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1、笔译三级实务(综合)模拟试卷 2及答案与解析 一、 PART 1 English-Chinese Translation (60 points) Translate the following passage into Chinese. The time for this part is 120 minutes. 1 Based on sound banking principles, the New Development Bank (NDB) will strengthen the cooperation among the BRICS countries and will supplem

2、ent the efforts of multilateral and regional financial institutions for global development, thus contributing to our collective commitments for achieving the goal of strong, sustainable and balanced growth. 2 In order to unleash its potential, the World Bank needs to move towards more democratic gov

3、ernance structures, strengthen the banks capacity and explore innovative ways to enhance development financing and knowledge sharing while pursuing a strong client orientation that recognizes each countrys development needs. 3 The oil price moved closer to $50 a barrel for the first time since Novem

4、ber, on growing supply disruptions in Nigeria and a more positive assessment of the market from Goldman Sachs (高盛 ), the most bearish of leading commodity banks. 4 China is now a bigger presence in international development finance than all of the worlds six major multilateral financial institutions

5、 put together, a new study has found. 5 “Characteristics such as the size, growth and complementarity of the Chinese economy create unique opportunities for Europe,“ the reports authors said. 6 A hostile takeover occurs when the target company does not invite or approve an offer to its shareholders.

6、 7 Chinese Fuel Surge in Foreign Purchases of US housing Foreign purchases of US real estate jumped by 35% last year, and the Chinese led the way, according to a survey released Tuesday. Chinese buyers have become the largest source of foreign cash in the US residential real estate market, accountin

7、g for nearly one in four dollars spent by foreigners on American housing last year, the National Association of Realtors said in its annual survey of international property sales. China accounted for $22 billion in international sales for the 12-month period ending March 2014, or 24% of all foreign

8、sales, up from $12.8 billion, or 19% , during the year-earlier period. Total international property sales rebounded last year to $ 92. 2 billion, according to the NARs estimates, up from $68.2 billion in 2013 and $82.5 billion in 2012. The total represented around 7% of the market for all US sales o

9、f previously owned homes during the same period. In recent years, American real estate markets have been viewed alternately as a safe haven and a bargain amid concerns over unsustainable asset values abroad. US real estate also continues to be popular thanks to the dollars weakness against some curr

10、encies, though the currency advantage has dimmed somewhat for Canadian buyers that had been particularly aggressive property buyers in the US in 2011 and 2012. Some agents say that American higher education is also a top draw for some trophy-property buyers. “Foreign buyers are being enticed to US r

11、eal estate because of what they recognize as attractive prices, economic stability, and an incredible opportunity for investment in their future,“ said Steve Brown, the NARs president, who is the co-owner of a real-estate brokerage in Dayton, Ohio. European and Latin American buyers have helped push

12、 prices of South Florida condos to record highs in recent years, while foreign buyers of all stripes have sent prices of new Manhattan developments to astronomical levels. Asian buyers, particularly Chinese, have also been a major force in property markets in San Francisco and Los Angeles. Overseas

13、buyers tend to hunt for trophy properties. This helps explain why the median purchase price to international clients ( $268,284 last year) is significantly higher than for all sales ( $ 199, 575). Thats particularly true of Chinese buyers, where the average purchase price topped $590,000 and the med

14、ian exceeded $523,000. Canadian and Mexican buyers, by contrast, appear to buy much more modest homes. China was the largest source of transactions on a dollar basis, and it represents the fastest growing buyer segment. But Canada remained the largest share of clients. Canadians accounted for 19% of

15、 property buyers last year, down from 23% in the previous year. Chinese accounted for 16% of buyers, up from 12% . The NAR survey includes buyers from Taiwan and Hong Kong in that tally. The NAR estimates that 35% of Chinese buyers selected homes in California. Around 40% of Canadians bought homes i

16、n Florida, while 23% of Canadians bought in Arizona. Every year, the NAR surveys its members about international clients in order to estimate foreign property purchases in the US. It conducted this years survey of 3, 547 members for 30 days beginning in mid-April. 8 NY City Seeks to Expand Lower-Cos

17、t Units The City Council yesterday approved the first major overhaul of the most popular tax break for apartment building developers, adopting a plan intended to induce them to build tens of thousands of apartments for people other than the wealthy. The changes, which Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg supp

18、orted and which would go into effect in 2008, significantly increase the areas of the city in which developers who want the tax break must make one out of every five apartments they build affordable to lower-income people. The boundaries of those areas would be reconsidered every two years in light

19、of trends in the housing market. In addition, and for the first time in the 35-year history of the program, those lower-priced apartments would have to be included in each building and could not be built elsewhere in the city. There would be a cap on the size of the tax break given for market-rate a

20、partments, to limit the degree to which the program might be said to subsidize gentrification. The revised program would also include a $ 400 million trust fund for developing low and moderately priced housing, especially in the citys 15 poorest neighborhoods in the city. Housing officials estimate

21、that the program, which is said to have fueled the construction of 110, 000 units since 1971, will generate 20,000 new units of lower-priced housing over the first 10 years. The apartments, for rent or sale, will be set aside for low-income New Yorkers. 二、 PART 2 Chinese-English Translation (40 poin

22、ts) Translate the following passage into English. The time for this part is 60 minutes. 9 国内私企积极响应国家 “走出去 ”的经济战略主动出击,寻找适合的国外并购对象,跨国并购持续升温。 10 我们要加强房地产市场调控和保障性安居工程建设。坚决抑制投机、投资性需求。 11 有了优惠政策的支持,滨海新区将作为天津未来发展的 新引擎,带领天津成为名副其实的 “北方经济中心 ”。 12 城市基础设施是拉动社会投资增长的主要动力,这一点毫无疑问。 13 今年经济社会发展的主要预期目标是:国内生产总值增长 7 5左

23、右,发展的协调性进一步增强;居民消费价格涨幅 3 5左右。 14 今年通货膨胀压力仍然较大,主要是:我国土地、劳动力等要素价格,农产品和服务类价格都存在上涨压力。 15 一带一路 进入 21世纪,在以和平、发展、合作、共赢为主题的新时代,面对复苏乏力的全球经济形势,纷繁复杂的国际和地区局面,传承和弘 扬丝绸之路精神更显重要和珍贵。去年 9月和 10月,中国国家主席习近平在出访中亚和东南亚国家期间,先后提出共建 “丝绸之路经济带 ”和 “21世纪海上丝绸之路 ”(以下简称 “一带一路 ”)的重大倡议,得到国际社会高度关注。中国国务院总理李克强参加中国一东盟博览会时强调,铺就面向东盟的海上丝绸之路

24、,打造带动腹地发展的战略支点。加快 “一带一路 ”建设,有利于促进沿线各国经济繁荣与区域经济合作,加强不同文明交流互鉴,促进世界和平发展,是一项造福世界各国人民的伟大事业。 “一带一路 ”建设是一项系统工程,要坚持共商、共建、共享原则,积 极推进沿线国家发展战略的相互对接。为推进实施 “一带一路 ”重大倡议,让古丝绸之路焕发新的生机活力,以新的形式使亚欧非各国联系更加紧密,互利合作迈向新的历史高度,中国政府特制定并发布推动共建丝绸之路经济带和 21世纪海上丝绸之路的愿景与行动。 16 发展房地产 房地产业对发展经济、改善人民群众住房条件有着重大作用,必须促进房地产业持续健康发展。一是从我国人多

25、地少的国情和现阶段经济发展水平出发,合理规划、科学建设、适度消费,发展节能省地环保型建筑,形成具有中国特点的住房建设和消费模式。二是房 地产业应重点发展面向广大群众的普通商品住房。政府要特别关心和帮助解决低收入家庭住房问题。加大财税等政策支持,建立健全廉租房制度。改进和规范经济适用房制度。三是正确运用政府调控和市场机制两个手段,保持房地产投资合理规模,优化商品房供应结构,加强房价监管和调控,抑制房地产价格过快上涨,保持合理的价格水平。四是深入整顿和规范房地产市场秩序,强化房地产市场监管,依法惩治房地产开发、交易、中介等环节的违法违规行为。地方各级政府要对房地产市场的调控和监管切实负起责任。 笔

26、译三级实务(综合)模拟试卷 2答案与解析 一、 PART 1 English-Chinese Translation (60 points) Translate the following passage into Chinese. The time for this part is 120 minutes. 1 【正确答案】 新开发银行将本着健全的银行业经营原则,加强金砖国家间合作,作为全球发展领域的多边和区域性金融机构的补充,为实现强劲、可持续和平衡增长的共同目标作出我们集体的贡献。 【知识模块】 英译汉 2 【正确答案】 为充分释放 其潜力,世界银行应当建立更民主的治理结构,进一步强化融

27、资能力,探索创新型方式以加强发展融资和知识共享,以受援国为导向并尊重各国发展需求。 【知识模块】 英译汉 3 【正确答案】 油价自去年 11月以来首次逼近每桶 50美元,原因是尼日利亚 (石油 )断应日益恶化,同时通常熊市叫得最响的主要商品交易银行高盛对石油市场作出了更为积极的评价。 【知识模块】 英译汉 4 【正确答案】 一项新的研究发现,目前中国在国际发展融资领域的存在,比全球六大多边金融机构加起来还要大。 【知识模块】 英译汉 5 【正确答案】 报告作者指出, “中国经济的规模、增长和互补等特征,为欧洲带来一些独特机遇。 ” 【知识模块】 英译汉 6 【正确答案】 倘若被并购公司 (目标

28、公司 )不邀请或不批准别人向其股东出价收购,就会产生敌意并购。 【知识模块】 英译汉 7 【正确答案】 中国人在美国购房,引发外国人购房热潮 本周二发布的一项调查数据显示,去年购买美国房产的外国人增加了 35,尤以中国人居首。 全美房地产经纪人协会在年度国际房地产销售调查中指出,在美国住宅市场,中国买家已成为外 来资金的最大贡献者,去年几乎占外国人在美购房总额的四分之一。 截止 2014年三月底,在过去一年时间里,中国在海外房地产销售中出资额达220亿美元,占所有外国出资额的 24,去年同期中国出资额为 128亿美元,占19。 据全美房地产经纪人协会估计,去年海外房产销售总额反弹,达 922亿

29、美元,2013年为 682亿美元, 2012年为 825亿美元。同期全美房产销售市场中,约 7为二手房。 近年来,人们担心海外资产价值不可持续,美国房地产市场一会被视为 “安全港 ”,一会被视为 “廉价品 ”。 由于美元对某些货币疲软,美国房地产继续走热。不过加拿大买家对货币优势已不怎么感兴趣,因为他们在 2011年和 2012年一直都是积极的在美购房者。一些房产中介指出,对购买豪宅的买家来说,美国的高等教育也是吸引购房者的首要因素。 全美房地产经纪人协会主席、俄亥俄州代顿房产中介的共同拥有人史蒂夫 -布朗说道: “外国买家正被美国房产所吸引,他们认为美国房价诱人、经济稳定,在未来,这会是一个

30、难以置信的投资机会。 ” 近年来,欧洲和拉丁美洲买家抬高了南部佛罗里达公寓房的价格,创历史新高;形形色色的海外买家将新 曼哈顿房产价格推到了天文数字。亚洲买家,尤其中国人,是旧金山和洛杉矶房产市场的主力军。 海外买家喜欢选择豪宅下手。这有助于解释为什么国际客户的中位买价 (去年为268, 284美元 )比全部销售额 (199, 575美元 )明显更高。这尤其体现在中国买家身上,中国买家的平均买价高达 590, 000美元,而中位买价为 523, 000多美元。相反,加拿大和墨西哥买家倾向于购买价格不太贵的房子。 去年,中国是美元交易的最大来源国,也是增长最快的买家。但加拿大所占的份额仍然最大。

31、去年加拿大人占美国房产买家总数的 19,前年是 23。中国买家从 12上升到 16。全美房地产经纪人协会的这一统计包括台湾和香港在内。 全美房地产经纪人协会估计有 35的中国买家选择在加利福尼亚州购房。大约40的加拿大人在佛罗里达州购房, 23的加拿大人在亚利桑那州购房。 全美房地产经纪人协会每年都会对其国际客户会员进行调查,目的是推算在美国的海外房产购买量。协会今年开展的这项调查从四月中旬开始,为期 30天,涉及3, 547个会员。 【知识模块】 英译汉 8 【正确答案】 纽约市大力开发低价住宅 昨天 纽约市议会批准了一项重大改革,首次调整了对公寓房开发商进行减税的政策,该举措倍受欢迎。市议

32、会采取方案旨在促使他们为普通人而非富人修建上万套公寓住宅。 该项改革得到了纽约市长迈克尔 -布隆伯格的支持,并将于 2008年付诸实施。这项改革将扩大城中某些 (特定 )区域,在这些区域,房地产开发商若想享受减税政策,他们每建五套房,其中必须有一套要让低收入者买得起。这些区域面积的大小将根据房产市场的发展态势每两年调整一次。 此外,每建造一幢楼房都必须包括这样的廉价公寓,而不是单独建在纽约市的某区域,这在该计划 实施 35年来还是第一次。对于市场价公寓,减税数额有封顶限制,这在一定程度上可避免有人批评该计划 (可避免该计划被说成是 )在资助提高房屋品味。 改革后的这项计划还包括设立一项 4亿美

33、元的信托基金,用于开发中低价格的住宅,尤其是在该市最贫穷的 15个居民区投资开发。 据说该计划自 1971年实施以来已推动建造了 11万套住房。房地官员估计,此计划在未来十年将再建造出两万套新的廉价住宅。这些公寓房无论出租还是出售,都只针对低收入的纽约人。 【知识模块】 英译汉 二、 PART 2 Chinese-English Translation (40 points) Translate the following passage into English. The time for this part is 60 minutes. 9 【正确答案】 In response to th

34、e countrys “going-global strategy“ (the state strategy of “reaching out“), many private companies are seeking mergers and acquisitions abroad, thus promoting transnational transactions. (As a result, transnational transactions have been on the rise. ) 【知识模块】 汉译英 10 【正确答案】 We should tighten regulatio

35、n/ control of the real estate/ property market and strengthen construction of government-subsidized housing. We need to/ must firmly rein in/ curb speculative and investment-driven housing demand. 【知识模块】 汉译英 11 【正确答案】 Backed by/ Enjoying preferential policies, the Binhai New Area will become the new

36、 engine for Tianjins development (lead the growth of the Tianjin economy) and make the city worthy of the name “Economic Center of North China“ (make the city the “Economic Center of North China“ in a real sense). 【知识模块】 汉译英 12 【正确答案】 Urban infrastructure (Construction of urban infrastructure facili

37、ties) is, beyond doubt/ question, the main source/ engine of non-government investment growth. 【知识模块】 汉译英 13 【正确答案】 The major/ main targets/ goals for this years economic and social development are: increase GDP by about 7.5%, better/ improve coordinate/ harmonious development, and hold increases in

38、 the CPI to around 3. 5% . 【知识模块】 汉译英 14 【正确答案】 This year, China is still under considerable inflationary pressure. The main reasons/ causes are: There is upward pressure on the prices of land, labor and other factors of production and (on) the prices of agricultural products/ farm produce and servi

39、ces. 【知识模块】 汉译英 15 【正确答案】 The Belt and Road Initiative Entering the 21st century, a new epoch/ era focused on/ characterized by peace, development, cooperation and mutual benefit, and faced with the fragile revival of the world economy and complicated international and regional situations, we find i

40、t especially important to inherit and carry forward the spirit of the Silk Road. In last September and October when Chinese President Xi Jinping visited Central Asia and Southeast Asia, he proposed jointly building the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st-century Maritime Silk Road (hereinafter the

41、Belt and Road); his important proposal has attracted (focused/ drawn) the attention of the international community. When Chinese Premier Li Keqiang attended the China-ASEAN Expo, he stressed the significance of building the Maritime Silk Road to serve/ benefit ASEAN nations, and constructing strateg

42、ic bases for supporting development in the interior. Accelerating the construction of the Belt and Road will contribute to the affluence of the countries along the way and regional economic collaboration, will strengthen (reinforce/ step up/ fortify/ intensify/ bolster) exchanges and mutual learning

43、 between different civilizations, and promote world peace and development. Clearly , it is a great mission that will benefit many nations in the world. As a system project/ a systems project , the Belt and Road Initiative should adhere to/ abide by the principle of joint consultation, joint construc

44、tion and the sharing of the benefits so as to advance the integration of the developmental strategies of the countries along its route. To promote the implementation of the Belt and Road Initiatives and revitalize the ancient Silk Road, the Chinese government has drafted and published the Vision and

45、 Actions on Jointly Building the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st-century Maritime Silk Road, which represents a new way to link Asian, European and African countries more closely and elevate mutually beneficial cooperation to a new height in a new form. 【知识模块】 汉译英 16 【正确答案】 Real Estate Developm

46、ent The real estate industry plays a major role in developing the economy and improving the housing conditions of the people, and we must promote the industrys sustained and sound growth. (We must, therefore, encourage continual healthy growth of the industry. ) One, taking into consideration the fa

47、ct that China has a large population and relatively little land available for building housing as well as the current level of its economic development, we need to make appropriate plans, build housing scientifically, keep consumption at an appropriate level, build environmentally friendly (environm

48、ent-friendly) buildings that conserve energy and land, and develop a Chinese development and consumption model for housing (a Chinese model of housing development and consumption). Two, the real estate industry should focus on developing reasonably priced commercial housing for ordinary people. The

49、government will/ shall pay particular attention to addressing the housing problems of low-income families (families with only modest incomes). We will increase fiscal and tax policy support and set up a sound system of low-rent housing. We will improve and standardize the system of affordable housing. Three, we will properly use both the government regulation and market mechanism to maintain a reasonable scale of real estate investment, improve the supply structure of commercial housing (the commercial-housing supply structure), strengthen oversig


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