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1、2012 年北京外国语大学英语翻译基础真题试卷及答案与解析英译汉1 TPP 2 Bretton Woods system 3 magnetic resonance imaging 4 Fukushima 5 carbon credit 6 credit rating 7 consulate-general 8 SDR(Special Drawing Rights)9 anti-monopoly legislation10 incubation period11 total fertility rate12 fuel cell13 soil alkalization14 Memorandum o

2、f Understanding15 offshore oil drilling汉译英16 辛亥革命17 创业板市场18 幸福指数19 蚁族20 择校费21 主权债务危机22 海峡交流基金会23 京沪高铁24 限购令25 经济适用房26 平板电脑27 权力下放28 保值储蓄29 挖墙脚30 贪多嚼不烂英译汉31 The Center for the Implementation of Public Policies Promoting Equity and Growth(CIPPEC)is a leading think tank in Argentina. It is a private, n

3、on-profit organization that strives to create a more just, democratic and efficient public sector in Argentina, and is devoted to the study of the education, health, fiscal, political, judicial and public management systems, in order to determine needs, opportunities, and obstacles for the implement

4、ation of effective public policies.The think tank elaborates and disseminates technical information about the functioning of Argentine institutions to promote the accountability of public officials. CIPPEC also provides technical assistance to provincial governments and municipalities, and maintains

5、 regional networks working on topics such as parliamentary transparency, democratic institutions, regional integration, etc. Its current projects consist of two training courses on quantitative methods to analyze international trade and financial tools for SMEs as well as a joint study on a comprehe

6、nsive monitoring and evaluation system for the agency.32 The huge earthquake that hit off the coast of northeastern Miyagi prefecture earlier this year was a harsh reminder of the more elemental dangers that can threaten economic activity on the crowded and seismically vulnerable Japanese archipelag

7、o. Weighing the full implications of the natural disaster will take time. Yet the earthquake at the very least throws a huge question mark over an economic recovery that economists had hoped would gather steam in 2011 after stalling in the last three months of 2010. Although the areas worst hit are

8、far less economically significant than the coastal industry zones, which suffered widespread stoppages after the 1995 Kobe earthquake, the disaster could heighten recent uncertainty among consumers and investors about the prospects for Japans continued recovery from its worst postwar recession.Learn

9、ing from the lessons of the devastating disaster in 1995 , the government and insurance companies have been actively encouraging even smaller companies to draw up detailed “ business continuity plans“ intended to minimize losses and aid quick recoveries. In the longer terms, the earthquake is certai

10、n to force heavy spending on construction and public works in the affected region. The terrifying footage of tsunami carrying away whole buildings makes it clear that dealing with the damage will require huge effort and heavy investment.汉译英33 在人类历史的长河中,美术不仅给人民大众带来了美的享受,更是记载着一个国家、一个民族生生不息、延绵不绝的历史。我国的

11、艺术市场要在国际市场中占有一席之地,首先要有高质量的产品,其次要有良好的信誉,第三要有善于营销的经营主体和人才。中国有着五千年的深厚文化底蕴,有着数百万计的艺术家队伍,有着旺盛的艺术创造力,也有着让世人瞩目的许许多多的艺术奇珍。但是多年来,由于我们缺乏国际市场运作经验,缺少高素质的艺术经纪人队伍,因此,中国艺术家的优秀作品在国际市场上还没有实现艺术价值和商品价格的统一。随着国际交流活动日益增多,我们要抓住当前的大好机遇,努力打造一个讲诚信、重艺术的中国品牌,共同迎接艺术产业活跃繁荣的春天。34 近年来,中国政府采取了一系列促进经济增长、改善民生的政策措施。我们千方百计促进就业,实行更加积极的就

12、业政策,把促进高校毕业生就业放在突出位置,广开农民工就业门路和稳定现有就业岗位;帮助城镇就业困难人员、零就业家庭和灾区劳动力就业;大力支持自主创业、自谋职业,促进以创业带动就业;进一步改善针对就业的公共服务。我们正式全面启动深化医疗卫生体制改革,包括加快推进基本医疗保障制度建设,建立国家基本药物制度,健全基层医疗卫生服务体系,促进基本公共卫生服务逐步均等化,争取 2020 年实现人人享有基本医疗卫生服务的目标。2012 年北京外国语大学英语翻译基础真题试卷答案与解析英译汉1 【正确答案】 泛太平洋战略经济伙伴关系协定(Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement)2

13、【正确答案】 布雷顿森林体系3 【正确答案】 磁共振成像4 【正确答案】 福岛5 【正确答案】 碳信用额6 【正确答案】 信用评级7 【正确答案】 总领事馆8 【正确答案】 特别提款权9 【正确答案】 反垄断立法10 【正确答案】 潜伏期11 【正确答案】 总生育率12 【正确答案】 燃料电池13 【正确答案】 土壤碱化14 【正确答案】 谅解备忘录15 【正确答案】 近海石油钻探汉译英16 【正确答案】 the Revolution of 1911 17 【正确答案】 Growth Enterprise Market 18 【正确答案】 happiness index 19 【正确答案】 a

14、nt tribe 20 【正确答案】 school selection fee 21 【正确答案】 sovereign debt crisis 22 【正确答案】 Straits Exchange Foundation 23 【正确答案】 Beijing-Shanghai express railway24 【正确答案】 purchase restriction25 【正确答案】 economically affordable housing26 【正确答案】 tablet PC27 【正确答案】 delegation of power to lower levels28 【正确答案】 inf

15、lation-proof bank savings29 【正确答案】 undermine the foundation of something30 【正确答案】 bite off more than one can chew英译汉31 【正确答案】 促进社会平等与经济增长公共政策执行中心是阿根廷的一大顶尖智库。它是一个民间非营利组织,以在阿根廷创建一个更加公平正义、民主有效的公共部门为奋斗目标。为了明确在推进有效的公共政策实施过程中的需求、机遇以及障碍,它致力于教育、医疗、财政、政治、司法和公共管理系统的研究工作。此执行中心阐述并传播有关阿根廷机构运转情况的技术信息,以推进公共官员问责制的实

16、行。除此之外,它还为省级政府及自治地区提供技术援助,并维护以议会透明、机构民主、区域一体化等为工作主题的区域网络。执行中心最近的工作项目包括两个培训课程以及一项联合研究:培训课程主要教授使用统计学分析国际贸易和中小型企业金融工具;联合研究则与该机构的综合监测与评价体系相关。32 【正确答案】 今年年初,一场强地震重创了日本东北部宫城地区海岸。这场灾难触目惊心,提醒人们,一些更为基本的风险可能会威胁到人口稠密、易受地震冲击的日本列岛上的经济活动。衡量自然灾害的全面影响需要时间。不过,这场地震至少给日本经济复苏画上了一个巨大的问号经济学家们原本期望,在 2010年后三个季度陷入停滞后,复苏将于 2

17、011 年的本季度到来。虽然受灾最严重地区在经济上的重要性远不及沿海工业区在 1995 年神户地震之后,该地区遭受了大范围的发展停滞,这场灾难可能加重消费者和投资者心目中对日本经济能否走出战后最严重的衰退局面的不确定性。由于吸取了 1995 年那场灾难的教训,日本政府和保险公司一直积极鼓励各家企业,甚至是一些小企业,拟定详细的“商业应急方案” ,旨在最大程度地降低损失,并帮助它们迅速恢复。长期而言,这场地震势必导致受灾地区在基础设施建设和公共事业方面大举投入。那些海啸卷走整座建筑物的恐怖画面表明,减少损害将需要巨大的努力和大量资金的投入。汉译英33 【正确答案】 In the long hum

18、an history, fine arts have not only acted as a feast of beauty to people, but also been the endless and unbroken recorded history of a country and a nation.In order for Chinese art market to hold its own place in the world, high-quality products are firstly required, secondly is great reputation and

19、 thirdly are managing bodies and talents who are good at marketing. China has a long history of five thousand years with great cultural deposits, millions of artists, exuberant artistic creativity and numerous eye-catching works of art. However, due to our lack of high-quality art dealers and experi

20、ence in international market management, the balance between artistic value and prices of the excellent works by Chinese artists has not been realized in the world market.With more and more international exchanges and communications, we need to grasp the great opportunity ahead us, and create a trus

21、t-worthy and art-orientated Chinese brand, welcoming a dynamic and thriving spring for our art industry.34 【正确答案】 The Chinese government has taken a series of policy measures in recent years to promote economic growth and improve peoples livelihood.We have left no stone unturned in trying to expand

22、employment by implementing more active employment policies; setting as a high priority the employment of college graduates; expanding the channel of employment for rural migrant workers; helping urban residents who have difficulties getting jobs, zero-employment families and people in disaster-stric

23、ken areas find jobs; vigorously supporting entrepreneur-ship as a means to promote employment generation and further improving employment related public services.We have launched a comprehensive and in-depth reform of our health care system, which includes putting the building of a basic health care

24、 system on the fast track, setting up a national basic medicine system, improving health care service at the grassroots level, advancing equal access to basic public health service, and carrying out reform of public hospitals. Our goal is to realize universal access to basic health care and build a basic health care system by 2020.


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