DIN 820-3-2014 Standardization - Part 3 Terms and definitions《标准化 第3部分 术语和定义》.pdf

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1、June 2014DEUTSCHE NORM DIN-Normenausschuss Grundlagen der Normungsarbeit (NAGLN)DIN-SprachendienstEnglish price group 11No part of this translation may be reproduced without prior permission ofDIN Deutsches Institut fr Normung e. V., Berlin. Beuth Verlag GmbH, 10772 Berlin, Germany,has the exclusive

2、 right of sale for German Standards (DIN-Normen).ICS 01.040.01; 01.120!%;3D“2241633www.din.deDDIN 820-3Standardization Part 3: Terms and definitions,English translation of DIN 820-3:2014-06Normungsarbeit Teil 3: Begriffe,Englische bersetzung von DIN 820-3:2014-06Normalisation Partie 3: Termes et dfi

3、nitions,Traduction anglaise de DIN 820-3:2014-06SupersedesDIN 820-3:2010-07www.beuth.deDocument comprises 18 pages03.16 DIN 820-3:2014-06 2 A comma is used as the decimal marker. Contents Page Foreword 3 Introduction .4 1 Scope 5 2 Normative references 5 3 Terms and definitions .5 3.1 Basic terms .5

4、 3.2 Organization .6 3.3 Stages of the standards development process and standardization results 8 3.4 Types of standard according to degree of standardization . 11 3.5 Types of standard according to content 11 3.6 Terms relating to dates 12 3.7 Symbols and numbers . 13 3.8 Forms of adoption 14 Alph

5、abetical index of terms 15 Alphabetical index of terms in DIN EN 45020 . 16 Bibliography . 18 DIN 820-3:2014-06 3 Foreword This standard has been prepared by Working Committee NA 173-00-01 AA Normungsgrundstze (ANG) of the Normenausschuss Grundlagen der Normungsarbeit (Standardization Principles Sta

6、ndards Committee). It supplements DIN EN 45020 with terminology necessary for work within DIN. DIN 820 Standardization consists of the following parts: Part 1: Principles Part 2: Presentation of documents (ISO/IEC Directives Part 2, modified); Trilingual version CEN-CENELEC Internal Regulations Part

7、 3 Part 3: Terms and definitions Part 4: Working procedure Part 11: Presentation of Standards concerning safety regulations which are VDE-Specifications or VDE-Guidelines Part 12: Guidelines for the inclusion of safety aspects in standards (ISO/IEC Guide 51) Part 13: Adoption of European documents o

8、f CEN, CENELEC and of ETSI Presentation of documents Part 15: Implementation of ISO and IEC international documents Presentation of documents Amendments This standard differs from DIN 820-3:2010-07 as follows: a) Clause 1 now also refers to standards and specifications; b) in the German original the

9、 term “Organ des DIN” has been changed to “Normungsorgan des DIN” (the English translation of this term, “body of DIN” or “DIN body”, has not been changed); c) in Clause 2 a new introductory text is used; d) all notes to terms and definitions are now designated as “Note x to entry”; e) in 3.2.12 “No

10、te 1 to entry”: the word “businesses” has been changed to “companies”; f) in 3.2.15 the expression “draft standards and standards” has been changed to “drafts and normative documents”; g) in 3.3.18 a new concept, “instead of notice”, has been added; h) editorial changes have been made to 3.6; i) in

11、3.6.4, Note 2 to entry, the term “ohne Ersatz” in the German original has been changed to “ersatzlos” (the English translation of this term, “without replacement”, has not been changed); j) in 3.6.6, the Note 1 to entry has been changed to reflect the introduction of the new concept in 3.3.18, “inst

12、ead of notice”, and at Note 2 to entry the case where there is no interchangeability for the intended superseding document has been added; k) in 3.6.7 notes have been added regarding the start of the public enquiry period for drafts and for the manuscript procedure; l) the Richtlinie fr Normenaussch

13、sse im DIN (Guidelines for Standards Committees in DIN) has been added to the Bibliography. Previous editions DIN 872: 1947-03 DIN 820-1: 1951-03, 1960-06 DIN EN 45020: 1991-08 DIN 820-3: 1975-03, 1991-08, 1994-04, 1998-07, 2010-07 DIN 820-3:2014-06 4 Introduction The name “DIN Deutsches Institut fr

14、 Normung” is to be translated into the languages included in DIN EN 45020 as follows: English: DIN German Institute for Standardization French: DIN Institut Allemand de Normalisation Russian: (DIN Germanckij Institut po Standartizacii) Spanish: DIN Instituto Alemn de Normalizacin Italian: DIN Istitu

15、to Tedesco di Normazione Dutch: DIN Duits Instituut voor Normalisatie Swedish: DIN Tyska Standardiseringsinstitutet DIN 820-3:2014-06 5 1 Scope The terms defined in this standard apply together with those specified in DIN EN 45020 for work on standards and specifications carried out by the constitue

16、nt bodies of DIN, the German Institute for Standardization (referred to below as “DIN”). Furthermore, it is recommended that these principles also be applied correspondingly for the development of company standards. 2 Normative references The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively

17、 referenced in this document and are indispensable for its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. DIN EN 45020, Standardization and related activities General vocabul

18、ary (ISO/IEC Guide 2); Trilingual version EN 45020 3 Terms and definitions When using the DIN 820 series of standards, the terms defined in DIN EN 45020 and the following apply. 3.1 Basic terms 3.1.1 standardization task task to be solved by means of standardization 3.1.2 content of a standard speci

19、fications within a standard regarding the subject of standardization 3.1.3 standardization activity of establishing, with regard to actual or potential problems, provisions for common and repeated use, aimed at the achievement of the optimum degree of order in a given context Note 1 to entry: In par

20、ticular, this activity consists of the processes of formulating, issuing and implementing standards and specifications (formal and informal standards). Note 2 to entry: Important benefits of standardization are the improvement of the suitability of products, processes and services for their intended

21、 purposes, the prevention of barriers to trade, and the facilitation of technological cooperation Note 3 to entry: This is the current definition of the term “standardization” in DIN EN 45020:2007-03, which does not differentiate between full consensus-based (in German Normung) and non full consensu

22、s-based standardization (in German Standardisierung). standardization (full consensus-based) full consensus standardization formal standardization (de: Normung) systematic unification of material and immaterial subjects carried out by all stakeholders working in consensus for the benefit of

23、society as a whole DIN 820-3:2014-06 6 standardization (not full consensus-based) limited consensus standardization informal standardization (de: Standardisierung) setting of technical rules without the obligation to involve either all stakeholders or the public Note 1 to entry: The German S

24、tandardization Strategy 1 refers to the development of “standards with a limited consensus (specifications)” (“Standards mit eingeschrnktem Konsens (Spezifikationen)” in the German original) as a differentiation from full consensus-based standardization. 3.1.4 standards project specific work item wi

25、thin a standards programme SOURCE: DIN EN 45020:2007-03, 9.1.1 (German original definition modified by adding the term “Normungsvorhaben”) 3.2 Organization 3.2.1 DIN standards committee NA constituent body of DIN that is responsible for standardization within a specific field of technology and knowl

26、edge 3.2.2 steering body body which is responsible for planning, coordination and financing, and which makes policy decisions 3.2.3 steering committee B LA steering body of a standards committee 3.2.4 working body body which carries out technical standards work Note 1 to entry: “Working body” is thu

27、s a generic term for working committee, subcommittee and working group. Note 2 to entry: A “Gemeinschaftsausschuss (GA)” (joint committee) is also understood to be a working body. 3.2.5 working committee of a standards committee AA K working body responsible for standards work within a specific bran

28、ch of a field of technology 3.2.6 subcommittee UA UK working body which a working committee can set up to carry out technical work within a specific area 3.2.7 working group AK working body which can be set up normally by a subcommittee, in some cases by a working committee to work on individual sta

29、ndards projects for a limited period of time DIN 820-3:2014-06 7 3.2.8 section of a standards committee FB several working committees combined for the purposes of coordinating standards work Note 1 to entry: A section can form its own steering body to coordinate work and to relieve the workload of t

30、he steering committee of the standards committee (see the “Guidelines for DIN standards committees”, 10.12 3). 3.2.9 expert external expert specialist authorized to take decisions in standards work by the respective stakeholder(s) Note 1 to entry: Experts are active in standards work without remuner

31、ation by DIN. 3.2.10 DIN staff member salaried person employed by DIN or the organizations supporting the external standards committees to carry out standards work 3.2.11 members of a standards committee committee members MK the entirety of members of all steering bodies, working committees and subc

32、ommittees of a standards committee 3.2.12 sponsor body or person contributing to the financing of a standards committee Note 1 to entry: Sponsors may be companies, associations, public agencies or individual persons, for example. 3.2.13 sponsor group sponsors FK entirety of sponsors Note 1 to entry:

33、 Sponsors who are not individual persons are represented in the sponsor group by authorized persons. 3.2.14 DIN Presidial Committee committee formed by DINs President as support and to carry out specific tasks 3.2.15 Process Quality Monitoring PQ unit within DIN that checks the results of standards

34、work and releases drafts and normative documents for publication and inclusion in the body of German Standards 3.2.16 Project and Document Management PD unit within DIN that monitors the progress of standards work and that is responsible for the exchange of official standardization documents between

35、 DIN and CEN and ISO DIN 820-3:2014-06 8 3.2.17 German Committee of Standards Users in DIN ANP body which promotes the introduction and application of standards, regardless of subject, that provides for an exchange of experience among its members, and that ensures that the experience of standards us

36、ers is taken into consideration by DIN and its subsidiaries 3.2.18 body issuing a standard body responsible for the specifications laid down in a standard Note 1 to entry: For basic standards on the principles of standardization the DIN Presidial Board is the body issuing the standard. Note 2 to ent

37、ry: The body issuing a standard is stated on the title page of that standard. 3.2.19 body co-issuing a standard standards committee that is jointly responsible for a standard but which, as a rule, did not lead its development Note 1 to entry: The body co-issuing a standard is listed under the body i

38、ssuing a standard on the title page of the standard. Note 2 to entry: There can be several bodies co-issuing a standard. 3.2.20 level of standardization level at which standards work is carried out Note 1 to entry: The level of standardization can be national, European or international. 3.2.21 worki

39、ng level level of standardization at which the development of a standards project is led 3.2.22 German mirror activities German mirror activities carried out by a German working body to accompany work on standard projects at European or international level, which essentially comprise the timely prov

40、ision of all necessary information to the German external experts, the drawing up and submission of German comments, and the delegation of external experts at the working level 3.2.23 German mirror body German working body that carries out German mirror activities and, where necessary, German standa

41、rds work 3.3 Stages of the standards development process and standardization results 3.3.1 new work item proposal for standards work request for carrying out a specific standardization task 3.3.2 standards proposal proposal serving as a basis for commencing standards work DIN 820-3:2014-06 9 3.3.3 w

42、orking document document resulting from a new work item proposal for standards work or standards proposal that is used for consultation within a working body and that is not intended for the public 3.3.4 manuscript for the draft standard version of a working document that the working body has adopte

43、d and made ready for printing 3.3.5 manuscript procedure exception from the normal procedure by which a manuscript for the standard can be produced instead of a draft standard 3.3.6 manuscript for the standard version of a standard that the responsible working body has adopted and made ready for pri

44、nting Note 1 to entry: The manuscript for the standard comprises all necessary documents and releases. 3.3.7 German Standard DIN Standard standard developed by DIN, or International Standard or European Standard developed by ISO/IEC and/or CEN/CENELEC, and adopted by DIN, which is published bearing

45、the symbol Note 1 to entry: The reproduction of normative documents is governed by copyright (see DIN 820-1:2013-12, Clause 9). Note 2 to entry: Within the sense of this definition, the words “German Standard” (or “DIN Standard”) are to be capitalized, analogous to the terms “European Standard” and

46、“International Standard”. If, in some contexts, the term “national standard” is used, then these words are not to be capitalized. 3.3.8 DIN Specification DIN SPEC document published by DIN that is the result of limited consensus (informal) standardization (Standardisierung) Note 1 to entry: Dependin

47、g on the development procedure used, DIN SPECs are categorized either as a: DIN SPEC (prestandard) as in DIN 820-4:2014-06, 6.1.2; DIN SPEC (technical report) as in DIN 820-4:2014-06, 6.1.3; DIN SPEC (PAS), developed by a temporary body under the consultation of DIN; DIN SPEC (CWA), developed within

48、 the framework of a CEN/CENELEC Workshop. See also the description on the DIN website www.spec.din.de. Note 2 to entry: The procedural stages and standardization results as in 3.3.1 to 3.3.4, 3.3.6, 3.3.14 to 3.3.16 and DIN EN 45020:2007-03, 9.2, may apply by analogy to the development of DIN Specifications. 3.3.9 body (or collection) of German Standards (or DIN Standards) entirety of all German Standards published by DIN 3.3.10 German standardization standardization within

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