ITU-T U 81-1996 International Telex Store-and-Forward - Delivery to a Telex Subscriber - Series U Telegraph Switching Telex Store and Foreward《国际用户电报存储转发投递到用户电报用户-系列V 电报交换用户电报的储存与转.pdf

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ITU-T U 81-1996 International Telex Store-and-Forward - Delivery to a Telex Subscriber - Series U Telegraph Switching Telex Store and Foreward《国际用户电报存储转发投递到用户电报用户-系列V 电报交换用户电报的储存与转.pdf_第1页
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ITU-T U 81-1996 International Telex Store-and-Forward - Delivery to a Telex Subscriber - Series U Telegraph Switching Telex Store and Foreward《国际用户电报存储转发投递到用户电报用户-系列V 电报交换用户电报的储存与转.pdf_第2页
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ITU-T U 81-1996 International Telex Store-and-Forward - Delivery to a Telex Subscriber - Series U Telegraph Switching Telex Store and Foreward《国际用户电报存储转发投递到用户电报用户-系列V 电报交换用户电报的储存与转.pdf_第3页
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ITU-T U 81-1996 International Telex Store-and-Forward - Delivery to a Telex Subscriber - Series U Telegraph Switching Telex Store and Foreward《国际用户电报存储转发投递到用户电报用户-系列V 电报交换用户电报的储存与转.pdf_第4页
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ITU-T U 81-1996 International Telex Store-and-Forward - Delivery to a Telex Subscriber - Series U Telegraph Switching Telex Store and Foreward《国际用户电报存储转发投递到用户电报用户-系列V 电报交换用户电报的储存与转.pdf_第5页
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1、 STD-ITU-T RECMN U-81-ENGL 179b 48b257L Ob3b775 8b7 INTERNATIONAL TE LECOMM U N KATION UN ION ITU=T TELECOMMUNICATION STANDARDIZATION SECTOR OF ITU SERIES U: TELEGRAPH SWITCHING Telex store and forward U.81 (1 0196) International telex store-and-forward - Delivery to a telex subscriber ITU-T Recomme

2、ndation U.81 (Previously CCITT Recommendation) ITU-T U-SERIES RECOMMENDATIONS TELEGRAPH SWITCHING General Specific signalling schemes and interworking between signalling systems Signalling over radio and multiplexed channels Gentex signalling Particular signalling facilities Radiotelex interworking

3、Interworking between new information services and telex u. 1 -u. 1 o U.ll-U.19 U.20-U.29 U.30-U.39 U.40-U.59 U.60-U.69 U.70-U.79 Telex U.80-U.99 Intex service Definitions The international telex service U. 100-U. 139 U. 140-U. 199 U.200-U.299 Forfirther details, please refer to ITU-T List of Recomme

4、ndations. FOREWORD The ITU-T (Telecommunication Standardization Sector) is a permanent organ of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). The ITU-T is responsible for studying technical, operating and tariff questions and issuing Recommendations on them with a view to standardizing telecommun

5、ications on a worldwide basis. The World Telecommunication Standardization Conference (WTSC), which meets every four years, establishes the topics for study by the ITU-T Study Groups which, in their turn, produce Recommendations on these topics. The approval of Recommendations by the Members of the

6、ITU-T is covered by the procedure laid down in WTSC Resolution No. 1 (Helsinki, March 1-12, 1993). ITU-T Recommendation U.81 was revised by ITU-T Study Group 1 (1993-1996) and was approved by the WTSC (Geneva, 9- 18 October 1996). NOTE In this Recommendation, the expression “Administration” is used

7、for conciseness to indicate both a telecommunication administration and a recognized operating agency. O ITU 1997 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permis

8、sion in writing from the ITU. Recommendation U.81 (10/96) 1 CONTENTS Page 1 Scope . 1 3 Telex message forwarding procedures 2 4 Notification procedures . 5 5 Delivery re-attempt procedures . 8 2 Definitions . 2 11 Recommendation U.81 (10/96) Recommendation U.81 INTERNATIONAL TELEX STORE-AND-FORWARD

9、- DELIVERY TO A TELEX SUBSCRIBER (Malaga-Torremolinos, 1984; amended in Melbourne. 1988, in Helsinki, i993 and in Geneva, 1996) The ITU-T, considering (a) (b) (cl that telex store and forward units exist and are being introduced increasingly into national networks; that delivery procedures differ si

10、gnificantly between different units; that a standard delivery procedure would be desirable for international working, unanimously declares the view that the international telex delivery procedure described in this Recommendation should be adopted for all future telex store and forward units. 1 Scope

11、 1.1 Unit (SFU). 1.2 1.2.1 Message forwarding procedure 1.2.2 Delivery re-attempt 1.2.3 Notification procedure 1.3 telex SFU. 1.4 The procedures should apply to all classes of message delivery. 1.5 The priority and time of message delivery should be the responsibility of the telex SFU that has accep

12、ted the input niessage for delivery. In the case of international interworking between telex SFUs, the priority and time of message delivery may be controlled by the originating or destination SFU, subject to bilateral agreement between the Administrations concerned. 1.6 are: This Recommendation out

13、lines procedures for the delivery of international telex messages by a Store and Forward The Recommendation comprises the following: The procedures detailed in this Recommendation spec the minimum requirement that should be provided by the This Recommendation is one of a series which defines telex s

14、tore and forward services. These Recommendations ITU-T Recommendation F.72 (1996), The international telex service - General principles and operational aspects of a store and forward facility. ITU-T Recommendation U.80 (1993), International telex store and forward access from a telex subscriber. ITU

15、-T Recommendation U.8 1 (1996), International telex store-and-forivard - Delivery to a felex subscriber. - - - Throughout this Recommendation, the term “telex” should be interpreted as referring exclusively to “the international telex service” as described in Recommendations F.59 and F.60. Recommend

16、ation U.81 (10/96) I STD-ITU-T RECMN U-81-ENGL L77b = 48b2591 Ob3b780 124 2 Definitions This Recommendation defines the following terms: 2.1 subscriber to a destination telex subscriber over an international telex network. delivery of messages: Applies to the forwarding of messages input into a tele

17、x SFU by an originating telex 2.2 subscriber over an international telex circuit. notification: Applies to the forwarding of an advice of deliveryhon-delivery of a message to the originating telex 3 Telex message forwarding procedures 3.1 The sequence of the message forwarding procedure components a

18、re illustrated in Figures 1 and 2. 3.2 The components of message forwarding procedures are as follows. 3.2.1 Call set-up Call Set-up is the establishment of a connection by an SFU over the telex network up to and including the receipt of the call connect signal. In the event of an unsuccessful call

19、Set-up attempt, action shall be taken in accordance with clause 5. 3.2.2 Called subscriber answerback validation answerback of the called subscriber, if supplied by the originating telex subscriber. To ensure security of delivery, the answerback of the called subscriber should be compared wi

20、th the anticipated The evaluation procedure is given in Recommendation U.75. 3.2.3 Store-and-forward unit identification The telex SFU identification shall comprise the following: - the service code CI; - the characters SFU; - the TNIC of the parent network containing the SFU, in acc

21、ordance with Recommendation F.69; and on a new line, the date and time of transmission optional). - Each element shall be separated by a space character (combination No. 30). The coding of the complete sequence shall be as follows: t = -1 CI + SFU -+ t = While the datehime information is opt

22、ional, the closing carriage return and line feed sequence is mandatory. 3.2.4 Message identification The telex SFU should transmit to the called subscriber a message identification sequence comprising: a) the message reference as allocated and advised to the originating subscriber at the time of inp

23、ut of the telex message for onward delivery; the date and time of message input as issued to the originating telex subscriber in accordance with Recommendation U.80 followed by carriage return and line feed. b) 2 Recommendation U.81 (10196) STD-ITU-T RECMN U-81-ENGL 199b 48b257L Ub3b78L Ob0 Set-up C

24、alled subscriber answerback taken Telex SFU identification Message identification Answerback of originating telex subscriber Message I Called subscriber answerback taken No I Answerback of originating telex subscriber Call clearing sequence Ineffective 1 cai1 , I Call clearing sequence I I Delivery

25、re-attempt No Notification proced Ure Figure 4 T0901270-04/d01 See Figure 1AJ.81- Telex message forwarding procedure Recommendation U.81 (10/96) 3 STD-ITU-T RECMN U-81-ENGL L97b 48b259L Ob36782 TT7 Telex SFU Called subscriber r Message identification Answerback of originating telex subscriber Messag

26、e text ONRU) b Note 2 b Called subscriber answerback 1 . Answerback of orginating telex subscriber I Call clear TO1 05050-96/402 NOTE 1 - Optional answerback capture if not available from Step 1. NOTE 2 -See 3.2.5. Figure 2RJ.81- Sequence of events for telex message forwarding procedure 3.2.5 The te

27、lex SFU shall transmit to the called telex subscriber the answerback of the originating telex subscriber as received at the time of message deposit where this has been found to conform to Recommendation F.60. Otherwise, the telex SFU shall attach to the answerback of the originating telex subscriber

28、 the telex address as determined at the time of message deposit in accordance with Recommendation U.80. These two fields shall be separated by the character (combination No. 24 in figures case), as follows: Answerback of originating telex subscriber TRANS A LSAl23123456 3.2.6 Message text me

29、ssage in the format in which it was originated by the calling subscriber. The telex SFU should transmit to the called subscriber any message header information together with the stored The EOM/EOT separators and WRU signal shall not be transmitted. If any signal is received on the ba

30、ckward path during the message text delivery, transmission of the message text shall be stopped for 2 seconds. If during that time further signals or a clearing condition is received, the call shall be cleared and the message delivery deemed unsuccessful, and action taken in accordance with 5.4. If

31、no further signals are seen on the backward path during that time, transmission of the message text shall be resumed. 3.2.7 Called subscriber answerback comparison delivery. The answerback of the called subscriber shall be taken and compared with that received at the start of message

32、 In the event of a mismatch of answerbacks, the answerback of the called subscriber shall be taken once again, and if there is a match with that received at the start of message delivery, the delivery of the message shall be deemed successful. If there is a second mismatch, the delivery of the messa

33、ge shall be considered as unsuccessful, and further delivery attempts shall be made in accordance with 5.4. 3.2.8 Answerback of originating telex subscriber The answerback of the originating telex subscriber shall then be sent to the called subscriber. 4 Recommendation U.81 (10196) - STD-ITU-T RECMN

34、 U-BL-ENGL L99b 48b2591 Ob3b783 933 3.2.9 Call clearing sequence The SFU should clear the call using normal telex clearing procedures. 4 Notification procedures 4.1 General 4.1.1 address validation. The advice of non-delivery shall be provided. It should preferably include the list of addresses reje

35、cted at the time of 4.1.2 Administrations concerned. 4.1.3 originator for a pre-defined period of at least 72 hours. 4.1.4 This Recommendation assumes that notification will be returned on a “per message” basis. The provision of a periodic (e.g. daily) notification or journal shall be considered an

36、acceptable form of notification. For a typical acceptable journal format, see Figure 3. 4.2 The advice of delivery over an international telex circuit may be provided subject to bilateral agreement between the Information concerning deliveyhon-delivery of messages should be stored and kept available

37、 for enquiries from the Notification of message deliveryhon-delivery may be on a “per message” or “per address” basis. The sequence of notification forwarding procedure components are illustrated in Figures 4 and 5. Cfi 4210002 UIT CH CI SFU CH TO: 421000 UIT CH HERE IS YOUR JOURNAL FOR 09 APR 1992

38、REF 12345 12987 36365 36365 36365 36365 41696 89635 89777 89900 2345 1 CALLED 08027 1666 051261848 07222500 0230652464 02105827847 423635 07514899 090522222 023232323 02105566412 FAX 33173701660 ANS WERBACK 7 1666 HKTEL HX 261 848 THQPH G KDD TOKYO J22500 TRANS A LSA CDN MARCO MTL 423635 HERTZ CH 14

39、899 CWI HQ PS 232323 RCAEX UR TOD I005 1043 1240 1240 2045 -AB W 1633 -ABS 1731 -DER 1010 DURATION 3.1 2.1 I .8 I .9 1.8 CANCELLED 6.0 PENDING 1.6 CANCELLED 3.0 TOTAL MINS TOD I992 04 10 0401 SFU CH CE 421 0002 UIT CIi 21.3 Figure 3/U.81 - Typical journal format Recommendation U.81 (10/96) 5 STD-ITU

40、-T RECMN U-BL-ENGL L97b D LiBb259L Ob3b784 87T D Call Set-up 4 I Originating subscriber answerback taken 1 I Telex SFU answerback Telex SFU identification Message identification Notification message I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I _L_1 I See I I I I I iiiiiiiii-iiiiii-iiiiiiiI subscriber ans

41、werback taken No I Telex SFU answerback Call clearing sequence /111 Ineffective Call clearing sequence I Report to manual assistance Figure 4AJ.81 -Notification procedure 6 Recommendation U.81 (10/96) STD. ITU-T 5 6 7 Telex SFU i I Cali Set-up Message identification Notification message (WRU signal)

42、 b b RECMN U-BI-ENGL 8 Originating subscriber I Originating subscriber answerback Telex SFU answerback 4 2 I (WRU signai) 7 1 Originating subscriber answerback 3 Telex SFU answerback 4 Telex SFU identification NOTE - Optional answerback capture if not available from Step 1. 7b = Figure YU.81 -Sequen

43、ce of events for notification procedure 4.3 The components of notification forwarding procedure are as follows. 4.3.1 Call set-up The call Set-up should be in accordance with 3.2.1. 4.3.2 Originating subscriber answerback validation compared with the answerback taken from the subscriber at t

44、he time of message input. To ensure security of delivery of the notification, the answerback of the originating telex subscriber is taken and The evaluation procedure is given in Recommendation U.75. 4.3.3 The answerback of the telex SFU shall be transmitted to the called subscriber. Store a

45、nd forward unit answerback 4.3.4 Store and forward unit identification The telex SFU identification shall be transmitted as per 3.2.3. 4.3.5 Message identification The telex SFU shall transmit to the called subscriber the message identification sequence issued at the time of input of the message. Th

46、e format of the message identification should be in accordance with 3.2.4. 4.3.6 Notification message The notification advice may comprise for each applicable address of a single or multi-address message the following: (See Figure 6 for example of suggested format.) Recommendation U.81 (10/96) 7 STD

47、-ITU-T RECMN U.8L-ENGL 199b 48b2571 Ob3b7b b42 Example of Delivery Advice 5519751 DELIVERED 18:OO Example of Non-Delivery 551975 I NOT DELIVERED 19751 MIPEN DK 19751 MIPEN DK OIM 20s 1975 1 MIPEN DK occ 4 NOTE -Only used if incorrect answerback is reason for non-delivery. Address - Expected AiB Advi

48、ce - Received A/B Time of Delivery - Duration Address - Expected NB Advice - Received A/B (See Note) Reason -No. of Attempts. Figure 6lU.81 Non-delivery advice - Selection information (telex address). - - Notification, Le. “NOT DELIVERED. - Received answerback (if applicable). - Reason for n

49、on-delivery. - Number of attempts. Expected answerback (as provided at message input). Delivery advice - Selection information (telex address). - - Notification, .e. “DELIVERED”. - Received answerback. - - Duration of call. Expected answerback (as provided at message input). Date and time of delivery. 4.3.7 Called subscriber answerback validation Answerback comparison of the called subscriber shall be in accordance with 3.2.7. 4.3.8 Telex SFU answerback The answerback of the SFU shall be transmitted to the called subscriber. 4.3.9 Call clear The calli


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