ASTM F335-2003 Standard Terminology Relating to Electrostatic Copying《与静电复印相关的标准术语》.pdf

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ASTM F335-2003 Standard Terminology Relating to Electrostatic Copying《与静电复印相关的标准术语》.pdf_第4页
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1、Designation: F 335 03Standard Terminology Relating toElectrostatic Imaging1This standard is issued under the fixed designation F 335; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parenthese

2、s indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope1.1 This set of definitions is intended for use by all partieswho use, sell, manufacture, test, or develop printer or copiermachines so that they will have a

3、common basis for commu-nications.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:F 221 Terminology Relating to Carbon Paper and InkedRibbon Products and Images Made Therefrom2F 1156 Terminology Relating to Product CounterfeitingProtection Systems3F 1531 Test Method for Comparing Printer or Copier Car-trid

4、ges23. Terminology3.1 Definitions:aerosol developmentdevelopment in which the toner iscarried to the field of the electrostatic image by means of asuspending gas.all-in-one cartridge(also known as cartridge), a process unitthat incorporates all the components, including a photore-ceptor, toner compa

5、rtment and charging devices, used incertain electrostatic imaging devices.apparent surface resistivitythe surface resistance betweentwo electrodes forming opposite sides of a square on thesurface of the copy substrate or the electrical equivalent.archival qualitythe properties of a copy or print nec

6、essaryto retain specified information under specified conditions ofstorage, time and use.background potentialapplies only to charged area develop-ment process, see charged area development. See residualpotential.background potentialsee residual potential.base stocksee conductive base stock.base weig

7、htthe weight of a specified area of paper stockexpressed in grams per square metre or in pounds per ream,where the size and number of sheets per ream may vary foreach particular grade of paper. Common ream sizes used inelectrostatic papers are:25 by 38 in. by 500 sheets (3300 ft2)24 by 36 in. by 500

8、 sheets (3000 ft2)17 by 22 in. by 500 sheets (1300 ft2)binderthe resinous adhesive component of a pigmentedcoating densitysee image density.blastinghaze around a letter, word or image in the form offine spotting or speckling.blockingthe tendency for coated sheets to stick togetheru

9、nder pressure.bridgingcombination of peaks and smudges that may closeor partially close the loop of a character (F 149).caliperthe thickness of a sheet expressed in millimetres or inthousandths of an inch.carrierthat substance in a developer that conveys a toner,but does not itself become a part of

10、the image in the finishedprint. In a liquid developer the carrier may be called adispersant.cascade developmentdevelopment in which dry toner andcarrier are drawn over an electrostatic image by gravity.catcher blade(also known as a recovery blade or slip sheet),a strip of semi-rigid plastic material

11、 that guides the wastetoner removed from the photoreceptor into the waste bin.charge acceptancethe apparent surface voltage present onan electrostatic recording medium immediately after charg-ing.charged area development(CAD), a process in electro-static copying where the photoconductive element is

12、chargedwith a charge of the opposite sign as that of the toner. A lightsource is used to discharge all areas on the photoconductorthat are NOT to receive toner to form the image. The toneris attracted to the non-discharged areas of the photoconduc-tor when the latent electrostatic image is developed

13、.chargingthe process of establishing an electrostatic surfacecharge of uniform density on an insulating medium.1This terminology is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee F05 onBusiness Copy Products and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee F05.01 onNomenclature and Definitions.Current edi

14、tion approved Jan. 10, 2003. Published March 2003. Originallyapproved in 1971. Last previous edition approved in 1994 as F 335 94a (2000)e1.2Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 15.09.3Discontinued, see 2000 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 15.08.1Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive,

15、 PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.cleaned componentthe result of substantially removingtoner, dust and other undesirable materials, either by me-chanical an/or chemical means.cleaner blade(also known as wiper blade), a blade whichcleans the surface of the photoreceptor to

16、 mechanicallyremove toner and developmentsee aerosol development.coated paperpaper which has one or both surfaces coveredwith a substance to produce certain desired properties for usein specific electrophotographic processes.coated paper copyinga form of direct electrophotographiccopyin

17、g.coating weightthe wet or dry weight of coating materialapplied to a paper or other substrate expressed as grams persquare metre or pounds per specified patible cartridgeany all-in-one cartridge that can beused in a particular printer or copier, whether new, recycledor remanufactured.conductive bas

18、e stockpaper stock intended as a substratefor electrostatic coating with surface or volume conductivityover a range of relative humidities controlled by specialtreatment.copyingthe act of producing an image on a document orother receptor media which is a duplication of the image ofanother document,

19、such as by a photographic, xerographic,or facsimile process or by carbon or carbonless papers.coronagaseous ions, either positively or negatively charged.Usually produced at atmospheric pressure using a highvoltage source and either one or more pointed conductors ora thin long conductor (that is, co

20、rona wire).corona chargingdepositing of an electrical charge on asurface by means of corona.corona wirea long, thin wire suspended in air and electri-cally isolated that when connected to a high voltage sourcewill produce corona.dark adaptationconditioning of photoelectrostatic copyingpapers in the

21、absence of light to permit the recovery ofphotoconductive properties.dark decayloss of apparent surface voltage in the absence oflight.dark decay ratethe rate of loss of apparent surface voltageper unit time in the absence of light.densitysee image density.depletiondecrease of toner concentration in

22、 a developercomposition characterized by low-image density.developerthe material or combination of materials thatrenders visible a latent electrostatic image when brought intointimate contact with it. Electrostatic developers can beeither liquid or dry and can consist of a toner and a carrier.develo

23、per roller(also magnetic roller or mag roller), acylinder built into the copier toner cartridge or printer tonercartridge intended to present correctly charged toner fromthe toner reservoir to the charged areas of the photoreceptor.developmentthe process of converting a latent electrostaticimage int

24、o a visible developmentsee positive electrophotographic copying processan electropho-tographic copying process in which the photoconductor is anintegral part of the final copy.discharged area development (DAD)a process in electro-static copying where the photoconducti

25、ve element is chargedwith a charge of the same sign as that of the toner. A lightsource is used to discharge only those areas that are toreceive toner to form the image. In the development process,the charged background areas repel the like charged toner tothe discharged areas on the photoconductor.

26、dispersantthe material, usually an organic solvent, in aliquid developer system that conveys toner particles, butdoes not itself become a part of the image in a finished print.(See also carrier.)doctor blade(also known as a charging blade), a componentthat imparts an electrical charge to toner by me

27、ans of thetriboelectric effect and/or controls the amount of tonerdelivered to the developer roller.dopingthe addition of foreign species into a photoconduc-tive material to modify its semiconductor properties such aslight sensitivity, response times, and dark conductivity.dragginga fringe effect at

28、tached to the trailing edge of thedeveloped electrostatic image. (See also tailing.)dry carrier tonerdry powdered toner mixed with bead orgranular particles as a carrier to form a developer.dry timethe time that a copy must reside in the copy traybefore it appears to be dry.duplex copya sheet with c

29、opied images on both sides.duplexingin a copy system, the process by which images areplaced on both sides of the copy sheet.dustingthe developer/toner particles deposited in and aroundthe machine on other than the electrostatic copy.dye sensitizingthe incorporation of dye-stuffs into a photo-conduct

30、ive coating to alter its spectral response.edge effectan image defect characterized by a low density orpoor fill-in of solid areas coupled with a higher densityoutline.electro-negative developera developer containing nega-tively charged toner particle.electrophotographic copying processa process in

31、which acopy of an original document results from the combinedaction of light and externally applied electric forces.electrophotographic materialphotoconductor suitable forapplication in photographic processes.electro-positive developera developer containing positivelycharged toner particle.electrost

32、atic copying processa process in which a copy ofan original document results from charged particle develop-ment of an electrostatically formed image.electrostaticsthe science of forces and fields of electriccharges in a state of rest.end of lifethe practical or theoretical limit of page produc-tion

33、for an all-in-one cartridge used in a page yield test.exposure lattituderange of light or time settings over whichan acceptable copy can be produced.fatigueany degradation in electrophotographic properties ofF335032a photoconductive material caused by repetitive charging,light exposure, or other ope

34、ration in the imaging process.featheringan undesirable thread-like deposit extending ra-dially from the edge of an image (Terminology F 221).field adaptionthe forced recovery of excited electrons (as indark adaption) by means of an externally applied electricalfield such as a charging corona.fixingt

35、he process of rendering a developed image perma-nent.flareextraneous light in the dark area.flare decayimage contrast loss due to flare.fogsee background.fringe effecttoner deposition in non-printed areas adjacent tothe printed areas, such as heading and tailing.fur brush developmentdevelopment of e

36、lectrostatic imagesby transporting the toner to the image area through the use offur-like fibers.fusingsee heat fixing.ghostingan undesired repeat image. Positive ghost image isan undesired image created in a non-printed area Negativeghost is an undesired reverse repeat image created in aprinted are

37、a that is seen by the difference in contrast.halo effecta condition characterized by an unusually cleanbackground region at the boundary of the image areas.headinga fringe effect appearing on the leading edge (rela-tive to copy machine feed direction) of the developedelectrostatic image.heat fixingt

38、he process of making a developed image perma-nent by heating.hold downsee lockdown.imagethe optical counterpart of an object produced by a lensor mirror system or the graphic representation of an object.image densitythe optical density of the developed image asdetected by the eye, or measured by a r

39、eflection densitom-eter.indirect electrophotographic copying processan electro-photographic copying process in which the photoconductoris not an integral part of the final copy.initial potentialsee charge acceptance.lidabbreviation for liquid development.light decayreduction of apparent surface volt

40、age caused byexposure to light.light decay ratethe reduction of apparent surface voltage atspecific exposure conditions.liquid developmentdevelopment by means of a toner dis-persed in an organic liquid carrier.lockdownadhesion of original or electrostatic copy to bear-ing surface as due to static ch

41、arges.magnetic brush developmentdevelopment in which thetoner is carried by means of a brush-like array of magneticparticles held erect under the influence of a magnetic field.masteran intermediate, temporary, and usually expendableimage vehicle for use on duplicators.mistingsee dusting.mottlea gros

42、s random nonuniformity in the visual density ofa printed area.negativean image in which the dark tones of the originalappear light and the light tones appear dark.negative developersee reversal developer.negative developmentsee reversal development.negative imagea developed image in which dark areas

43、correspond to light area of the original subject.offsetsee set-off.optical densitya measure of image (density) by reflectancedensitometer.optimum exposurethe time-light intensity relationship thatproduces the most satisfactory print.originalthe object to be copied.overcoatingthe act of making a deve

44、loped electrostaticimage permanent by spraying or laminating a protective filmor similar layer over the coveragea term used to describe the percentage ofprinted area to non-printed area on a page within a specifiedarea of the page.photoconductora material that exhibits increased electri

45、calconductivity when exposed to light.plain paper copyinga form of indirect electrophotographiccopying in which the electrostatic image of the original isfirst formed on a photoconductor element, then developedwith a toner, and finally transferred onto a plain sheet ofpaper where it is fixed (see al

46、so Terminology F 1156).platean image vehicle, usually permanent and reusable foruse on printing presses.positive development, direct developmentcharged areadevelopment by means of toner particles having appropriatecharge polarity so that dark areas of the print correspond todark areas of the origina

47、l.positive imagea developed image in which dark areascorrespond to dark areas of the original subject.pre-exposureexposure of a photoconductive medium to alight source prior to imaging.pressure fixingthe process of making the image permanentby means of pressure.printingthe act of producing an image

48、on a document orother receptor media from a machine or printer designed forthat purpose, such as a printing press, thermal printer, or acomputer printer, such as a laser or ink jet.recycled cartridgea used cartridge that contains some or allparts that have been reused.recyclable cartridgea cartridge

49、 that is recyclable by itsmanufacturer through an established recycling program thatthe manufacturer makes available to the majority of itscustomers.refilled cartridgea used cartridge in which the toner hasbeen replaced but none of the other components have beenreplaced or refurbished.refurbished componenta used component that has beenrestored to its original function.remanufactured cartridgea cartridge that has had all partsthat materially affect function replaced or


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