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1、考研英语模拟试卷 102及答案与解析 一、 Section I Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D. (10 points) 1 When three Florida boys were diagnosed as having AIDS, their barber refused to cut their hair and their house was burned down by ne

2、ighbors. These reactions may be (1)_, but other AIDS sufferers have experienced job loss, (2)_ of insurance, and even (3)_ by their families and friends. Social scientists use the term stigma to describe the discredit and shame that public hostility can (4)_ a group of people. (5)_, AIDS sufferers a

3、re often stigmatized. Where do these stigmatizing attitudes come from? AIDS forces us to confront our own (6)_ in a particularly (7)_ way, because most of its victims are young. Some people (8)_ feelings of vulnerability by convincing themselves that AIDS victims are not like them and (9)_ their fat

4、e. They define AIDS (10)_ something that can happen only to members of certain groups. Because homosexuals are already a target of (11)_, peoples intolerance becomes (12)_ to victims of the disease. The stigma of AIDS has created a (13)_ for people who think they may be (14)_ risk. Should they (15)_

5、 themselves tested for HIV and risk discrimination if their test results are positive? (16)_ should they avoid being tested? Many people take the (17)_ course. Even when HIV testing is required by law, many people (18)_ great lengths to avoid it. The tragic result is that many people who have the vi

6、rus do not (19)_ out about it, do not receive treatment, and remain (20)_ to spread the virus to others. ( A) radical ( B) extreme ( C) negative ( D) unappealing ( A) deletion ( B) defiance ( C) suspension ( D) cancellation ( A) rejection ( B) abolition ( C) injection ( D) condemnation ( A) devote t

7、o ( B) put to ( C) associate with ( D) impose on ( A) In total ( B) In contrast ( C) In short ( D) As a result ( A) mortality ( B) morality ( C) immorality ( D) immortality ( A) acute ( B) violent ( C) sentimental ( D) active ( A) take off ( B) fend off ( C) resort to ( D) make up for ( A) preserve

8、( B) conserve ( C) deserve ( D) reserve ( A) by ( B) as ( C) with ( D) for ( A) injustice ( B) prejudice ( C) attention ( D) snobbery ( A) joined ( B) restrained ( C) attached ( D) linked ( A) dilemma ( B) obstruction ( C) confusion ( D) perplexity ( A) at ( B) on ( C) with ( D) within ( A) take ( B

9、) make ( C) have ( D) let ( A) Either ( B) Otherwise ( C) Nor ( D) Or ( A) later ( B) late ( C) latest ( D) latter ( A) come to ( B) take ( C) go to ( D) bear ( A) figure ( B) find ( C) try ( D) straighten ( A) likely ( B) possible ( C) probable ( D) liable Part A Directions: Read the following four

10、 texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. (40 points) 21 Globalization, a process whereby owners of capital are enabled to move their capital around the globe more quickly and easily, has resulted in the removal of state controls on trade and investment, the disappearanc

11、e of tariff barriers and the spread of new information and communications technologies. In societies around the world, the effects of globalization have influenced social development. Not only are the influences of globalization apparent in markets, their forces are felt in the processes or working

12、towards equality between men and women. Reda Bebars of Egypt, stressing that the advancement of women would not be achieved by passing legislation, said that social development on the national scale must be strengthened and a climate conducive to development must be created if the goals set in Beiji

13、ng (at the 1995 Fourth World Conference on Women) are to be realized. The problems stem from the fact that women are very differently positioned in relation to the markets in different parts of the world. In certain places, where women are socially excluded from leaving their homes, the challenge is

14、 to find ways for women to participate. In other places, the challenge is to create markets which are more friendly to womens participation. Ilham Ibrahim Mohamed Ahmed of Sudan condemned the debt burden carried by developing countries, economic sanctions, arbitrary measures and denial of access to

15、new technological developments as obstacles to the growth of womens rights. Women remain very much in the minority among Internet users and still face huge imbalances in the ownership, control and regulation of new information technologies. “The gains of globalization have not been equitably distrib

16、uted and the gap between rich and poor countries is widening,“ said Zhang Lei of the Peoples Republic of China. The gains of globalization thus far have for the most part been concentrated in the hands of better-off women with higher levels of education and with greater ownership of resources and ac

17、cess to capital. “Work in China and Vietnam shows that globalization has brought new opportunities to young women with familiarity with English in new service sector jobs, but has made a vast number of over-35-year-olds redundant, because they are either in declining industries or have outdated skil

18、ls,“ Swasti Mitter of the UNs Women Watch Online Working Group on Womens Economic Inequality said. 21 According to the text, what role has English played during the process of globalization? ( A) Created new education opportunities. ( B) It has sped up the process of globalization. ( C) Opened the d

19、oors for new opportunities and increased the number of young women in the working world. ( D) Increased the number of skilled women. 22 What needs to occur in order for the goals of the fourth womens conference to be realized? ( A) Legislations calling for the advancement of women should be enforced

20、. ( B) Need to create a climate that allows and encourages social development on a national scale. ( C) Create new technological opportunities for women in China. ( D) Abolish economic barriers between China and the West. 23 Where have the profits of globalization gone? ( A) In rich countries with s

21、trict tariff barriers. ( B) China and Vietnam. ( C) In the hands of smart women. ( D) In the hands of richer members of the society. 24 The statement“.but made a vast number of 35-year-olds redundant“ in the last paragraph refers to the fact that? ( A) Globalization has caused many women of age 35 t

22、o lose their jobs. ( B) Working 35 year old women are stuck in industries that are no longer thriving. ( C) There is a great need of 35 year old women due to the process of globalization. ( D) There was a baby boom 35 years ago and there are many 35 year old women working. 25 What reason does the te

23、xt suggest when women remain the minority of Internet users? ( A) They do not speak English well enough. ( B) Men remain the majority of people who control the Internet industry. ( C) They do not know how to use computers as well as men do. ( D) It does not apply, because this problem does not exist

24、 in China. 26 Television eats out our substance. Mander calls this the mediation of experience. “With TV what we see, hear, touch, smell, feel and understand about the world has been processed for us.“ When we “cannot distinguish with certainty the natural from the interpreted, or the artificial fro

25、m the organic, then all theories of the ideal organization of life become equal.“ In other words, TV teaches that all lifestyles and values are equal, and that there is no clearly defined right and wrong. In Amusing Ourselves to Death, one of the best recent books on the tyranny of television, Neil

26、Postman wonders why nobody has pointed out that television possibly oversteps the instructions in the Bible. In the 1960s and 1970s, many of the traditional standards and mores of society came under heavy assault. Indeed, they were blown apart, largely with the help of ones own. There was an air of

27、unreality about many details of daily life. Even important moral questions suffered distortion when they were reduced to TV images. During the Vietnam conflict, there was much graphic violence soldiers and civilians actually dying on screen. One scene that shocked the nation was an execution in whic

28、h the victim was shot in the head with a pistol on prime-time TV. People “tuned in“ to the war every night, and controversial issues about the causes, conduct, and resolution of the conflict could be summed up in these superficial broadcasts. The same phenomenon was seen again in the Gulf War. With

29、stirring background music and sophisticated computer graphics, each networks banner script read across the screen, “War in the Gulf,“ as if it were just another T,V program. War isnt a program it is a dirty, bloody mess. People are killed daily. Yet, television all but teaches that this carnage mere

30、ly is another diversion, a form of blockbuster entertainment the big show with all the international stars present. In the last years of his life, Malcolm Muggeridge, a pragmatic and print journalist, warned: “Form the first moment I was in the studio, I felt that it was far from being a good thing.

31、 I felt that television would ultimately be inimical to what I most appreciate, which is the expression of truth, expressing your reactions to life in words.“ He concluded: “I dont think people are going to be preoccupied with ideas. I think they are going to live in a fantasy world where you dont n

32、eed any ideas. The one thing that television cant do is express ideas. There is a danger in translating life into an image, and that is what television is doing. It is thus falsifying life. Recorder of what is going on, it is the exact opposite. It cannot convey reality nor does it even want to.“ 26

33、 What is the authors attitude towards television? ( A) Ambiguous. ( B) Skeptical. ( C) Critical. ( D) Appreciative. 27 How is television said to distort life in reporting warfare and conflicts? ( A) TV teaches that all lifestyles and values are equal. ( B) People are preoccupied with fantastic ideas

34、 about wars. ( C) On the television screen, people see a dirty, bloody mess. ( D) Television presents images of human carnage in a form of entertainment program. 28 Which of the following is TRUE according to the text? ( A) There is no clearly defined right and wrong in TV images. ( B) Television do

35、esnt express ideas although it is intended to convey truth. ( C) Translating life into an image is more effective than expressing reactions to life in words in teaching life values. ( D) TV presentation of images records what is going on objectively. 29 Which of the following ideas might probably be

36、 preferred by Malcolm Muggeridge? ( A) Literature will become dominant in presenting war stories. ( B) People should have their own ideas of what is right and what is wrong. ( C) TV images are preoccupying because they express reality. ( D) TV programs often aim to assault the traditional standards

37、and mores of society. 30 According to the text, Amusing Ourselves to Death is a book ( A) telling people how amusing it is to watch TV. ( B) warning people not to overstep the instructions in the Bible. ( C) showing there is a direct link between TV-watching and death. ( D) criticizing television fo

38、r eating out our substance. 31 There are certain people who behave in a quite peculiar fashion during the work of analysis. When one speaks hopefully to them or expresses satisfaction with the progress of the treatment, they show signs of discontent and their condition invariably becomes worse. One

39、begins by regarding this as defiance and as an attempt to prove their superiority to the physician, but late one comes to take a deeper and juster view. One becomes convinced, not only that such people cannot endure any praise or appreciation, but that they react inversely to the progress of the tre

40、atment. Every partial solution that ought to result, and in other people does result, in an improvement or a temporary suspension of symptoms produces in them for the time being an intensification of their illness; they get worse during the treatment instead of getting better. They exhibit what is k

41、nown as a “negative therapeutic reaction“. There is no doubt that there is something in these people that sets itself against their recovery, and its approach is dreaded as though it were a danger. We are accustomed to say that the need for illness has got the upper hand in them over the desire for

42、recovery. If we analyze this resistance in the usual way then, even after fixation to the various forms of gain from illness, the greater part of it is still left over; and this reveals itself as the most powerful of all obstacles to recovery, more powerful than the familiar ones of narcissistic ina

43、ccessibility, a negative attitude towards the physician and clinging to the gain from illness. In the end we come to see that we are dealing with what may be called a “moral“ factor, a sense of guilt, which is finding satisfaction in the illness and refuses to give up the punishment of suffering. We

44、 shall be right in regarding this disencouraging explanation as final. But as far as the patient is concerned this sense of guilt is dumb; it does not tell him he is guilty, he feels iii. This sense of guilt expresses itself only as a resistance to recovery which it is extremely difficult to overcom

45、e. It is also particularly difficult to convince the patient that this motive lies behind his continuing to be iii; he holds fast to the more obvious explanation that treatment by analysis is not the fight remedy for his case. 31 According to the author, it would be more reasonable to think that the

46、 patients who exhibit dissatisfaction with the treatment are ( A) openly resisting the treatment of the physician. ( B) intentionally holding the physician in contempt. ( C) spontaneously responding contrary to the physicians expectations. ( D) purposely disregarding the praise or appreciation by th

47、e physician. 32 For the patients the author describes that ( A) a particular treatment leads to a reverse result. ( B) local treatment improves temporarily their symptoms. ( C) a partial solution releaves rather than intensifies their illness. ( D) a right solution cures them partially of their sick

48、ness. 33 The authors study of this syndrome leads him to think that ( A) patients must be convinced of the treatment by analysis. ( B) patients sense of guilt may hinder them form getting well. ( C) patients need to know the final explanations of their illness. ( D) patients should give up the punis

49、hment of suffering from their illness. 34 It can be inferred from the text that the author feels that ( A) certain people behave in a particularly fashionable way. ( B) the need for illness has overcome the desire for recovery. ( C) the patients who are content with their illness are felling guilty. ( D) the symptom of inverse reaction to treatment is past remedy. 35 The root cause of the resistance to recovery lies in that the patients ( A) are apt to refuse the reorganization of t


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