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1、2013 年厦门大学英语翻译基础真题试卷及答案与解析英译汉1 swing states2 poetic justice3 drone(军事用语)4 to scale back headcounts5 cheerleader6 skopos theory7 shopping spree8 wailing wall9 call to collect10 TEU11 shale gas12 plastic surgery13 a storm in a teacup14 windfall tax15 quantitative easing汉译英16 全面建成小康社会17 安倍晋三18 翘尾因素19 中

2、国围棋20 骑楼21 植入广告22 逆回购23 汽车单双号限行24 乱穿马路25 花旗银行26 两“非”(非法鉴别性别和非法终止妊娠)27 湄公河28 松下电器29 哈萨克斯坦30 兵部尚书英译汉31 Wars throughout history have been waged for conquest and plunder. In the Middle Ages when the feudal lords who inhabited the castleswhose towers may still be seen along the Rhineconcluded to enlarge

3、their domains, to increase their power, their prestige and their wealth they declared war upon one another. But they themselves did not go to war any more than the; modern feudal lords, the barons of Wall Street go to war.The feudal barons of the Middle Ages, the economic predecessors of the capital

4、ists of our day, declared all wars. And their miserable serfs fought all the battles. The poor, ignorant serfs had been taught to revere their masters; to believe that when their masters declared war upon one another, it was their patriotic duty to fall upon one another and to cut one anothers throa

5、ts for the profit and glory of the lords and barons who held them in contempt. And that is war in a nutshell. The master class has always declared the wars; the subject class has always fought the battles. The master class has had all to gain and nothing to lose, while the subject class has had noth

6、ing to gain and all to loseespecially their lives.32 The autumn air was as crisp as the fresh-out-of-the-dryer flannel sheets that my mother would always put on our beds when the weather got chilly. The familiar sounds of a referees whistle and cheering fans brought back memories of going to high sc

7、hool football games. My stomach started talking when I smelled the scent of the hot dogs cooking near by. “Can you believe we are doing this?“ my mother asked as her face reddened while the sun decreased and the wind picked up. “ No, I cant,“ my father and I both said simultaneously. It seemed hardl

8、y impossible to fathom that we were sitting at my baby brothers high school football game. Where had the past fourteen years gone?I was in the family room of my house with my older brother, Brian. We nicely were playing together with blocks. I was five at the time. “Brian, Julie, come into the livin

9、g room, we want to talk to you!“ my dad said with excitement in his voice. It was then that I found out I was going to have a new brother or sister. My entire body lifted above the clouds and soared. I just loved babies. In the next couple of months, my life changed dramatically. We had to move out

10、of our house and into a new neighborhood. This event was very specific in my life. Although I was so excited for a new sibling, I was extremely distraught about leaving my familiar home. It was almost as if I was a taut rope in a tug-of-war being pulled in both directions. “But Mom, the baby can sle

11、ep with me. “ I remember saying to my mother. Now that I look back on the situation, I realize that it was the “comfort and familiarity“ of my house that made me upset about leaving.汉译英33 由美国次贷危机而引发的金融风暴不断在全球蔓延,世界经济面临衰退的风险,各种不确定因素对中国经济产生了不利的影响。面对瞬息万变的经济形势,我们的专家做出了权威的分析。本书分为综合预测篇、政策分析篇、财政金融篇、专题研究篇、台港

12、澳经济篇及国际背景篇,从宏观及微观经济层面,运用定量与定性相结合的方法,对 2008 年中国经济形势特别是面临当前全球性金融风暴可能出现的问题进行了深入的分析,并且提出了未来走势的预测与对策建议。专家预计2008 年中国经济依然可以达到 98左右的高增长率,这一增长速度与改革开放以来 30 年年均增长速度相当。34 厦门航空公司肩负着中国民航事业发展的责任和使命,以改革创新为动力,以服务社会为己任,致力于打造公众最信赖,为社会提供最佳服务的航空公司,秉持“安全第一 ”的原则,真心诚意地对待顾客;厦航坚持以前瞻性的战略思维,精细化的科学管理手段,忠实履行指责的严谨工作作风,实现了职工、股东、顾客

13、和社会满意的和谐共赢局面。无论外界环境如何变化,坚定不移地走可持续发展道路一直是厦航人不二的选择。厦航人相信,荣誉只是对昨天的纪念,而明天才是追求的目标。2013 年厦门大学英语翻译基础真题试卷答案与解析英译汉1 【正确答案】 摇摆州(美国大选中的特有说法)2 【正确答案】 善有善报,恶有恶报3 【正确答案】 无人驾驶飞机4 【正确答案】 缩减人员5 【正确答案】 拉拉队队员6 【正确答案】 目的论7 【正确答案】 疯狂购物8 【正确答案】 (犹太人的)哭墙9 【正确答案】 对方付费的电话10 【正确答案】 国际标准货柜单位(twenty-foot equivalent unit)11 【正确

14、答案】 页岩气12 【正确答案】 整形手术13 【正确答案】 小题大做14 【正确答案】 暴利税15 【正确答案】 量化宽松汉译英16 【正确答案】 to establish an all-around affluent society17 【正确答案】 Shinzo Abe18 【正确答案】 carryover effects19 【正确答案】 Chinese Go20 【正确答案】 sotto portico; arcade-house21 【正确答案】 product placement22 【正确答案】 reverse repurchase23 【正确答案】 even-odd lice

15、nse plate plan24 【正确答案】 jaywalking25 【正确答案】 Citibank26 【正确答案】 Illegal fetal sex testing and sex-selective abortions27 【正确答案】 Mekong River28 【正确答案】 Panasonic Corporation29 【正确答案】 Kazakhstan30 【正确答案】 minister of war英译汉31 【正确答案】 纵观历史,战争多是为了侵略和掠夺。现在的莱茵河畔仍矗立着一些中世纪封建领主的塔楼。那时封建领主栖居于城堡,每当想要扩大领土、巩固权利、增加声望以及财

16、富的时候,他们便接连挑起战争。但他们不像现代的封建领主,也就是华尔街的那些大亨们一样亲自作战。中世纪的男爵,相当于现代资本家的前身,只负责宣战,而接下来的战争则由他们不幸的奴隶来承担。贫穷无知的奴隶被训诫要顺从他们的主人,在主人发动一场又一场战争时,相信为了主人的利益和荣耀,在战争中刺破敌人的咽喉是他们每个人忠诚的体现,而这些主人又恰恰视他们为蝼蚁。总之,这就是所谓的战争。上层阶级宣战而下层阶级赴战。上层阶级好处捞尽又毫发未伤而下层阶级毫无所得又命丧黄泉。32 【正确答案】 天气变冷,妈妈就会给我们盖上法兰绒被褥,而此时的空气清凉怡人,如那床刚从干衣机里取出来的法兰绒被褥般干爽舒适。裁判员那熟

17、悉的哨声和拉拉队的叫喊声让我回忆起了高中时的足球比赛;附近热狗的香味飘过来时,肚子便情不自禁地咕咕作响。“你们能相信眼前的一切吗?”妈妈问道。太阳西下,秋风吹起,她的脸红扑扑的。“噢,当然不能。” 父亲和我几乎异口同声地回答道。对我们来说,这简直就像是在做梦:我们正坐在一起看读高中的弟弟踢球赛!十四年眨眼就这样过去了。当时只有五岁的我正在和哥哥布莱恩一起待在家里的活动室里,兴高采烈地玩着积木游戏。“ 布莱恩,朱莉,到客厅来一下,我们有些话想跟你们说!” 爸爸的声音里有压抑不住的兴奋。直到那时,我才知道我将会有一个新的弟弟或者妹妹了。我顿时开心得如在云之巅。我太喜欢小宝宝了。在接下来的几个月里,

18、我的生活发生了翻天覆地的变化。我们得搬到附近一个新的地方住。这让我的生活变得如此特别。尽管新弟弟或妹妹的即将到来让我兴奋无比,但要离开熟悉的家也令我烦躁不安。我如同拔河比赛中被两头拉扯的绳子,左右为难。“可是,妈妈!我可以和宝宝一起睡呀。”我当时这样对妈妈说。现在回想起来,要与“ 舒适、熟悉”的旧家道别是我伤心不已的原因。汉译英33 【正确答案】 The global financial crisis triggered by the U. S. subprime mortgage crisis continues to spread around the world, placing the

19、 world economy in face of the risk of recession. Various uncertain factors also have had a negative impact on the Chinese economy. Under the changing economic circumstances, our experts have come up with authoritative analysis. The book consists of six chapters namely, Comprehensive Forecasting, Pol

20、icy Analysis, Finance, Case Studies, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao Economies and International Economic Background. From both the macro and micro-economic perspectives, using a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods, this book conducts an in-depth analysis of Chinese economy in 2008, espe

21、cially the problems to be brought by the global financial crisis. It also forecasts the future trend of Chinese economy and offers some suggestions. Experts predict that in 2008 Chinas economy can still achieve a high growth rate of around 9. 8 percent, e-qualing the average annual growth rate of th

22、e last 30 years since the reform and opening up.34 【正确答案】 With reform and innovation as the driving force and serving the society as its responsibility, Xiamen Airlines shoulders the mission of Chinas civil aviation development and commits to building a trustworthy airline providing best service. Xi

23、amen Airlines upholds the principle of “ safety first“ and treating customers with heart and soul. Adhering to the forward-looking strategic thinking and meticulous scientific management methods, Xiamen Airlines faithfully implements strict working style to achieve harmony and a win-win situation me

24、eting the(demand of the employees, shareholders, customers, government and the society. Regardless of the changing external environment, unswervingly taking the road of sustainable development is the only choice for Xiamen Airlines. Xiamen Airlines believes that honor is the memory of yesterday and tomorrow is the goal to fight for.


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