1、 KSKSKSKSKSKSKSK KSKSKS KSKSK KSKS KSK KS KS M ISO 1133 1 (MFR) (MVR) 1: KS M ISO 1133 1:2012 2012 11 30 http:/www.kats.go.krKS M ISO 1133 1:2012 : ( ) ( ) SREAP ( ) : (http:/www.standard.go.kr) : :2002 11 30 :2012 11 30 2012-0749 : : ( 02-509-7270) (http:/www.kats.go.kr). 10 5 , . KS M ISO 1133 1:2
2、012 i ii 1 1 2 2 3 .2 4 3 5 3 5.1 3 5.2 7 6 .9 6.1 10 6.2 .10 7 , 10 7.1 10 7.2 11 7.3 .12 8 A: .12 8.1 .12 8.2 .12 8.3 12 8.4 .12 8.5 14 9 B: .15 9.1 .15 9.2 .15 9.3 15 9.4 .15 9.5 .16 9.6 16 10 (flow rate ratio) 17 11 18 12 .18 A( ) MFR MVR 20 B( ) 21 C( ) 22 D( ) MFR MVR .25 26 KS M ISO 1133 1:20
3、12 ii 2011 1 ISO 1133 1, Plastics Determination of the melt mass-flow rate (MFR) and melt volume-flow rate(MVR) of thermoplastics Part 1: Standard method , . KS M ISO 1133 1:2012 (MFR) (MVR) 1: Plastics Determination of the melt mass-flow rate(MFR) and melt volume-flow rate(MVR) of thermoplastics Pa
4、rt 1: Standard method , . . . 1 (MFR) (MVR) . A , B (displacement) . , . A . (filler) . , MFR MVR , . (chain scission), (cross-linking) , . , . , ISO 1133 2 . (rates of shear) . . . KS M ISO 1133 1:2012 2 2 . . ( ) . KS B ISO 4287, (GPS) , ISO 1133 2, Plastics Determination of the melt mass-flow rat
5、e(MFR) and melt volume-flow rate(MVR) of thermoplastics Part 2: Method for materials sensitive to time-temperature history and/or moisture ISO 6507 1, Metallic materials Vickers hardness test Part 1: Test method 3 . 3.1 (melt mass-flow rate, MFR) , , (plastometer) , . . MFR g/10 min . SI dg/min , 1
6、g/10 min 1 dg/min . 3.2 (melt volume-flow rate, MVR) , , (plastometer) , . . MVR cm3/10 min . 3.3 (load) , . kg . 3.4 (preformed compacted charge) (compressed charge) , . 3.5 - (time-temperature history) KS M ISO 1133 1:2012 3 3.6 (standard die) 8.000 mm (bore diameter) 2.095 mm 3.7 (half size die)
7、4.000 mm 1.050 mm 3.8 (moisture-sensitive plastics) , (amorphous) (semi-crystalline) , . 4 (MFR) (MVR) , . ( A), (timed segments) g/10 min . ( B), cm3/10 min . , MVR MFR , . . , (ambient pressure) . 5 5.1 5.1.1 . 1 . , . . 5.1.2 115 180 mm , (9.5500.007) mm , (5.1.6 ). KS M ISO 1133 1:2012 4 . (Vick
8、ers hardness) 500(HV 5 HV 100) (ISO 6507 1 ), (surface roughness) Ra( ) 0.25 m (KS B ISO 4287 ). 1 , 450 . 4 cm2 , Al2O3, . . 2 , , . , , . 5.1.3 . (6.350.10) mm . (9.4740.007) mm . ( mm , . , 9.0 mm ( 2 ). , . , . . , 2 (300.2) mm , 20 mm , . (8.4 9.5 ). (stud) , . . , , . 5.1.4 , (101) m
9、m (701) mm , 2 . , (platinum-resistance) KS M ISO 1133 1:2012 5 . , , (in-melt) (7.1 ). 0.1 . 1 2 3 4 (reference mark) 5 6 7 8 9 (retaining plate) 10 11 12 1 , 1 : mm , A 6.350.10 , B 9.4740.007 , C 9.0 , R M ISO 1133 1:2012 6 a . 2 2 , a , T (101) mmb (101) mm(701) mmb125T 250 1.0c2.0 2
10、50T 300 1.0c2.5 300T 1.0 3.0 a . , 25 . b 4 mm (5.1.5 ), 4 mm . c 300 , 10 mm 1 . 5.1.5 . , - , , . (8.0000.025) mm . 2.095 mm 0.005 mm , . 500(HV 5HV 100) (ISO 6507 1 ), Ra( ) 0.25 m (KS B ISO 4287 ). /- (go/no-go) . . /- . KS M ISO 1133 1:2012 7 , . (chipped) . . , . ( 1 ), . MFR 75 g/10 min MVR 7
11、5 cm3/10 min , (4.0000.025) mm (1.0500.005) mm . 8.000 mm (spacer) . 8.000 mm 2.095 mm . MFR MVR , . 5.1.6 2- (bubble level), . . (spirit level) (dummy piston) . 5.1.7 , 0.5 % , . , , (load cell) (pneumatic) . 5.2 5.2.1 (packing rod) , . (7.2 ) / - (go/no-go gauge) ( ) , (- )
12、 KS M ISO 1133 1:2012 8 . - . ( , ). (immersion) (light-gauge probe-type) . (101) mm . 2 MVR/MFR . , 1.6 mm (hot junction) (sheath) . , (9.40.1) mm (bronze tip) . , (sensing point) (101) mm . (701) mm, (501) mm, (301) mm, (101) mm (rod) . (9.40.1) mm . (die plug) , / , , 25 m
13、m . , , , , ( C ). . 5.2.2 A (8. ) . (spatula) KS M ISO 1133 1:2012 9 (blade) . 1 % . 240 . MFR 5 g/10 min 240 . , 2.4 . , . MFR 10 g/10 min . 1 , 0.01 . 10 g/10 min MFR . , 0.5 % . 1 mg . 5.2.3 B (9. ): / , ( 3 ). 3 MFR (g/10 min) MVR (cm3/10 min)a mm 0.1 1.0 0.02 0.
14、1 1.0 100 0.1 0.1 100 0.1 0.01 a MFR MVR , MFR 100 g/10 min MVR 100 cm3/10 min . MFR1 g/10 min MVR1 cm3/10 min MFR 1 g/10 min MVR 1 cm3/10 min . , 0.5 % . , 0.5 % . 6 KS M ISO 1133 1:2012 10 6.1 , , , . , (pellets) ( C ). . . 6.2 , . 7 , 7.1 7.1.1 (5.1.4) . 2 (8.3) . MFR/MVR , 15 . , . , (8.3 ), (7.1.2 ) 100 mm 15 . 90 , ( , (101) mm . . (101) mm , 2 . 5 . . , (301) mm, (501) mm, (701) mm . (101) mm (701) mm , 2 . 5 . 2 KS M ISO 1133 1:2012 11 5 , f) “ ” . , . 2 (9.40.1) mm - . (701) mm, (501) mm, (301) mm, (101) mm .