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1、2010 年中山大学英语专业(语言学)真题试卷及答案与解析一、音标题1 Transcribe the following words into IPA symbols, with stress marking where necessary.(10 points)Example: find/faind/ beneath/bini:/advantageous2 cushions3 paradigm4 propagate5 synonymy6 kernel7 cohesion8 tagmemics9 immobile10 prefix二、填空题11 “By_is meant the propert

2、y of having two levels of structures, such that units of the primary level are composed of elements of the secondary level and each of the two levels has its own principles of organization. “12 The IPA chart has been revised and corrected several times and is widely used in dictionaries and textbook

3、s throughout the world. The latest version was revised in 1993 and updated in 1996 and_.13 _ refers to the change of the form of a word or phrase, resulting from an incorrect popular notion of the origin or meaning of the term, or from the influence of more familiar terms mistakenly taken to be anal

4、ogous.14 The development of modern linguistic science has helped push the study of syntax beyond the traditional sentence boundary. More linguists are now exploring the syntactic relation between sentences in a paragraph or chapter or the whole text, which leads to the emergence of text linguistics

5、and_.15 Predicate logic, also called predicate calculus, studies the internal structure of simple propositions. In this logical system, propositions like Socrates is a man will be analyzed into two parts;_and a predicate.16 _seeks to ascertain the global integrated system of conceptual structuring i

6、n language.17 When Hymes theory of_was introduced into the field as an antagonism to the traditional philosophy in language teaching, language teachers began to pay more attention to the question of how to train their students as active and successful language users in a real language context.18 Lev

7、inson presents his three heuristics, which are derived from_.19 The form thou in Early Modern English, the second person singular pronoun equivalent to the French form tu, was used to signal_.20 Computational linguistics, dealing with computer processing of human language, includes programmed instru

8、ction, speech synthesis and recognition, automatic translation, and_.21 Nunan(1988)suggests that a curriculum is concerned with making general statements about language learning, learning purpose, and experience, and the relationship between teachers and learners, whereas a_ is more localized and is

9、 based on the accounts and records of what actually happens at the classroom level as teachers and students apply a curriculum to their situation.22 Saussures ideas were developed along three lines; linguistics,_ and psychology.23 The Prague School practiced a special style of synchronic linguistics

10、, and its most important contribution to linguistics is that it sees language in terms of_.24 In SFG, mental processes express such mental phenomena as “perception“ , “_“ and “cognition“.25 Bloomfields Language(1933)was once held as the_of scientific methodology and the greatest work in linguistics

11、on both sides of the Atlantic in the 20th century.三、名词解释26 Macrolinguistics27 Cardinal vowels28 Three senses of “word“29 Recursiveness30 Conceptual meaning31 Categorization32 Context of situation33 Constatives34 I-narrator35 Systemic Grammar四、举例说明题36 Our language can be used to talk about itself.37

12、Syntax is about principles of forming and understanding correct English sentences.38 The meaning of a sentence is obviously related to the meanings of the words used in it. But it is also obvious that the former is not sum total of the latter.五、简答题39 What is psycholinguistics?40 How does language re

13、late to culture?41 What is Malinowskis main contribution to the study of language?2010 年中山大学英语专业(语言学)真题试卷答案与解析一、音标题1 【正确答案】 advantageous-/ /2 【正确答案】 cushions-/ /3 【正确答案】 paradigm-/ /4 【正确答案】 propagate-/ /5 【正确答案】 synonymy-/ /6 【正确答案】 kernel-/ /7 【正确答案】 cohesion-/ /8 【正确答案】 tagmemics-/ /9 【正确答案】 immo

14、bile-/ /10 【正确答案】 prefix-/ /二、填空题11 【正确答案】 duality【试题解析】 (考查语言的二重性)二重性指语言拥有两层结构的这种特性,底层结构是上层结构的组成成分,每层都有自身的组合规则。12 【正确答案】 in the chart,the sound segments are grouped into consonants and vowels【试题解析】 (考查对国际音标的修订的了解)国际音标被修订和修改了几次,现在已经广泛运用于世界各地的字典和课本中。最新版的国际音标在 1993 年修订,在 1996 年又有更新。在国际音标表中,语音被分成了辅音和元音

15、两种。13 【正确答案】 Folk etymology【试题解析】 (考查俗词源的定义)俗词源是指词或者短语的形式由于对词源的错误而又普遍的解释或者对词义的错误理解,或者由于受到更熟悉的词汇的影响而进行错误的类推,导致了新的词义的产生。14 【正确答案】 discourse analysis【试题解析】 (考查现代语言学发展中的语篇分析)现代语言学的发展已经把句法的研究推进到了传统句子研究的范围之外,越来越多的语言学家们正在探索一个段落或者一章甚或一个语篇中句子与句子之间的句法关系,这就导致了语篇语言学和语篇分析的出现。15 【正确答案】 an argument【试题解析】 (考查命题逻辑)命

16、题逻辑,也叫命题演算,研究简单命题的内部结构。在这样的逻辑系统中,“苏格拉底是个人”这样的命题将会被分成两个部分:主目和谓词。16 【正确答案】 Cognitive linguistics【试题解析】 (考查认知语言学)认知语言学试图确定语言中概念结构的整体结构系统。17 【正确答案】 Communicative competence【试题解析】 (考查交际能力理论)当 Hymes 的交际能力理论被当作对传统教学方式的反驳而引进教学领域的时候,从事语言教学的老师开始更多地把注意力投入到如何把学生当成是实际语境中积极且成功的语言应用者这一问题上来。18 【正确答案】 Principle of Q

17、uantity ,Principle of Informativeness and Principle of Manner【试题解析】 (考查探索学习法)Levinson 提出了三条“探索学习法”,它们源于数量原则、信息原则和方式原则。19 【正确答案】 either intimacy or that the speaker was of higher social status than the addressee【试题解析】 (考查对“thou”的了解)在早期的现代英语中,“thou”是第二人称单数代词,它相当于法语中的“tu”,用于表示说话者之间关系的亲密及友好,或者表示说话者的社会地位

18、高于受话人。20 【正确答案】 text processing and communication between people and computers【试题解析】 (考查计算机语言学)计算机语言学通过计算机处理人类语言,包括程序教学,人类语言的电子生成和识别,机器翻译以及语篇处理和人与计算机之间的交流。21 【正确答案】 syllabus【试题解析】 (考查对教学大纲的了解)1988 年 Nunan 提出的“课程计划”是对语言学习、学习目的、学习经验以及师生之间的关系进行的一般陈述;而“教学大纲”则更加细化,它是建立在对老师和学生把“课程计划”应用到实际场景中时所发生的一切事情进行记录和

19、解释的基础上的。22 【正确答案】 sociology【试题解析】 (考查索绪尔的理论的来源)索绪尔的理论是从三个方面发展起来的:语言学、社会学以及心理学。23 【正确答案】 function【试题解析】 (考查对布拉格学派的了解)布拉格学派对共时语言学这种特殊的语言学进行了研究,这个学派对语言学最突出的贡献在于在某种意义上他们把语言看作是一种“功能”。24 【正确答案】 reaction【试题解析】 (考查对系统功能语法中的心理过程的了解)在系统功能语法中,心理过程表示诸如感觉(see,look) 、反应(1ike ,please)和认知(know,believe,convince)等心理活

20、动。25 【正确答案】 model【试题解析】 (考查对布龙菲尔德的语言论的了解)布龙菲尔德的语言论在 20 世纪一度被大西洋两岸同时奉为科学的方法论之典范以及语言学方面最伟大的著作。三、名词解释26 【正确答案】 Macrolinguistics is the interaction study between language and language-related disciplines, such as psychology, sociology, ethnography, science of law, artificial intelligence, etc. The branc

21、hes of macrolinguistics include psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics, anthropological linguistics, etc.【试题解析】 (考查宏观语言学)27 【正确答案】 The cardinal vowels are a set of vowel qualities arbitrarily defined, fixed and unchanging, intended to provide a frame of reference for the description of the actual vowel

22、s of existing languages.【试题解析】 (考查基本元音)28 【正确答案】 Word is a physically definable unit; Word is both a general term and a specific term; Word is a grammatical unit.【试题解析】 (考查“词”的三种定义)29 【正确答案】 It mainly means that a phrasal constituent can be emended with(i.e., be dominated by)another constituent havi

23、ng the same category, but it can be used to any means to extend any constituent. Together with openness, recursiveness is the core of creativity of language. For instance, a NP can contain a PP, for example,the fishin the pool, and a PP can again contain a NP and the NP can contain another PP,the fi

24、shinthe poolin the garden, and so on.【试题解析】 (考查递归性)30 【正确答案】 This is the first type of meaning recognized by Leech, which he defined as the logical, cognitive, or denotative content. In other words, it overlaps to a large extent with the notion of reference. But Leech also uses “sense“ as a briefer

25、term for this conceptual meaning. As a result, Leechs conceptual meaning has two sides; sense and reference.【试题解析】 (考查概念意义)31 【正确答案】 Categorization is the process of classifying our experiences into different categories based on commonalities and differences. Categorization is a major ingredient in

26、the creation of human knowledge, and it allows us to relate present experiences to past ones.【试题解析】 (考查范畴的概念)32 【正确答案】 It was put forward by Firth. By “context of situation“ , Firth meant a series of contexts of situation, each smaller one being embedded into a larger, to the extent that all the con

27、texts of situation play essential parts in the whole of the context of culture.【试题解析】 (考查情景语境)33 【正确答案】 It is an utterance by which a speaker expresses a proposition which may be true or false. In contrast to performative, sentences like “ I pour some liquid into the tube“ is a description of what t

28、he speaker is doing at the time of speaking. The speaker cannot pour any liquid into a tube by simply uttering these words. He must accompany his words with the actual pouring. Otherwise one can accuse him of making a false statement. Sentences like this are called constatives.【试题解析】 (考查叙事句)34 【正确答案

29、】 The person who tells the story may also be a character in the fictional world of the story, relating the story after the event. In this case the critics call the narrator a first-person narrator or I-narrator because when the narrator refers to himself or herself in the story, the first person pro

30、noun “I“ is used. First-person narrators are often said to be “limited“ because they dont know all the facts or “unreliable“ because they trick the reader by withholding information or telling untruths. This often happens in murder and mystery stories.【试题解析】 (考查第一人称叙述者)35 【正确答案】 Systemic grammar is

31、one of the two components of Systemic Functional Grammar. It aims to explain the internal relations in language as a system network, or meaning potential, and this network consists of subsystems from which language users make choices.【试题解析】 (考查系统语法)四、举例说明题36 【正确答案】 It refers to the metalingual funct

32、ion of language.(1 point)For example, we can use the word “book“ to talk about a book, and can also use the word “book“ to talk about the sign “book“ itself.(2 points)To organize any written text into a coherent whole, writers employ certain expressions to keep their readers informed about where the

33、y are and where they are going. For instance, instead of saying(a)The lion chased the unicorn all around the town, they say(b)All around the town the lion chased the unicorn. The change in linear order changes our perspective about the concerns of the clause(a)answers the concern about “what did the

34、 lion do“ , while(b)is concerned with “where or in what scope did the lion chase the unicorn“. This is the metalingual function of language and meshes with the thematic function of language in functional grammar.(4 points)This makes the language infinitely self-reflexive; We human beings can talk ab

35、out “talk“ and think about “thinking“, and thus only humans can ask what it means to communicate, to think, and to be human.(3 points)【试题解析】 考查语言的元语言功能。元语言功能是语言的七大基本功能之一,指可以用语言来讨论语言本身。例如:我们可以用“书”一词来谈论一本书,也可以用“书”一词来谈论“书”这个语言符号。作者要把篇章组织为连贯完整的语篇,常会使用一些特定的表达来提醒读者所处的位置和以后进展的方向。例如:他们不说“The lion chased the

36、 unicorn all around the town ”而说“All around the town the lion chased the unicorn ”两句顺序的变化改变了我们对句子的审视视角,这是语言的元语言功能。元语言功能使得语言具有无限的反身性:我们人类可以谈论“谈话”,思考“思维”,也只有人类才能问元语言功能对交际、思考及人类的意义是什么。37 【正确答案】 Syntax is a branch of linguistics that studies how words are combined to form sentences and the rules governi

37、ng the formation of sentences, or the study of the interrelationships between elements in sentence structures.(2 points)The form or structure of a sentence is governed by the rules of syntax. These rules specify word order, sentence organization, and the relationships between words, word classes and

38、 other sentence elements. We know that words are organized into structures more than just word order.(3 points)For example:a. The children NP(watched the firework from the hill).b. The children VP(watched the firework)PP(from the hill).(3 points)Here is a single string of words that without any chan

39、ge of order can have two quite different meanings, each corresponding to a possible structure.(2 points)【试题解析】 考查句法学的概念。句法学是指研究语言中词组合成句子的支配规则,或者简单地说,是研究句子的构造。因为通常认为句子是语言中最大的语法单位,所以句法长期以来是语法研究的核心。如乔姆斯基提出的转换生成语法,是通过考查句子的表层结构及深层结构来描述句子的生成及转换的理论。38 【正确答案】 The subject concerning the study of meaning is c

40、alled semantics. More specifically, semantics is the study of the meaning of linguistic units, words and sentences in particular.(2 points)The meaning of a sentence is obviously related to the meanings of the words used in it. But it is also obvious that the former is not simply the sum total of the

41、 latter. Sentences using the same words may mean quite differently if they are arranged in different orders.(2 points)For example;a. The man chased the dog.b. The dog chased the man.Even when two sentences mean similarly are as follows, there is still the difference in what Leech calls thematic mean

42、ing. For example;a. Ive already seen that film.b. That film Ive already seen.(4 points)This shows that to understand a sentence, we also need knowledge about its syntactic structure. In other words, this is an area where word meaning and sentence structure come together.(2 points)【试题解析】 考查语义学中句子意义的概

43、念。对意义进行研究的学科叫语义学(semantics)。更具体地说,语义学是对语言单位,尤其是词和句子的意义的研究。句子意义与句中使用的词的意义相关;但必须指出的是,前者并不仅仅是后者简单相加的总和。所含词语相同但词序不同的句子可能意义相当不同。例如,The man chased the dog(人追狗)The dog chased the man(狗追人)即使两个句子意义极为相似,它们之间在主题意义上仍然有差异:Ive already seen that film(我看过那场电影。)That film Ive already seen (那场我看过的电影。)这表明要理解一个句子,也需要知道它

44、的句法结构。换言之,句子意义是词语意义和句子结构共同作用的结果。五、简答题39 【正确答案】 Psycholinguistics investigates the interrelation of language and mind, in processing and producing utterances and in language acquisition for example.(3 points)In the psycholinguistic study of grammar, the psycholinguistic constraints on the form of gra

45、mmar are examined. It also studies language development in the child, such as theories of language acquisition, biological foundations of language, and a profound aspectthe relationship between language and cognition.(4 points)Psycholinguistics as a separate branch of study emerged in the late 1950s

46、 and 1960s as a result of Chomskian revolution. Later on it became clear that not only syntactic complexity adds to the difficulty of processing, but also semantic factors have a strong influence on it.(3 points)The recent tendencies in psycholinguistics show increasing interest in discourse process

47、ing, and in particular in the ways readers create a mental representation of the narrative world. The focus of interest is on the role of readers schemata and the problem of inferences about the read subject matter. It has been proved that certain inferences are made in the very process of reading,

48、while others are made later in order to resolve some problems or inconsistencies. The issues of background knowledge and automaticity of drawing inferences are still being investigated.(5 points)【试题解析】 考查心理语言学的概念。心理语言学研究语言和大脑的相互关系,如话语的产生和处理,以及语言习得等。还有对语法的心理语言学研究以及研究心理语言学对语法形式的限制。同时,心理语言学还研究儿童的语言发展,如

49、语言习得理论、语言的生理基础以及语言和认知的关系。40 【正确答案】 Language is related to culture in that language not only frames our thoughts but also reflects events that a particular culture experiences. In the study of the worlds cultures, it has become clear that different groups not only have different languages, but also have different world views.(3 points)In very simple terms, the Aztecs not only did not have a figure in their culture like Santa Cla


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