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1、GCT 工程硕士(英语)历年真题试卷汇编 2 及答案与解析一、Part I Vocabulary and StructureDirections: There are ten incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through t

2、he center.1 If the car you have rented is clearly unsatisfactory, you can always _it for another.(A)shift(B) exchange(C) switch(D)replace2 Every manager needs a secretary that he can_to take care of something that may occur in his absence.(A)bring on(B) hold on(C) count on(D)focus on3 The shirt is a

3、 real bargain because it is good in quality and_in price.(A)valuable(B) remarkable(C) available(D)reasonable4 Shopping for clothes is not the same experience for a man_it is for a woman.(A)when(B) that(C) as(D)than5 Nina_back home if she had known that her husband would go to the bus stop to meet he

4、r.(A)couldnt have walked(B) shouldnt have walked(C) mustnt have walked(D)wouldnt have walked6 A news report is usually very short, _ when it is about something very important.(A)besides(B) except(C) apart from(D)except for7 In this advanced course, students are required to take performance tests at

5、monthly_.(A)gaps(B) lengths(C) distances(D)intervals8 American women were_the right to vote until 1920.(A)ignored(B) refused(C) derived(D)denied9 Seldom_any mistakes during my past few years of working there.(A)would I make(B) have I made(C) I made(D)shall I make10 The proposal seems_to oppose the g

6、overnment economic policy.(A)designed(B) to design(C) have designed(D)to have designed11 I cannot_your plan, for I see no money return for the pursuit.(A)argue with(B) approve of(C) turn down(D)give up12 The thief was so_by the bright lights and barking dogs that he left hastily.(A)frightened(B) ann

7、oyed(C) puzzled(D)disappointed13 Making energy use completely harmless to the environment_very difficult and usually economically expensive.(A)are(B) is(C) have been(D)shall be14 _no gravity, there would be no air around the earth, hence no life.(A)If there was(B) If there had been(C) Were there(D)H

8、ad there been15 Some members of the committee suggested that meeting_.(A)being postponed(B) to be postponed(C) postponed(D)be postponed16 Is there anything else_you want to get ready for the party this evening?(A)which(B) who(C) what(D)that17 Since any answer may bring_to his government, the spokesm

9、an tried to avoid the question.(A)embarrassment(B) commitment(C) failure(D)benefit18 It is possible for a person to_negative attitudes and gain healthy confidence needed to realize his or her dreams.(A)get away with(B) get rid of(C) get out of(D)get along with19 By the end of this term, the girls_th

10、e basic rules of dinner party conversation.(A)will have learned(B) will learn(C) have learned(D)are learning20 If you miss the cultural references _ a word, youre very likely to miss its meaning.(A)below(B) before(C) behind(D)beyond21 He added that the state government has made _ arrangements for th

11、e conference.(A)accurate(B) absolute(C) adequate(D)active22 This video may be freely reproduced_commercial promotion or sale.(A)as for(B) except for(C) thanks to(D)up to23 You_engage in serious debate or discussion unless you are willing to endure attacks.(A)have better not(B) had better not(C) have

12、 better not to(D)had better not to24 Coffee has been a favorite drink for centuries, _ the time when we were drinking it strong and black, without sugar.(A)during(B) for(C) before(D)since25 By 2050 the world will have about 2 billion people aged over 60, three times_ today.(A)as much as(B) as that o

13、f(C) as many as(D)as those of26 Saffron returned to London to_her acting career after four years of modeling.(A)follow(B) chase(C) seek(D)pursue27 He has fancy dreams about his life, and nothing ever quite_his expectations.(A)matches(B) makes(C) reaches(D)realizes28 _my neighbors kid with his coming

14、 exam, I spend an hour working with him every day.(A)To help(B) Helping(C) Helped(D)Having helped29 When I worked as a bank clerk, I had the opportunity to meet a rich _ of people: students, soldiers and factory workers.(A)diversity(B) kind(C) range(D)variety30 Cuts in funding have meant that equipm

15、ent has been kept in service long after it _replaced.(A)should have been(B) would have been(C) could have been(D)might have beenGCT 工程硕士(英语)历年真题试卷汇编 2 答案与解析一、Part I Vocabulary and StructureDirections: There are ten incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A,

16、 B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.1 【正确答案】 B2 【正确答案】 C3 【正确答案】 D4 【正确答案】 C5 【正确答案】 D6 【正确答案】 D7 【正确答案】 D8 【正确答案】 D9 【正确答案】 B10 【正确答案】 A11 【正确答案】 B12 【正确答案】 A13 【正确答案】 B14 【正确答案】 C15 【正确答案】 D16 【正确答案】 D17 【正确答案】 A18 【正确答案】 B19 【正确答案】 A20 【正确答案】 D21 【正确答案】 A22 【正确答案】 B23 【正确答案】 B24 【正确答案】 D25 【正确答案】 C26 【正确答案】 D27 【正确答案】 A28 【正确答案】 A29 【正确答案】 D30 【正确答案】 A


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