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1、大学英语六级改革适用(听力)模拟试卷 182及答案与解析 Section A ( A) They are looking for a train station. ( B) They are waiting for a performance. ( C) They are repairing their car. ( D) They are listening to the radio. ( A) Mississippi River is 6,040 kilometers. ( B) Yukon River is 3,186 kilometers. ( C) Alaska River is 3

2、,168 kilometers. ( D) Colorado River is 2,186 kilometers. ( A) Arrogant. ( B) Weird. ( C) Genuine. ( D) Outgoing. ( A) Go out fishing. ( B) Cheer up herself. ( C) Cook some fish for dinner. ( D) Dine out with him. ( A) His parents are heading home for the time coming. ( B) His parents are coming bac

3、k this time next year. ( C) His parents live in another country at the moment. ( D) His parents settle down in another place from now on. ( A) The workers make many complaints. ( B) The workers make a lot of objections. ( C) The workers make lots of proposals. ( D) The workers make numerous mistakes

4、. ( A) Mr. Addison is a good person. ( B) Mr. Addison is a workaholic. ( C) Mr. Addison is a hypocrite. ( D) Mr. Addison is a slow coach. ( A) He cant help the woman, because its too dark to see. ( B) He cant meet the woman, because he goes to the interview. ( C) He cant let her in, because there ar

5、e no seats left right now. ( D) He cant show her the way, because it is not the right time. ( A) He didnt think it was very special. ( B) He didnt think it was inexpensive. ( C) He didnt think it was necessary. ( D) He didnt think it was in the right size. ( A) It is stained. ( B) It is strained. (

6、C) It is stinky. ( D) It is stale. ( A) $28 for 12 records and a vase. ( B) $28 for 12 records. ( C) $25 for 12 records. ( D) Nothing. ( A) The hotel assigned five-bed room for her. ( B) The hotel offered a special package to her. ( C) The hotel confused her with another guest. ( D) The hotel was ov

7、erbooked for that evening. ( A) The twelfth. ( B) The thirteenth ( C) The fourteenth. ( D) The fifteenth. ( A) 5%. ( B) 10%. ( C) 15%. ( D) 20%. ( A) She wanted to receive an apology from the hotel manager. ( B) She wanted to get additional discount. ( C) She wanted to receive the free coupon for th

8、e room right away. ( D) She wanted to stay away from this hotel. Section B ( A) From tram to trolleybus to Routemaster. ( B) From trolleybus to Routemaster to red bus. ( C) From trolleybus to Routemaster to modern bus. ( D) From Routemaster to trolley to modern bus. ( A) It is full of renaissance fa

9、vor. ( B) It is a star in a famous movie. ( C) It is one of the tourist hot spots. ( D) It is the representative of city. ( A) It is inconvenient to take the baggage onto it. ( B) It is difficult to spare the room for wheelchairs. ( C) It is dangerous to get in from both sides of it. ( D) It is easy

10、 to have accident on a movable platform. ( A) A home fire. ( B) An explosion. ( C) A murder. ( D) A car accident. ( A) He broke the lock to free the baby. ( B) He pulled the baby out of the window. ( C) He crawled close to the baby on the ground. ( D) He jumped onto the car to take the baby out. ( A

11、) Giving necessity to the homeless with friends. ( B) Helping delivering packages in the post office. ( C) Taking goods to the local needy people. ( D) Sending gifts to the poor in his name. ( A) 10. ( B) 4. ( C) 3. ( D) 1. ( A) He checked through the expiring date of his current mileage. ( B) He lo

12、oked round mileage in his frequent flier account. ( C) He looked over his balances in his band account. ( D) He asked for the details of new mileage program. ( A) He used all of it to exchange a free ticket. ( B) He traded half of it for free coupons. ( C) He went to have four free meals in a restau

13、rant. ( D) He earned additional miles by car rental. ( A) 805 miles. ( B) 1,000 miles. ( C) 1,305 miles. ( D) 1,500 miles. Section C 25 Its my honor to be here tonight. Our organization is called the Noise Abatement Society that monitors and tries to deal with noise 【 B1】 _issues. We are currently w

14、orking to introduce what is called broadband noise 【 B2】 _in different areas. Many people asked me what the broadband noise is. Its very simple actually, if you can imagine 【 B3】 _a wood late at night in the peace and quiet and you hear a twig【 B4】 _, you turn automatically towards that twig. And th

15、is is exactly what broadband is, you know which direction its coming from, you know【 B5】_which side of you its coming from. Alarms at the moment are so loud that they actually【 B6】 _you. If youre at a set of traffic lights, you dont know which direction an【 B7】 _, a police car or a fire engine may b

16、e coming from, but with broadband you do. You automatically turn towards it: it has to be safer because you can then get out of the way very quickly. It sounds just like a “shush shush“ sound. The alarms you hear at the moment are very rich in tones. But the broadband isnt. Because its not got the t

17、onal content, you know where that sound is coming from. And the nicer thing about broadband is as soon as its【 B8】 _, it disappears, you dont actually hear it. Broadband noise alarms are being used in a number of places around the country. They can also be used not only on【 B9】 _but also in building

18、s to help people find the exits when there is an【 B10】 _. 26 【 B1】 27 【 B2】 28 【 B3】 29 【 B4】 30 【 B5】 31 【 B6】 32 【 B7】 33 【 B8】 34 【 B9】 35 【 B10】 大学英语六级改革适用(听力)模拟试卷 182答案与解析 Section A 1 【听力原文】 W: I cant seem to tune the station I want. Funny, I found it yesterday. M: Maybe you should put the ante

19、nna up. I hope you find it soon. The talk show is about to begin. You dont want to miss it, do you? Q: What do we learn from the conversation about the speakers? 1 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 女士正在调台,试图找到她想听的那个频道,男士建议她装上天线试一下,还得快点弄好,因为访谈节目就要开始了。故 答案是 D。根据选项可以预测出问的是对话双方正在做的事情。 B项为强干扰项,但是 “tune the station”说明对话双方是

20、用收音机来听广播,这跟 “performance”相距甚远。 【知识模块】 听力 2 【听力原文】 W: The Mississippi is one of the worlds great rivers. Its about 6,400 kilometers long. Can you name some other important rivers? M: There is the Yukon in Alaska, and also Colorado River. They are 3,168 kilometers and 2,186 kilometers respectively. Q:

21、 What do we learn from the conversation? 2 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 根据对话, Colorado River长度为 2 186公里。故答案是 D。选项都包含有地名和数字,猜测题目与河流的名字及长度有关。抓住各选项的关键点,在地名 旁边写下相对应的数字,边听边做笔记。 【知识模块】 听力 3 【听力原文】 W: Do you know that guy over there? Hes staring at you. M: Gee, a creepy guy who works in our office. Hes always staring a

22、t me, and sometimes when I turn round, hes standing right next to me, but I never hear anything, hes just suddenly there! Q: What does the man feel about that guy? 3 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 根据男士的描述,那个男子总是盯着他,当他转身的时候,那个人已经悄然无声地站在了他身旁,可以推断出那个人行为古怪。故答案是 B。选项是四个形容词,猜测题目与某人的性格有关。男士话语中 but后的内容已足够说明问题。 【知识模块】 听力 4

23、 【听力原文】 W: I really want some peace and quiet when I study at home. My roommates are pretty rowdy. They even broke the oven yesterday! I just dont know how to cook dinner now. M: Why dont we go out and get some fish and chips? Q: What does the man suggest the woman do? 4 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 根据对话,女士的烤箱被室

24、友损坏了,男士建议她跟自己去外面吃。故 D正确。动词原形选项,一般问建议或打算。听懂了男士的话就可以作答。 【知识模块】 听力 5 【听力原文】 W: Your parents arent coming back soon, are they? M: Yeah well, they e-mailed me the other day and they seem to be staying in Poland, at least for the time being. I just dont know when they will change their idea. Q: What does

25、the man mean? 5 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 男士说父母发电子邮件说他们要待在波兰。故答案是 C。选项都是关于 His parents的描述,而且都含有时间状语,猜测题目与他父母去留某地的时间有关。强干扰项 D中的 “settle down”属于过度推测,从对话原文中并不能判断出 “父母 ”是否要在波兰 “定居 ”。 【知识模块】 听力 6 【听力 原文】 W: You told me you liked your job. Why do you look so upset? M: Whenever we try to change the work routine, the

26、 workers have so many ifs and buts that we never manage to change anything. Q: What does the man mean? 6 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 女士问男士为何不高兴,男士说 不管怎样尝试去改变工作程序,工人们总是有许多借口去反对,结果什么都改不了。故答案是 B。选项都是 workers发出的动作,猜测题目与工人们的行为有关。 ifs and buts指的是不愿意做某事的借口或反对的理由。 【知识模块】 听力 7 【听力原文】 W: Listen, I need your advice. I hav

27、e to work with Mr. Addison for a few weeks. He has a bad reputation, hasnt he? Can you please tell me how you feel like about him? M: He seems unfriendly at first but honestly his hearts in the right place. Q: What does the man mean? 7 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 根据对话,男士认为虽然 Mr Addison乍看起来不友好,但实际上他是个心地善良的人。故答案是

28、 A。选项都是关于 Mr Addison的描述,猜测题目与对他的评价有关。出现了 but,还需要多想么 ?当然是要百分之两百地留意but后面的内容 ! 【知识模块】 听力 8 【听力原文】 W: Pardon me, I dont want to miss any more of the first act. Can you please show me to my seat? Its just too dark and I dont think Im able to find my seat. M: Im sorry, Miss. But I cant seat you until the

29、interval. Q: What does the man mean? 8 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 根据对话,可以推断地点是在戏院,演出已经开始了,女士迟到,并要求男士尽快把她带到座位上。男士回答到幕间休息时才可以。故答案是 D。选项都是带原因从句的否定式句子,猜测题目与 “他 ”不能做某事的原因有关。男士的话语中 but后面的内容是关键,即便是没有听懂 interval,听到 until(直到 时候 ),也可以准确作答。 【知识模块】 听力 9 【听力原文】 W: Well hi there. What are you looking for today? M: Uh, Im ju

30、st looking. W: Well, how about a ring for someone special? M: There is NO one special. W: Well, take a look at this CD player. A great bargain today only. M: Nah. I already have one, plus the handle is cracked. W: Okay. Well, what about this genuine leather jacket? It would look great on you M: Hum.

31、 Let me take a look at it W: Sure. M: Umm. There are stains on the sleeves. Ill pass. W: Well okay. Well, wouldnt you like to walk home with some of these great records? Some of the best hits from the 1960s. M: Yeah, lets see. Now heres something Id. Ah, these records are scratched. W: Just in a cou

32、ple of places. Listen. Ill sell you a dozen of records for fifty dollars. A steal! M: Whoa! Theyre way too expensive. Ill give you twenty-five bucks for them. W: Ah, come on. I cant charge you less than thirty dollars and break even. M: Well, that guy over there is selling similar records for a much

33、 better price, so thanks anyway. W: Wait, wait, wait, wait. You drive a hard bargain. Twenty-eight dollars, thats my final offer. M: Huh. Ill think about it. W: OK, wait, wait, wait, wait. Listen. Ill even throw in this vase. M: Now what am I going to do with a vase? W: Well, you can give it to that

34、 someone special when you find her. and this ring would look great with it. M: Oh, Ill stick with the records. 9. Why did the man not buy the ring for sale? 10. Why is the man not interested in leather jacket? 11. What did the man probably purchase from the woman in the end? 9 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 根据对话,女

35、士推荐戒指,说男子可以把戒指送给他的恋人,男子没作考虑,因为他还没有恋人,还没有买戒指的需要。故 C正确。选项是否定含义的句子,根据关键词 special、 inexpensive、 necessary、 size,可初步猜测题目与对某物的评价或买卖有关。戒指通常都是买来送给别人的,听到双方讨论的焦点在 “someonespecial”,就知道关键在 “购买的动机 ”上,而不是在戒指本身。 【知识模块】 听力 10 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 根据 对话,皮衣袖子上有污点,所以男子没有兴趣买。故 A是正确答案。选项都是形容词,可猜测题目与某物的性质或特征有关。特别注意各选项的读音相近,考的

36、是如何进行区分,留意录音内容,不要断章取义。 【知识模块】 听力 11 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 根据对话,最后店主让步到 $28卖出 12张唱片,还要送顾客一个花瓶,但顾客说 stick with therecords,表明他要这些唱片,但不要花瓶。所以 B正确。选项是价钱和货物,可猜测题目与出价或成交有关。从选项可以判断提问与 records、 vase有 关,关键在于注意听问题怎么问。 【知识模块】 听力 12 【听力原文】 W: Hi. I am Alice Wilson. I have a reservation for tonight. M: Okay. Ms. Wilson

37、. Thats a room for five, and. W: Excuse me? You mean a room for five dollars? I didnt know this special offer. M: No. According to our records, a room for five guests was booked under your name. W: Hold on. There must be some mistake. M: Okay. Lets check this again. Ah, Ms. Alice C. Wilson for tonig

38、ht. W: My name is Alice Wilson. M: Okay. Let me check this again. Oh. Okay. Here we are. Alice Wilson. 13A room for one for the 13th. W: Oh, wait! It was for tonight. 13Not tomorrow night. M: Hum. I dont think we have any rooms for tonight. Theres a convention going on in town. W: Come on! You must

39、have something. Anything. M: Well. Let me check my computer here. Ah! W: What? M: There has been a cancellation for this evening. A honeymoon suite is now available. W: Great. Ill take it. M: But Ill have to charge you two hundred fifty dollars for the night. W: I should get a discount for the incon

40、venience. M: Well. The best I can give you is a ten percent discount plus a ticket for a free continental breakfast. W: Hey. Isnt the breakfast free anyway? M: Well, only on weekends. W: I want to talk to the manager. M: Wait, Ms. Wilson I think I can give you an additional 15% discount and Ill thro

41、w in a free room for the next time you visit us. W: Thatll be a long time. 12. What was the problem with the womans reservation at the beginning? 13. For what day did the woman make a hotel reservation? 14. How much is the initial discount on the honeymoon suite the man offers? 15. What did the woma

42、n think of the mans last offer? 12 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 男士说,女士以 Alice C Wilson的名字订了一个 5人的房间,女士说自己的名字是 Alice Wilson。可见是酒店混淆了客人的名字,造成失误。故答案是 C。选项的关键词包括 hotel、 room、 package、 guest,且前三个选项都提到了 her,可猜测题目与女士入住酒店有关。 【知识模块】 听力 13 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 男士说,根据记录,女士预订的房间是 13号,但女士马上纠正,订的是今晚,不是明晚。由此可以推断今天是 12号,是女士预订的日期。故答案

43、是 A。从选项可猜到,题目与日期或序列数有关。出现数字的题目,要边听录音边做好笔记。 【知识模块】 听力 14 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 男士说可以给女士 的折扣是 10。故答案是 B。从选项可猜测题目与数字细节有关。数字细节题,要边听录音边做好笔记。要注意数字出现时相关联的信息,并留意题目问的问题。听完问题后,可排除没有在对话中提到的 A和 D。 C是接待员听到女士说要找经理而再次给她的折扣,答非所问可排除。 【知识模块】 听力 15 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 男士说等女士下次光临的时候给她免费的房间,女士说,要我再来光顾你们的酒店,那是很久以后的事了,意指对该酒店避而远之,故答

44、案是 D。选项都包含 She wanted to,猜测题目与女士的意愿 有关,对象可能是酒店,因为A、 D提到了 hotel。另外,从 apology、 stay away可知女士对酒店的服务不满意。确定听音重点,边听录音边做好笔记。 【知识模块】 听力 Section B 16 【听力原文】 Today is a rather sad day for one of the Londons oldest friends. The famous red London bus, officially called The Routemaster, is being replaced by mode

45、rn buses. Like Big Ben, Buckingham Palace and the red telephone box, the red bus has listed one of these heritages. They first arrived on Londons streets in 1959 to 16replace the trolleybuses, which were powered like a tram by overhead electric cables. In fact, my father used to drive trolleybuses a

46、nd went on to drive the new red bus when they arrived almost 50 years ago. Later on, it was always a special treat for me to go to work with my dad to see all the sights of London. And it became such a star that it was even featured in Britains first Elvis Presley type film Summer Holiday starring C

47、liff Richard. But some people arent sad to see the back of the famous red bus. They believe Routemasters are no longer a suitable form of transport for London. 10% of Londoners cant even get onto it: old people, disable people, people with buggies. Its a real, real problem. The hop on, hop off platf

48、orm at the back of the Routemaster bus makes it a convenient form of transport for passengers. 18But sadly, such features also make the bus dangerous. As some research shows, people are 5 times more likely to have an accident on a Routemaster than on any other sort of bus. After today, we can see on

49、ly a few Routemasters on the Heritage Routes, special journeys that will mostly be taken by tourists. 16. According to the speaker, what is the evolution of Londons public transport? 17. What makes the Routemaster famous? 18. What is the disadvantage of Routemaster? 16 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 短文说,在 50年前, Routemaster,也就是 red bus,取代了无轨电车,现在又将被现代巴士所取代。故答案是 C。由四个选项的 fromtoto 结构,猜测题目与交通工具的演进有关。每个选择包含三种车,其中都出现了Routemaster,但排列顺序不同。根据原文的提示,最早和最后出现的交通工具都不是 Routemaster,


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