ASTM F2209-2003 Standard Guide for Training of Level I Land Search Team Member《I级地面搜寻队成员培训的标准指南》.pdf

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1、Designation: F 2209 03Standard Guide forTraining of Level I Land Search Team Member1This standard is issued under the fixed designation F 2209; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in

2、parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope1.1 This guide establishes the minimum training standardfor Level I land search team members as it relates to theirgeneral, field, and search specif

3、ic knowledge and skills.1.2 A Level I land search team member searches on thesurface of the land only. This guide does not provide theminimum training requirements for searching in partially orfully collapsed structures, in or on water, in confined spaces, orunderground (such as caves, mines, and tu

4、nnels.)1.3 A Level I land search team member is required to haveonly an overview level of knowledge of rescue as it pertains to“search and rescue.” No knots, rope, litter, or other rescueskills are required of a Level I land search team member.1.4 Level I land search team members must work underdire

5、ct supervision of experienced search personnel.1.5 Level I land search team members are eligible to bemembers of Type II search teams or crews as defined inClassification F 1993.1.6 Type II teams which may utilize personnel trained tothis guide are Kind A (wilderness), Kind B (urban), and KindC (mou

6、ntainous).1.6.1 Further training may be required before a Level I landsearch team member can actually participate on a particularkind of search team, depending on authority having jurisdictionregulations or policies.1.7 This standard does not purport to address all of thesafety concerns, if any, ass

7、ociated with its use. It is theresponsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-bility of regulatory requirements prior to use.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:F 1422 Guide for Using the Incident Command SystemFramew

8、ork in Managing Civilian Search and RescueOperations2F 1490 Terminology Relating to Search and Rescue2F 1591 Practice for Visual Signals Between Persons on theGround and in Aircraft During Ground Emergencies2F 1633 Guide for Techniques in Land Search2F 1767 Guide for Forms Used for Search and Rescue

9、2F 1993 Classification of Human Search and Rescue Re-sources2F 2047 Practice for Workers Compensation Coverage ofEmergency Services Volunteers23. Terminology3.1 For definitions of terms used in this guide, see Termi-nology F 1490, Guide F 1633, Classification F 1993, PracticeF 2047, and other refere

10、nces within this guide.3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:3.2.1 authority having jurisdiction (AHJ), n(1) the team,organization, agency, or other entity which is using this guide;(2) The team, organization, agency, or other entity to which aperson being trained, tested, or evaluated

11、belongs, if theinstructor, evaluator, or tester is not a member of the sameorganization.3.2.2 field, nthe location, away from the base or com-mand post, in which a land search team member is searching orperforming other tasks.3.2.3 field operations, nsearches and other tasks beingperformed away from

12、 the base or command post.3.2.4 land search team, na group of individuals searchingon the surface of the earth.3.2.5 land search team member Level I, na member of aland search team who, as a minimum, meets the requirementsof this guide. These requirements define the basic, entry,awareness, or simila

13、r term level of land search knowledge andskills.3.2.6 normal area of operation, nthe area(s) where anauthority having jurisdiction performs its search operations ona regular basis and area(s) of other organizations where theauthority having jurisdiction is frequently called to assist withsearch oper

14、ations.4. Significance and Use4.1 This guide establishes the minimum standard for train-ing land search team members as it relates to their general,field, and search specific knowledge and skills. A persontrained to this guide is a Level I land search team member.1This guide is under the jurisdictio

15、n of ASTM Committee F32 on Search andRescue and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee F32.03 on Personnel,Training, and Education.Current edition approved Apr. 10, 2003. Published May 2003.2Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 13.01.1Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C

16、700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.4.2 Every person who is identified as a Level I land searchteam member shall have met the requirements of this guide.4.3 This guide is to be used by individuals and agencieshaving jurisdiction that wish to identify the minimum trainingstandards fo

17、r Level I land search team members.4.4 This guide is only the first level of training for landsearch personnel and as such, only establishes the minimumknowledge and skills required for a person to perform landsearch.4.4.1 Nothing in this guide precludes an AHJ from addingadditional requirements for

18、 its own members.4.5 This guide by itself is not a training document. It is onlyan outline of the topics required for training or evaluating aLevel I land search team member, but it can be used to developa training document or program.4.6 It is up to the AHJ to determine the depth or detail oftraini

19、ng to meet its needs.4.7 This guide does not stand alone and must be used withthe referenced documents to provide the specific informationneeded by a Level I land search team member or AHJ.4.8 Though this guide establishes the minimum standards, itdoes not imply that a Level I land search team membe

20、r is a“trainee,” “probationary,” or other similar term member of anAHJ. It is up to the AHJ to determine the requirements andqualifications for member ratings.4.9 This guide can be used to evaluate a book or otherdocument to determine if its content meets the necessary topicsfor training a Level I l

21、and search team member. Likewise, theguide can be used to evaluate an existing training program tosee if it meets the requirements of this guide.4.10 The knowledge and skills requirements presented inthe following sections are not presented in any particular orderand do not represent a training sequ

22、ence.4.11 Except where a physical skill needs to be shown, it isup to the AHJ, instructor, evaluator, or tester to determine thebest way to evaluate a persons knowledge. This may be bywritten exam, oral exam, demonstration, or by some combina-tion of the three.5. General Knowledge and SkillsA Level

23、I land search team member shall:5.1 Explain AHJ regulations, policies, procedures, guide-lines, and so forth, with regards to:5.1.1 Callout or dispatch to an incident.5.1.2 Checking in at an incident.5.1.3 Team mission briefing.5.1.4 Team mission debriefing.5.1.5 Demobilization and departing the inc

24、ident.5.1.6 Member interface with the media.5.1.7 Working with other agencies or organizations.5.1.8 Insurance coverage.5.2 Explain the legal aspects of SAR with respect to theAHJ for:5.2.1 Entering private property.5.2.2 Emergency response.5.2.3 Finding deceased individuals.5.2.4 Crime scenes.5.3 D

25、escribe the purposes of critical incident stress manage-ment and debriefing.5.4 Incident Command System:5.4.1 The Incident Command System (ICS) is used formanaging non-emergency and emergency incidents; GuideF 1422 recommends the use of ICS for managing SARoperations.5.4.2 It is recommended that Lev

26、el I land search teammembers complete an introductory class in ICS such as theNational Wildfire Coordinating Group course I-1003or equiva-lent.5.4.3 In lieu of passing I-100 or equivalent, the Level I landsearch team member shall demonstrate familiarity with theIncident Command System. List t

27、he five major organizational activities withinthe ICS and explain their primary functions. Give the titles and explain the duties of Commandand General Staff members. Describe what an Incident Action Plan is and how itis used at an incident. Explain the function of the command p

28、ost, base, andstaging areas. Describe how span of control functions within theincident organization.5.5 Personal Safety and Survival:5.5.1 Explain what the basic needs for survival are andprioritize them.5.5.2 Describe the five ways in which the body loses heat,the concerns with these losses,

29、 and the ways to prevent them.5.5.3 Describe the principles of layered clothing, the func-tion of each layer, and the advantages and disadvantages ofmaterials used in each layer.5.5.4 Describe considerations for choosing socks and foot-wear.5.5.5 Explain the basic considerations for emergency shel-t

30、er. Build an emergency shelter using only personal fieldequipment and materials found in the field.5.5.6 Build a sustainable fire using only personal fieldequipment and materials found in the field.5.5.7 Describe two methods of water purification.5.5.8 Discuss the considerations for food to b

31、e carried in thefield.5.5.9 Describe personal hygiene and sanitation consider-ations and techniques used in the field.5.5.10 Describe types of emergency signaling devices andthe advantages and disadvantages of each. Air-to-ground and ground-to-air signals are shownin Practice F 1591.5.5.11 D

32、escribe the safety precautions for working aroundhelicopters.5.5.12 The AHJ shall determine what physical performancerequirements are required for Level I land search team mem-bers and develop appropriate performance measurements.5.6 Environmental Concerns:5.6.1 Describe the signs, symptoms, and pre

33、ventative mea-sures for the following:3Module 1ICS Orientation, Available from the National Interagency FireCenter, 3833 S. Development Ave., Boise, ID 83705, http:/ Cold related problems. Heat related problems. Dehydration. Fatigue and exhaustion.5.6

34、.1.5 Blisters. Sunburn. Hazards in the normal area of operations.(1) Plants (for example, adverse reactions to, encounterswith).(2) Animals (for example, bites, stings, encounters with).(3) Other (for example, snow blindness, altitude relatedproblems).5.6.2 Describe terrain hazards in

35、the normal area of opera-tion.5.6.3 Discuss the additional hazards of searching at night.5.6.4 Describe weather patterns and conditions that mayaffect a search in the normal area of operations.5.6.5 Describe the safety rules for lightning protection.5.6.6 Describe general and AHJ specific procedures

36、 to befollowed when searching in hazardous areas and conditions.5.7 First Aid and Medical:5.7.1 Explain blood-borne pathogens and body substanceisolation procedures.5.7.2 A Level I land search team member shall have medicalor first aid training. The AHJ shall determine the required level ofme

37、dical or first aid training. As a minimum, the medical or first aid training shallinclude basic treatment for the conditions listed in Personal Equipment:5.8.1 Personal equipment necessary for a Level I landsearch team member to safely participate on a search varies bytype of search

38、, team assignment, season, environment, andterrain. A Level I land search team member shall: Have appropriate clothing, outerwear, footwear, andpersonal field equipment based on these factors and AHJrequirements. Have a durable, hands-free method of carryingpersonal and team equipment

39、into the field. Explain the reasons to carry, and explain or demon-strate the use of, all equipment the AHJ requires.5.8.2 To assist the AHJ or Level I land search team memberwith personal equipment decisions, Appendix 1 contains equip-ment lists. Table X1.1 is a list of items to be co

40、nsidered forpersonal equipment. Table X1.2 is a list of suggested items for a personalfirst aid kit. Table X1.3 is a list of suggested items for a basecamp kit.5.9 Map, Compass, and Land Navigation:5.9.1 Explain the advantages and disadvantages betweenusing a large scale topographic ma

41、p and a highway or streetmap which does not show topographic features.5.9.2 Identify and describe the meaning of five topographicmap symbols.5.9.3 Describe legend information and its use.5.9.4 Explain the significance of the following: Contour lines and their spacing. True north, magne

42、tic North, and declination.5.9.5 Explain the advantages and disadvantages of thefollowing when used to determine a position: Latitude/Longitude. Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) Grid System. References to features on a map. Any AHJ preferred methods.5.9.6 Demonstrate t

43、he following navigational skills: Orient a map to North using terrain or a compass. Follow a compass bearing. Ability to estimate distance traveled in the field. Obtain a bearing in the field and plot it correctly ona map. Obtain a bearing on a map and transfer it

44、correctly tothe field. Determine and correctly give the coordinates of apoint on a map in:(1) Latitude/Longitude.(2) Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM).(3) References to features on the map.(4) Any AHJ preferred methods. Plot on a map coordinates given in:(1) Latitude/Longitude.(2) Un

45、iversal Transverse Mercator (UTM).(3) References to features on the map.(4) Any AHJ preferred methods. Determine the distance between two points on amap.5.9.7 If Global Positioning Satellite (GPS) receivers areused, discuss: The advantages and disadvantages between GPSreceivers and map

46、 and compass for land navigation. Importance of having the GPS datum match the mapdatum.5.10 Communications:5.10.1 Explain AHJ radio procedures, protocols, and sys-tems.5.10.2 Demonstrate how to operate radio equipment of theAHJ.5.10.3 The AHJ shall determine what procedures, protocols,and sy

47、stems a Level I land search team member needs to know,and what radio equipment operation needs to be demonstrated.5.10.4 Correctly send a set of position coordinates by radio.5.10.5 Correctly receive a set of position coordinates byradio.6. Basic Search and Rescue KnowledgeA Level I land search team

48、 member shall:6.1 Define the following general aspects of search andrescue operations:6.1.1 Search.6.1.2 Rescue.6.1.3 Recovery.6.1.4 LASTLocate, Access, Stabilize, Transport.6.2 Describe the six phases of SAR operations:6.2.1 Preplanning.6.2.2 Notification.6.2.3 Planning/Strategy.F22090336.2.4 Tacti

49、cs/Techniques.6.2.5 Suspension.6.2.6 Critique.6.3 Describe the roles of other agencies or organizations, atthe following levels, that coordinate, provide resources, ser-vices, or other functions in search and rescue for the AHJ. TheAHJ shall determine which other agencies and organizationsthe Level I land search team member needs to be familiar with.6.3.1 National.6.3.2 State or Provincial.6.3.3 Local.6.3.4 Other SAR teams.7. Search Specific Knowledge and SkillsA Level I land search team member shall:7.1 Search Principles:7.1.1 Explain the following basic search principles.7.1

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