1、GENERAL SECRETARIAT INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATION UNION Subject: Erratum (English only) Geneva, 17 September 1999 Recommendation ITU-T Q.704 (07196) TELECOMMUNICATION STANDARDIZATION SECTOR OF ITU ITU-T Recommendation Q.704 (07/96) Signalling network functions and messages Please replace the exist
2、ing Figure 30lQ.704 (sheet 6 of 6) by the following Figure 30/Q.704 (sheet 6 of 6). Union internationale des tlcommunications Place des Nations 121 1 GENVE 20 Suisse - Switzerland - Suiza STD-ITU-T RECMN Q-704 ERRATA-ENGL Mark remote BSNT retrieved L999 48b2591 Obb745b 272 Cancel remote BSNT retriev
3、ed Buffer messages for affected signalling link Retrieve L3 +L2 signalling links, if any, whether unavailable was loaded Alternative Signalling link routing data available TSRC +TCOC ANo Retrieval 63 45 t;“ Wait 05 i dependent function ! retrievable link available L2 +L3 ackno, I “, k 8 I Alternative routing data request L I TCOC jSSRC / Figure 30/Q.704 (sheet 6 de 6) - Signalling traffic management; changeover control (TCOC)