KS C IEC 60118-9-2001 Hearing aids-Part 9:Methods of measurement of characteristics of hearing aids with bone vibrator output《助听器 第9部分 骨振子输出助听器特性测量方法》.pdf

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KS C IEC 60118-9-2001 Hearing aids-Part 9:Methods of measurement of characteristics of hearing aids with bone vibrator output《助听器 第9部分 骨振子输出助听器特性测量方法》.pdf_第1页
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KS C IEC 60118-9-2001 Hearing aids-Part 9:Methods of measurement of characteristics of hearing aids with bone vibrator output《助听器 第9部分 骨振子输出助听器特性测量方法》.pdf_第2页
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KS C IEC 60118-9-2001 Hearing aids-Part 9:Methods of measurement of characteristics of hearing aids with bone vibrator output《助听器 第9部分 骨振子输出助听器特性测量方法》.pdf_第3页
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KS C IEC 60118-9-2001 Hearing aids-Part 9:Methods of measurement of characteristics of hearing aids with bone vibrator output《助听器 第9部分 骨振子输出助听器特性测量方法》.pdf_第4页
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KS C IEC 60118-9-2001 Hearing aids-Part 9:Methods of measurement of characteristics of hearing aids with bone vibrator output《助听器 第9部分 骨振子输出助听器特性测量方法》.pdf_第5页
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1、 KSKSKSKS SKSKSKS KSKSKS SKSKS KSKS SKS KS 2001 12 31 KS C IEC 60118 99: KS C IEC 60118 9: 2001 (2006 ) ICS 17.140.50 KS 9: C IEC 60118 9: 2001(2006 ) Hearing aidsPart 9:Methods of measurement of characteristics of hearing aids with bone vibrator output 1985 1 IEC 60118 9, Hearing aids Part 9: Metho

2、ds of measurement of characteristics of hearing aids with bone vibrator output . “ ” . IEC 60118 0: (0: ) . . . SPL SPL . , SPL , . IEC 60373 2 ( ) / . IEC 60118 0 . ( , ) , , . . IEC 60373 2 . 1. . 2. . . , . 3. 3.1 20Pa . SPL . C IEC 60118 9: 2001 2 3.2 IEC . 60068: 60118 0(1983): 1: 60118 7(1983)

3、: 7: 60263(1982): 60373( ): 4. IEC 60118 0 . 4.1 4.2 . 4.3 (force level) 1N r.m.s 20 4.4 (OFL) 4.5 (force level curve) SPL (OFL) 4.6 90 dB SPL (OFL90) 90 dB SPL (OFL) 4.7 , 4.8 4.9 Acoustomechanical sensitivity level(AMSL) 10 ( ) 20 (20 log10), dB (AMSL) . AMSL OFL INPUT SPL OFL: 1N SPL 20Pa . 4.10

4、1 600 Hz 60 dB SPL OFL90 151 dB OFL 2 500 Hz . 2 500 Hz . . 4.11 60 dB SPL OFL 5. 5.1 (OFL) OFL . 5.1.1 IEC 60373 2 . 1N20PaC IEC 60118 9: 2001 3 5.1.2 , , OFL 10 dB . 200 Hz . 5.1.3 3 0.5 dB . 1. . . 2. . . 5.1.4 0.5 dB . 5.1.5 IEC 60373 2 . , 1 . 5.2 IEC 60118 0, 60118 7 6. 6.1 IEC 60118 0, 60118

5、7 , . 6.2 6.2.1 , . : 231( ) 235 (231 ) : 40 % 80 % : 101.3520+kPa IEC 60068 6.2.2 231 5 . , . . . . 24 . 6.3 6.3.1 . IEC 60118 0 6 . . 6.3.2 . IEC 60118 7 7.2 . , . A.1 . C IEC 60118 9: 2001 4 , . 6.4 6.4.1 . . A.1 A.3 . A.2 . A.4 . 6.4.2 2.50.3 N . . IEC 60373 2 . , . 7. 200 5 000 Hz 10 dB . 7.1 9

6、0 dB SPL OFL (OFL90) 90 dB SPL OFL . . 7.1.1 . 7.1.2 SPL 90 dB . 7.1.3 SPL 90 dB 200 5 000 Hz OFL . . . (5.1.3 ). 7.2 . OFL SPL . . 7.2.1 . . 7.2.2 SPL 60 dB 50 dB . SPL . 10 dB SPL 101 dB OFL , 200 5 000 Hz . , , . 7.2.3 OFL SPL 200 5 000 Hz . C IEC 60118 9: 2001 5 7.2.4 . 7.3 . 7.3.1 (4.10 ), . .

7、7.3.2 SPL 60 dB 200 5 000 Hz . OFL . 7.4 . . 7.4.1 7.3.1 . 7.4.2 SPL 60 dB 200 5 000 Hz . 7.4.3 7.4.2 . 7.4.4 OFL . 7.5 . SPL 60 dB . . a) 5 % b) 50 /I (I: mA) c) 20 5 000 Hz 1 3 8 000F . . 7.6 IEC 60118 0 . 7.7 IEC 60118 0 . 7.8 IEC 60118 1 . 8. 50 dB 10 dB IEC 60263 . C IEC 60118 9: 2001 6 A A.1 A.2 C IEC 60118 9: 2001 7 A.3 A.4 A.3 A.4 . KS C IEC 60118 9: 2001 Hearing aidsPart 9:Methods of measurement of characteristics of hearing aids with bone vibrator outputICS 17.140.50 : : 2006 10 31 : 2001 12 31 2006-0596 : : ( ) KSKSKSSKSKS KSKS SKS KSKS SKSKS KSKSKS

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