1、 18132011 EN 1813:1997Textile floor coverings Determination of wool fibre integrity usingabrasion machine(IDT) 27 2002 . 184- , 1.02004 . 1 198 , - - ( ),- , 42 3 12 2011 . 271-4 1813:1997 - . (EN 1813:1997Textile floor coverings Determination of wool fibre integrity using abrasion machine). - , 5 ,
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3、Machine-made textile floor coverings Selection and cutting of specimens forphysicaltest)3 () , , , . , . . , , .4 4.1 , , -,1.1 18132011 1 (156 c177 3) 1 645 2 11000 2(25,4 c177 0,2) (5,4 c177 0,1) /21 : BTTG. Wira house. West Park Ring Road. Leeds LS 16 6QL, UK.2 .4.2 ()4.2.1 , ( ), , 2. 2 (150 c17
4、7 10) (23,3 c177 1) ( )(260 c177 10) (118 c177 5) /21 : PE 280 Typ 478: Loukertex PO Box 161 Warrington WA1 2SU.U.2 () - .4.3 - 3. 3 : (750 c177 50) /2(2,5 c177 0,3) 1 :Pmf , . 2500 mL= 2 (mimf 2,5), (2) mf 2,5 2500 , .8.2 5000 , .9 :) ;b) , , ();) ;d) ;) , , 5000 .3 18132011 () .1 139:2005 IDT 1392007 1957:2000 * . . - . - :- IDT . 677.04.001.4:006.354 59.080.60 29 : , , , , 18132011 . . . . 11.03.2013. 02.04.2013. 60 c180 8418. . . . 0,93. .-. . 0,55. 76 . . 351. , 123995 , ., 4.www.gostinfo.ru infogostinfo.ru . . , 105062 , ., 6.