CAN CSA-ISO IEC 10918-2-1998 Information Technology - Digital Compression and Coding of Continuous-Tone Still Images Compliance Testing.pdf

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1、National Standard of Canada CAN/CSA-ISO/IEC 1091 8-2-98 International Standard ISO/IEC 10918-2:1995 (first edition, 1995-08-15) has been adopted without modification as CSA Standard CAN/CSA-ISO/IEC 10918-2-98, which has been approved as a National Standard of Canada by the Standards Council of Canad

2、a. ISSN 03 17-5669 March 1998 Information technology - Digital compression and coding of continuous-tone still images: Compliance testing Technologies de I information - Compression numerique et codage des images fixes de nature photographique: Test de conformite Reference number ISO/IEC 1091 8-2:19

3、95(E) LAssociation canadienne de normalisation (CSA), sous les auspices de laquelle cette Norme nationale a kt6 prkparee, a requ ses lettres patentes en 191 9 et son accreditation au sein du Systeme de normes nationales par le Conseil canadien des normes en 1973. Association daffiliation libre, sans

4、 but lucratif ni pouvoir de rkglementation, elle se consacre a IeIaboration de normes et a la certification. Les normes CSA reflhtent le consensus de producteurs et dusagers de partout au pays, au nombre desquels se trouvent des fabricants, des consommateurs, des detaillants et des representants de

5、syndicats, de corps professionnels et dagences gouvernementales. Lutilisation des nonnes CSA est trbs repandue dans Iindustrie et le commerce, et leur adoption a divers ordres de legislation, tant municipal et provincial que fdderal, est chose courante, particulibrement dans les domaines de la sante

6、, de la securite, du biitirnent, de la construction et de Ienvironnement. Les Canadiens dun bout B Iautre du pays thnoignent de leur appui au travail de normalisation men4 par la CSA en participant bbnkvolement aux travaux des comites de la CSA et en appuyant ses objectifs par leurs cotisations de m

7、embres de soutien. Les quelque 7000 volontaires faisant partie des comitbs et les 2000 membres de soutien constituent Iensemble des membres de la CSA parmi lesquels ses administrateurs sont choisis. Les cotisations des membres de soutien representent une source importante de revenu pour les services

8、 de soutien h la normalisation volontaire. LAssociation offre des services de certification et de mise a Iessai qui appuient et complbtent ses activitks dans le domaine de IBlaboration de normes. De manikre a assurer Iintegrit6 de son processus de Certification, IAssociation procede de fapn rkgulibr

9、e et continue Iexamen et A Iinspection des produits portant la marque CSA. Outre son siege social et ses laboratoires h Etobicoke, la CSA possede des bureaux rkgionaux dans des centres vitaux partout au Canada, de m6me que des agences dinspection et dessai dans huit pays. Depuis 191 9, IAssociation

10、a parfait les connaissances techniques qui lui permettent de remplir sa mission dentreprise, a savoir la CSA est un organisme de services independant dont la mission est doffrir une tribune libre et efficace pour la realisation dactivitks facilitant Ibchange de biens et de services par Iintermediair

11、e de services de normalisation de certification et autres, pour rbpondre aux besoins de nos clients, tant a IUchelle nationale quinternationale. The Canadian Standards Association (CSA), under whose auspices this National Standard has been produced, was chartered in 191 9 and accredited by the Stand

12、ards Council of Canada to the National Standards system in 1973. It is a not-for-profit, nonstatutory, voluntary membership association engaged in standards development and certification activities. CSA standards reflect a national consensus of producers and users - including manufacturers, consumer

13、s, retailers, unions and professional organizations, and governmental agencies. The standards are used widely by industry and commerce and often adopted by municipal, provincial, and federal governments in their regulations, particularly in the fields of health, safety, building and construction, an

14、d the environment. supporting the Associations objectives through sustaining memberships. The more than 7000 committee volunteers and the 2000 sustaining memberships together fom CSAs total membership from which its Directors are chosen. Sustaining memberships represent a major source of income for

15、CSAs standards development activities. The Association offers certification and testing services in support of and as an extension to its standards development activities. To ensure the integrity of its certification process, the Association regularly and continually audits and inspects products tha

16、t bear the CSA Mark. In addition to its head office and laboratory complex in Etobicoke, CSA has regional branch offices in major centres across Canada and inspection and testing agencies in eight countries. Since 191 9, the Association has developed the necessary expertise to meet its corporate mis

17、sion: CSA is an independent service organization whose mission is to provide an open and effective forum for activities facilitating the exchange of goods and services through the use of standards, certification and related services to meet national and international needs. For further information o

18、n CSA services, write to 178, boulevard Rexdale 178 Rexdale Boulevard Individuals, companies, and associations across Canada indicate their support for CSAs standards development by volunteering their time and skills to CSA Committee work and Pour plus amples renseimements sur les services de la CSA

19、, sadresser A Association canadienne de normalisatinon Canadian Standards Association Etobicoke, Ontario, M9W 1 R3 Canada Le Conseil canadien des nofmes est Iorganisme de coordination du Systhme de normes nationales, une federation dorganismes independants et autonomes qui travaillent au developpeme

20、nt et a Iamelioration de la normalisation volontaire dans Iintkrkt national. Les principaux buts du Conseil sont dencourager et de promouvoir la normalisation volontaire comme moyen damkliorer 18conomie nationale, dameliorer la santk, la skurite et le bien- cet aspect demeure la responsabilite de Io

21、rganisme redacteur de norrnes accrkdite. periodiques ; cest pourquoi il est recommande aux utilisateurs de se procurer Iedition la plus recente de la norme auprhs de Iorganisme qui Ia prbparee. Lapprobation dune norme en tant que Norme nationale du Canada indique quelle est conforme aux methodes et

22、criteres btablis par le Conseil canadien des normes. II est recommande aux personnes qui ont besoin de normes de se servir des Normes nationales du Canada lorsque la chose est possible. Ces norrnes font Iobjet dexamens The Standards Council of Canada is the coordinating body of the National Standard

23、s system, a federation of independent, autonomous organizations working towards the further development and improvement of voluntary standardization in the national interest. The principal objects of the Council are to foster and promote voluntary standardization as a means of advancing the national

24、 economy, benefiting the health, safety, and welfare of the public, assisting and protecting the consumer, facilitating domestic and international trade, and furthering international cooperation in the field of standards. A National Standard of Canada is a standard which has been approved by the Sta

25、ndards Council of Canada and one which reflects a reasonable agreement among the views of a number of capable individuals whose collective interests provide to the greatest practicable extent a balance of representation of producers, users, consumers, and others with relevant interests, as may be ap

26、propriate to the subject in hand. It normally is a standard which is capable of making a significant and timely contribution to the national interest. Approval of a standard as a National Standard of Canada indicates that a standard conforms to the criteria and procedures established by the Standard

27、s Council of Canada. Approval does not refer to the technical content of the standard; this remains the continuing responsibility of the accredited standards-development organization. Those who have a need to apply standards are encouraged to use National Standards of Canada whenever practicable. Th

28、ese standards are subject to periodic review; therefore, users are cautioned to obtain the latest edition from the organization preparing the standard. La responsabilite dapprouver tes Normes nationales du Canada incombe au 0 The responsibility for approving National Standards of Canada rests with t

29、he Conseil canadien des norrnes 0 Standards Council of Canada 45, rue OConnor, Bureau 1200 45 OGonnor Street, Suite 1200 Q Canada Ottawa, Ontario, K1 P 6N7 Les normes nationales du Canada sont publiees en versions franGaise et anglaise. National Sfandards of Canada are published in English and Frenc

30、h. Bien que le but premier vise par cette nurme soit enon specifies compliance tests for the ITU-T Rec. T.8 1 1 ISO/IEC 1091 8- 1 encoding processes; specifies compliance tests for the ITU-T Rec. T.81 1 ISO/IEC 10918-1 decoding processes; specifies a method for constructing application-specific comp

31、liance tests; - gives guidance and examples on how to implement these tests in practice. This Specification specifies normative generic compliance tests for the ITU-T Rec. T.81 I ISO/IEC 10918-1 encoding and decoding processes. These compliance tests are applicable to “stand-alone generic implementa

32、tions of one or more of the encoding and decoding processes specified in ITU-T Rec. T.81 I ISO/IEC 10918-1. Among the purposes of these tests is to ensure that generic encoder (and decoder) implementations compute the discrete cosine transform (DCT) and quantization functions with sufficient accurac

33、y. 2 Normative references The following ITU-T Recommendations and International Standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this Recommendation I International Standard. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All Recommendation

34、s and Standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this Recommendation 1 International Standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the Recommendations and Standards indicated below. Members of IEC and IS0 maintain registers

35、of currently valid International Standards. The Telecommunication Standardization Bureau of the ITU-T maintains a list of the currently valid ITU-T Recommendations. 2. I Additional references - IS0 5807: 1985, Information processing - Documentation symbols and conventions for data, program and syste

36、m flowcharfs, program network charts and system resources charts. 3 Definitions, abbreviations, symbols, and conventions 3.1 Definitions For the purposes of this Specification, the following definitions apply. 3.1.1 3.1.2 (coding) process 1: Coding process with baseline sequential DCT, 8-bit sample

37、precision. (coding) process 2: Coding process with extended sequential DCT, Huffman coding, 8-bit sample precision. 3.1.3 (coding) process 3: Coding process with extended sequential DCT, arithmetic coding, 8-bit sample precision. 3.1.4 (coding) process 4: Coding process with extended sequential DCT,

38、 Huffman coding, 12-bi t sample precision. ITU-T Rec. T.83 (1994 E) 1 ISO/IEC 10918-2 : 1995 (E) 3.1.5 (coding) process 5: Coding process with extended sequential DCT, arithmetic coding, 12-bit sample precision. 3.1.6 (coding) process 6: Coding process with spectral selection only, Huffman coding, 8

39、-bit sample precision. 3.1.7 (coding) process 7: Coding process with spectral selection only, arithmetic coding, 8-bit sample precision. 3.1.8 (coding) process 8: Coding process with spectral selection only, Huffman coding, 12-bit sample precision. 3.1.9 (coding) process 9: Coding process with spect

40、ral selection only, arithmetic coding, 12-bit sample precision. 3.1.10 (coding) process 10: Coding process with full progression, Huffman coding, 8-bit sample precision. 3.1.11 (coding) process 11: Coding process with full progression, arithmetic coding, 8-bit sample precision. 3.1.12 (coding) proce

41、ss 12: Coding process with full progression, Huffman coding, 12-bit sample precision. 3.1.13 (coding) process 13: Coding process with full progression, arithmetic coding, 12-bit sample precision. 3.1.14 (coding) process 14: Coding process with lossless, Huffman coding, 2- through 16-bit sample preci

42、sion. 3.1.15 (coding) process 15: Coding process with lossless, arithmetic coding, 2- through 16-bit sample precision. 3.1.16 in hierarchical mode. (coding) process 16: Coding process with extended sequential DCT, Huffman coding, 8-bit sample precision 3.1.17 in hierarchical mode. (coding) process 1

43、7: Coding process with extended sequential DCT, arithmetic coding, 8-bit sample precision 3.1.18 in hierarchical mode. (coding) process 18: Coding process with extended sequential DCT, Huffman coding, 1Zbit sample precision 3.1.19 precision in hierarchical mode. (coding) process 19: Coding process w

44、ith extended sequential DCT, arithmetic coding, 12-bit sample 3.1.20 hierarchical mode. (coding) process 20: Coding process with spectral selection only, Huffman coding, %bit sample precision in 3.1.21 hierarchical mode. (coding) process 21: Coding process with spectral selection onIy, arithmetic co

45、ding, 8-bit sample precision in 3.1.22 hierarchical mode. (coding) process 22: Coding process with spectral selection only, Huffman coding, 12-bit sample precision in 3.1.23 in hierarchical mode. (coding) process 23: Coding process with spectral selection only, arithmetic coding, 12-bit sample preci

46、sion 3.1.24 hierarchical mode. (coding) process 24: Coding process with full progression, Huffman coding, 8-bit sample precision in 3.1.25 hierarchical mode. (coding) process 25: Coding process with full progression, arithmetic coding, 8-bit sample precision in 3.1.26 hierarchical mode. (coding) pro

47、cess 26: Coding process with full progression, Huffman coding, 12-bit sample precision in 3.1.27 hierarchical mode. (coding) process 27: Coding process with full progression, arithmetic coding, 12-bit sample precision in 3.1.28 hierarchical mode. (coding) process 28: Coding process with lossless, Hu

48、ffman coding, 2- through 16-bit sample precision in 3.1.29 hierarchical mode. (coding) process 29: Coding process with lossless, arithmetic coding, 2- through 16-bit sample precision in 3.1.30 compliance test: The procedures specified in this Specification which determine whether or not an embodimen

49、t of an encoding process, compressed data stream, or decoding process complies with ITU-T Rec. T.81 I ISO/IEC 10918-1. 3.1.31 (Distributed as part of the compliance test data.) compressed image test data (stream): Compressed image data generated to test a particular coding process. 2 ITU-T Rec. T.83 (1994 E) ISODEC 10918-2 : 1995 (E) 3.1.32 coding process. (Distributed as part of the compliance test data.) compressed image validation data (stream): Compressed image data generated for validation of a particular 3.1.33 compressed test data

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