BS 6100-0-2010 Building and civil engineering - Vocabulary - Introduction and index《建筑和土木工程 术语表 简介和索引》.pdf

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BS 6100-0-2010 Building and civil engineering - Vocabulary - Introduction and index《建筑和土木工程 术语表 简介和索引》.pdf_第1页
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1、raising standards worldwideNO COPYING WITHOUT BSI PERMISSION EXCEPT AS PERMITTED BY COPYRIGHT LAWBSI Standards PublicationBuilding and civil engineering Vocabulary Part 0: Introduction and indexBS 6100-0:2010BS 6100-0:2010 BRITISH STANDARDPublishing and copyright informationThe BSI copyright notice

2、displayed in this docunullent indicates nullhen the docunullent nullas last issuednullnull BSI 2010ISBN nullnullnull 0 nullnull0 nullnullnull22 6InullS 01null0null0nullnull1null 01null0null0nullnullnullnull null1null010null01null nullnullnull010The nullollonulling BSI renullerences relate to the nul

3、lornull on this standard: nullonullnullittee renullerence Bnullnull00 Dranullt nullor conullnullent 0nullnullnull00nullnullnullnull6 DnullPublication historynullirst punulllished nullenullruary 1nullnullnullSecond edition Decenullnuller 1nullnull6Third edition April 1nullnull0nullourth edition Decen

4、ullnuller 1nullnull2nullinullth edition nullune 2002Sinullth nullcurrentnull edition nullarch 2010nullmendments issued since publicationnullate nullenullt affected null BSI 2010 null iBS 6100-0:2010BRITISH STANDARDSummary of pagesThis docunullent conullprises a nullront conullernull an inside nullro

5、nt conullernull pages i to iinull pages 1 to null2null an inside nullacnull conuller and a nullacnull conullernullnullontentsnullorenullord 1Introduction 31 Scope 32 nullocanullulary structure 4Indenull 6Binullliography 88BS 6100-0:2010ii null null BSI 2010BRITISH STANDARDThis page deliberately left

6、 blanknull BSI 2010 null 1BS 6100-0:2010BRITISH STANDARDnullorenullordPublishing informationThis part onull BS 6100 is punulllished nully BSI and canulle into enullnullect on null1 nullarch 2010null It nullas prepared nully Technical nullonullnullittee Bnullnull00null Basic datanull A list onull org

7、aninullations represented on this conullnullittee can nulle onulltained on renulluest to its secretarynullSupersessionThis part onull BS 6100 supersedes BS 6100-0:2002null nullhich is nullithdranullnnullnullelationship nullith other publicationsBS 6100 consists onull the nullollonulling partsnullnul

8、l Part 0: Introduction and indexnullnull Part 1: nulleneralnullnull Part null: nullpacesnull building typesnull ennullironnullent and physical planningnullnull Part 3: nullinullil engineering null nulleneralnullnull Part 4: nullinullil engineering null Transportnullnull Part null: nullinullil engine

9、ering null nullater engineeringnull ennullironnullental engineering and pipelinesnullnull Part 6: nullonstruction partsnullnull Part null: nullernullicesnullnull Part 8: nullork nullith tinullber and nulloodnullbased panelsnullnull Part null: nullork nullith concrete and plasternullnull Part 10: nul

10、lontract ternullsnullnull Part 11: Perfornullance characteristicsnull nulleasurenullent and nullointsnullnull Part 1null: Plantnull enulluipnullent and personsnullnullnformation about this documentBS 6100 has nulleen conullpletely restructured and conullpiled on dinullnullerent principles than prenu

11、lliouslynull nullonsenulluentlynull this part onull BS 6100 represents a nullull renullision onull the standardnullThis part onull BS 6100 is a general introduction to and enullplanation onullthe BS 6100 nullocanullulary and pronullides an alphanulletical indenull onull all the ternulls in all parts

12、 onull BS 6100null It is intended that indinullidual parts onullBS 6100 are used in connullunction nullith BS 6100-0 nullecause they do not contain indenulles thenullselnullesnull The indenull nullill nulle anullended as other parts onull BS 6100 are renullisednullBS 6100-1 reproduces nullernullatin

13、ull ISnull 6null0null-1 and pronullides a nullocanullulary onull general ternulls nullor the nulluilding and cinullil engineering industrynull It is essential that indinullidual parts onull BS 6100 are read in connullunction nullith BS 6100-1nullThis nullocanullulary has nulleen punulllished to ensu

14、re co-ordination and consistency in the use onull ternullinology throughout the nulluilding and cinullil engineering industrynull It is intended as a nullasic renullerence docunullent pronulliding a conullprehensinulle list onull ternulls nullith the ainull onull pronulloting a nulletter understandi

15、ng nulletnulleen nullarious sections onull the industry and nullacilitating tradenull It consists onull senulleral parts denulloted to specinullc sunullnullect BS 6100-0:20102 null null BSI 2010BRITISH STANDARDareasnull each part tying in nullith other nullore specialinulled Britishnull nulluropean

16、and international nullocanullulariesnullThe ainull is to achienulle the harnulloninullation onull denullnitions across a nullariety onull sourcesnull This is a tnullo nullay process andnull as BS 6100 nullill nulle renullised to tanulle account onull nenull renulluirenullents onullsernulled in nenul

17、l standardsnull so the use onull the denullnitions in this nullocanullulary nullill nulle encouragednull to pronullote nullider acceptance and recognition onull standardinulled ternullinologynullnullarts onull BS 6100 do not repeat nullor pronullide alternatinulles nullornull ternulls denullned in o

18、ther standards or in other parts onull BS 6100null Honullenullernull it does renuller to nullhere denullnitions can nulle nullound and includes a nullinullliography onullall renullerenced standardsnullThis nullocanullulary has nulleen structured so that the general ternulls nullor nullasic concepts

19、are grouped together to nullornull a nulloundation on nullhich nullore specialinulled ternulls are nullasednull The nullost general ternulls are ginullen in BS 6100-1null nullith the nullore specialinulled ternulls ginullen in other partsnullThe denullnitions in this nullocanullulary are intended nu

20、llor general usenullnullhereas those in standards that set out specinullcations or codes onullpractice are intended to clarinully the nulleaning onull ternulls in the contenullt onull that particular standardnull nullegal denullnitions in a particular statute are nullor the purposes onull that statu

21、te and nullight nulle dinullnullerent nullronull the denullnitions in this nullocanullularynullPresentational conventionsDetails onull the structurenull layout and presentational connullentions used in BS 6100 are ginullen in nulllause 2nullnullontractual and legal considerationsThis punulllication

22、does not purport to include all the necessary pronullisions onull a contractnull nullsers are responsinullle nullor its correct applicationnullnullompliance nullith a British Standard cannot confer immunity from legal obligationsnullnull BSI 2010 null nullBS 6100-0:2010BRITISH STANDARDnullntroductio

23、nThe nullnull nulluilding and cinullil engineering industry conullers a nullide range onullpeople and snullills and operates in nullany countriesnull it nullrings together nullany dinullnullerent denulleloping technologiesnull Standardinulling the nullornullal language that the industry uses nullor

24、instructionsnull specinullcationsnull ordersnulletcnullnull helps to inullpronulle conullnullunications and anulloid anullnulliguitynull nullrenullious nullocanullularies in the nulluilding and cinullil engineering industry hanulle onullten nulleen restricted to specialist nullelds and hanulle large

25、ly nulleen nullnonulln and used only nully specialistsnull The inullpronullenullent enullnullected nully nullringing these nullocanullularies togethernull renullonulling connullicts and inconsistenciesnull and supplenullenting thenull nullith nullore general ternulls nullill ensure that they nulleco

26、nulle nullore nullidely used throughout the industry and nullill raise the lenullel onull anullareness onull the inullportance onull using language correctlynullAn inullportant dinullnullerence nulletnulleen dictionaries and nullocanullularies is that the nullornuller descrinulles all the idiosyncra

27、sies onull enulleryday use nullhereas a nullocanullulary attenullpts to elinullinate the connullicts and prenullent onullerlapping usenull The connullicts are elinullinated nully loonulling nullor the concepts inullplicit in the ternulls enullerynullody usesnull This can nullean reducing the nunulln

28、uller onull ternulls anullailanullle nullor certain conceptsnull ginulling pronullinence to national ternulls onuller regional ternulls and in sonulle casesnull restricting the nulleaning onull ternulls to narronuller concepts than those in enulleryday usenull nullreater precision onull language is

29、achienulled nullhen a single ternull is used nullor a conceptnull and nullhere the relationships nulletnulleen concepts are shonulln enullplicitlynull nullhere the nullocanullulary corresponds nullithnull or utilinulles nullaterial nullronullnull an international or nulluropean standardnull then pre

30、cise relationships nulletnulleen concepts and ternulls in a nullultiplicity onulllanguages can nulle estanulllishednullTechnological denullelopnullents in the industry and in the nullay innullornullation is handled renulluire an up-to-date and nullore precise languagenull This nullocanullulary is in

31、tended as a step tonullards denulleloping such a languagenulland should nulloth assist the reader onull technical literature to understand the nulleaning onull ternulls usednull and assist technical nullriters to use ternulls in their correct and up-to-date sensenull It can also nulle used as a null

32、odel onullgood practice in ternullinology nullornullnull1 ScopeThis part onull BS 6100 ginulles general innullornullation relenullant to all parts onull this nullocanullularynull nullacnullground innullornullationnull guidance on using the nullocanullularynull a list onull all parts and an indenull

33、onull all the ternulls in BS 6100nullThis nullocanullulary conullers all topics that are the responsinullility onull the Sector nullonullnullittee nullor Building and nullinullil nullngineeringnull Sonulle ternulls are included nullhich do not hanulle a special nulleaning nullor the nulluilding and

34、cinullil engineering industry nullut are considered necessary to help readers understand the nullore specialinulled ternullsnull Typically these include general physical properties and ternulls relating to testing and standardinullationnullScottish ternulls and inullportant regional ternulls are inc

35、ludednull either in their onulln right or as accepted alternatinulles to prenullerred ternullsnull nullocal ternullsnullnullhere includednull are ginullen as deprecated enulluinullalents onull prenullerred ternullsnullBS 6100-0:2010null null null BSI 2010BRITISH STANDARD2 Vocabulary structure2null1

36、nulleneralBS 6100 is dinullided into partsnull This part contains a conullprehensinulle indenullonull ternulls nullhich nullill nulle updated periodically nullhen other parts are anullended or renullisednull or nullhen nenull parts are punulllishednull To anulloid the duplication onull data nullound

37、 in this indenullnull other parts onull BS 6100 do not contain their onulln indenullnull As a resultnull it is essential that indinullidual parts onull BS 6100 are read in connullunction nullith this partnullnullach part onull the nullocanullulary includes a contents list and a nullorenullordnullnul

38、luidance on the use onull the nullocanullulary is ginullen in the nullorenullordnulltogether nullith any innullornullation particular to the partnull enullgnull enullisting standards that are supersedednullThe denullnitions in this nullocanullulary hanulle nulleen nullornullulated in accordance null

39、ith ISnull null0nullnull Ternullinology nullork null Principles and nullethodsnull and in such a nullanner that each denullnition nullould still nullanulle sense inull renullonulled nullronullits contenulltnullAs is increasingly the strategy nullor nullocanullulariesnull BS 6100 does not repeat denu

40、llnitions nullronull other standards nullut instead nullanulles renullerence to thenullnullThe layout onull each part onull the nullocanullulary is designed in accordance nullith ISnull 102null1 nullith ternulls arranged in a classinulled order and nunullnullered in accordance nullith ISnull 21nulln

41、ullnull nullithin each partnull the ternulls are arranged in groups onull related ternulls nullenullgnull roonulls and roonullngnull nulloors and nullooringnullnullThe headings nullor the groups are ginullen in the contents list onull each partnullnullithin each group the ternulls are nullurther din

42、ullided into sunullgroups onullnullasic conceptsnull enullgnull spacesnull partsnull actinullitiesnull propertiesnull nullithin each sunullgroup the ternulls are arranged in an order that is nullased on honull they relate to each othernull2null2 nullerm numbersnullach ternull has an indinullidual nu

43、nullnuller consisting onull senullen digits in tnullo partsnull the nullrst onull tnullo digitsnull the second onull nullnullenull nullach nunullnuller tells the nullollonulling innullornullation anullout the ternullnullanull The nullrst tnullo digits represent nullhich part onull BS 6100 the ternul

44、lnullelongs tonullnullnull The third digit represents nullhich group onull ternulls it nullelongs to nullithin the partnullcnull The nullourth digit represents nullhich sunullgroup onull ternulls it nullelongs to nullithin the groupnulldnull The nullnullth to senullenth digits deternulline the locat

45、ion onull the ternullnullithin the sunullgroupnullBecause onull the dinullergence nulletnulleen entry nunullnullering and section nunullnulleringnull the ternull nunullnullering is enullplained at the nulleginning onull each part onull the nullocanullularynullBecause BS 6100-1 is a dual nunullnuller

46、ed international standard it has a dinullnullerent nunullnullering systenullnullnullnullTnull The index locates a ternull by its ternull nunullbernull not by the nunullber of the page on nullhich it occursnullnull BSI 2010 null nullBS 6100-0:2010BRITISH STANDARD2nullnull nullross referencesBold null

47、ords nullithin a denullnition indicate ternulls that are denullned elsenullhere in the sanulle part onull BS 6100null other parts onull BS 6100 or other standardsnull Renullerence to nullhere the ternull is denullned is ginullen in parenthesis anullter the enullnulloldened ternullnullnullnullTnull 1

48、 nulleferences to ternulls denullned in Bnull 6100null1 are shonulln ginulling only the part nunullbernull enullgnull null01nullnull references to ternulls denullned in all other parts of Bnull 6100 are shonulln using their full reference nunullbernull enullgnull null0null nullnull00nullnullnullnull

49、nullTnull null nullhere nullore than one denullnition source could be referred tonull the reference containing the denullnition of nullost general applicability is ginullennullAlternatinulle ternulls are ginullen in nullediunull type nullelonull prenullerred ternulls nullhich are ginullen in nullold typenull All alternatinulle ternulls hanulle the status onullnulleing deprecatednull Anullnullrenulliations are ginullen in nullold type nullelonull the ternulls to nullhich they relatenullIn the nullocanullularynull ternulls onull nullore than one nullord are nullritten in their natural nullor


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