染已经对我们的生命造成了威胁。 第二段对漫画进行评论,阐述了解决水污染问题的方法。鉴于经济发展和物资供给上的考量,关闭所有的排污企业和工厂是不现实的。理性的解决方法是提升和普及污水净化循 环技术,在此基础上降低技术成本。另外,政府也要加大对排污者的处罚力度,让他们明白引进治污技术比罚金便宜。首句 but后面的 that引导的是表语从句。 第三段总结全文,呼应主题。 【知识模块】 作文 4 【正确答案】 The Responsibility of

19、Spokespersons The picture reveals that a seemingly noble man with such eye-catching titles as the professor, scholar and expert, is hired to speak for some products. However, the endorsements he engages in are all deceptive ones. The picture ridicules an unchecked social evil today: irresponsibility

20、 of spokespersons for commercial advertisements. In my opinion, a spokespersons responsibilities involve three aspects. Firstly, a spokesperson should have his titles matching his competence and authority. Secondly, the products for which he undertakes to speak must be real and safe, though a reason

21、able degree of exaggeration is acceptable. Last but not least, a spokesperson, as a public figure, should lead by example for being honest. Honesty, in any case, is more valuable than money. If the products he promotes turn out to be unqualified, he is supposed to apologize in public instead of maki

22、ng excuses to defend himself. In conclusion, due to their great influence on ordinary buyers, spokespersons should always be cautious about the products they choose to promote and never evade their due responsibility. 【试题解析】 本文主要讨论了代言人的责任问题。 第一段对漫画进行描述,并揭示了漫画的寓意,即代言人为各种假冒伪劣产品代言的不负责任行为。 第二段对漫画进行评论,阐述了代言人应负有的三个责任。其一,代言人的头衔应符合他的能力和权威, have his titles matching his competence and authority为 have sth doing结构,表主动和进行。其二,代言人代言的产品要保证其真实性和可靠性。其三,作为公众人物,代言人要做诚实的好榜样。如果所代 言的产品出了质量问题,应向大家道歉,而不是找借口推脱责任。 第三段总结全文,代言人在选择代言产品时应谨慎小心,该承担的责任一定要承担。 【知识模块】 作文


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