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1、考研英语二(作文)模拟试卷 129 及答案与解析Part BDirections: Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following information. (20 points)1 Write an essay based on the following chart. In your writing, you should 1) interpret the chart, and 2) give your comments. You should write about 150 words on the ANSWER SHEET.

2、 2 Write an essay based on the following chart. In your writing, you should 1) interpret the chart, and 2) give your comments. You should write about 150 words on the ANSWER SHEET. 3 Write an essay based on the following charts. In your writing, you should 1) interpret the charts, and 2) give your c

3、omments. You should write about 150 words on the ANSWER SHEET. 4 Write an essay based on the following chart. In your writing, you should 1) interpret the chart, and 2) give your comments. You should write about 150 words on the ANSWER SHEET. 5 Write an essay based on the following table. In your wr

4、iting, you should 1) describe the table, and 2) give your comments. You should write about 150 words on the ANSWER SHEET. 考研英语二(作文)模拟试卷 129 答案与解析Part BDirections: Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following information. (20 points)1 【正确答案】 As is demonstrated in the chart, parents are payi

5、ng more and more for their childrens education. In 2010, parents in one area are paying a total of 1.78 billion yuan, while in 2013 they are paying 3.53 billion yuan, which is nearly two times of the former.Why is there such a sharp increase in education expenses? First, it is possibly prompted by t

6、he ever rising cost of all goods and services. As is known to all, the price of all sorts of goods and services has been doubled or even tripled in recent years. Under such circumstances, it is just natural that education will become more expensive. Second, a good education has always been the most

7、important thing for the ordinary households in China. Many parents are more than willing to invest in their kids education.As is discussed above, it is no surprising that education expenses have undergone such a rapid increase. And I believe this trend will continue in the future.【试题解析】 该柱形图显示的是 201

8、0 年到 2013 年这四年来某地区普通家庭的教育支出情况。由图可知,近四年来,教育支出呈稳步上升趋势。按照题目要求,作文结构可安排如下:第一段简要描述图表,分析数据变化。第二段分析造成教育支出上涨的原因:一、物价和服务费上涨;二、人们愿意在教育上投资。第三段总结全文,并作出预测。【知识模块】 写作2 【正确答案】 As can be seen from the chart, people of different age groups have different preferences for placing their mobile phones when sleeping. As fo

9、r those under 65, an overwhelming majority prefer to keep their phones within easy reach while people over 65 would rather put the phones outside their bedrooms.As I see it, people had better get rid of their mobile phones when sleeping. Two reasons may justify this. To begin with, it is believed th

10、at exposure to radio frequency emissions can lead to potential health hazards. Thus, it is advisable that people take the initiative to reduce unnecessary radiation exposure for the sake of their health. Besides, there exist too many distractions when ones cell phone is nearby. For example, many peo

11、ple cannot help surfing the Internet or playing games.From whats discussed above, I would like to suggest that people try stepping away from their cell phones at bedtime.【试题解析】 图表显示了不同年龄段的人群睡觉时摆放手机的习惯。如图表所示,1864 岁年龄段的人倾向于把手机放在床边触手可及的地方,而 64 岁以上的人则大多将手机放在卧室以外的地方。根据题目要求,作文的结构可安排如下:第一段简要描述图表。第二段发表自己的看法

12、:睡觉时应远离手机。原因:一、有辐射;二、让人分心。第三段重申观点,总结全文。【知识模块】 写作3 【正确答案】 The charts demonstrate that noticeable changes have occurred in peoples expenditure within the past ten years. In 2003, food expenses took up the biggest share, with housing the second and entertainment the least. In 2013, however, housing exp

13、enses have taken the lead while food consumption has dramatically decreased and expenses on entertainment have doubled.Three main reasons may account for these changes. First, thanks to the economic development, people are better paid than before. Hence, a smaller percentage of their total income is

14、 enough to cover their food expenses. Second, people, as they have always been, are obsessed with owning their own apartments, which to some degree will help push up the housing costs. Third, when demands for basic necessities such as food have been met, people begin to care more about recreations,

15、thus resulting in dramatic increase in entertainment expenses.Personally, I believe changes shown in the charts somewhat indicate the improvement in peoples living standards and I am glad to see that.【试题解析】 这两幅饼形图对比了 2003 年及 2013 年居民消费结构的变化:十年间居民在住房、食物和娱乐方面的消费变化明显。按照题目要求,可将文章安排如下:第一段分析图表数据,重点说明居民在住房

16、、食物、娱乐方面的消费变化。第二段分析造成这些变化的原因:首先,居民工资提升,食物开支占工资的比例减少;其次,购房需求旺盛,推高房价:最后,基本需求得到满足,开始更多地享受娱乐生活。第三段发表自己对居民消费结构变化的看法:对此表示欣喜。【知识模块】 写作4 【正确答案】 The chart reports the average age when a smoker tries his/her first cigarette in 2003 and 2013. As is shown, most people begin to smoke when theyre teenagers or you

17、ng adults. Compared to 2003, 2013 witnessed a nearly 12% and 15% increase respectively in the proportion of people below the age of 16 and people aged from 17 to 23 who first try smoking. It is shocking that the average starting age of smoking has trended downward over the past decade.Two main reaso

18、ns may account for this phenomenon. First, many teenagers regard smoking as a symbol of maturity and attractiveness, which would drive them to try smoking. Second, teenagers are easily influenced by other smokers and get into the habit of smoking eventually.Its high time that effective measures like

19、 persuading parents not to smoke in front of their children and warning teenagers of the health hazards caused by smoking were taken to prevent teenagers from becoming a smoker.【试题解析】 本题为对柱状图的分析以及对烟民首次吸烟年龄话题的探讨。该图表显示的是 2003 年和 2013 年烟民首次吸烟的年龄分布。由图可见,烟民有年轻化的趋势。按照题目要求,文章可以安排如下:第一段描述图表数据。指出问题:烟民有年轻化的趋势

20、。第二段分析导致这一趋势的原因:其一,青少年把吸烟当作成熟、有吸引力的标志;其二,青少年很容易受其他烟民影响而染上吸烟的毛病。第三段发出呼吁,提出建议。【知识模块】 写作5 【正确答案】 As we can observe from the table, the sales at this restaurant on weekdays are much better than that on weekends. It indicates that many people choose to have lunch and dinner out on weekdays while on weeke

21、nds they are not so keen on eating out.Three major reasons can be listed for the different preference indicated in the table. Firstly, in todays fast-paced modern society, people are much busier and are more stressed at work, which means that they cannot afford the time and energy to prepare their o

22、wn meals. Secondly, there are numerous different restaurants in the city. Hungry working people can easily grab a quick meal or seek some change from the routine family meals. Thirdly, on weekends when most family members have their days off, people tend to feel it is just right time to prepare thei

23、r own healthful family meals and enjoy their family hours.Based on whats discussed above, it is quite reasonable that people prefer to dine out on weekdays and cook their own meals on weekends.【试题解析】 表格显示的是某餐馆一周内中、晚餐时段的营业情况。分析表格数据可发现,餐馆中、晚餐时段在周末的营业额普遍要比工作日少。根据题目要求,文章可安排如下:第一段简要描述表格中的数据。第二段分析造成此现象的三大主要原因:其一、工作日上班族没有时间和精力做饭;其二、城市里餐馆多,方便就餐;其三、周末休息,自己做饭享受家庭时光。第三段作总结:这种现象很合理。【知识模块】 写作

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