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1、2013 年北京外国语大学英语翻译基础真题试卷及答案与解析英译汉1 IAEA2 UNICEF3 Iron-deficiency anemia4 sandwich generation5 hydrocarbon compounds6 eutrophication7 wind turbine8 temperate ecosystems9 depleted nuclear fuel10 genome11 nanotechnology12 marginal cost13 discount market14 LDC15 eye candy汉译英16 页岩气17 居家养老18 参政议政19 本币互换协议2

2、0 自主知识产权21 存款准备金22 专属经济区23 文化逆差24 光伏电池25 装机容量26 差额选举27 医药分开28 官二代29 屌丝30 打酱油英译汉31 The conifer hedges in front of J. K. Rowlings seventeenth-century house, in Edinburgh, are about twenty feet tall. They reach higher than the street lamps in front of them, and evoke the entrance to the spiteful maze i

3、n the film adaptation of “Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, “ the fourth volume of her fantasy series. Rowling, who at forty-seven, is about to publish her first novel for adultsit is set in a contemporary Britain familiar with Jay-Z and online pornography, but is shaded with memories of her own,

4、 quite cheerless upbringinglives here with her second husband, Neil Murray, a doctor, and their children. She has a reputation for reserve: for being likable but shy and thin-skinned, and not at all comfortable with the personal impact of having created a modern myth, sold four hundred and fifty mil

5、lion books, and inspired more than six hundred thousand pieces of Harry Potter fan fiction, a total that increases by at least a thousand stories a week.32 Chinas programmes for addressing climate change domestically through its 12th Five-Year Plan are impressive. Accelerating progress on the low-ca

6、rbon economy has worked in Chinas favour as it has become a global leader in wind and solar power manufacturing. The cliche that “when China sneezes, the rest of the world catches a cold“ can also be turned on its head. When China makes up its mind to lead, the rest of the world follows suit.Doha ma

7、tters because the UNFCCC international climate negotiations are an important channel through which China can help shape the global development model in ways that re-enforce its low carbon economy. Europe is the largest market for Chinese solar power, but its internal negotiations on ramping up clima

8、te-change ambitionand therefore creating a larger market for Chinese goodsare being delayed by uncertainty over progress on a global climate regime. While Doha will not be the ambitious meeting the climate crisis requires, it will nonetheless be important for building momentum towards a comprehensiv

9、e agreement in 2015. Chinas role in ensuring we do not renegotiate the Durban agreement will be essential to limiting climate risks in China and maintaining the drive towards a low carbon economy which China has so heavily invested in both financially and politically.汉译英33 11 月 25 日,几乎所有媒体都报道了国产歼一 1

10、5 舰载战斗机在中国海军“辽宁”号航母上成功完成起飞和着舰的动作。“成功” 、“意义”和“ 速度”成了媒体报道的三个关键词。中国航母舰载机第一次在实舰上完成起降动作,无疑是值得庆祝的“成功”之举。而此次成功 “意义 ”非凡,标志着中国的航母由一条大船变成了一个真正的海上移动机场;中国的航母在实现初步战斗力的过程中,迈过了一个关键的技术门槛。谈到“ 速度” ,“辽宁”号加人海军服役不过两个月的时间,而此次舰上起降实验仅仅是在“ 辽宁” 号服役后第二次出海时进行的,这样的速度着实令人瞠目结舌。如此高速的背后不仅有大型项目高效的管理能力,更重要的是无数中国航空人和人民解放军官兵顽强拼搏的精神。正是因

11、为有了这种精神,才有了我们看到的“中国速度”。34 什么是“道 ”?道即道路。最早的路在水边,因为原始人每天都要去水边饮水或取水,那时人们都是光脚板,光脚板踩在沙泥地上,脚上又常带着水,所以很容易踩出一条光溜溜的像“ 刀” 一样的东西,原始人就把脚下踩出来的痕迹叫作“刀”,也就是“道”。“道”与“ 刀” 谐音,在甲骨文里“道”原本写成“刀” 。从古至今,人类就一直行走在“刀”上。道即路人。路人踩出了道路,我们一看见道路就知道这里有人。道就是走路的方法。地上的路有通衢,有歧路,有大路,有小路,有暂时的路,有永久的路。所有的路都有起伏弯曲,人就是要用起伏弯曲的方法来走路,同时尽量选择最短的路线。道

12、即“ 到达 ”。任何道都有起始与终结,按道 (方法)走道(道路) 的人将很快到达。世上只有一种真正的道(路人),那就是通向自身。2013 年北京外国语大学英语翻译基础真题试卷答案与解析英译汉1 【正确答案】 国际原子能机构2 【正确答案】 联合国儿童基金会3 【正确答案】 缺铁性贫血4 【正确答案】 三明治一代5 【正确答案】 碳氢化合物6 【正确答案】 富营养化7 【正确答案】 风力发动机8 【正确答案】 温带生态系统9 【正确答案】 贫化铀10 【正确答案】 基因组11 【正确答案】 纳米技术12 【正确答案】 边际成本13 【正确答案】 贴现市场14 【正确答案】 欠发达国家15 【正确

13、答案】 华而不实汉译英16 【正确答案】 shale gas17 【正确答案】 homebased care for the aged18 【正确答案】 participate in the administration and discussion of state affairs19 【正确答案】 bilateral currency swap agreement20 【正确答案】 intellectual property right21 【正确答案】 deposit reserve22 【正确答案】 exclusive economic zone23 【正确答案】 cultural d

14、eficit24 【正确答案】 photovoltaic cell25 【正确答案】 installed capacity26 【正确答案】 competitive election27 【正确答案】 separation of clinic from pharmacy28 【正确答案】 the children of powerful officials29 【正确答案】 diors30 【正确答案】 its none of someones business英译汉31 【正确答案】 JK罗琳住在爱丁堡一座十七世纪的房子里,周围满是针叶树,差不多 61 米高,比它们前面的街灯还要高,很容易让

15、人想起罗琳第四部小说哈利波特与火焰杯的改编电影中神秘莫测的学校入口。47 岁的罗琳现在和她的第二任丈夫内尔莫里一位医生,以及孩子们生活在一起,她将要发布为成年人而写的第一部小说一情景设定于熟悉 Jay-z 以及网上色情文学的当代英国,但小说充满了她个人的记忆,那些非常惨淡的成长生涯。罗琳素来不爱说话:虽受人们喜爱但还是有点腼腆而且敏感,对于说她创造了一个当代的神话,她还有些不习惯,她的书已经销售了 4 亿 5 千万册,并且启发了超过 60 万部哈利波特的粉丝小说,一周至少有 1 000 个故事发表。32 【正确答案】 中国在国内通过第 12 个五年规划来解决气候变化的政策举措非常令人钦佩。中国

16、已经在加快发展低碳经济,并且在全球风能和太阳能生产上处于领先地位。像“ 中国打一个喷嚏,世界都会感冒” 的陈词滥调也该换换对象了。中国下决心开了先河,其他国家都会跟随效仿。多哈回合谈判的地位很重要,因为联合国气候变化框架公约国际气候谈判是一个很重要的渠道,中国借此加快发展低碳经济,从而塑造全球发展模式。欧洲是中国最大的太阳能销售市场,也因此为中国商品的销售提供了一个更广阔的市场,但欧洲在全球气候体系中取得的进步具有不确定性,延迟了提升气候变化目标的内部谈判。多哈谈判虽然并不是气候危机需求的一场雄心勃勃的会议,但对于全球要在 2015 年达成全面协议来说仍然很重要。中国在确保我们不再重新谈判德班

17、协议中发挥的作用,对于中国控制国内气候危机,持续发展低碳经济中国已经在财政与政治方面付出了巨大的努力是必不可少的。汉译英33 【正确答案】 On November 25th, nearly all the media reported the news that the J-15 carrier-based fighter jet which is made in China completed its landing and take-off in Chinas naval aircraft carrier, the Liaoning. There are three key words i

18、n their reports, “success“, “significance“ and “speed“. It is no doubt that it is a “success“ worthy of congratulations that carrier-based aircraft for the first time in China completed the flight takeoff and landing on the carrier. And the success has great “significance“ as it signifies that China

19、s aircraft carrier has become a real mobile airport on the sea from a big vessel. China removed the technical barrier during the course of achieving the preliminary combat power. With regard to “speed“, it hasnt been two months before the Liaoning was commissioned in navy. We say the “speed“ strikes

20、 us because the flight takeoff and landing test was conducted when it was just the second time for the Liaoning to leave its home port. And the high speed lies in not only the efficient management of mega project but also the spirit of striving to succeed of aircraft workers and the PLA. We can say

21、it is precisely the spirit which leads to Chinas speed.34 【正确答案】 What does “Tao“ mean? Tao refers to the road. The earliest road appeared on the bank as the primitive people went to drink or take water by the river. People at that time stepped on the sandy land with water on the naked feet. Thus, a

22、trail as smooth as “刀“ formed. And they just called the trail “刀“, which is Tao. “Tao“ and “刀“ are homophonic and “Tao“ was written as “ 刀“ in the inscriptions on bones. Since the pristine day towards today, human being has been walking on the “刀“ all the time. Tao also refers to the passer-by. The

23、road formed because of the passers-bys treading. We know that there was peoples presence immediately watching the road. Tao also refers to the way you walk. There are straight road and forked road, main road and minor road, temporary road and permanent road. As all the roads undulate, twist and turn, people have nothing to choose but the devious route and meantime the shortest one. Tao refers to the arrival. Every road has its beginning and ending. If you tread the Tao(road)according to Tao(way), you will arrive at the ending soon. There is only one real Tao(passer-by), which leads to self.


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