
tiations about the United States and Japan. They are an old and.【M1 】_venerable culture with well-established regulations for social behavior and deep


1、tiations about the United States and Japan. They are an old and.M1 venerable culture with wellestablished regulations fo。

2、3.prefix分数:2.004.part of speech分数:2.005.backformation分数:2.006.polysemy分数:2.00。


4、1 nanotechnology12 marginal cost13 discount market14 LDC15 eye candy汉译英16 页岩气17 居家养老18 参政议政19 本币互换协议20 自主知识产权21 存款准备金22 。

5、tradition treaty12 seismic monitoring13 procrastination14 flip phone15 Mack Daddy汉译英16 大部制17 石油输出国组织18 生物圈19 涨停板20 浮动汇率2。

6、legislation10 incubation period11 total fertility rate12 fuel cell13 soil alkalization14 Memorandum of Understanding15 o。

7、laiming they could conduct a conversation in French was up to almost 10m in 2011 compared to the 2006 census, both categ。

8、 and just about anything we need to accomplish, as if it were a fight. Thinking of human interactions as battles is a me。

9、only to the creations of human mind. It is not merely a science of the rule and compass, it does not consist only in the。

10、 of the Morally Superior in negotiations about the United States and Japan. They are an old and.M1venerable culture with。

11、m15 silverspoon kids汉译英16 十八届四中全会17 亚太经合组织18 互联互通19 量化宽松政策20 公使衔参赞21 埃博拉病毒22 自闭症23 防空识别区24 负面清单25 房产税26 专利技术27 和而不同28 地沟。

12、2.minimal pair分数:4.003.distinctive feature分数:4.004.linguistic variable分数:4.005.lingua franca分数:4.00Answer。

13、hat assumptions would you make if you were addressed in these two ways and why would you make them分数:25.002.Explain this。

14、d whyii. Please explain what your understanding of politeness is in the Chinese culture. 1aYou could be more careful. 1b。

15、honeme分数:5.003.prefix分数:5.004.part of speech分数:5.005.backformation分数:5.006.polysemy分数:5.00。

16、ps between the noun phrases at the beginning of the sentences and the verbs Could you classify the sentences into differ。

17、2.inflection分数:5.003.mood分数:5.004.modality分数:5.005.interlanguage分数:5.006.language transfer分数:5.00。

18、th a presidential system tends to get identified with its leader. So, for the rest of the world, America is George Bushs。

19、u could find no better metaphor for the way the rest of the world can now compete headtohead more effectively than ever 。

20、n a hundred and fifty percent in a few months and maize provoked food riots, toppled governments, and threatened the liv。

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