ECA 520AAAE-1988 Detail Specification for Switch Pushbutton Square or Rectangular Mounting Illuminated or Non-Illuminated 3 A《照明和非照明、直角或矩形安装、按钮开关的详细规范》.pdf

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ECA 520AAAE-1988 Detail Specification for Switch Pushbutton Square or Rectangular Mounting Illuminated or Non-Illuminated 3 A《照明和非照明、直角或矩形安装、按钮开关的详细规范》.pdf_第1页
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ECA 520AAAE-1988 Detail Specification for Switch Pushbutton Square or Rectangular Mounting Illuminated or Non-Illuminated 3 A《照明和非照明、直角或矩形安装、按钮开关的详细规范》.pdf_第2页
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ECA 520AAAE-1988 Detail Specification for Switch Pushbutton Square or Rectangular Mounting Illuminated or Non-Illuminated 3 A《照明和非照明、直角或矩形安装、按钮开关的详细规范》.pdf_第3页
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ECA 520AAAE-1988 Detail Specification for Switch Pushbutton Square or Rectangular Mounting Illuminated or Non-Illuminated 3 A《照明和非照明、直角或矩形安装、按钮开关的详细规范》.pdf_第4页
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ECA 520AAAE-1988 Detail Specification for Switch Pushbutton Square or Rectangular Mounting Illuminated or Non-Illuminated 3 A《照明和非照明、直角或矩形安装、按钮开关的详细规范》.pdf_第5页
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1、w 4 a a O Lv ln I w a - EIA SPE C I F KAT IO N Detail Specification for Switch, Pushbutton, Square or Rectangular Mounting, Illuminated ar Non-Iltuminated, 3 A - hh EIA 520AAAE 88 m 3234600 O073294 I m v 4 ANSI/ EIA- 52 OAAAE-19 88 APPROVED: September 15, 1988 e O O EIA-52OAAAE DECEMBER 1988 ELECTRO

2、NIC INDUSTRIES ASSOCIATION ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT EIA 520AAAE 88 3234600 0073295 3 NOTICE EPA Engineering Standards and Publications are designed to serve the public interest through eliminating misunderstandings between manufacturers and purchasers, facilitating interchangeability and improvement o

3、f products, and assisting the purchaser in selecting and obtaining with minimum delay the proper product for his particular need. Existence of such Standards and Publications shall not in any respect preclude any member or non-member of EIA from manufacturing or selling products not conforming to su

4、ch Standards and Publications, nor shall the existence of such Standards and Publications preclude their voluntary use by those other than EIA members, whether the standard is to be used either domestically or internationally. Recommended Standards and Publications are adopted by EPA without regard

5、to whether or not their adoption may involve patents on articles, materials, OF processes. By auch action, EIA does not assume any liability to any patent owner, nor does it assume any obligation whatever to parties adopting the Recommended Standard or Publication. This Specification does not purpor

6、t to address all safety problems associated with its use or all applicable regulatory requirements. It is the responsibility of the user of this Standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and to determine the applicability of regulatory limitations before its use. Copyright 1989 P

7、ublished by ELECTRONIC INDUSTRIES WSSBCXATIBN Engineering Department 1722 Eye Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20006 All rights reserved Printed in U.S.A. PRICE: $10.00 EIA 520AAAE 88 M 3234b00 007329b 5 W EIA-520AAAE Page 1 National Standards Organization Electronic Industries Association 2001 Eye Str

8、eet Washinaton. D.C. 20006 Generic Specification Number Eloetronla cornonontr of arrorsod quallty In aaaordanco nlth EIA-5200000 I I I I 4 1892 - MAX -745 Detail Specification Number EIA-520AAAE Blank Detail Specification Number EIA-520AA00 Product Description - pushbutton switch - square or rectang

9、ular mountins - illuminated or non-lllumlnatec - 3 amperes, 250 VAC max. - 1, 2, or 4 poles - maintained or momentary actloi - 3 types of displays - 8 colors - incandescent or LED displays - solder or PC terminals - logic load ratlngs Electrical Circuit Form C - single break, double throw typical Co

10、nstruction p I ast ic hous i ng plastlc display meta I mount i ng c I lps Appiiqation Electronic control circuits or power circults In electrical and e I ectron ic equ i pment - InformatIan on tho avall.blllty of componontr quallflod to tRlr rpoclflcatlon Ir glvon In tho Oualltlod Ptoductr Lirt. EIA

11、 520AAAE 88 3234600 0073297 7 m EIA- 5 20- Page 2 The complete rquirmmts fori: %he s3itches deibd herein shall. consist of this detail 14g6ificat.i and the current issues of Em-5200000 EIA-52QMOO o (From Standards Proposal No. 2032, formulated under the cognizance of the P-13.3 Subcommittee on Non-S

12、ensitive Pushbutton and Keyboard Switches.) 1.1 1 .% EIA 520AAAE 88 3234600 0073298 9 I EIA-520AAAE Page 3 Example of !Qpe Designation: EIA520AAAE1FA2AGDW; EIA5: ACGDFG T T 5 T- red top display green bottcnn display I- dead front display horizontally split rectangular display silver contacts, moment

13、ary, 2 pole solder terminals no lamp installed rectangular housing with one incandescent lamp circuit number of this detail specification e KYJE: THE TYPE DESIGNATION EXCEEDS 15 DIGITS. DEPAfzTMEKT OF DEFENSE USERS ARE CAUTIONED To CHECK THE USEABILITY OF THESE NMBERS IN THEIR APPLICATION IN ACCORDA

14、NCE WITH DOD PQICIES. TABU3 I - CODE NMBER FOR TYPE DESIGNATION DESCRIFTION Configuration (switch housing): square - non-illuminated square - one-lamp circuit * square - one LED 1- rectangular - non-illuminated rectangular - one lamp circuit * rectangular - two lamp circuits * * accepts “i 3/4 wedge

15、 base lamps aODE 1B 1c 2c 1E U? 1G EIA 520AAAE 88 3234600 0073297 O EIA- 5 2 OM Page 4 DESCR IPTI ON Lamps - for incandescent or non-lighted displays: no lamp instal led for LEB displays: red - *v - 5v - 1Q V - 15 v - 24 v Yell-rt - * v - 5v - 10 v - 15 v - 24 V Green - * V - 5v - 10 v - 15 v - 24 v

16、 * Refer to Appendix A for external control circu1-f Terminal style - Switching circults - solder or quick connect per Fig. 2 printed circuit per Fig. 2 silver contacts - momentary, 1 pole - momentary, 2 pole - momentary, 4 pole - alt. action, 1 gole - alt. action, 2 pole - alt. action, 4 pole gold

17、contacts - momentary, 1 pole - momenfary, 2 pole - momenfary, 4 pole - alt. action, 1 pole - ait. EICtiOR, 2 pie - alt. action, 4 pole COD E B C D E F H J K L M R S = W X 2 3 M AC CC AB AB CD BA I36 DC BE3 BD DD Display configuration - for switch only (no butfon), omit remaining codes X - square, Pu

18、l I screen C - rectangular, ful I screen F -rectangular, split horizontally G - for LEB displays, square, ful I screen A - for Incandescent or non-l ighted displays: Display type - transmitted color dead front 3 projected calor * * do not use with non-lighted displays T B P I EIA 520AAAE 88 W 3234b0

19、0 0073300 3 W EIA- 5 20AAAE Page 5 COD E DESCR I PT I ON - Display colors - full color or top color bottom color (display G only) red R Red R ye1 low Y ye1 low Y green G green G blue 3 blue 8 white w wh ite w b I ack K* b I ack K* gray G* gray G* * for non-i ighted displays only. 1.3 Marking The mar

20、king of the switch and package shal I be in accordance with the requirements of Subclause 2.5 of EIA-5200000. The switches shall be marked with the fol lowing information: a) the terminals for the switching circuits shall be identified as fol lows: C = common terminal NC = normally closed terminals

21、NO = normally open terminals b) EIA part number c) manufacturers name d) date code per RS-476. I .4 Order ing Information Orders for switches covered by this specif ication shal I contain the fol lowing information as a minimum: a) the appl icable part number per subclause 1.2. b) EI.4 520AAAi3, dat

22、ed . NOTE : 1. The T1 3/4 wedge base incandescent lamps are not supplled. 2. The button may be furnished disassembled from the switch. 1.5 Certified Records of Released Lot - not reauired I .6 Safety Cons iderat ions The user shall conslder the suitability of the switch with regard to any safety req

23、uirements applicable to the equipment. EIA 520AAAE 88 = 3234b00 0073303 5 EIA-520AAAE Page 6 1.7 Ccmmon Features I PLASTIC HOUSING METAL MOUNTING CLIPS PLASTIC BUTTON W I. - Dhensionz Parameters The mounting dimensions and switch dimensions shall be in accordance with Figure 1. The terminal dhension

24、s shail be in accordance with Figure 2. Ihe button dimensiom shdl be in accordance with Figure 3. me coniguration of the switch md the tends is optional within the specified dimmiom. The original dimensions are in inches. EIA 520AAAE 88 3234600 0073302 7 = NON-ILLUMINATE D OR 4.83 - - INCANDESCENT L

25、AMP DISPLAY 1.52t0.25 .o60 I.010 EIA-520- Page 7 I 19.05 20.13 ,7502.005 RECOMMENDED PANEL LXT-OUT SEE NOTE (5 1 - MAX f .34 I_ D 4 -4 - .74352 MAX A ,B C D, 2032 + O .38 15.24 + 0.25 19.05 + 0.13 18.92 Mpx ( .8OO .015) (.600 T - .010) (.750 - .005) ( .745 m) ssuare Rectangular 30.48 + 0.38 25-15 +

26、0.38 28.98 + 0.13 28.85 Mpx (.990 T .015) - (1.141-+ . 005) (1.136 MAX) - (1.20 7 - .O151 - “ES: (Applicable to Figures I and II) Dimensions are denoted as follows: 0.0 = mn Metric dimensions are based upon 1.0 inch = 25.4 millimeters. Rounding (inch to millimeter) of tolerances: 0.00 = inches Deriv

27、ed Millimeter Tolerances Roinided to the Nearest: Inch Tolerance Ranq e + .O0016 to + .O016 + .O016 to T .O16 T .O16 - to 7 - .16 - 0.001 (3 decimal places) 0.01 (2 places) 0.1 (1 ecirral place) Tolerances on all dimensions are - + .O31 inch (+ - .79 mn) unless otherwise specified. The reca

28、mnended panel thickness is 1.52 mn (.O60 inch) minimum to 4.75 mn (.1W inch) maximum. FIGURE 1 - SWITCH DIMENSIONS EIA 520AAAE 88 3234600 0073303 9 = EIA- 5 2 OM Page 8 nnect terminals which accept 2.8 mm (.110 inch) series Female connectors per IEC 760. -+ L O.838 MAX y- .o33 * 7.62 0.76 .xKi+ .O30

29、 0.838 LW .O33 Type 3 - printed circuit terminals on 2.54 mm (.lo0 inch) centers per IEC 97. FIGURE 2 - TERMINAL DIMENSIONS +.“OF Display configuration A Square - LED button Display configuration C Square - full screen Display configuration F Rectangular - full screen Display configuration G Rectang

30、ular - split horizontally FIGURE 3 - BUTTON DIMENSIONS EIA 520AAAE 8 3234600 .9 Rat i ngs and Character I st fcs 0073304 O M EIA-520AAAE Page 9 .9.1 Ratlngs Alt Itude Electrical - (sliver contacts) - loglc leve - low level Flammabillty Fluid resistance Fungus reslstance Iclng Molsture Reslstance Ran

31、dom v I brat ion Sait spray Sand and dust Seal lng Shock Temper ature Thermal Shock Vlbration 1.9.2 Characterlst Ics (gold contacts) Actuator grounding Altltude voltage proof Capacitance Chromat Ic i ty Contact bounce EM1 shleldlng Endurance - electrical - atmospherlc condltlons - loglc level - low

32、level - mechan I mmers i on Insu I at Ion Lamp clrcu Mass cal - hlgh/low temp n cleaning solvents reslstance t reslstance sea level 250 Vac, 2 amperes (75% power factor 1 125 Vac, 3 amperes (75% power factor 1 24 Vdc, 2 amperes (reslstlve 125 Vdc, 100 mA (resistive) 5 Vdc, 10 mA (resistive) .5 Vdc,

33、1 mA (reslstlve) not appl icable app I icab I e not appl icab I e not app I icab I e not appl icable app I icab I e not appl icab I e 96 hours not appl Icab I e not app I icab I e 50 GIs, 11 ms, half-sine 0% to 55% -40% to 65OC 10 GIs, 10-500 cps not app I cab I e not appl icabl e not appl cab I e S

34、ee Table I I for incandescent d Isp I ays not appl kable not applicable 25,000 cycles for silver con tacts 50,000 for gold contacts not appl icable 100,000 cycles not app I icab I e 1 O00 megohms m i n I mum 1.0 ohm maxlmum for Incandescent lamp clrcuits 33 grams maxlmum - - - EIA 520AAAE 88 3234600

35、 0073305 2 W EIA-520AAAE Page 10 Operat i ng character I st ics - total button travel - momentary - al ternate act on - alternate action force Over I oad Resistance to soldering heat Robustness of - actuator - mount lng bushing - screw mounting - termlnat ion Solderability Stray I lghts Sun1 ight re

36、adabi I ity Switch resistance - specified current - si Iver contacts - gold contacts Temperature rise Trancm i ttancy Vo i tage proof 5.08 2 0.51 mm (.200 - + ,020 inch) 4.83 2 0.51 mrn (.190 - + ,020 inch) 9.0 newtons (36 ounces) maximum force to achieve locklng action appl icable for si Iver conta

37、cts only appl icable 4.5 kilograms (10 pounds) no+ appl leab I e not app I icab I e 2 kilograms (4.4 pounds). The direction of pull shall be parallel Po the long axis of the Perminal only. app I Ica$ I e app I icab I e not appi icab I Q 0.1 ohm maximum initially, 1% maximum of resistance of the rate

38、d load after electrical endurance e 0.050 ohm maximum initially, 1% maximum of resistance of rated I og ic I oad dur 1 ng endurance 30% max. See Table I I I for incandescent d 1 sp I ays 1000 volts . EIA 520AAAE BA m 3234600 O073306 4 m EIA-520AAAE Page 11 TABLE II: CHKMATICITY LIMITS J?OR ILUIMINAT

39、JD INCANDESCENT DISPLAY J) Color Blue Green Red White s, Yellow color blue gr- red white Q yeaw Chranaticiiy Coordhites Projected Color Transmitted Color nxn “Y “XR 275 -525 .325 -275 -450 * 250 o 200 425 .250 .200 -525 -325 415 0495 .290 0375 450 .255 .300 -525 O180 0355 0585 0180 -695 0285 -695 71

40、0 -290 -710 -655 -320 655 -660 .340 -660 550 .395 o 475 -530 0435 0475 460 o 435 530 .460 9385 o 545 0580 400 o580 0590 .410 .590 515 450 515 .525 0475 -525 “Y “ o 475 0475 400 .400 .610 .525 .610 -695 0285 0290 .320 .340 o 435 9395 o 435 .395 400 -410 450 0475 Hidden Coloi: nxn nyn -275 .475 -225 .

41、475 0200 0400 ,275 -350 .275 .650 .195 -595 .325 -500 -375 -550 -695 .285 -710 .290 -655 .320 -660 -340 -510 -395 -530 -435 -460 -435 -460 .395 -580 -400 -590 -410 -515 -450 -525 -475 1; Measured at 2200 kelvins. 2. Illuminated chromaticiw limits shall be established by the spectroradianetric method

42、 for incandescent lamps. TABLE III: TRANSM- FOR IUUMINATED 1“DESCEXC DISWS minimum average foot lamberts square display l rectanqular display 21 dead dead proj sted transmitted front projected transmitted front 11 7 2 32 15 2 22 11 2 60 26 4 19 15 3 68 51 11 58 43 12 146 159 41 52 62 13 142 193 49 i

43、l one lamp 2 two lamps EIA 520AAAE 88 3234600 0073307 b W EIA- 520M Page 12 2. Instxction Requirenents 2.1 Qualification Approval inspection requirments shall k in accordance with Table IV. 2.2 Quality Conformance Inspection rquii-ments are prescribed in Table V for lot-by-lot inspections and Table

44、V for periodic inspection. For visual examination, the clarification of major and minor defects shall be in accordance with Table VI herein. EIA 52CIAAAE 88 m 3234600 O073308 8 m EIA-520AAAF: Page 13 C,RCX.JP A Visual examination Dimensions MaSS Functional operation Switch resistance Insulation resi

45、stance Voltage Proof Operating characteristics GRWP B (for silver contact Solderability Strength of terminations Strength of actuator Overload Electrical endurance Switch resistance Temperature rise Voltage proof Operating characteristics 1-1 1-2 1-4 1-5 2-2 2-5 3-1 1-6 switches) 11-1 6-4 6-1 9-1 8-

46、1 2-3 4-1 3-1 1-6 d) GEECUP El (for gold contact switches) Solderability 11-1 Strength of terminations 6-4 Strength of actuator 6-1 Logic loads 8-4 Voltage proof 3-1 Operating characteristics 1-6 GEECUP C Thermal shock 10-2 Vibration 5-3 Shock 5-2 Humidity 10-1 Operating characteristics 1-6 Voltage

47、proof 3 -1 GRCXTP E Mechanical endurance 7-1 Operating characteristics 1-6 GEECUP F Sait spray GEECUP J Flarmnability e 10-4 16-1 TEST WLES i11 Dl i31 t.s. - 24 2 4 24 12 4 16 24 ill 2 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 Dl 2 4 4 6 6 6 i3 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 i3 1 4 4 3 1 4 i41 i41 t. a. - O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O

48、O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O god. O O O O O O O. EIA 520AAAE 3234600 O073309 T EIA- 520- Page 14 TABLE IV: QUALIFICATION APPROVAL INSPECTION TESTS - GROUP SUBMISSION TEST TEST P.S. - TEST METHOD AN) GROUP NO e SAMPLES GROUP K Chromat ic 1 ty Transmittancy GROUP M Stray i ights KEY: t.s. = mln t.d.

49、= max g.d. = max NOTE S : c53 18-1 34 18-2 68 663 18-5 2 t,a. 1 O O mum quantity OP test specimens mum permlssibie number of defective units per Pest mum permlssible number of defective units per group. cJ Overload Electrical endurance Temperature ise Voltage prod GKUP C (every 36 months) Thermai shock Vibration Shock Humidity Operating Characteristics Voltage Proof TJET “D“ or “ND“ - m. 1-1 ND 1-5 ND 3-1 ND 1-6 M) TEST SAMPL= Il 1-2 1-4 2-5 11-1 6-4 6 -1. 8-1 LI 9-1 8-1 4-1 3-1 21 10-2 5-3 5-2 10-1 1-6 3-1 II II II EI t.


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