DIN EN ISO 80000-1-2013 Quantities and units - Part 1 General (ISO 80000-1 2009 + Cor 1 2011) German version EN ISO 80000-1 2013《量和单位 第1部分 总则(ISO 80000-1-2009+Cor 1-2011) 德文版本EN IS.pdf

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DIN EN ISO 80000-1-2013 Quantities and units - Part 1 General (ISO 80000-1 2009 + Cor 1 2011) German version EN ISO 80000-1 2013《量和单位 第1部分 总则(ISO 80000-1-2009+Cor 1-2011) 德文版本EN IS.pdf_第1页
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DIN EN ISO 80000-1-2013 Quantities and units - Part 1 General (ISO 80000-1 2009 + Cor 1 2011) German version EN ISO 80000-1 2013《量和单位 第1部分 总则(ISO 80000-1-2009+Cor 1-2011) 德文版本EN IS.pdf_第2页
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DIN EN ISO 80000-1-2013 Quantities and units - Part 1 General (ISO 80000-1 2009 + Cor 1 2011) German version EN ISO 80000-1 2013《量和单位 第1部分 总则(ISO 80000-1-2009+Cor 1-2011) 德文版本EN IS.pdf_第3页
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DIN EN ISO 80000-1-2013 Quantities and units - Part 1 General (ISO 80000-1 2009 + Cor 1 2011) German version EN ISO 80000-1 2013《量和单位 第1部分 总则(ISO 80000-1-2009+Cor 1-2011) 德文版本EN IS.pdf_第4页
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DIN EN ISO 80000-1-2013 Quantities and units - Part 1 General (ISO 80000-1 2009 + Cor 1 2011) German version EN ISO 80000-1 2013《量和单位 第1部分 总则(ISO 80000-1-2009+Cor 1-2011) 德文版本EN IS.pdf_第5页
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1、August 2013 Translation by DIN-Sprachendienst.English price group 20No part of this translation may be reproduced without prior permission ofDIN Deutsches Institut fr Normung e. V., Berlin. Beuth Verlag GmbH, 10772 Berlin, Germany,has the exclusive right of sale for German Standards (DIN-Normen).ICS

2、 01.060!%(“2052788www.din.deDDIN EN ISO 80000-1Quantities and units Part 1: General (ISO 80000-1:2009 + Cor 1:2011);English version EN ISO 80000-1:2013,English translation of DIN EN ISO 80000-1:2013-08Gren und Einheiten Teil 1: Allgemeines (ISO 80000-1:2009 + Cor 1:2011);Englische Fassung EN ISO 800

3、00-1:2013,Englische bersetzung von DIN EN ISO 80000-1:2013-08Grandeurs et units Partie 1: Gnralits (ISO 80000-1:2009 + Cor 1:2011);Version anglaise EN ISO 80000-1:2013,Traduction anglaise de DIN EN ISO 80000-1:2013-08www.beuth.deDocument comprises pagesIn case of doubt, the German-language original

4、shall be considered authoritative.5208.13 DIN EN ISO 80000-1:2013-08 2 A comma is used as the decimal marker. National foreword The text of ISO 80000-1:2009 + Cor 1:2011 has been prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 12 “Quantities and units” (Secretariat: SIS, Sweden) and has been taken over as EN

5、 ISO 80000-1:2013 by the CEN Technical Board (BT). The responsible German body involved in its preparation was the Normenausschuss Technische Grundlagen (Fundamental Technical Standards Committee), Working Committee NA 152-01-01-01 AK Physikalische Gren. ISO 80000 consists of the following parts, un

6、der the general title Quantities and units: Part 1: General Part 2: Mathematical signs and symbols to be used in the natural sciences and technology*) Part 3: Space and time Part 4: Mechanics Part 5: Thermodynamics Part 7: Light Part 8: Acoustics Part 9: Physical chemistry and molecular physics Part

7、 10: Atomic and nuclear physics Part 11: Characteristic numbers Part 12: Solid state physics IEC 80000 consists of the following parts, under the general title Quantities and units: Part 6: Electromagnetism Part 13: Information science and technology Part 14: Telebiometrics related to human physiolo

8、gy The DIN Standards corresponding to the International Standards referred to in the Introduction and in Clause 2 of this document are as follows: ISO 80000-2 DIN EN ISO 80000-2 ISO 80000-9 DIN EN ISO 80000-9 ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 DIN 820-2 ISO/IEC Guide 98-3 DIN V ENV 13005 ISO/IEC Guide 99 In

9、ternationales Wrterbuch der Metrologie IEC 60027-1 DIN EN 60027-1 IEC 60027-2 DIN EN 60027-2 *) In the second edition of ISO 80000-2 this title will be shortened to “Mathematics”. DIN EN ISO 80000-1:2013-08 3 IEC 80000-13 DIN EN 80000-13 BIPM, The International System of Units (SI) Das international

10、e Einheitensystem (SI) Notes to the German version of this standard and on deviations from usage in German-speaking areas Users of this standard should note that the 2006 CODATA values cited here are no longer current and have been replaced by the 2010 values. This German version of the standard cit

11、es the 2010 values. Re 3.1 This definition of “quantity” is deemed to be too broad (see also NOTE 2 to this definition). In the German-speaking area, the corresponding term “Gre” is restricted to ratio-scaled characteristics and differences between interval-scaled characteristics. Thus, in German on

12、e does not speak of “Ordinalgren” (ordinal quantities) and “Nominalgren” (lit. nominal quantities, referred to in the ISO Standard as “nominal properties”) but rather “Ordinalmerkmale” (ordinal characteristics) and “Nominalmerkmale” (nominal characteristics), see also DIN 1313, DIN 55350-12 and DIN

13、ISO 3534-2. According to DIN 1313:1998-12, 3.1 and 11.2, the definition of “Gre” (quantity) is: “Characteristic, such that for any two values of the characteristic a ratio is defined which is a real number.” Re 3.4, NOTE 3 Although the “number of entities” (“Anzahl”) does indeed belong in any system

14、 of quantities, it is not a base quantity as defined in 3.4, also not by agreement. An example of this term is the number of revolutions of a circular wheel defined as the length of the distance covered by a point on the edge of the wheel divided by its circumference, which is a derived quantity wit

15、h the corresponding coherent derived unit expressed in the base unit of one, see BIPM brochure “International System of Units”, 2.2.1, Table 2. See also NOTE 3 to 3.10. This has been correctly translated in this German version. Re 3.8 The German expression “Gre der Dimension Zahl” (literally, “quant

16、ity of dimension number”) reflects the fact that the values of these quantities are (real) numbers. The German expressions “Gre der Dimension Eins” (quantity of dimension one) and “dimensionslose Gre” (dimensionless quantity) are obsolete and should no longer be used. Re 3.9 In the definition the co

17、rrect term “Grenwert(e)” (“value(s) of quantity/ies”) should be used instead of “Gre(n)” (“quantity/ies”). This has been correctly translated in this German version. Re 3.10, NOTE 3 Although the number one, symbol 1, does indeed belong in any coherent system of units, it is not a base unit as define

18、d in 3.10, also not by agreement. This is because examples for the quantity “number” (“Zahl”) are often derived quantities with the coherent derived SI unit of one, see BIPM brochure “International System of Units”, 2.2.1, Table 2. See also NOTE 3 to 3.4. This has been correctly translated in this G

19、erman version. See also 6.5.5. Re 3.16 A German translation of the BIPM brochure “International System of Units” is available for free from the German national metrology institute Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) at http:/www.ptb.de/cms/fileadmin/internet/publikationen/DasInternationaleEi

20、nheitensystem.pdf Re 3.16, NOTE 4 Although the quantity “number (of items)” (“Anzahl”) does indeed belong in any system of quantities, it is not a base quantity as defined in 3.4, also not by agreement. The coherent derived SI unit is one, see BIPM brochure “International System of Units”, 2.2.1, Ta

21、ble 2. See also NOTE 3 to 3.4. This has been correctly translated in this German version. Re 3.26 The definition of “quantity” (“Gre”) here is deemed to be too broad (see also NOTE 2 to 3.1). In the German-speaking area, the corresponding term “Gre” is restricted to ratio-scaled characteristics and

22、differences between interval-scaled characteristics. Thus, in German one does not speak of “Ordinalgren” (ordinal quantities) and “Nominalgren” (lit. nominal quantities, referred to in the ISO Standard as “nominal properties”) but rather “Ordinalmerkmale” (ordinal characteristics) and “Nominalmerkma

23、le” (nominal characteristics), see also DIN 1313, DIN 55350-12 and DIN ISO 3534-2. In this German version, the term “ordinal quantity” has been consistently translated as “Ordinalmerkmal”. Re 3.27 The definition of “quantity” (“Gre”) here is deemed to be too broad (see also NOTE 2 to 3.1). In the Ge

24、rman-speaking area, the corresponding term “Gre” is restricted to ratio-scaled characteristics and differences between interval-scaled characteristics. Thus, in German one does not speak of “Ordinalgren” (ordinal quantities) and “Nominalgren” (lit. nominal quantities, referred to in the ISO Standard

25、 as “nominal DIN EN ISO 80000-1:2013-08 4 properties”) but rather “Ordinalmerkmale” (ordinal characteristics) and “Nominalmerkmale” (nominal characteristics), see also DIN 1313, DIN 55350-12 and DIN ISO 3534-2. However, none of the examples in 3.27 are an example for a true quantity-value scale. For

26、 this reason a correct German translation of the term and definition would be as follows: “geordnete Skala” bzw. “geordnete Menge von Werten von Merkmalen einer Art, die zur Ordnung von Merkmalen dieser Art nach zunehmendem oder abnehmendem Wert verwendet wird”. In this German version the term “quan

27、tity-value scale” has been translated as “geordnete Skala” wherever appropriate. Re 4.3 The first sentence of the third paragraph “It is a matter of choice how many and which quantities are considered to be base quantities” is a direct contradiction to the condition in the definition in 3.4 that “no

28、 quantity in the subset can be expressed in terms of the other quantities within that subset”. Re 6.1 The English expression here “example of a quantity” is an attempt to avoid using the expression “value of a quantity”. This has been correctly translated as “Grenwert” in this German version. See al

29、so the above remark regarding 3.9. Re 6.5.3 The two last sentences are yet another failed attempt to make the coherent derived unit one a base unit. Re Clause 7 According to DIN 1338 formulae and symbols are preferably to be printed using a serif font because such fonts are less potentially confusin

30、g, e.g. in terms of the differences between a small l , a capital I and 1. This also applies to symbols for quantities (italics/sloping) and symbols for units (roman/upright). Thus the current rule for DIN and ISO Standards that all upright symbols be set in Arial makes it impossible to distinguish

31、between the symbol for an imaginary part (Im) and that for the lumen (lm), for which reason this rule should be abolished. Re 7.1.3 Writing a product in the form without any spaces ( ba ) is against the rule set down in DIN 1338, according to which the factors of a product are to have at least one s

32、pace (of a defined length) between them. According to DIN 1338 and German school curricula, the multiplication sign (cross) is only to be used to indicate vector products and formats (such as paper sizes), but not for the multiplication of scalar quantities such as numbers. In Germany, the dot as a

33、multiplication sign is to be used for indicating the multiplication of scalar quantities. See also NOTE 1 to 7.1.3. In this German version, the dot is used throughout as a multiplication sign for scalar quantities, except in 7.1.3 and 7.3.3. According to DIN 1302:1999-12, Annex A, Re 4.11: In German

34、y, in mathematics lessons in schools, for the general public, and when indicating proportions and ratios, the colon “:” is also to indicate division. The colon is also used in division when giving the remainder in the form rqnm Rest: Re 7.1.3, penultimate paragraph with EXAMPLE 4 and 7.1.4, EXAMPLE

35、2 The requirement that quantities are not to be written out as words or abbreviations in equations, as in VolumenMasseDichte , is completely unacceptable because such a form is urgently needed for general explanations, particularly in schools and training centres. Therefore, in DIN 5477:1983-02, 1.1

36、, examples and in the example to 1.2 four equations give the quantities as words, e.g. %1313,0esNettopreis des BetrageuerMehrwertst der BetrageuersatzMehrwertst Re 7.2.2 NOTE This note says that a compound unit formed by multiplication may be written without a space; this is a direct contradiction t

37、o DIN 1301-1 and DIN 1338, according to which the factors of a product may not be written without a space, as in ab . Re 7.2.4 In German the name of the product of two units is formed by joining the two words to form one word, either without a space or with a hyphen, see also DIN 1301-1. DIN EN ISO

38、80000-1:2013-08 5 In individual cases, the power of two can be expressed by the prefix “Quadrat-” (e.g. “Quadratmeter” for “Meter zum Quadrat”, or square metre). There is no German equivalent for the English term “cubed”. In German the term “Kubikmeter” is often used for “Meter hoch drei” (cubic met

39、re). Re 7.2.5 In German the names of all quantities and units are capitalized because they are nouns (e.g. “Lnge”, “Meter”, “Kraft”, “Newton”). Re 7.3.2 In the German-speaking area the comma is used as a decimal sign, also in accordance with the ISO/IEC Directives. Re 7.3.3 According to DIN 1338 and

40、 German school curricula, the multiplication sign (cross) is only to be used to indicate vector products and formats (such as paper sizes), but not for the multiplication of scalar quantities such as numbers. In Germany, the dot as a multiplication sign is to be used for indicating the multiplicatio

41、n of scalar quantities. See also NOTE 1 to 7.1.3. In this German version, the dot is used throughout as a multiplication sign for scalar quantities, except in 7.1.3 and 7.3.3. Re 7.3.4 The term “rounding range” has been translated with the German equivalent of the internationally used term “place va

42、lue”, i.e. “Rundestellenwert”, see DIN 1333:1992-02, 10.1.5 NOTE. Re A.3.3, Example 3 The German equivalent of the English term “refractive index” used here is “Brechzahl” and not “Brechungsindex” (as has been erroneously translated here). Re Annex B The term “rounding range” has been translated wit

43、h the German equivalent of the internationally used term “place value”, i.e. “Rundestellenwert”, see DIN 1333:1992-02, 10.1.5 NOTE. Re B.3 In the German-speaking area, Rule B is given priority (it is also known as “kaufmnnisches Runden”). However, the use of Rule A is not recommended, see DIN 1333:1

44、992-02, 4.5.1 and Notes. Re C.2 The statement “when it acts on a linear system” is unnecessary and confusing. The English text “For sinusoidal time-varying root-power quantities, the root-mean square value is the argument of the logarithm” is not only incorrectly worded (the argument of the logarith

45、m is a ratio), but also only true in exceptional cases. DIN EN ISO 80000-1:2013-08 6 National Annex NA (informative) Bibliography DIN 820-2, Standardization Part 2: Presentation of documents (ISO/IEC Directives Part 2) DIN 1301-1, Units Part 1: Unit names, unit symbols DIN 1313, Quantities DIN 1338,

46、 Writing and typesetting of formulae DIN ISO 55350-12, Concepts in the field of quality and statistics Part 12: concepts relating to characteristics DIN EN 60027-1, Letter symbols to be used in electrical technology Part 1: General DIN EN 60027-2, Letter symbols to be used in electrical technology P

47、art 2: Telecommunications and electronics DIN EN 60027-3, Letter symbols to be used in electrical technology Part 3: Logarithmic and related quantities, and their units DIN EN 80000-13, Quantities and units Part 13: Information science and technology DIN EN ISO 80000-2, Quantities and units Part 2:

48、Mathematical signs and symbols to be used in the natural sciences and technology DIN EN ISO 80000-9, Quantities and units Part 9: Physical chemistry and molecular physics DIN ISO 3534-2*), Statistics Vocabulary and symbols Part 2: Applied statistics DIN V ENV 13005, Guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement International System of Units (SI)*)International vocabulary of metrology Basic and general concepts and associate

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