IMO 734B-1973 Space Requirements for Special Trade Passenger Ships 1973.pdf

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1、 .- Space Requirements for Special Trade Passenger Ships, 1973 Final Act of the Conference with attachments including the text of the adopted Protocol Confrence internationale de 1973 sur les emmnagements bord des navires passagers qui effectuemt des transports spciaux Acte final de la Confrence ave

2、c documents joints comprenant le texte du Protocole adopt IMO/OMI London/Londres First published h 1973 by the INTERNATIONAL MARITIME ORGANIZATION 4 Albert Embankment, London SEI 7SR Printed by the International Maritime Organization, London 4 6 8 i0 9 7 5 3 ISBN 92-801-0022-X Sales number: IMO-734B

3、 Copyright 0 IMO 1973 NOTE: The name of the Organization as it appears in this publication was changed to “International Maritime Organization” by virtue of amendments to the Organizations Convention which entered into force on 22 May 1982. NOTE : Le nom de lorganisation utilis dans la prsente publi

4、cation est devenu Organisation maritime internationale) en vertu des amendements la Convention portant cration de lOrganisation qui sont entrs en vigueur le 22 mai 1982. Space Requirements for Special Trade Passenger Ships, 1973 Confrence internationale de 1973 sur les emmnagements bord des navires

5、passagers qui effectuent des transports spciaux INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SPACE REQUIREMENTS FOR SPECIAL TRADE PASSENGER SHIPS. 1973 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 4 Final Act of the Conference . Attachment 1 . Protocol on Space Requirements for Special Trade Passenger Ships. 1973 . 13 Annex . Special Tra

6、de Passenger Ships (Space Requirements) Rules. 1973 . 18 . Part I . General 18 Part II 20 . Space Requirements . Part III . Existing Ships . 24 Part IV . International Health Regulations . 26 Appendix I . Table of Space 27 Appendix II . Form of Certificate (Special Trade Passenger Ship Space Certifi

7、cate) 28 Attachment 2 . Resolutions 30 List of Persons attending the Conference . 52 Conference Secretariat 56 2 CONFERENCE INTERNATIONALE DE 1973 SUR LES EMMENAGEMENTS A BORD DES NAVIRES A PASSAGERS QUI EFFECTUENT DES TRANSPORTS SPECIAUX TABLE DES MATIERES Page 6 Acte final de la Confrence . Docume

8、nt 1 - Protocole de 1973 sur les emmnagements bord des navires passagers qui effectuent des transports spciaux . 32 Annexe - Rglement de 1973 sur les emmnagements bord des navires passagers qui effectuent des transports spciaux. . 37 Premire partie - Gnralits . 37 Partie II - Prescriptions en matire

9、 demmnagements 39 Partie III - Navires existants . 44 Partie IV - Rglement sanitaire international. 45 Appendice I - Tableau des espaces 46 Appendice II - Modle de certificat (Certificat dhabitabilit pour navire passagers qui effectue des transports spciaux) . 47 Document 2 - Rsolutions. . 49 Liste

10、des personnes prsentes la Confrence. . 52 Secrtariat de la Confrence . 57 3 FINAL ACT OF THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SPACE REQUIREMENTS FOR SPECIAL TRADE PASSENGER SHIPS, 1973 1. The International Conference on Special Trade Passenger Ships, held in September/October 197 1, adopted inter alia a

11、Resolution requesting the inter- Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization to convene a conference as early as possible in order to formulate technical Rules covering the safety aspects of the disposition of passengers on special trade passenger ships. 2. The Seventh Assembly of the Organizati

12、on endorsed the outcome of the Conference including this Resolution and in the latter respect included in the work programme of the Organization for 1973 a provision for a conference for this purpose. 3. The Conference took place at the Headquarters of the Organization, London, from 9 to 13 July 197

13、3. 4. The Governments of the following countries were represented at the Conference by delegations: Australia France Greece India Indonesia Liberia Malagasy Republic Norway EWPt Pakistan Panama Philippines Saudi Arabia Singapore Sweden United Kingdom of Great Britain United States of America and Nor

14、thern Ireland 5. The Governments of the following countries were represented at the Conference by Observers: Germany, Federal Republic of Hong Kong At the invitation of the 1971 Conference and of the Assembly, the following World Health Organization (WHO) 6. Specialized Agency sent representatives t

15、o the Conference: 7. The following non-governmental Organization was represented at the Conference by an Observer: Intemational Association of Classification Societies (IACS) 8. The Conference elected Mr. S.V. Bhave (India) as President of the Conference. 9. H.E. Sheikh Faisal Al-Shehail (Saudi Arab

16、ia) was elected first Vice-president of the Conference, and Miss M.L. Villamin (Philippines) was elected second Vice- President. 4 10. Credentials Committee The Conference established the following Committee: Chairman: Mr. W.B. Nicholson (Australia) 11. Mr. Colin Goad, Secretary-General of the Organ

17、ization, acted as Secretary- General of the Conference and Mr. J. Quguiner, Deputy Secretary-General of the Organization, acted as Deputy Secretary-General of the Conference. Captain A. Saveliev, Secretary of the Maritime Safety Committee, was appointed Executive Secretary of the Conference. 12. The

18、 Conference used as a basis for its deliberations the draft text of Rules of Space Requirements for Special Trade Passenger Ships, 1973, prepared by the Preparatory Meeting at its session 20 to 24 November 1972 at the Headquarters of the Organization. Comments and observations submitted by Governmen

19、ts, including suggested revisions of the dr.aft text, were also considered by the Conference. 13. As a result of its deliberations, the Conference prepared and opened for signature and accession the Protocol on Space Requirements for Special Trade Passenger Ships, 1973. 14. The Conference also adopt

20、ed two Resolutions arising from its deliberations. These Resolutions relate to: (1) Implementation of the Protocol on Space Requirements for Special Trade Passenger Ships, 1973; (2) Annex V to the International Health Regulations (1969). 15. The text of this Final Act, being a single original in the

21、 English, French, Russian and Spanish languages, together with the attached texts of the Protocol on Space Requirements for Special Trade Passenger Ships, 1973 and the Resolutions of the Conference, which are in English and French, shall be deposited with the Inter- Governmental Maritime Consultativ

22、e Organization. Official translations of the attached Protocol and Resolutions shall be prepared in the Russian and Spanish languages and shall be deposited together with this Final Act. The Secretary- General of the Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization shall send a certified copy o

23、f this Final Act and, when they have been prepared, certified copies of the official translation of the Protocol and Resolutions to each of the Governments invited to send representatives to this Conference. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned have affixed their signatures to this Final Act. DONE AT

24、LONDON this thirteenth day of July, 1973. 5 ACTE FINAL DE LA CONFERENCE INTERNATIONALE DE 1973 SUR LES EMMENAGEMENTS A BORD DES NAVIRES A PASSAGERS QUI EFFECTUENT DES TRANSPORTS SPECIAUX 1. La Confrence internationale de 1971 sur les navires passagers qui effectuent des transports spciaux, qui sest

25、tenue en septembre et octobre 1971, a adopt notamment une rsolution demandant lorganisation intergouvernementale consultative de la navigation maritime de convoquer, ds que possible, une confrence charge dlaborer des rgles techniques sur les questions de scurit lies aux emmnagements pour passagers b

26、ord des navires passagers qui effectuent des transports spciaux. 2. A sa septime session, lAssemble de lorganisation a approuv les rsultats de la Confrence, y compris la rsolution susvise et, eu gard cette dernire, elle a dcid dinscrire une confrence approprie au programme de travail de lorganisa- t

27、ion pour 1973. 3. Londres. La Confrence sest tenue du 9 au 13 juillet 1973 au sige de lorganisation, 4. des dlgations : Les Gouvernements des pays suivants taient reprsents la Confrence par Arabie Saoudite Australie EuPte Etats-Unis dAmrique France Grce Inde Indonsie Libria Norvge Pakistan Panama Ph

28、ilippines Rpublique malgache Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne Singapour Sude et dIrlande du Nord 5. des observateurs : Les Gouvernements des pays suivants taient reprsents la Confrence par Allemagne (Rpublique fdrale d) Hong-Kong 6. Sur linvitation de la Confrence de 1971 et de lAssemble, linstitution

29、 spcialise suivante avait envoy des reprsentants la Confrence : Organisation mondiale de la sant (OMS) Lorganisation non gouvernementale suivante tait reprsente la Conf- Association internationale des socits de classification (IACS) La Confrence a lu M. S.V. Bhave (Inde) prsident de la Confrence. 7.

30、 rence par un observateur : 8. 6 9. Le cheik Faisal Ai-Shehaii (Arabie Saoudite) a t lu premier vice-prsident de la Confrence et Mlle M. L. Villamin (Philippines) a t lue second vice- prsident. 10. Commission de vrification des pouvoirs La Confrence a constitu la Commission ci-aprs : Prsident : M. W

31、.B. Nicholson (Australie) 11. M. Colin Goad, Secrtaire gnral de lorganisation, a exerc les fonctions de secrtaire gnral de la Confrence et M. J. Quguiner, Secrtaire gnral adjoint de IOrganisation, celles de secrtaire gnral adjoint de la Confrence. M. A. Saveliev, Secrtaire du Comit de la scurit mari

32、time, a t nomm secrtaire excutif de la Confrence. 12. La Confrence a pris pour base de ses travaux le projet de Rglement de 1973 sur les emmnagements bord des navires passagers qui effectuent des transports spciaux, tabli par la runion prparatoire qui sest tenue du 20 au 24 novembre 1972 au sige de

33、lorganisation. La Confrence a galement examin les commentaires et observations, y compris les propositions de modification du projet de texte, qui avaient t prsents par les gouvernements. 13. A la suite de ses dlibrations, la Confrence a tabli et ouvert la signature et ladhsion le Protocole de 1973

34、sur les emmnagements bord des navires ?i passagers qui effectuent des transports spciaux. 14. tions. Ces rsolutions portent sur les questions suivantes : La Confrence a galement adopt deux rsolutions dcoulant de ses dlibra- 1) Mise en oeuvre du Protocole de 1973 sur les emmnagements bord des navires

35、 passagers qui effectuent des transports spciaux; 2) Annexe V au Rglement sanitaire international (1969). 15. Le textedu prsent Acte final, tabli en un seul exemplaire original dans les langues anglaise, franaise, russe et espagnole, auquel sont joints le texte du Proto- cole de 1973 sur les emmnage

36、ments bord des navires passagers qui effectuent des transports spciaux et le texte des rsolutions de la Confrence, en langues anglaise et franaise, est dpos auprs de lorganisation intergouvernementale consultative de la navigation maritime. Les traductions officielles du Protocole et des rsolutions

37、ci-joints seront tablies en langues russe et espagnole et seront dposes avec le prsent Acte final. Le Secrtaire gnral de lorganisation inter- gouvernementale consultative de la navigation maritime adressera une copie certifie conforme du prsent Acte final et, lorsquelles auront t tablies, des copies

38、 certifies conformes des traductions officielles du Protocole et des rsolutions chacun des gouvernements invits se faire reprsenter la Confrence. EN 1:OI DE QUOI les soussigns ont appos leurs signatures au bas du prsent Acte final. FAIT A LONDRES, le treize juillet 1973. fiesident fisident S. V. BHA

39、VE Secretary-General of the Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization Secrtaire gnral de lorganisation intergouvernementale consultative de la navigation maritime Deputy Secretary-Gneral of the Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization Secrtaire gnral adjoint de 1 Organisatio

40、n intergouvernementale consultative de la navigation maritime J. QUEGUINER Executive Secretary of the Conference Secrtaire excutif de la Confrence A. SAVELIEV 8 For the Government of the Commonwealth of Australia Pour le Gouvernement du Commonwealth dAustralie W. B. NICHOLSON For the Government of t

41、he Arab Republic of Egypt Pour le Gouvernement de la Rpublique arabe dEgypte MAHMOUD A. EL SAMMAK M. FAWZI For the Government of the French Republic Pour le Gouvernement de la Rpublique franaise M. JACQUIER For the Government of the Hellenic Republic Pour le Gouvernement de la Rpublique hellnique A.

42、 CHRONOPOULOS For the Government of the Republic of India Pour le Gouvernement de la Rpublique de 1Inde S. V. BHAVE M. S. PATEL S. BANNERJEE 9 For the Government of the Republic of Indonesia Pour le Gouvernement de la Rpublique dIndonsie C. B. TAURAN For the Government of the Republic of Liberia Pou

43、r le Gouvernement de la Rpublique du Libria D. J. F. BRUCE C. W. BIRCH R. P. HARRISON For the Government of the Malagasy Republic Pour le Gouvernement de la Rpublique malgache R RAOELINA R. RAMBAHlNl ARlSON For the Government of the Kingdom of Norway Pour le Gouvernement du Royaume de Norvge E. VEST

44、I For the Government of Pakistan Pour le Gouvernement du Pakistan M. A. GHAFFAR S. A. H. KAZMI 10 For the Government of the Republic of Panama Pour le Gouvernement de la Rpublique du Panama A. BISSOT Jr. For the Government of the Republic of the Philippines Pour le Gouvernement de la Rpublique des P

45、hilippines MARIA LUISA VILLAMIN For the Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Pour le Gouvernement du Royaume de lArabie Saoudite F. SHEHAIL M. A. K. LODI For the Government of Singapore Pour le Gouvernement de Singapour SEAH HARK LOY For the Government of the Kingdom of Sweden Pour le Gouvernem

46、ent du Royaume de Sude LENNARD BORG 11 For the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Pour le Gouvernement du Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et Northern Ireland dIrlande du Nord A. C. MANSON J. CLAYTON J. HERRON P. STOCKDALE D. P. WHITTON For the Government of the United States of Ame

47、rica Pour le Gouvernement des Etats-Unis dAmrique L. W. GODDU Jr. DALE E. McDANIEL 12 ATTACHMENT PROTOCOL ON SPACE REQUIREMENTS FOR SPECIAL TRADE PASSENGER SHIPS, 1973 The Governments parties to the present Protocol; BEING Contracting Governments to the International Convention for the Safety of Lif

48、e at Sea, 1960, and to the Special Trade Passenger Ships Agreement, 1971; CONSIDERING that the requirements of Chapters II and III of. the said Con- vention could be modified in the case of passenger ships registered in their countries and engaged in the carriage of large numbers of unbertlied passengers in special trades, such, for example, as the pilgrim trade; RECOGNIZING the need to formulate general rules in relation to the space requirements of passengers on special trade passenger ships which should be comple

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